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Chapter 111 Secret Training of the Five Aggregates

Chen Luo roughly came up with an analysis result.

But where is the Tianmen? Where is Buzhou Mountain? One thing is certain, this place must be in the distant Kunlun Ruins.

But the Kunlun Ruins is so vast, thousands of miles away, that you can’t even find a door to enter. Where can you find the Tianmen!

"Xiao Luo, how are you doing with your phantom practice?" The old blind man regained his sight and was in a good mood. He couldn't help but want to see Chen Luo's progress in practice during this period.

"You are now in the middle stage of foundation building, which is just the stage where you can start practicing the Ring Phantom Thousand Transformations."

"Grandpa, I've become proficient in practicing the Thousand Transformations of Phantom. I'll show you the drill!" Chen Luo said confidently, and everyone walked outside the yard together.

I saw Chen Luo rising up and silently reciting the mantra in his heart. The blue clothes gradually turned into a blue figure, and began to move quickly, up and down, forward and back, far away, and close at hand. It was really beautiful.


The old blind man looked at it and shook his head, "No, no!"

"The so-called phantom thousand changes means illusion and fast, plus the meaning of confusion. Thousand changes refers to thousands of changes. You have changes now, but they are not phantom enough. These changes are dead and still very easy.

Being seen through."

"Mastering this Kung Fu is not about me. As long as I become proficient in the Kung Fu, I have mastered it!"

"What's more important is to put the enemy first. If the enemy doesn't change, I won't change. If the enemy changes, I will change first."

"The so-called enemy remains unchanged and we remain unchanged, which requires you to learn to adapt. Adaptation has two meanings. One is to look, and the other is to make the correct response. Reacting directly without looking at it is a rigid paradigm and a stupid move.


"Xiaoluo, practice again and let me try your changes."

Chen Luo re-executed his footwork and quickly moved around the old blind man. He did not move, eager to try.

"Xiaoluo, be careful, I'm about to take action!" the old blind man said.

"Come on, Grandpa!" Chen Luo didn't believe that anyone could catch him at his speed.

The old blind man stretched out one hand behind his back, quietly looking at Chen Luo who was moving at high speed, and then directly inserted into the phantom. He completely ignored the frequently changing figures.

There is no gap in the gap.

Chen Luo instantly felt a strong force grabbing his collar, and was instantly lifted up. With a slight throw, Chen Luo felt like he was flying, and he moved several feet away in an instant.

Turning over, Chen Luo fell to the ground with both feet.

"Grandpa, come again!" Chen Luo looked unconvinced, regrouped, and carefully performed the Thousand Transformations of Phantom.

Came to the blind grandpa for the second time.

The blind grandfather coughed, then stretched out a hand, directly inserted into the phantom, grabbed it gently, lifted up Chen Luo's collar again, and threw it lightly again, Chen Luo was thrown ten feet away.

This went back and forth for more than ten rounds, and every time Chen Luo was accurately caught by the collar and thrown out.

"Don't keep grabbing my collar!" Chen Luo was already a little impatient, so he stood up and turned over again.

This time, the old blind man did not go deep directly, but turned aside and directly picked up one of Chen Luo's legs. With a slight wave, Chen Luoren was another ten feet away.

This time I grabbed the legs.

"The phantom changes a thousand times and changes due to changes!"

"If the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy moves, I will move first!"

"Be prepared to anticipate the enemy and take action first!"

The old blind man repeated the essentials of cultivation over and over again.

Old Chentou on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother Blind, take it step by step! Where is your state and what is Xiaoluo's state? How can they be compared?"

"No, Xiaoluo is different from others. I don't care what others do, but Xiaoluo must improve his actual combat skills as soon as possible!"

"Next step, I want to organize a special training."

"Special training?" This was getting more and more outrageous. Old Chen scratched his head!

"Yes, we must continue to strengthen the practice of the five aggregates and master all five aggregates, so that we can always be one step ahead of others and anticipate the enemy!"

In fact, only the blind grandpa himself knows that in the near future, for a long time, Chen Luo will be alone in the world. Without the escort of the old blind man, Chen Tou, he can only rely on himself for everything.

So the earlier you improve your level, the more ways you can save your life!

Seeing Chen Luo go out of the room a little unconvinced, Old Chen and the old blind man were in the room, silently sensing each other. The two old guys had known each other for decades, and they were living in a small house in a corner of this border town.

Having lived together for more than ten years, we know each other's every word, deed, and behavior very well, and we have a very tacit understanding.

"Old blind man, it has been more than ten years and Luo'er is not young anymore. Do you have any ideas?" Old Chen asked, "Should we tell him the truth?"

"Hey!" the old blind man sighed, "Every move, every word and every action of this child is very much like his father!"

"It's just that this child is still young, has a kind heart, and has a simple character. He knows too much too early. I always feel that it may not be a good thing for him."

"Old blind man, don't forget that you and I are both old. How many years can you still protect Luo'er? Do you want him to stay in this small town for the rest of his life? Don't forget that Luo'er is already famous all over the world.

The Jade Lord of the Western Regions, don’t forget Luo’er’s father, what a person he is!” Speaking of that person, Old Chentou’s eye circles couldn’t help but turn a little red, as if he had returned to the time when he was young.

