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Chapter 152 Encountering the Temple of Gods and Demons Again

Seeing Chen Luo lying nervously on the ground, everyone followed suit and put their ears to the ground.

This sound is getting closer and closer, it’s so mighty, booming, rumbling! It’s unstoppable! And, this sound is getting closer and closer.

"No! A flash flood is coming!" Yuan Zhengshan, who was experienced, shouted, "Hurry up to higher ground!" Yuan Zhengshan raised his head and observed the surrounding environment. At this time, everyone was at the narrowest part of the crocodile's mouth.

On both sides are mountain walls of tens of feet, which are extremely steep. If you don't have wings, you can't fly up. There is a raging flood in front of you.

There is no way to avoid it!

"Grab the gap in the rock wall and climb up!" Chen Luo saw a rock wall next to him that was slightly flatter and seemed suitable for landing, so he jumped up.

The black jade blunt sword was swung out, slashing and slashing, and a place where people could stand was carved out on the slope of the wall.

A few more swords were used to expand the space. A rope shook down, and everyone grabbed the rope and climbed up using their hands and feet.

The flood roared and surged forward like a monster.

The last person to come up was Shi Zhuo, who was in charge of the rear. He raised his Overlord Spear and helped everyone, and sent them one by one to the rock wall. Seeing that the flood was approaching, Shi Zhuo poked the ground with his Overlord Spear, and the gun barrel

It bent into a perfect arc, and the whole person jumped into the air.

He turned around in the air, pointed his spear at the rock wall, and pierced it firmly. Shi Zhuo turned over and sat on it.

Reina was so excited that she clapped her hands, and Chen Luo also nodded secretly. This stone clumsy kung fu was getting better and better. Just this move of mixing pistols and sticks was very smooth.

As soon as Shizhuo came up, the lower river beach was flooded. The crocodile's mouth was like a monster, spitting out a huge amount of water from its mouth.

"It's strange. When I came back from here last time, it was just a small lake. How come it has become so big today!" Yuan Zhengshan said in surprise as he looked at it.

"There are unusual movements in the mountains and once the terrain changes, it is easy to form a barrier lake. When the barrier lake accumulates to a certain extent, it will burst and erupt! Once it erupts, it will be a disaster for humans and animals downstream." Shi Shanming explained,

It’s not like I haven’t encountered a barrier lake before while hiking, but one as big as this is still rare.

"Does this also mean that we are in the early stages of the vision?" Chen Luo asked.

"Yeah, that makes sense. The river water surges, there are thunder and lightning, and the sky is filled with red clouds." Li Zhen analyzed.

"Everyone, hurry up and replenish your dry food. We will continue on our way when the water subsides!" Shi Shanming ordered.

Although the stone platform on the cliff is crowded, there are no big animals, so it is just a place for people to rest and replenish supplies.

At the same time, an old man stood on a hill diagonally opposite the crocodile's mouth. Beside and behind the old man, stood several men in black, standing with their hands hanging down.

"That's great. Once the water in this barrier lake is released, it will probably flow for three days and three nights, so no one will bother us anymore in our treasure hunt!"

"Master Xing is wise and mighty!" A man in black next to him said flatteringly. He was the one who led people to dig out the outlet of the barrier lake just now.

Everyone looked at the surging mountains and rivers and couldn't help but feel worried. According to this situation, it might take a few days to drain away.

Yuan Zhengshan also had a sad look on his face. If the mountain water flows down, Yuning Village may be completely gone, along with the newly built cemeteries for the villagers.

Alas! Yuning Village is ill-fated.

Chen Luo was also worried, thinking about how to escape and get rid of the current embarrassing situation.

Going upstream? Obviously impossible! There is really no way to heaven and no way to earth.

Chen Luo raised his head and looked at the rock wall, which extended upwards and straight into the clouds. It was probably hundreds of meters away. Even if he could climb up, others would never be able to climb up with bare hands.

"What do you think of Xiao Luo?" Shi Shanming looked at Chen Luo who was looking above him. He exchanged glances with Yuan Zhengshan and the two nodded.

"Uncle, I'm wondering if we can climb up from here. If I use this sword, it's possible to climb to the top, but all of us-" Chen Luo said, scratching his head.

"Xiaoluo, do you think this will work?" Shi Shanming handed over the rope to tie it up, "I have three hundred meters here."

"I also have two hundred meters here!" Yuan Zhengshan said.

"I still have a hundred meters here!" Heishan said and took out the rope from his backpack.

"I have one too!" Everyone took out the rope.

Chen Luo was overjoyed. He was worthy of being a jade picker. This rope would never leave his body no matter where he was.

"That's great! Dear uncles, brothers and sisters! I will go up and stand at the head first, then put down the rope, and we will climb up one by one!"

Everyone nodded. Chen Luo connected the rope and put it in the storage ring, then tightened his clothes and took out the meteorite knife.

This is a small knife in the left hand and a dull jade sword in the right hand.

The Chen Luo at this time is no longer the Chen Luo he was when he was in Yingchoujian in the fantasy world, nor is he the Chen Luo he was when he was looking for monsters in the Xishan Ranch during the Xishan Ranch period.

As his realm of cultivation increased greatly, Chen Luo climbed up the solid rock wall with great momentum.

"Brother Chen Luo, will everything be okay?" Reina said worriedly.

