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Chapter 131 I'm going to kill you

What's going on with this iron ball? Is it still turning?

Chen Luo squinted and saw that the back of the iron ball was pulled by an extremely thin chain. Although the iron chain was extremely thin, it was very strong. It looked like it was made of special materials.

Chen Luo fell to the ground, dodged the chasing iron ball, and pulled out the Mystical Jade Blunt Sword. It was time to see the power of this Mystical Jade Blunt Sword.

The iron ball stretched forward a few feet. An Lushan tugged hard, then shook his hand on the iron chain. As if listening to the command, the iron ball once again changed direction and ran towards Chen Luo.

Chen Luo held the blunt sword in his hand and concentrated his energy on the sword. He did not dodge blindly. Instead, he stared at the iron ball and the metal chain with his eyes, looking for the gap, and then swung the blunt sword towards the iron chain.

Cang - the iron chain broke with a sound. The iron ball lost control, hit the pillar directly, and then rolled to the side.

Chen Luo was overjoyed. The black jade blunt sword was indeed self-sharpening without an edge.

"You destroyed my Seven Treasure Ball!" An Lushan became angry and swung the remaining steel ball in his hand towards Chen Luo.

As soon as Chen Luo lowered his head, the iron ball flew past his scalp and directly hit the window of the main hall, breaking the window with a bang.

"If you dare to destroy my orb, I will make you pay with your life!"

"What kind of treasure ball is this? It's almost like tofu!" Chen Luo deliberately raised the blunt sword in his hand.

"Your sword is good. It belongs to me!"

The fat man stared at the blunt sword. He was also a knowledgeable person. His iron chain was not generally strong, and it was actually cut off with a single swing.

"No problem, come and get it yourself if you have the ability. I also think that your bright and shiny big head and meatball are not bad, so it's mine!" Chen Luo stared at An Lushan's forehead and said with a smile.

Pointing his blunt jade sword, a powerful force like a knife rushed towards Anlu Mountain. Anlu Mountain was about to reach the middle level of the Dan Formation Realm. Naturally, it was not comparable to others, so he was aware of the risks involved.

With one leap, he jumped from the Taishi chair to the ground.

With a click, the Grand Master's chair was destroyed by the direct sword energy and fell apart in an instant.

An Lushan's fat body rolled over, dodged Chen Luo's sword energy, and then took out two steel knives from his body. These knives had blue blades, thick backs and thin blades. At first glance, they were a pair of dangerous sharp weapons.


The fat man held a steel knife in each hand and swung it left and right. The two knives were like two dragons, slashing towards Chen Luo.

They were all offensive routines. Chen Luo looked at them intently. For a moment, Chen Luo was a little confused.

This offensive can be used to sharpen the Gongsun Qiankun Sword just learned.

I saw Chen Luo thinking, and then the sword moves changed. The blunt sword in Tian's hand suddenly used Qiankun swordsmanship in actual combat. This was a move that Chen Luo had just learned from the Taibai chess game. It has not been fully verified. This swordsmanship is defensive.

The way of the Lord.

Facing the two swords, the Qiankun Sword was like a giant black dragon, swallowing and closing, advancing and retreating in a controlled manner. In an instant, it reversed the passive situation and actually turned the fat man's fierce offensive with the two swords into nothingness.

Chen Luo was not in a hurry, and slowly played with An Lushan. While taking the moves, he was constantly verifying the sword moves and correcting the problems in his Qiankun swordsmanship.

A set of swordsmanship that focuses on defense must be able to withstand the most powerful attack in the world. However, the most powerful attack in the world may not be able to defeat the best defensive swordsmanship in the world.

Actual combat is the best whetstone.

At this moment, in the front hall, Shi Zhuo and Zhao Rui were sitting on stools drinking. There was a gangster stepping on each of their feet. On the ground in front of them, there were a group of kidnappers lying in various shapes.

Shi Zhuo was at the peak of his qi training. Since receiving the guidance from Old Chen Tou, his combat power has exploded. With Zhao Rui's assistance, after hearing the movement in the back hall, the two of them reacted instantly and started fighting earlier than Chen Luo.

I have taken care of these little minions in the front hall.

The two of them watched these little minions while waiting for Chen Luo. No, they got impatient, so they started to drink with Zhao Rui and others while interrogating them.

This sand gang is indeed guilty of many evil deeds. They have been entrenched at the foot of Yusu Peak for a long time, mainly robbing people passing by to pick jade. Recently, they have become even more bold. They are not afraid of the government's encirclement and suppression. They went directly to the city and ran to Zhenghe Temple and drove away the monks inside.

Take it as your own and use it as a stronghold.

A few days ago, a jade picker was intercepted at the foot of Yusu Peak. This jade picker had extraordinary skills. An Lushan personally went out to capture it, and it took a lot of effort to capture it. He had already finished robbing everything.

Later, they were going to kill people and silence them, but they unexpectedly discovered that this was actually a woman disguised as a man. After taking off the mask, this woman had a beautiful face that is unforgettable. In addition to the face, there is also this graceful figure,

It makes people envious when they see it.

An Lushan was so lustful that he immediately became interested. He immediately changed his mind and planned to take this woman back, officially enter the bridal chamber, and take her as his wife.

This time Brother Kui went out to buy wine to hold the gang leader's wedding ceremony. Everyone in the Sha Gang was used to running rampant, and there was no need to buy wine. They came directly to Old Man Qu and grabbed it.

