Chapter 5372 The Darkness of Suppression(1/2)
Since the River of Time has been blocked like this, Lu Yin will not be coming in the short term.
The changing times are hard to change. Even if she knew the outcome, she still had to bet on both ends. On the one hand, she would help other masters deal with Lu Yin without any reservation. On the other hand, she would let Lu Yin help her kill other masters.
Which one you really prefer in the end depends on whether you can kill a master.
Times will change, but it may not necessarily be Lu Yin who changes the times.
Lu Yin returned to Xiangcheng with his destiny, feeling a little helpless.
The five major masters reacted too quickly, and now even with the power of the expansion era, it is difficult to do so.
Death Contact Wang Wen.
Knowing what happened to Lu Yin, Wang Wen was helpless: "Masters are not fools. You said that you met Xiang Siyu with your destiny, and you were seen by the Master of Cause and Effect before. Then, the time point may not be saved."
Lu Yin thought about it, whether it was the Master of Cause and Effect or Xiang Siyu, the moment he saw Destiny, he would understand her importance. As long as he found out what Destiny had done, he could find the time node.
"My past is hard to erase, every time node is my past." Fate is helpless.
Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen: "You haven't considered this?"
Wang Wen shrugged: "I didn't make the huge plan. My memory was only revealed after the words "Three Laws" appeared. All the previous arrangements can't affect the present. What's more, if the five masters join forces, nothing in the universe can be hidden.
Lu Yin said: "So, the great plan failed."
Wang Wen had a headache and rubbed his head: "It failed for the time being. It is estimated that the master of time will erase the time nodes soon. At that time, it will be difficult to expand the era. But we are all eternal beings, so take your time.
, there is always a chance.”
The God of Death said in a low voice: "Those five masters will not give us a chance."
Wang Wen was helpless: "There is nothing we can do."
Lu Yin stared at Wang Wen: "As long as I inject power within the time node, the era of expansion, the era of disorder will come, and the Mi Master will break through, the situation in the universe will immediately change. And you will also have new things in the new era.
The power of.”
"Wang Wen, this is what you have dreamed of."
Wang Wen nodded: "Yes."
"So think of a way. You are only one step away from success."
"I'm thinking, don't be idle. If that doesn't work, let's exchange all our strengths and see if we can find a breakthrough?"
"I want to see Master Mi." Lu Yin said.
Death and fate are looking at him.
Wang Wen took a deep breath and smiled: "I knew your purpose was here, but it's a pity that I can't see you, because I can't see you either. If he wants to see you, he will of course meet you. I am as passive as you."
Lu Yin stared at him: "Get it figured out, there is no time."
Wang Wen nodded: "I know there is no time, but I really can't see him."
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Chapter Continue Reading
Not only to find humans, but also to figure out everything Lu Yin did.
They now know Lu Yin's purpose and his power, but they have not fully understood the specific implementation process.
Only by thoroughly seeing clearly can we completely solve the hidden dangers. Otherwise, we cannot seal the Lord of Time forever. Even if several other Lords are willing, the Lord of Time will not be able to bear it. You must know that sealing the Lord of Years can only be done on the basis of the original Years.
The original years are being consumed every moment.
"She is good at the power of time. Besides being able to fix my time, she must be related to Wang Wen. Next, I will use the years to calculate the past and look for her traces."
"Will her traces be erased?"
"If it is erased, it will be your turn to take action, Holy Spirit."
"The traces of time can be erased, but the cause and effect cannot be erased. Her survival to this day is the result, but everything that happened in the middle came from the cause. As long as we find the cause, even if the traces of the years are erased, we can still find clues."
"Even if it cannot be found, her life still exists. I have collected the life energy from the long river of time. Since it is eternal life, it has the life energy to separate the human land and the destiny, with its life
As an introduction, Qi can also be calculated and its traces can be found."
"I bestow luck on you. This move is related to the control of the universe by our five masters. There can be no carelessness."
"It is difficult for human beings to find their past. Whether it is time, cause and effect, or life, it is hidden deeply, but that destiny cannot be done."
"Let's get started."
To be continued...