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Chapter 122

Chen Luo sat quietly next to the nine-character jade tablet, quietly feeling the changes in the jade itself. Since strengthening the training of the Five Aggregates, Chen Luo's feeling for the Black Dragon Black Jade has become more and more subtle.

The charm of the black dragon ink jade is changing! As the moon gradually rises, this destiny becomes more and more intense, and something is accelerating to condense.

Gradually, gradually, it seems to overflow the jade itself, and enlarge bit by bit.

All this happened in just a moment.

This was the moment Chen Luo had been waiting for. With a wave of the meteorite knife, Chen Luo cut his finger.

A drop of blood fell on Moyu Xiaojiu. At this time, Moyu was like a sponge, and the blood drop disappeared instantly. At the same time, the halo on Moyu flickered continuously, and the evolution seemed to have not stopped.

At this time, Chen Luo was also extremely nervous. It wouldn't be useless. This was the training method for the natal monster that he learned from Tian Wuji last time. With a drop of his master's blood, as long as the monster recognizes its master, the monster will

The actions will be completely synchronized with the owner's thoughts.

Finally, as Mo Yu's aura gathered into a focus, it suddenly expanded sharply, transforming into a beast's head, body, tail, claws, and everything about the beast. Chen Luo stared at Mo Yu nervously, seeing it evolve into a unicorn step by step.


Finally, a man and a beast stood face to face in the cave.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward, and a war is about to break out——

Finally, the Qilin Beast fully awakened and shook its body, "Ouch——"

At this time, Chen Luo was already prepared. Five Yun magical powers were activated, instantly blocking the critical attack of the sound.

Chen Luo stretched out his hand and tried to touch the Qilin beast. Qilin looked at Chen Luo with doubtful eyes, and gradually, it crawled to the ground and crawled in front of Chen Luo.

There's drama!

"Change!" Chen Luo shouted, and the Qilin Beast heard it and gradually shrank and became lighter, until it turned back into a jade token.

"Show!" Chen Lu shouted again, and the jade plaque began to transform again, gradually turning into a unicorn.

"Get up!" Hearing this, the Qilin Beast stood up.

Success! Chen Luo was ecstatic. Although the speed is a bit slow now, it at least proves that this road is accessible.

"Follow me!" Chen Luo shouted. The Qilin Beast shook its body, stood up, and followed Chen Luo, one person and one animal, out of the cave.

A frightened gray wolf is running away in a hurry!

Chen Luo stretched out his hand and the Qilin beast rushed out like lightning, instantly knocking the gray wolf to the ground.

It’s done! Chen Luo trained several times and felt more and more relieved.

Today is a full moon night, so the next step is to verify whether it can be controlled at other nights. Can it even be done during the day?

At this moment, Chen Luo felt that he was really a genius. After collecting the Qilin Beast and the jade token, Chen Luo returned home, soaked it in the potion, and put it back into his bag.

In the blink of an eye, seven days are approaching.

In the past few days, Shi Zhuo came to see Old Man Chen every day to learn Kung Fu. Originally, he studied Kung Fu for an hour every morning. With Shi Zhuo's insistence, the time was extended to two hours. He spent almost half a day every day studying.

.Old Chen taught happily, and Shi Zhuo learned with great concentration. Under the guidance of Old Chen, Shi Zhuo actually made breakthroughs from the physical training stage to the middle stage of qi training.

Shi Zhuo has good talent, and his physical type is similar to that of Lao Chentou, so with the guidance of such a master and a little conditioning, Shi Zhuo can avoid a lot of detours.

Old Chen Tou also had no reservations and tried his best to guide Shi Zhuo. He taught Shi Zhuo a set of physical training methods for Qi training, a set of vigorous boxing techniques, and a set of stick techniques for fighting. These skills are all

The main approach is to be strong and fierce. As long as you practice and temper it from time to time, building a foundation will be just around the corner.

On this day, Shi Shanming came to visit again. Everyone had been recuperating for many days, and their bodies had gradually recovered. The materials for going up the mountain were almost purchased and prepared. Everything was ready, and they only needed an auspicious day.

The calculation of this auspicious day of the zodiac naturally belongs to the old blind man. Chen Luo took Shi Shanming to find the blind man's grandfather. The old blind man calculated for a long time and finally figured out that Mao hour the day after tomorrow was a good time to set off.

The midsummer in Western Xinjiang has passed halfway, and there is still one and a half months until autumn. If it gets later, the mountains will be blocked by heavy snow, and it will be even more difficult to hunt for jade and treasure. We will have to wait until next year. But this person is waiting for it, and this rare treasure in the mountains is waiting for him.


Chen Luo took the time to come to the inn where Shi Shanming lived and checked the supplies prepared for this mountain climbing trip.

Good guy, he is indeed a professional in jade mining. Shi Shanming got a batch of Dawan horses as standard and bought two more camels to help transport supplies.

A lot of food, drink, medicine, jade mining tools, tents, sleeping gear, etc. were prepared. Especially for food, several baskets of dried naan, a specialty of Xijiang, were prepared. Several baskets of dried beef and mutton were also prepared.

I only have a pocket, and I don’t carry much water. When the time comes, I can replenish water at the water point on the way! When I go up the mountain, there is also mountain spring water from melted snow to replenish it. This is all natural.

Shi Shanming left the horses and supplies to his apprentice Heishan for care. Heishan’s role in the jade mining team was transportation. For all handling-related work, Heishan was the first choice. Who made Heishan grow tall and strong.

In addition to preparing supplies, Shi Shanming also prepared a road map to share with Chen Luo.

