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Chapter 129 The Taibai Chess Game Comprehends the Way of the Sword

"Chang'an City?" Chen Luo seemed familiar with this name. This place had appeared countless times in the story of the blind man. It was a magical place, a place of pilgrimage. The so-called Nine Heavens closed the palace, and all the nations wore clothes and crowns.

"Yes, Chang'an City! I was lucky enough to go to Chang'an with my family elders a few years ago!"

“This city is simply amazingly built!”

"What's so good about Chang'an City?" Chen Luo couldn't help but ask. He just wanted to see if what Shi Shanming said was consistent with what the old blind man said.

"The first characteristic of Chang'an City is that it is huge. If you want to walk around on horseback, it will take at least three days and three nights to complete it. If you cross Chang'an Avenue, it will also take a day."

"It's very big, bigger than Wubeicheng, right?"

"Yes, it's about the size of thirty Wubei."

Chen Luo couldn't help but click his tongue, how big these thirty Wubei were. He used to think that a big city like Wubei was already ridiculously big.

"Then, the second characteristic of Chang'an City is its wealth!"

"Everyone here is wealthy, well-dressed, well-fed, equipped with carriages and horses, and spends lavishly. It's as if all the wealth in the world is here." Shi Shanming said with envy.

"The third characteristic is that this is the land of the imperial capital. In addition to the aura of wealth and honor, it also has the majesty of the emperor. Chang'an City faces south and is located in the north. According to Ziwei arithmetic, the Qimen and Bagua are arranged. The spiritual energy of the world gathers here. Therefore, in

The speed of cultivation here will be much faster."

"It's exactly what the blind grandpa said!"

But there is another thing that Shi Shanming didn't say, which is what Feng Buer secretly told Chen Luo, that is, there are many beauties in Chang'an City, and the beauties wear fluffy corset skirts, which are quite sexy and eye-catching.

In the past, the beautiful lady Gongsun danced with the sword in Chang'an City, and the famous scholar Ren Bonian accompanied her to the music. Du Sheng praised it and said, this music can only be heard in heaven, how many times can people hear it?

The construction of Daye City was based on the construction pattern of Chang'an, but it did not have the scale of Chang'an City. After Taibai was twenty years old, he traveled to Chang'an and left a deep impression on Chang'an. Chang'an City was so powerful and tempting.

, so that no matter where Taibai went, he would never forget Chang'an. He went in and out several times, and told countless good stories about it with the royal palace.

Daye City, here I come!

Chen Luo has never been to Chang'an, so he first came to this mini version of Little Chang'an.

The whole city of Daye City presents an east-west symmetrical pattern on both sides of the north-south central axis, with broad and straight checkerboard-style streets. The core of the city, according to the planning of Chang'an City, is located on the north side. And this Taibai old residence is here

Near the north side.

It was already dusk, and Shi Shanming organized everyone to settle down at the inn. The friends went out to do some activities together. Although the architecture of this city is based on the layout of Chang'an City, the people here are indeed completely different.

What came rushing towards me was either a bearded man wearing a hat and a long gown, or a foreign woman wearing a veil and a two-section skirt, trembling as she walked, her posture was very graceful.

Chen Luo and others asked passers-by for the address, and then rushed to Taibai's old residence.

Most of the villagers here live in gray bricks and earth tiles. Because there is little rain all year round, some houses do not even have special roofs, and just add a slate cover on top.

Taibai's former residence is very different from ordinary local courtyards.

The entire courtyard is made of blue bricks and iron tiles, surrounded by walls, and does not seem to blend in with the surrounding environment.

Looking inside, the courtyard was deserted and deserted.

The courtyard has a structure with two entrances and two rows, and the door of the inner room is closed. Only the first courtyard can be opened to the outside for people to observe and remember.

Chen Luo followed the others and stood outside the gate, looking around. The outline of the eaves and corners of this building looked familiar. Isn't this the same method of building the eaves and corners of the Iron Gate Hall? The style of the corrugated corrugations was also almost the same.

Stepping into the gate, a sense of the grandeur of the temple hits your face.

"Alas!" Chen Luo sighed. This house is probably no longer Taibai's old residence. It was probably built by local officials on a voluntary basis after Taibai returned to his hometown in honor of Taibai in order to please him.

This construction process increased the majesty of the government and destroyed the spirituality of the place. Building such a courtyard based on the Iron Tile Palace was not what Taibai wanted.

No wonder Taibai returned to his hometown for a period of time and traveled frequently. The construction of this former residence was not even as good as the farmhouse in his fantasy world. Staying in such a yard every day is really not as comfortable as staying in Jianwangfeng, with mountains and water.

There is wine and friends.

There are also countless treasures that I have moved here.

Chen Luo sensed the surroundings of the house and found nothing special. Taibai's relics were probably brought to Jianwang Peak by Taibai a long time ago.

If there is anything special, there is a huge chess game carved on the back of the screen wall.

This huge wall is divided into several grids by nine horizontal and nine vertical lines. On each grid, there are two kinds of chess pieces, black and white. There is actually a serial number on each chess piece.

This is a complete chess game. Unexpectedly, Taibai banished the immortal, but he is actually a person who understands and loves chess.

