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Chapter 127 I warned you

Chen Luo shouted as he ran. The bewildered guard looked at Chen Luo, wondering what was going on tonight. One guard was sent away, and another came.

"What's wrong with you?" the guard said.

"Horse thief!" Chen Luo gasped.

"Horse thief? Where is he?" the guard asked.

"The one who just left the city!"

"Ah - hurry up -" the guard was filled with regret. This was the reason why this guy left the city in the middle of the night.

"Forget it!" Chen Luo looked at the dark outside of the city and shook his head. "If you venture out of the city in the middle of the night, you will be either a novice or an extremely experienced wilderness survival expert! There is no need for you to take the risk.

"Let him go! We'll see you again if we have the chance!" Chen Luo thought for a while and said, giving up for the time being, and then led everyone back home.

Early the next morning, Shi Shanming woke everyone up from their sleep.

"Everyone, be prepared, today will be the most difficult part of the journey, because we won't be able to rest until tonight."

"Ah - what should I do at noon?"

“Noon will be spent on the desert highway!”

"Then it won't burn people to death!"

"Yes, otherwise it can be called the most difficult section!"

Shi Shanming ordered everyone while distributing the sunscreen supplies purchased last night. Each person had a sunscreen cloak and a sunscreen coat to cover their skin tightly. A large kettle was filled with fresh water.

A difficult journey is about to begin.

When traveling through the desert in summer, the most important thing is to avoid direct sunlight. Once the skin is sunburned, the friction between the skin and the clothes will be extremely painful. The second thing is to replenish water in time. It is necessary to replenish water every half an hour.

Riding on horses and camels, everyone loaded up with supplies and set off early in the morning, taking advantage of the cool weather. The ancient city of Loulan is almost deep into the hinterland of the desert. After today, we will reach the southern half of the desert.

An important town is Daye City.

Everyone hurried along slowly and hurriedly, and the whole journey lasted almost 8 hours. Fortunately, in Western Xinjiang in the summer, the morning dawned early and the evening darkened late, so everyone had enough time to rush on their way.

Shi Shanming was experienced and led the way at the front, while Chen Luo and Shi Zhuo were at the back. The group of people gradually drifted away, and the dawn still cast long shadows on the ground.

There is only desolate desert, not desolate life.

After walking for about two hours, the sun gradually rose, and a dense atmosphere appeared in the desert. After cooling down for a night, the desert began to gradually heat up again.

Chen Luo clearly felt that the temperature outside his body had begun to rise. The team began to become agitated, and the Dayuan horses also lifted their hooves from time to time.

Shi Shanming ordered the team to stop, and people and animals began to replenish water and equip themselves with sun protection equipment.

The ravines formed by sand dunes blocked the highway from time to time. Everyone was forced to climb over the hills or go around them. In short, the physical exertion was getting bigger and bigger. Sweat beads kept rolling down along the sun protection clothes.

Even though Chen Luo was at a high level and had a profound foundation, he felt weak all over and his legs were trembling at this time. The others were not much better either. The roaring energy when they first arrived was gone, leaving only silence.

Gritting his teeth and burying his head, Shi Shanming was calm and calm, leading the way leisurely.

"Pay attention to your breathing, and your mind will naturally cool down!"

Shi Shanming warned that the purpose of traveling in the desert is not to compete with who is faster, but to compete with who can last longer.

"The best animals in this desert are not tigers, leopards, or even wolves, but camels!" Camels are nicknamed the boats of the desert. They can live in the desert for dozens of days without eating or drinking.

After everyone heard this, they quickly tightened their minds, stopped thinking wildly, rode on their horses, and followed the Dayuan horses to move forward slowly.

At noon, it is the hottest time and it is no longer suitable to continue on the road.

Shi Shanming led the team behind a boulder, and then used the terrain and the shade behind the boulder to build a larger sun-shading tent.

"Stay here for two hours before heading on your way."

Everyone in Chen Luo hurriedly replenished their fluids. Dayuan Ma was also very tired and was panting heavily.

Chen Luo climbed up the boulder, put his hand on his forehead, and looked forward.

Ahead is a winding desert road.

Suddenly, Chen Luo noticed a puff of dust and smoke in front of him. The dust and smoke gradually got closer and became clearer and clearer. It turned out to be a person, riding a horse, galloping towards him!

This horse has a thin chest and legs, and is quite majestic.

"The horse thief is coming!" Chen Luo shouted.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was indeed their own Dawan horse. A thin man was riding on it, holding the reins with one hand and almost falling on the horse's back, galloping towards Chen Luo.

"catch him!"

Everyone in Shizhuo drew their weapons one after another and stood ready.

Dayuan Horse came galloping, and Chen Luo suddenly realized something was wrong, because not far behind Dayuan Horse, there was a team of horses chasing closely. What is this? A thief eats a thief?

Before he had time to think about it, Dayuan Ma rushed directly to the boulder. Immediately, the thin man jumped sideways and fell to Chen Luo with a thud.

Chen Luo grabbed the horse's reins with both hands and held the horse up. Shi Zhuo and others swung their swords towards the black man and tried to chop him down.

"Wait!" Chen Luo shouted!

