Chapter 1687 Genius is just the threshold for meeting Qin Feng(1/2)
"Hidden door?!"
The generals looked at the word "hidden door" and fell into deep thought.
Although they had just ascended to the fairy world and did not know what this hidden door represented, based on their understanding of Qin Feng, this hidden door would probably suffer from old sins in the future.
Qin Feng snapped his fingers again, and the flames soaring into the sky dissipated.
I saw that the immortal armor and immortal spears of tens of thousands of soldiers had been transformed, and there was no trace of the War Temple at all, as if it was really some kind of secret army with a hidden door.
"Is this the number one talent list for weapon cultivation?!"
The eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers were full of shock, and they were shocked by Qin Feng's small reveal just now.
Although it is not difficult for a weapon refiner to modify the appearance of immortal armor and immortal spears, it is not something that ordinary weapon refiners can do to transform tens of thousands of them at the same time.
What's more, they also wore immortal armor on their bodies and did not feel any pain during the transformation process. It can be seen that Qin Feng's control of several types of immortal fire has reached a superb level.
Even if you look at the entire fairy world of weapon refining, I'm afraid you won't be able to find the second one.
"As expected of Your Majesty!"
Bai Qi saw the awe rising in everyone's eyes and knew that Qin Feng had successfully established his authority, which also meant that their next work would be easier, and they could directly start the military training plan according to their own habits.
"Your Majesty, you are so powerful!"
Gou Dongxi hurriedly stepped forward to flatter him and presented him with a big dragon's fart.
"Another traitor!"
The generals' eyes immediately showed disdain, and they looked down upon such flattering civil servants the most.
However, compared to the contempt and disdain of the military generals, Qin Feng was very comfortable with this kind of dragon fart. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind him: "Fang Chang has now joined the Yinmen. From what I know about him, he is a person who must retaliate against evil."
, once his strength increases and he escapes, he will definitely seek revenge on you and Jiao Zhilan, so you have to be careful recently and ask your subordinates to always pay attention to Fang Chang, and run away as soon as they find his traces, and you must not be careless, you know?!"
"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty!"
It is about his own future life, Gou Dongxi dare not be careless at all.
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Chapter Continue Reading
"As expected, they are all born!"
Gou Dongxi felt that she had always judged people very accurately, and she had already noticed that they had the same virtues as Master No. 3 and others.
Master No. 3 couldn't help but sneeze, feeling as if someone was cricketing him behind his back. .??.
Tan Li pointed forward and said: "Ahead is Xiangjia City where Xiang Tiange is located."
"The Xiang family feels so poor!"
Ren Huan took a look and frowned slightly.
I saw that the Xiang family didn't have the fairy mountain like the Su family, it was just a slightly larger city, and it didn't have the awesome clan-protecting formation like the Su family.
"Not surprising!"
Mu Xiu pinched his fingers and said: "The Xiang family was not even a second-rate family originally. It was only because of Xiang Tiange that it became a first-rate family. This is also the reason why Xiang Tiange is eager to defeat the Su family."
Master No. 3 clasped his hands and said, "Brother Xiang, go with peace of mind. The poor monk will definitely help you take care of your wife, sister and daughter."
"It is indeed a birth!"
Sophie glanced subconsciously and pulled Tan Li away from the master of the third lane.
Just as the professional team was preparing to take action, Qin Feng took Miss Xinyan and Xiao Yiya to a small town not far from Xiangjiacheng.
He didn't come here for the money from the professional team, nor did he come here to stimulate Long Aotian, he simply wanted to take Miss Xinyan out for a walk.
"Ms. sir!"
Miss Xinyan glanced at Qin Feng who had turned into Ye Chen, and said with confusion on her face: "Why do you look like this?!"
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To be continued...