Chen Luo sensed that these chess pieces were actually made of jade. The black pieces were made of black jade, and the white pieces were made of white jade.

These are more than 300 chess pieces. They are chiseled into the shape of jade, and then polished with water to make round and crystal clear chess pieces. What is commendable is that the sizes of these chess pieces are exactly the same.

The completed chess pieces were inlaid on the chessboard one by one according to their numbers.

Chen Luo couldn't help but sigh that if the jade craftsmen could create 361 complete chess pieces, they would not be able to complete them within a few years.

When I was young, my blind grandfather told an inspiring story about Taibai grinding an iron pestle into a needle. It seems that in the hometown of Taibai, everyone has the spirit of hard work and perseverance.

Chen Luo has a good understanding of chess theory. Although he still lacks practical experience, he still has no problem understanding the chess game on the wall.

Chen Luo started from the chess piece No. 1 and looked at it in order from small to large. At first, he didn't feel anything.

Until the thirty-seventh move, with the black move, Chen Luo suddenly understood.

Sure enough, it is a master who plays chess and does not care about appearance. With a move, Chen Luo felt that the style of chess suddenly changed, and the offensive momentum became stronger. This black and white chess game, like two sharp swords, one black and one white, began to move.

They fight in the upper reaches of the chess game.

Sometimes the white chess takes advantage of the situation and shows its edge, and sometimes the black chess is like a giant python coming out of the hole, entangled. This black and white entanglement is like practicing the ultimate attack and defense. Every time white wants to win, black chess makes a clever move.

With a good hand, you can either stick, turn, pull or rely on it, and resolve it easily.

Chen Luo watched with great interest and went straight in. Is this a chess game or a sword move? Chen Luo couldn't help but follow the trend of the chess game, dancing gracefully, every move, and secretly pondering in his heart.

Seeing the point of fascination, Chen Luo picked up a branch and danced with it. Although the posture was graceful, each move was extremely precise and precise. This black sword turned out to be an excellent defensive sword form.

Finally, Chen Luo simply took out the black jade blunt sword, left the blunt sword, and imitated the white sword with a branch in his right hand. The black sword focused on defense, and the white sword focused on offense.

The left and right sides fought each other, each move after another, and the kill was actually inextricable. Chen Luo was very happy. If he hadn't just practiced the Tianyan sword technique and his identity as a jade cultivator, he would not have been able to see through the chess game on the wall.

This certainly contains a set of wonderful and unparalleled swordsmanship.

If the Tianyan Sword is the culmination of attack, then this set of sword techniques is the culmination of defense.

This set of swordsmanship should be given a name! Chen Luo scratched his head. This Taibai was really a tricky expert. He quietly left behind such a game within a game without leaving a name.

If you don’t have one, just pick one up for yourself. This sword dances gracefully, like a woman’s skill, and is probably inherited from Gongsun Auntie, a famous swordsman in Chang’an City.

"Let's call it Gongsun Qiankun Sword!"

"With the Tianyan Life-Destroying Sword, there is the Gongsun Qiankun Sword. The black and white swords, one on the left and the other on the right, form angles to each other. If the two swordsmanships are used at the same time, wouldn't this be the Qiankun Tianyan Sword?"

"Isn't this name domineering?"

Chen Luowai tilted his head and asked Shi Zhuo.

Shi Zhuo raised his thumb and said, "It's amazing. You can learn a set of swordsmanship just by watching Go. Why don't I have this ability?"

Qian is yang, Kun is yin, the two become one, and yin and yang complement each other. With the defensive Qiankun Sword, Chen Luo's swordsmanship power has more than doubled.

In the 273rd move, with the white chess move, the two sides finally completed the entire chess game.

Chen Luo counted the number of officials in each group.

It actually ended in a tie!

This is really amazing. It seems that at the peak state, defense and offense are almost the same, and no one can restrain the other.

When Chen Luo left his former residence, he was filled with gratitude. No one had ever seen Taibai, but he was definitely his mentor. Perhaps if Chen Luo had been born in that era, the two would have become close friends.

After donating the incense money and leaving the old residence, Chen Luo and the others walked back along the corner.

"Brother Luo, why don't we go have a drink?" Zhao Rui suggested.

"Do you have any special wine?"

"Of course, this must be arranged!"

Not far from the gate, pass through the fence and walk diagonally for a hundred meters, you will find Taibai Winery.

A wine flag was in dilapidated condition, with the word "wine" faintly visible on it, letting people know that this was a place selling wine.

"Old man, buy some wine!" Zhao Rui, who was slightly older than the others, pushed the door open and walked in skillfully.

"Taibai Chun, are there any more?"

In the wine shop, old men with hunchbacks came slowly one by one, took down a wine jar from the shelf, and handed it to Zhao Rui.

Zhao Rui opened the lid, and a clear and mellow aroma of wine hit his nostrils. Chen Luo compared it and found that the smell was not inferior to Tianshan snow.

"Good wine!" Chen Luo praised.

Zhao Rui took a few more dishes to go with wine from the cabinet, and everyone ate and drank.

"I didn't expect that this small place actually has such good wine! I've drank Tianshan Snow and Tian Wuji's Lanling Drunk. I didn't expect the wine here to be as good as the first two."

This chapter has been completed!
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