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Chapter 155 The Walking Treasure

An early warning of danger suddenly surged into Chen Luo's heart.

Chen Luo's sword force changed, and the Qiankun Sword transformed into layers of defensive sword circles, barely maintaining its shape in the storm vortex.

Just like a small boat drifting in the ocean, it may be overturned by the wind and waves at any time and be thrown to the bottom of the sea.

The Qiankun Gongsun Sword is indeed the best defensive swordsmanship in the world. Although Xing Yixiao's palm power is stronger than the wave, Chen Luo minimizes the defensive circle, and Yu Xiu's foundation bursts out the strongest defense.


"Huh?" Xing Yixiao felt confused. It was really not easy for this kid, a Jade Core Realm, to be able to maintain such a situation.

It seems that this child is too talented and must be eliminated today, otherwise once he grows up, he will have endless troubles.

Thinking of Xing Yixiao reaching out to grab it, there was a long sword in his hand. He was actually a master of swordsmanship.

"Thunder!" I saw Xing Yixiao swiping his two swords, and there was a faint sound of thunder. The sword force was mixed with thunder, and it was like a violent storm, splashing towards Chen Luo.

"I'm here to help you!" Shi Zhuo twisted his spear, saw the opportunity, and joined in.

"Hmph——" Xing Yixiao swiped his two swords, forcing Chen Luo back, and then slashed Shi Zhuo's spear with his palm.

A strong force was instantly transmitted from the gun to Shi Zhuo. Shi Zhuo's mouth went numb, blood burst out, and the spear in his hand was shaking.

"You all come together!" Xing Yixiao sneered, opening and closing the long sword widely, and Chen Luo couldn't breathe under the pressure.

"Here -" Xing Yixiao stabbed Chen Luo on the shoulder with his sword. Blood immediately flowed out. Although the Qiankun Sword had top-notch defense, it was still half a beat slower when it encountered Xing Yixiao, who was several levels higher.

"Brother Number One, keep your distance and don't engage in close combat!" Li Zhen could see clearly that once the two sides got closer, the suppression of the realm would become more obvious.

Chen Luo's body shape changed, and his phantom changes were brought to the extreme. If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If the enemy moves, I will move first, so I can predict the enemy first.

The situation became a little better. They no longer resisted head-on, but mainly relied on guerrilla tactics. With the blessing of the Phantom Thousand Changes, Chen Luo brought the shaky boat back to a stable state.

Xing Yixiao tried to catch him twice but failed to catch him. He also saw Chen Luo's intention and relied on his body skills to evade pursuit and delay the pursuit.


Xing Yixiao held the sword in his right hand and grabbed it with his left hand. The space was once again filled with the force of confinement. Chen Luo felt as if there was a thousand kilograms of weight tied to his body, and his movements instantly slowed down.

With his left hand restraining him and his right hand rushing to kill, Xing Yixiao was going to kill him. Of course, Chen Luo would not surrender. He fully mobilized the spiritual power of his Dantian Qihai and gritted his teeth to hold on.

The two men were fighting fiercely. Suddenly, the sky became dark and a flash of lightning flashed in the sky, followed by a burst of thunder, accompanied by the echo and roar of the mountains.

"A strange treasure has been born!" Li Zhen shouted!

Everyone was immediately attracted and saw a streak of light and shadow passing through the mountains, and a fiery red object moving quickly among the mountains.

It was only a few miles away from Xiaowanting where Chen Luo was fighting. In an instant, countless figures were seen running towards the light and shadow.

I have been waiting in the mountains for many days just for this moment. At this moment, I have to put down everything on hand to avoid missing the opportunity of this rare treasure.

Of course Xing Yixiao also saw it.

"Hmph, I'll spare your life for now! I'll take your life later!" After saying that, Xing Yixiao turned around and chased in the direction of the exotic treasure.

Chen Luo took a breath and turned on the Five Aggregates mode. He looked around and saw only spots of light in the mountains, running faster and smaller.

Behind the light spot, a group of shadowy figures are catching up.

It turns out that there are so many people hidden in this mountain. It seems that there are not a few people who covet the rare treasure.

Chen Luo took out a Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill and swallowed it. He quickly closed his eyes to heal his injuries. The state of suppression just now almost exhausted his physical strength. After swallowing the Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill, his body's injuries were recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Luo then found out the remaining few chalcedony pills and drank them all, and the jade soul rushed in. Chen Luo closed his eyes and adjusted himself for a while, and gradually recovered some of his physical strength. The energy in his Dantian began to flow again.

Become fuller.