"The old blind man is in vain. A few days ago, I took the risk of divination and got another glimpse of the secrets. The first 20 years of Luo'er's life were not smooth. I am afraid that he will go through hardships and encounter several crises. Tell him this in advance.

, but it will put him in a more dangerous situation." The blind grandfather shook his head.

"Since it's a crisis, why don't we quickly find a way to resolve it?" When Old Chen heard about the crisis, he became a little anxious.

"Old Chen, there is a crisis as well as an opportunity, and the secret of it cannot be explained in detail. No matter what kind of situation it is, it must be resolved by the children themselves. Only by getting through it can we turn the crisis into an opportunity and gain greater opportunities!"

"Old blind man, haven't you noticed over the years that this child is different?"

Old Chentou continued, "Luo'er's physical strength and martial arts talent are both excellent. He is no worse than his father back then. Given time, he can definitely become a master like his father."

"Of course I know! In fact, it's not just about martial arts. Over the years, I've observed that Luo'er's talents are not bad in other areas. Whether it's reading, divination, Ziwei arithmetic, Qimen Bagua, etc., they are all good at it.

Yes. This talent is much better than that of the old blind man when I was a child! Luo'er's talent is the only one I have seen in my life." The blind grandfather touched his beard, as if looking at a piece of jade waiting to be carved.

"Yes, yes, I believe this. I accidentally won a triple crown in this Jade Contest!" Old Chentou chuckled and said modestly, "They are all well-trained by you, the old blind man!"

When the blind grandfather was young, he was also a very smart man. In terms of knowledge, talent, and martial arts, he never lost to others. Now he feels inferior. If there is such a person, he must be a dragon or a phoenix among people. He is rare in the world.

Who allowed Chen Luo to have a father like this and a mother like that? The old blind man shook his head, and he inherited the advantages of both parents.

"Brother Blind, why are you doing divination again? Have you forgotten how you became blind?" Old Chentou protested loudly.

"And, depending on your intention, you plan to teach Xiaoluo divination?"

"Divination is a kind of hidden skill. Whether you can learn it or not depends on each person. Like me, I am very clever, but in the end I find that my talent is still a little bit behind, so I am here.

I have nothing to say about the situation." The old blind man said slowly, "But Lao Chen, we Luo'er are different, Luo'er has unique intuition, and Luo'er himself doesn't know this!"

"Don't you think he could find the king clam and get the pearl among the hundreds of thousands of clams at the bottom of the river, and win three yuan in the jade-solving competition for the first time? Isn't this a kind of luck? This is a kind of luck.

Intuitive choice, if a person has such a talent but does not apply it, then it is a waste of resources."

"In addition, your worries are actually unnecessary. If divination becomes a latent instinct, rely on instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and follow the trend. This is human nature. In essence, this is not divination, so the divination results

There’s no way to talk about the backlash!”

"It's okay!" Old Chen Tou lit up his long dry tobacco bag, took a puff, and handed it to the old blind man. "Old blind man, you read a lot, so what can you tell me next?" Old Chen Tou asked after hearing this.


"The reason why I am not in a hurry to teach Luo'er advanced Kung Fu is because I want his talent to fly for a while longer, so that the instinctive foundation of intuition can be deeper. Let the door of talent open naturally, so that the subsequent training can

A thousand miles a day, nothing can be stopped."

"So, we still have to continue to lay the foundation now." The blind man's eyes flashed with light, "Those foundations laid will become the boosting stones for future talents."

"Although under our two years of training, Luo'er's body, meridians, and senses have become close to those of an adult, they are only a little stronger than ordinary people, so my next plan is...


"Connect the five aggregates and build the foundation!" The old blind man paused and said solemnly.

"In addition, Lao Chen, I will entrust you to spend two more hours every day to help Xiaoluo conduct special assault training."

Old man Chen saw the old blind man's serious look and nodded solemnly.

It is not easy to achieve all the five aggregates.

The ancient Heart Sutra once passed down a 260-word sutra. It can be said that everyone knows it. It is not a secret. There are very few people who can understand this sutra on time. This is a conspiracy. Even if it is an open-book assignment, you have no talent.

, and it cannot be completed. Therefore, many people just look at it and give up, and there is no understanding.

However, the old blind man knows the meaning of the ancient Heart Sutra. The whole sutra is very loud and every word is Hong Zhongdalu. The old blind man's achievements in cultivation and knowledge are largely due to the Heart Sutra.

The understanding and guidance. Although I don’t have a complete understanding, at most I have entered the door.

What are the five aggregates? The Heart Sutra records that the five aggregates are form aggregate, feeling aggregate, perception aggregate, formation aggregate and consciousness aggregate.

Among them, the first aggregate "color" belongs to the material category, and the following four aggregates "feeling, thinking, action, and consciousness" all belong to the spiritual category. After understanding the "color" aggregate, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body

, the mind and the corresponding colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and laws will be greatly improved. Its eyesight, ears, taste, body sensitivity, and its ability to capture clues of things will improve by leaps and bounds and be different from ordinary people.

Ordinary mortals may spend their entire lives unable to break through the first aggregate. The so-called form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. How many people in the world can break through this?

This chapter has been completed!
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