Opening the blueprint, Chen Luo saw the route to reach Yusu Peak. According to the plan, the group started from Kule City, then headed north from Tiemenguan, passed through the vast Gobi Desert, crossed the Talama Desert, and arrived at the important town of Hetian

.On the way, you need to pass through Xiaohe Village, Wuming Village, Loulan Ancient City, Daye City and other places directly to the important town of Hetian.

Finally, from the important town of Hetian, we arrived at the foot of Yusu Peak. After transferring to a donkey, we started climbing.

Along the way, there are thousands of miles of border crossings, windy and sandy deserts, and few people. It can be said that the journey is long and difficult.

The smoke of the desert and the sound of camel bells.

The land of Western Xinjiang, especially the southern half, is still devastated even though it is the height of summer. Only a few places with rich water and grass have flourished and turned into oases and towns.

Between these many oasis towns, there is only one winding road, leading from one end to the other. This road is completely formed naturally by vehicles and horses.

At the end of the road, nine people came face to face, it was Shi Tianming, Chen Luo and his group. Each of the nine people rode a strong Dawan horse, and there were two horses behind them, carrying various supplies.

The Dawan horse is suitable for running on dry land. It takes about four or five days to travel from Kule to Hetian through desert roads and under starry nights.

After leaving Iron Gate Pass, the scenery before us gradually broadened. The slopes to the north had gradually grown taller and turned into lofty mountains. In the middle of the mountains, a winding path led directly to the desert road in the distance.

This is the only way to cross the Takla Desert. Even though Chen Luo grew up in this western Xinjiang, he rarely went deep into the hinterland of the desert. As the crowd went further and further away, the trees along the way became increasingly rare.

The rocks on the side have turned into gravel, and as we go deeper, the gravel becomes smaller and smaller. When the wind blows, the wind and sand fill the sky, which is very spectacular.

"Uncle Shi, how long will it take for us to reach Yusu Peak like this?" Chen Luo couldn't help but ask.

"It takes four days to reach Hetian, and then rides a donkey for two days to reach Heishan Village, and we're almost there!"

Chen Luo couldn't help but was speechless. It didn't feel that far away when looking at it. Why was it so far when walking?

"The conditions in this desert land are extremely harsh. The temperature is extremely high during the day and extremely low at night. The yellow sand covers your feet, making walking very slow!" Shi Shanming explained.

Needless to say, Chen Luo has already felt it. It has only been half a day since leaving the city, and it is exactly noon. Everyone has already climbed up the ridge of Beishan. Looking back at the oasis behind them, Kule City is like a green gem embedded in the land of Western Xinjiang.


Turning around the mountain ridge, you are faced with a land of long yellow sand. A wave of heat hits your face.

The two heavens of ice and fire.

If he hadn't been carrying a heavy burden, who would have saved his life? Chen Luo was also vaguely aware of the dangers of this trip.

When a thousand people arrive, a hundred people will return. When a hundred people arrive, ten people will return. This proverb left by the jade collectors is so true. There is a reason for such a high loss rate.

"Everyone, hold still, work harder, let's go down the mountain and rest at the foot of the mountain." Shi Shanming is rich in experience, and his disciples often climb mountains and ridges, so he is calm and comfortable.

After crossing the mountain ridge, it was already noon and the scorching sun was shining brightly. A huge stone wall at the foot of the mountain stood tall like a natural barrier and became a natural shade stone.

Everyone rested on the ground behind the rocks, drank some fresh water, replenished some dry food, and regained their strength.

"How's it going, Xiaoluo!" Shi Shanming asked with concern. At this moment, Chen Luo became the one being taken care of.

"I'm fine! I walk on mountain roads often! I just didn't expect the weather outside to be so hot!" Chen Luo wiped his sweat and drank a few sips of water.

"It's not too hot, at least there's some shade." Shi Shanming said with a smile.

"Yeah, it won't get hot at night -" Shi Zhuo stretched out his head. After the special training given by Old Chen Tou, the young man had improved his level and his physical strength was obviously much stronger.

"Everyone rest where you are. We will set off on time. We will walk for another four hours and spend the night in the hinterland of the desert tonight." Shi Shanming commanded.

"Next stop, Xiaohe Village!" Shi Zhuo made a rushing gesture to stop. This was exactly the road they took when they came here. Although the conditions were harsh, the walking was quite familiar.

There are actually villages in the desert! Chen Luo is also full of expectations.

Everyone had eaten and drank, and their spirits had recovered a lot. As the sun set in the west, a long shadow was reflected from the side of the mountain. A group of young people came out with a whistle. They were all about the same age. They were green young men wearing bright clothes and angry faces.

When the horse was ready, so after giving the order, they rushed to the depths along the desert road.

It is said to be a desert road, but in fact it is just because there are so many people walking on it. It is a sandy road with many potholes and bumps all the way, making it extremely difficult to walk. The road winds forward in the desert on both sides, looming.

This road also has an important function, which is like a road sign, pointing out the direction for everyone. In this vast desert, once you lose your way, it will undoubtedly mean death.

Unconsciously, the team has been moving forward for a long time.

As the team progressed deeper and deeper, the sun had already set, and the air that was so hot just a moment ago seemed to be frozen instantly.

A cold air began to grow from the ground and spread everywhere.

"It's almost there! Everyone, work harder, Xiaohe Village is ahead! We'll set up camp there!" Shi Shanming arranged.

At night, you cannot rush blindly, firstly to prevent getting lost, and secondly, there are many mysterious and vicious beasts in the desert. Once you run into them, it will be unpredictable.

This chapter has been completed!
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