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Chapter 109 The old blind man's eyes

"Me too!"

"So are we! We have all discussed it!" As they said this, everyone gathered their silver treasures together!

"This is our apprenticeship ceremony. From now on, you will be our boss!" Laitou said.

In the hearts of these young men, the strong are respected.

"I won't accept you!" Chen Luo shook his head.

"We won't leave if you don't accept us!"

"Yes, we have been following you!" The children said to each other.

Chen Luo frowned, "Do you know why I don't accept you?"

Laitou shook his head.

"Ask your own hearts! If you learn skills just to bully the weak, then you'd better not learn them. The greater your skills, the greater the harm!"

"We - can't we change? We really want to learn skills, but the master Qu in the west of the city won't accept us! So we can only come out and hang out!"

"You guys really want to learn well?"

Everyone nodded.

Chen Luo took out a special piece of jade from the storage ring. This jade was a gift from an elder of the sect to Chen Luo. This gift had a strange name, called the Gratitude Stone.

"This is a grateful jade stone. It has been shamed by evil and has no more light. Now I give this stone to you. I hope you will stop doing embarrassing things and do good deeds with all your heart."

,Don’t ask about the future!”

"When will this gratitude stone shine again? Come to me again!" Chen Luo said, handing the stone that had lost its light to Lai Tou!

Laitou nodded solemnly and took the stone.

Doing good deeds without asking for reward!

Xijiang Province is located to the west of Zhongzhou. It has a vast territory, covered with mountains, canyons, pastures, and more, the endless Gobi Desert and desert. Kule City is the transit city that divides the north and south of Xijiang Province, with Tianchi Mountain stretching

Thousands of kilometers across the north and south, the north is Northern Xinjiang, and the south is Southern Xinjiang. The north is mountainous, and because of its high latitude, it is covered with vast snowfields all year round. The south is mainly desert, and there is the endless Takla desert, which is known as the largest desert in Zhongzhou.

The desert, the locals gave it a nickname called "the desert where you can't get out" to describe the size of the desert and the harsh natural conditions.

Chen Luo heard from his grandfather that walking south through the Takla Desert, there is a mysterious higher mountain. This is the location of the Dragon Veins of Zhongzhou, which is also the Kunlun Ruins.

Because of this special geographical location, Kule City has become a transportation hub for Xijiang Province and even the entire Zhongzhou Continent. Countless explorers stop here and countless business travelers gather here to collect exotic local products and sell some daily necessities.

supplies. In addition, there are countless people with no status, people with unknown household registration, people who have committed crimes and escaped, and people who are hiding from their enemies and so on live in seclusion or seek shelter here. It can be said that there are three religions and nine streams, a mixed existence.

This place has gradually developed into one of the most prosperous areas in Xijiang Province, especially the Grand Bazaar Market in the city, known as the first market in southern Xinjiang. Here, everything can fly in the sky, run on the ground, eat and use, high-end and cheap

, with all kinds of goods available. Many people from all walks of life come here to live in seclusion, such as the blind grandfather and the old Chentou family.

Historically, this was the only route for the ancient Silk Road. There is also the ruins of the ancient Iron Gate Pass 10 kilometers away from the suburbs of Kule City. It is said that it was written by a general who guarded this place in ancient times with an iron hook and a silver ink.

The three characters mean that one man can guard the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it. The brick wall behind the iron gate is scarred by countless tragic wars in history.

Chen Luo's home is located on the southeast side of Kule City. In the southwest of the city, there is an old house near the Peacock River. Behind the house, there is a poplar tree, piercing straight into the sky.

In the yard to the east, I saw a blind old man, leaning on a stick, sitting on a stone bench, looking at the white sky, doing calculations.

This is Grandpa Blind. Since returning from Wu Bei, Grandpa Blind has been absent-minded all the time. He sits on the stone bench every day, not knowing what he is thinking. From time to time, he is calculating and murmuring to himself, talking about someone.

"Yilian, are you okay?"

At this time, a handsome, dark and thin young man burst in through the door. It was Chen Luo.

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

Chen Luo burst into the door and shouted excitedly.

"Brother Chen Luo is back!" Xiao Yu'er ran out of the house, took Chen Luo's bag and took a look inside.

“Wow, there’s fish to eat tonight!

Chen Luo touched Xiao Yu'er's head and said, "Brother, I will cook fish with you later!"

"Grandpa Blind Man, guess what I found today!" Chen Luo put down the fish and turned around to the stone bench of Grandpa Blind Man.

"Let grandpa guess!"

The old blind man started to pinch the sky again and muttered something.

"I guess you got into a fight today!"

"Well, what else?"


"Ah, have you found the thousand-year-old river clam pearl?"

"Hey, I can borrow it!"


"Yes, I borrowed it from the old river clam. Grandpa, don't you think it's strange that the old river clam can actually talk!" Chen Luo told the blind grandfather the story that just happened with the old river clam.

"It's really novel. I've never heard that river clams can talk. But this river clam can talk, which means it is a psychic creature and cannot be hurt easily!"

"The Xijiang Continent is located on the north side of Kunlun Ruins. The spiritual energy rushes northward and accumulates over time, creating many supernatural things. It is understandable!"

"Yes, grandpa, according to what this old river clam says, he often travels to Kunlun Ruins!"