"No, you see, this kid has plenty of energy and blood and is not stressed at all. Everyone, just take a rest and wait patiently."

It was straight up and down, not walking on flat ground, and the height was not comparable to the past. Even if Chen Luo was very skilled, it still took about an hour.

When he climbed up, he was out of breath. After taking a short rest, Chen Luo found a boulder, tied the rope to it, and then threw the other end of the rope down.

With the help of the rope, the speed became faster. The remaining ten people climbed up one by one along the rope. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking far away, they saw a huge lake. It turned out to be a mountain col, surrounded by

Below, it is full of greenery year after year.

Looking around now, there is already a vast expanse of water. The only vent in this water is the crocodile's mouth.

The collapse of the water body can only be said to be a matter of time.

Above the cliff, everyone continued to move forward along the ridge and around the barrier lake. The flood was surging, and it was no longer suitable to camp here. It was getting dark, so everyone had to find the next place to stay as soon as possible.

I didn't expect that the first day into the mountain would be so bumpy. It seems that the road to jade mining will not be easy.

After another hour, everyone finally reached the opposite side of the lake. On a higher slope, Shi Shanming and Yuan Zhengshan inspected it and decided to set up camp here and bury pots for cooking. Heishan, Zhao Rui and the others went to prepare separately.

Shi Shanming, Yuan Zhengshan, Chen Luo Shizhuo and others took out the map. This was the map of Yusu Peak from the inside of Qiqiao Linglong Heart, and several people began to immerse themselves in studying it.

I don't know the true face of Yusu, just because I am in this mountain.

This map comes from ancient times. There is no detailed walking route on it, it just marks the general direction of climbing.

Climbing Yusu Peak from below, there are really only two directions: east and south. To the east is Heishan Village and to the south is Yuning Village.

Following the arrows going up, everyone found the Crocodile Mouth on the map, as well as the hinterland in front of the mountain, the large mountain col that formed the barrier lake.

Going up from the crocodile mouth, there is a pavilion in the middle of the mountain called Xiaowan Pavilion. Going up the mountain in the direction of Heishan Village, there is a sign called Heimaoya. Then the roads on both sides gradually merge into one place. After the merger, continue to extend up the mountain.

Near the top of the mountain, there is a sign with three words written on it, "Hall of Creation."

Soon everyone determined the direction and next action plan. The goal for the next day was to reach Xiaowan Pavilion.

In the quiet valley, there is a strong bonfire, fragrant barbecue, and mellow wine. This is the favorite moment for young friends.

"Hey, someone has entered the mountain!" The man in black stood on a mountain top with his hands behind his back, looking at the bonfire by the lake, and frowned. It was the Master of Hall Xing just now.

"Send someone over to take a look and persuade them to retreat. I don't want to see them again in the mountains." Palace Master Xing ordered.

"Yes——, the one next to me responded and stepped back."

"There are still two days before the birth of the strange treasure. Hasn't the lake dam been opened? How did they get up?"

"Reporting to the Master of the Hall, he may be a lucky person who entered the mountain early and survived."

"Nonsense, weren't the people who entered the mountain early yesterday already cleared away?" The man in black said angrily, "Go and find out how they entered the mountain and blocked the road. During the birth of the strange treasure, except for us gods and demons,

Please don’t allow anyone to be seen in the mountains in this area.”

"Palace Master Jiang, follow me secretly. If you find any jade pickers, leave them all alone -" Hall Master Xing made a beheading gesture.

Hall Master Xing is the master of the Seventh Branch Hall of the Divine Religion. They came after the news about the birth of the exotic treasure spread. The Temple of Gods and Demons is divided into eight branches, and each branch hall is divided into

Three entrances.

The leader of Hall Jiang just now was His Highness the Seventh Branch, the master of Shanhe Hall. This time the Seventh Branch Hall’s personal expedition brought the power of the three halls. In addition to the hall master Xing Yixiao, the other three halls also


Among them, Jiang Bao, the leader of Shanhetang, and Xing Yixiao went up the mountain from the south. Zhao Hu, the leader of Tianhetang, and Zhang Long, the leader of Shuihetang, led their team up the mountain from the east. Both parties agreed to meet at the top of the mountain.

Chen Luo and his party were concentrating on enjoying the dinner, with the bonfire lighting up the surrounding area brightly and red.

"Tell me, are we too high-profile?" Chen Luo whispered, "This fire can be seen for dozens of miles."

"What are you afraid of, Brother Zhuangyuan? There's not even a single person in this wilderness. It would be better if there was a wolf or a leopard! Just take it and barbecue it!" Li Zhen drank some wine and was already

His enthusiasm waned, and he waved the clothes in his hands excitedly.

Chen Luo ate something and stood up.

"Go on, I'll take a look outside!"

As he spoke, Chen Luo clapped his hands and walked forward along the path in front. The moon was hidden and the stars were sparse, and there were only towering mountains and the shadows of shadowy trees around him.

Chen Luo twitched his nose and felt the breath of the mountain blowing in his face. It was indeed the first jade mountain in southern Xinjiang. The wind blowing in his face was mixed with the breath of jade soul.

Just do it! Chen Luo found an open space under a tree, sat down cross-legged, and activated the Molong Jue and Five Aggregation modes. Chen Luo's body was like a big net, combing through everything around him.

The rolling jade souls were forcibly harvested and formed into a river, rushing towards Chen Luo.

This chapter has been completed!
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