As a result, not only the wine was snatched away, but the deadly kings of hell also came with them.

According to the confessions of these gangsters, the robbed woman was in the house behind the apse. She had been restrained by their gang leader and was unable to move, so she was waiting to enter the bridal chamber at night.

On the other side, in the back hall, Chen Luo's Qiankun Sword was operating more and more skillfully and with ease. Although An Lushan's double swords started to be violent, he was already out of breath after holding on for just one stick of incense.

I thought to myself why this young man was so perverted, his realm was not as high as mine, but he gave people the feeling of being unfathomable. I couldn't help but want to run away, but although the Qiankun Sword was a defensive move, it was also a wonderful control move.

Once An Lushan tried to run away after releasing his ultimate move, but was intercepted and returned one by one by the Qiankun Sword.

There is no escape!

"Now it's my turn to attack!" Shen Luo chuckled, "Master, I won't play with you anymore."

Tianyan's Life-Destroying Sword! Fight attack with attack!

The black sword was like a dragon coming out of its cave, the sword's light suddenly elongated, and the sword tip began to transform into numerous sword intents, layer upon layer, rushing in like a sea.

An Lushan's expression changed. He didn't use all his strength in his feelings just now. He was just playing with him.

He brandished his two swords and tried his best to resist, but the Tian Yan Sword's attack was all-pervasive and unstoppable.

"Puff puff--"

This lasted for a while, and after several rounds, An Lushan was continuously hit, and instantly became a bloody man. His legs, arms, and legs had been pierced many times, and the two swords in his hands were split into two pieces by the Xuan Yu blunt sword and were thrown aside.


An Lushan was like a dead pig, lying on the ground unable to move, breathing heavily, and had lost the ability to resist.

At this moment, Reina had returned from searching the house in the backyard, supporting a woman of similar age and appearance to her side.

When the woman saw An Lushan, she picked up the sharp knife on the ground and rushed towards him.

"I am going to kill you!"

Chen Luo grabbed the woman and said, "Wait, what's going on?"

"This is my sister, Reguli!" Reina quickly stepped forward to introduce her. The person they captured to be the wife of the village was the sister Reina came out to look for.

"Didn't your sister go to Yusu Peak? Why are you here!"

"It's a long story -" Reina said, "My sister met these bandits on the road at the foot of Yusu Peak. She lost a fight and was kidnapped here."

Reina had just beaten a guarding bandit in the backyard and rescued Reguli. By the way, she had learned about the situation. This group of bandits was so fierce that even the shrewd and capable Reguli

It is impossible to escape the clutches of the devil.

""This sand gang seems to be looking for rare treasures on the mountain. They patrol the foot of the mountain every day and go up to plunder those who are alone."

"What's even more disgusting is that this group of people, they - they actually massacred the village! All the 129 people in Yuning Village at the foot of the mountain have been given to -" Reguli said and broke down in tears. She had seen the world.

, recalling the past is unbearable.

If it weren't for the fact that the Sha Gang discovered his woman's identity and that she was pretty good-looking, he probably would have been doomed.

Massacre of the village! Disaster does not harm the innocent.

Chen Luo was also angry. The evil level of this bandit seemed to be far beyond his imagination. Without martial ethics, his crime was unforgivable.

The so-called self-inflicted crime will not survive.

An Lushan's bloated body collapsed to the ground, unable to resist. His eyes were almost pleading as he looked at Chen Luo, his head covered with blood.

"Spare me once today, I am willing to give you all your family property!"

Chen Luo shook his head and silently let go of Reguli's hand. Reguli held a sharp knife and rushed forward——

With one knife, he chopped off the claws of Lushan, and with one knife, he stabbed An Lushan into his heart.

After killing the bandit leader, Chen Luo and others came to the front hall to meet up with Shi Zhuo and the others. Shi Zhuo and Zhao Rui had already finished their interrogation and told the bad things about these bandits in detail.

Anyone who harms heaven and justice will be killed without mercy!

All those who have committed the most heinous crimes will be executed!

The rest of the people, those who have performed meritorious service and those who are timid and fearful but have no merit or fault, will be dismissed on the spot with the payment of travel expenses.

Chen Luo confiscated the fat man's storage ring and found a large amount of money and belongings in the backyard. It seems that the Sha Gang is engaged in robbery and has indeed accumulated a lot of wealth in the past few years.

It was getting late, and everyone returned to the inn together. Shi Shanming saw that everyone had not come back yet, and they had been waiting for a long time.

Chen Luo looked at the two young ladies Reina and Reguli beside him, who had recovered their female bodies. Reina was in the front, and Reguli was behind. Chen Luo couldn't help but sigh, it was really dangerous, if not for the accident

When it comes to me, I am afraid that both sisters will be ruined by the sand gang one after another.

This is also fate. First, my sister stole a horse and avoided the pursuit of the sand gang, and was accidentally saved. Then she went to the temple to wipe out the sand gang, and met her sister who was forced to get married, so she saved her sister by the way.

"Ahem -" Chen Luo took the lead to break the embarrassment and looked at Reina next to him and said, "Tell me, you two young ladies, what are you two girls running around for? Aren't you afraid of meeting bad people?"

Reina blushed when she was told this.

Reguli, on the other hand, was generous and composed, "You said that as jade pickers, how can we pick jade if we don't go out? There is no jade to pick at home!"

"Are you also jade pickers? Are the two girls from the Rewang family at the foot of Tianchi Mountain?" Shi Shanming looked at the two girls in surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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