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Chapter 149 This Jade Soul Pill is really hard to refine

"Then why am I hesitating?" Chen Luo took out the Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills and each of them took one.

"We won't sleep tonight until we figure out this Jade Soul Pill."

"Damn it, it's like you gave me chicken blood, don't affect my rest!" Li Zhen scolded angrily.

As he spoke, he took out the Jiutian Tai Chi Furnace. To be on the safe side, he first used the Tai Chi Furnace to refine the first pill.

After laying out various alchemy materials, the two of them started to get busy. Li Zhen started to put in various raw materials one by one according to the instructions of the elixir recipe. For the first time, she did not pursue the quantity, but just verified the single recipe, so the input of materials was not much.

Watching each piece of spiritual grass and Ganoderma lucidum being put into the alchemy furnace, it was refined into a drop of spiritual liquid, and then the spiritual liquid slowly condensed more and more.

Chen Luo began to control the jade pillow, which spit out a trace of jade soul and blended it into the spiritual liquid. Then, the alchemy furnace began to condense the spiritual liquid into elixirs.

Gradually, a crystal clear elixir gradually took shape.

The moment the fire went out, Chen Luo exclaimed.

"Successful!" Chen Luo ignored the fatigue of his soul and directly sensed it. This elixir exuded a rich chalcedony, and the medicinal fragrance overflowed.

Li Zhen did not speak, but stared at the elixir, thought for a long time, and then shook her head.

"This Jade Soul Pill is indeed difficult to refine!"

"What's going on?" Chen Luo looked at Li Zhen, "I have the taste and style, so it should be a success!"

"It only has its form, but its spirit has not been seen! A good elixir needs both form and spirit to be good!"

"The Jade Soul Pill is not like the primary elixir like the Chalcedony Pill, which is made by melting part of the jade soul. The jade soul is colorless and odorless."

"So, the refined Jade Soul Pill should have a restrained essence, with only a faint herbal flavor, rather than being so overflowing with the fragrance of the pill!"

Chen Luo thought about it and realized that what he said made sense. Jade Soul himself did not sense it through his sense of taste.

"So it's a failure! What went wrong?"

"Many, such as the technique, the heat, and the timing and amount of mixing the jade soul."

Chen Luo was not willing to waste it, so he stuffed the Jade Soul Pill into his mouth and sensed it. Indeed, the effectiveness of this Jade Soul Pill was not even comparable to that of an elementary chalcedony pill.

The two were not discouraged and refined it twice more in succession. Each time they refined it a little better than before, but they still did not meet the standards Li Zhen said.

"I won't practice today!" Chen Luo said, "I've been struggling with the jade soul of this black and white jade pillow all night. I'm afraid it's overdrawn, so I need to rest." Chen Luo himself also controlled the jade soul for a whole night, and his energy was high.

I am also very tired, especially after the Dantian Qi Sea further expanded, the Qi in my body became much shallower.

Chen Luo took out the jade gourd and shook it towards Li Zhen. "Would you like a bite?"

"Wow, you still have this treasure. Is there wine in it?"

Chen Luo nodded, "Authentic Taibai puree! Take one sip and one sip less!"

"Give me a taste." Li Zhen was addicted to alcohol. When she heard it was Taibai puree, her eyes gleamed and she couldn't move her legs.

Chen Luo opened the stopper, "Come on, raise your head, I'll pour some for you!"

"Don't be so stingy, let me drink it myself!" Li Zhen stretched out her hand to take the jade gourd.

"Xiao Zhenzhen, it's not that I won't give it to you. This wine is too strong. If you drink it the way you do, I'm afraid you will die of drunkenness!"

"Humph, I don't believe it! With my drinking capacity, what kind of wine can make me drunk to death!" Li Zhen didn't believe it even to death.

"Let's do this, I'll pour some for you, you taste it first, and if it's okay, I'll give you more!"

"Okay, it's a deal! Keep your word!"

Li Zhen raised her head, Chen Luo picked up the gourd, poured a drop of Taibai original brew into Li Zhen's mouth.

"Look, I said it's okay!" Li Zhen stood up and took two steps. "Quickly, pour the rest for me - pour it into your mouth!"

Before she finished speaking, Li Zhen began to stutter while speaking, and then the world began to spin, and Li Zhen fainted.

"Huh, dear, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences before your eyes. One drop will make you drunk!" Chen Luo laughed, took off the cork of the wine, and gently wrapped a few drops with his tongue.

With the experience from the last time, Chen Luo did not drink it directly this time, but controlled the quantity.

One drop of this Taibai Puree is worth a jar of wine.

As soon as Li Zhen went in, her whole body felt like it was being grilled on a fire, and her face turned red as if it was on fire.

This is a trial and a blessing.

Chen Luo's condition wasn't much better. The last time he drank too much, he almost exploded and died. This time, his meridians didn't collapse, but his internal organs were burned starting from his chest and abdomen.

Eventually it turned into billowing jade soul and poured into the Dantian Qi sea. Since the breakthrough, Chen Luo's Dantian Qi sea has been in a state of hunger and thirst, and has never been replenished happily.

And this Taibai Puree is the best way to replenish the Dantian Qi Sea.

In this way, under the influence of wine, the two fell into a deep sleep. In their sleep, the practice continued.