He saw that the thin man was already unconscious, and he fainted from exhaustion. Chen Luo stepped forward to hug him, and pinched the man with his hands, and the thin man finally took a breath! He saw that he had fallen.

In Chen Luo's arms, his face turned red and he struggled hard, but he no longer had any strength at this time.

"Water~~!" the thin man groaned.

"You horse thief, you still have the nerve to ask for water!" Shi Zhuo shouted.

Chen Luo took the water bag, unscrewed the lid, and poured it into the thin black man. The thin black man drank for a long time, then pointed his hand behind him, "There are bad guys——"

After saying that, he tilted his head and fainted again.

Shi Shanming rushed over, looked at the thin black man, and frowned. He had never seen this face before. He put it aside for now and asked someone to take care of it. He would interrogate him carefully later. But the pursuers behind him might be the comers.

Not good.

In an instant, more than a dozen horses rushed forward and surrounded Chen Luo's people.

The leader was a tall, thin man wearing a felt hat, and he raised his hands towards the open arch of the stone mountain!

"Shabang is doing some work, so my friend is using the road for convenience!"

"It turns out he's a brother from the Sha Gang. He's helping Shi Shanming in Xiashan Ming. May I ask this brother what's going on? Why are you chasing this man?" Shi Shanming pointed at the thin black man.

"This kid stole something important from us. We need to take him back and deal with him today!"

"Who is this Shabang brother that makes your country so angry that you are not willing to chase him thousands of miles away?" Shi Shanming asked.

"Of course this has nothing to do with you! Just call them out!" the tall and thin man snorted coldly.

"Unfortunately, this man also stole our horse and was caught by us. We have to wait until we can interrogate him and find out the whole story before your gang comes to get him." Chen Luo stepped forward and said.

"So, you are going to go against our Sha Gang?" The tall and thin man looked at the nine members of Shishan Mingjiu, and then at Xiongjun's dozen or so Dawan horses next to him, and his eyes lit up.

"Now I have changed my mind. Please come back with me! I will interrogate you together then!"

"You said you should go back!" Shi Zhuo took a step forward, his eyes glaring angrily!

"It's okay if you don't go back, then I'll kill you all here!" The tall and thin man said calmly, reaching out and pulling out a steel knife.

"Wait!" A crisp voice came from behind.

I saw the thin black man getting up from the ground. "Let these people go, I'll go back with you!"

Chen Luo supported the limp black and thin man. A faint body fragrance spread into his mouth and nose, and his sixth sense told him that this was a woman.

Chen Luo stretched out his hand to stop the woman behind him, took a step forward and looked at the tall and thin man.

Shi Shanming quickly stopped Chen Luo, clasped his fists at the Manuscript Man and said, "Shi Shanming, the leader of the Xiashan Ming Gang, if you can trust me and let me interrogate you, I will naturally give an explanation to the Sha Gang. Is that okay?"

"Tsk—" the tall and thin man sneered.

"Shan Ming is just a fool. I won't give you this face!" After saying that, he waved his hand and said, "Give it to me and chop it off!"

Chen Luo looked at everyone. In terms of cultivation, this tall and thin man was the tallest. He was probably in the early stage of foundation building. The others were in the stage of Qi and body training.

Chen Luo jumped ahead of Shi Shanming and looked at everyone in the Sha Gang coldly, "Why don't I give you a chance? If I were you and didn't want to die, I'd get out of here right now!"

The tall and thin man was stunned. What is the situation? Who doesn’t want to die?

"If you dare to threaten your uncle, I will kill them!" The tall and thin man pointed his horsewhip, and the bandits drew their sabers and attacked them.

The kidnappers from the Sha Gang are used to being wild and have no reason to argue. They will use force to resolve any disagreement.

Shi Shanming organized everyone to form a circle to resist external attacks. Chen Luo ducked, his phantoms changed, and he kicked the gangsters rushing in front to the ground.

Taking advantage of the situation, he slapped the other guy who was charging forward with a knife and knocked him out.

"Eh-" The tall and thin man seemed a little surprised. He slowly urged his horse, pedaled on the saddle, and rushed over. With a long knife in his hand, he struck at Chen Luo with one blow.

These people, accustomed to wandering in the desert, regard human life as nothing more than a piece of grass.

Unfortunately, this time, he chose the wrong person. Chen Luo stretched out his hand and whoosh——

A strong force rushed straight towards him. The tall and thin man blocked it with a knife. With a "bang" sound, the steel knife was bent, and the tall and thin man was also knocked to the ground by the inertia, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

"Form up! Ground hob!" The tall and thin man actually knew the art of war. He knew he was outmatched and planned to win by surprise.

I saw the gangsters inserting their steel knives into the sand and pushing them hard. Suddenly, yellow sand flew all over the sky, and the gravel went straight into the eyes.

"Nima, what kind of tactics is this!"

Along with waves of sand and dust, a large sandstorm blew up in this small space. Then the sword flashed and was waved towards everyone.

"Ah——" Zhao Rui had already been stabbed, and his arm was cut with a long gash.

"Puff——" Heishan's thigh was also stabbed with a knife. Everyone in Shanming's gang was caught off guard and were stabbed one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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