"I saw that this river clam has been around for three thousand years. It is no longer ordinary and can speak human language, so I negotiated and borrowed it. Besides, the old river clam said that this pearl does not have to be ground into powder..." Chen Luo said.

The solution provided by Laohe Clam was told to the blind grandpa again.

"Oh--that's great!" The blind grandfather stroked his beard and smiled.

To be honest, Chen Luo is still half-convinced about Laohe Clam's words. As for the authenticity, we will know after using it to treat his eyes tomorrow.

Now that black jade intermittent ointment is available, and three-thousand-year-old fresh pearls are available, eye treatment can also be put on the agenda.

The old blind man told everyone the treatment method based on his own memory. Before he became blind, the old blind man was a man who read poetry and books, and he had already memorized the treatment of black jade intermittent ointment.

In addition, the box of Black Jade Intermittent Ointment also has related usage instructions. Chen Luo and Feng Buer verified the two prescriptions with each other and found that they were basically consistent. That's it, the treatment plan was completed!

Early the next morning, Chen Luo, Feng Buer, and Chen Tou began to work separately. First, they found the pearls, soaked them in clean water, and then combined them with the black jade intermittent ointment, diluted and prepared them according to the proportions in the book, and finally became

It becomes a dark brown paste of suitable thickness.

Old Chentou had already taken care of the old blind man, bathed and changed his clothes, and then lay down on the couch, waiting for treatment.

Chen Luo took it upon himself to put a moist towel on his eyes, then dripped a layer of pearl liquid into his eyes, followed by a layer of gauze, on top of the gauze, a layer of black jade intermittent ointment, and another layer of gauze.

, and another layer of black jade intermittent paste.

Lao Chen's head was not idle either. He opened his tiger palm slightly, and a warm masculine air rushed towards his face, wrapping the gauze ointment. The efficacy of the black jade intermittent ointment, under the action of the pearl liquid, was on Lao Chen's head.

With the help of internal force, it quickly penetrates into the skin and reaches the visual center of the old blind man.

The visual nerves in the center, as if being summoned, were catalyzed and activated one after another, and began to bloom slightly again.

Above the light, the physical tissue grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Chen Luo had a feeling that the regenerative power of the black jade intermittent paste was taking root and sprouting in his heart.

One day, I will also master this power.

This is the power of growth, this is the power of life. This is a jade cultivator with unlimited expectations for the future.

Finally, layers of gauze were used to surround the old blind man's eyes and wrap his head into a big rice dumpling.

"Haha, the old blind man is here too!" Old Chentou laughed.

"But blind brother, when your eyesight recovers, you will probably be invincible in this land of Western Xinjiang!" Old Chentou said, his eyes seemed to have returned to the high-spirited and heroic man thirty years ago.


I remember back then, Old Chen Tou, Old Blind Man, and Chen Luo’s father and mother worked hand in hand to conquer the world and were proud of the list of heroes in the world.

At that time, no one knew what fear was. I could venture into the dragon's pond and the tiger's den, and I would go alone in dangerous and dangerous places.

If it hadn't been for that incident twenty years ago, a few old guys wouldn't have lived in seclusion in a small town with a little baby.

The old blind man's eyes will not be blinded by the backlash of the hexagram fruit. Curing his eyes has always been an unattainable wish in the heart of old Chen Tou.

Today, this wish will finally come true.

According to the prescription, after applying the ointment, you need to wait for 72 hours. It's not a big deal for an old blind man. It's been like this for more than ten years anyway, so it's not bad for a few days.

On the contrary, Chen Luo and Lao Chentou were very excited.

The black jade intermittent ointment has the effect of promoting muscle growth and bone regeneration, coupled with the thousand-year-old pearl, it nourishes all things, promotes fluid production and improves eyesight. The two functions complement each other and can definitely rejuvenate the eyes.

Do your best, obey fate, and leave everything to time!

In the healing room, Lao Chentou was waiting to protect him all day long, just in case.

At the same time, Chen Luo was not idle either. After winning the tournament, Chen Luo received a lot of gifts. Most of these gifts were jade-related objects. They should be refined and refined, and they should be organized. It is time

Cleaned up one by one.

Chen Luo first took out the ice soul jade gift from Tang Zhonggu, put it under his nose and smelled it, and a clear and refreshing jade soul smell came to his face.

Although Tang Zhonggu was a bit cold and arrogant, he was still quite generous when giving gifts. This ice soul jade was created by the unique environment of Kunyu Mountain. The properties of the entire jade are cool and refreshing.

It's not as warm as fire-attributed agate, nor as cold as the Arctic Thousand-Year Cold Jade.

This is a kind of warm and cool existence, just like the character in the middle and ancient times of the Tang Dynasty. Although Chen Luo did not have much experience, through the daily exchanges with the blind grandfather and old Chen Tou, he roughly knew that everyone's personality and temperament were different.

If agate jade is called warm, then Hetian jade, jadeite, and taiwan jade is gentle. The ice soul jade from Kunyu Mountain, which is neither far nor near, is considered alienating, while this arctic cold jade is extremely cold, making people unable to

Being close can bear the word cool and thin.

The distance and alienation between people is also good. Chen Luo liked this ice soul jade a little bit.

This chapter has been completed!
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