Early the next morning, Li Zhen was the first to wake up.

“I’ve advanced, I’ve advanced—!” ​​Li Zhen shouted excitedly. “It turns out you can advance even while sleeping!”

Li Zhen drank a drop of wine and slept for a whole night. Unknowingly, she broke through the peak of Qi training and reached the foundation building state silently.

With the improvement of her realm, Li Zhen's whole state has also changed. Her temperament has improved significantly, and she exudes an aura. Especially her thin figure and large forehead, which look so incompatible.

, now it looks actually harmonious.

Chen Luo was woken up from his sleep by Li Zhen, and he slept until dawn. Recalling yesterday's process, he still vividly remembers it.

Looking inside himself, Chen Luo found that his Dantian Qi sea had become much richer, but it was still far from reaching the threshold for advancement.

This is too unfair. Li Zhen took one drop and was directly promoted, while she took several drops and only gained a little plumpness.

Early in the morning, Shi Zhuo came to call for dinner. After breakfast, everyone was about to go up the mountain. Perhaps because of the altitude, the sky dawned very early in Heishan Village, and a ray of morning light slanted on the east side of Yusu Peak.


Chen Luo probably also figured out that the location of Heishan Village was on the east side of Yusu Peak.

According to Reguli, due to climate reasons, most of the residents on this mountain live on the southeast side. There are many cliffs in the northwest direction, which are not suitable for survival or climbing.

Further south from Heishan Village, across the Yulong River, is what Reguli called Yuning Village, a village even more remote than Heishan Village.

Apart from this, Reguli went up the mountain alone, starting from Yuning Village. Unexpectedly, she encountered a dark killing in Yuning Village.

The 129 people in Yuning Village were massacred by the sand gang led by An Lushan. Even Reguli was kidnapped by An Lushan and taken to Hetian City. Fortunately, they met Chen Luo and they were rescued.

After eating, Shi Shanming, Reguli, and Tang Sanwu discussed the route up the mountain.

According to the suggestions of local villagers, during this season, you can go up the mountain from the east or south. Taking the Yulong River as the boundary, the other side of the river is the south side, not far ahead is Yuning Village, and this side of the river is the east bank.

You can reach the peak by going up the river on both sides.

After some discussion, everyone decided to divide their forces into two groups. Reguli was still worried about the villagers of Yuning Village and wanted to go back and see. It was unacceptable for people to die without a burial place in this wilderness.

In addition, a great revenge can be avenged, and the villagers can be comforted.

On the other hand, Tang Sanwu led the people from Kunyu Mountain up the mountain from the east and searched along the river.

The radius of Yusu Peak is hundreds of miles, which is enough to accommodate many jade collectors. If everyone spreads out, it can increase the chance of harvesting jade.

At this moment, it is estimated that there are many jade mining teams in the mountain. According to the guide from Heishan Village, since the news of the birth of the exotic treasure spread, many jade mining teams have been going up the mountain in recent days.

Going up the mountain from Heishan Village, donkeys can no longer be used because there is basically no road ahead. The higher you go up, the more desolate and steep it becomes. Everyone is assigned a large backpack to carry the food and drink on their backs.

then set off

The first thing to cross is to the opposite side of the Yulong River. In the dry season, the Yulong River can flow across. Now is the summer, the water in the Yulong River is high, and the snow mountains break from time to time, so it is the time for rough waves.

After walking about 500 meters, there was a high-altitude ropeway that ran across both sides of the bridge. Everyone was a martial arts practitioner, so they quickly reached the other side of the river by sliding on the rope and apologizing.

After continuing for a few miles, we finally saw a more primitive village with quaint houses scattered on an open space by the river.

Reguli rushed over and pushed open the houses one by one to look around. Chen Luo and the others followed closely behind, rushing into the houses and checking each house one by one.

Not a single figure, not even a dead person!

Didn't we say that the village was massacred? Logically speaking, there should be corpses everywhere here.

Reguli was also full of surprise. The afternoon of the massacre of the village was still vivid in her mind. No one, including the elderly, children and women, was spared.

Everyone followed Reguli to the last house behind the village. Reguli pushed the door open and went in. "Uncle Zhengshan?" Reguli shouted, but no one in the yard responded.

Suddenly, Chen Luo smelled a burning smell that floated into his mouth and nose.

"Follow me." Chen Luo lifted his legs out of the yard and rushed to the back of the village. Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them. They saw rows of wooden signs standing under the hill behind the village.

On the top, each person's name is written in bright red ink.

This is a cemetery.

In front of the cemetery, there is a burning bonfire, and in front of the bonfire is a pile of sacrifices.

Next to the cemetery, there was a man lying playing, with ragged clothes and a dull face. There was a shovel beside this man, and it was obvious that he had dug the newly filled grave with his own hands.

Chen Luo counted and found exactly 129 seats.

"Uncle Zhengshan!" Reguli shouted and rushed forward.

"Xiao Li?" The man raised his head, his eyes red, and looked at the people in front of him.

Chen Luo carefully looked at the man in front of him. He was in his forties. He was not tall, but definitely strong, and he still had a certain amount of kung fu. At this time, he was already decadent and sluggish, and his hands were bloody. It looked like just now

It took a lot of effort to dig the grave pit.

This chapter has been completed!
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