Finally, Chen Luo took out Xing Yixiao's white jade, which was transformed into a snow wolf. Although the jade's external warmth had been restored, Chen Luo still felt a ferocious aura when he sensed it with his spiritual consciousness. This jade,

Following Xing Yixiao all year round, Yanran has become a piece of evil jade.

When there is an opportunity later, we must get rid of the evil spirit of this jade stone and try to tame this evil jade stone, so that we can continuously obtain the jade soul. Only by obtaining the jade soul can we obtain the jade soul pill.

As everyone left, the Xiaowan Pavilion returned to its usual quiet state. It was already late, so just in case, Yuan Zhengshan led everyone forward for several miles and set up camp on the side of an unknown mountain.

After experiencing this incident, everyone has obviously become more cautious. They no longer use open fires for cooking, and no longer make loud noises. Who knows what kind of terrifying existence is hidden in the mountains and forests. If provoked, no matter it is

Returning humans to beasts will cause unnecessary trouble.

After everyone was settled, Chen Luo took out another bionic mask and instantly transformed into a foreign youth with a high nose and yellow hair. Chen Luo explained to Shi Shanming and Yuan Zhengshan, and then chased the direction of the light spot of the exotic treasure alone.


Chen Luo unfolded his phantom-changing movements, and hurried on his way under the cover of the night.

After chasing for about half an hour, Chen Luo finally heard the shouts from ahead.

"Quick! Block him!"

"Quick, don't let him escape from the side!"

"Ah, I almost touched him!"

The people chasing him are all masters! Among them are masters like Xing Yixiao.

The sudden appearance of the exotic treasure on this southern slope really surprised many people. It also made many people who were waiting here feel ecstatic.

Chen Luo followed the shouts of the crowd and gradually approached the fiery red light spot. Three miles, two miles, one mile, gradually shortened to several hundred meters.

What is this? Chen Luo looked at it intently and saw this red light spot, which was extremely bright and bright, like a ball of fire. It seemed to be something spiritual wrapped in the fire, rolling and avoiding at the same time.

The crowd chasing after him.

"He's coming to us! Form a formation and surround him quickly, don't let him escape!" A masked old man observed and directed while the six people around him quickly formed a circle. Like a pocket formation, they headed towards

Just go for a ride.

The light spots erratically surged up and down in the woods, gradually approaching the masked old man's pocket array.

"Haha, I caught you!" A big man looked at the intruding light spot and shouted excitedly. At the same time, seven people each had a pocket and hooded their heads towards the light spot.

The masked old man made seals again and again, his hands constantly changing, intending to catch all the spots of light.


The red light point plunged into a pocket. It seemed to feel resistance.

"Haha - look where you run -"

The person holding the bag closed it and was about to plunge into it.


Black smoke billowed out from one side of the bag, and a red light burst out from the black smoke. A big hole was burned directly into the bag. The red light seemed to be angry, and it went straight towards the old man holding the bag.

"Ah——" The old man had no time to react, and was hit by a red dot. His clothes immediately caught fire, and his whole body burst into flames.

The red dot didn't stop at all, directly passed the old man and continued to move forward.

It came straight to Chen Luo. Chen Luo stretched out his hand to grab it, but suddenly the red dot jumped, circled in front of Chen Luo, and disappeared again.

This red dot seemed to be out for fun, and it was not because he was afraid of others that he ran away, Chen Luo analyzed in his mind.

However, just as he walked around, Chen Luo felt a strong sense of jade soul. This red dot was undoubtedly of jade attribute. Moreover, it was somewhat similar to the multicolored jade Chen Luo carried.

Sure enough, Chen Luo's guess was correct. The red dot seemed to have had enough fun. It flickered and blinked. Then it suddenly accelerated and climbed to the top of a mountain. Then it drew a red arc from the top of the mountain and jumped.

He entered the mountain stream and disappeared.

I'm kidding you! Everyone in the mountain seems to have been fooled. Even the old monsters who have been hiding in the mountain for a long time and the coveters of rare treasures from various sects have exposed themselves one after another.

Chen Luo himself did not expect that so many people would come to participate in this Kunlun rare treasure.

Chen Luo saw the red dot disappear and quietly returned along the original road.

A sleepless night.

Early the next morning, Yuan Zhengshan gathered everyone and told everyone about the next action strategy.

The next goal is to start from Xiaowan Pavilion and arrive at the Sanchakou. From the Sanchakou, you can meet up with the people who are going up the mountain from the east slope, and then march towards the Creation Hall, the highest peak on the top of the mountain.

After passing the Xiaowan Pavilion, it means that you have gone deep into the mountain and are very close to the top of the mountain. From here up, you enter the prime area for jade hunting. Everyone should pay attention to all abnormal signs around you. Maybe at some point, a

The big baby will jump in front of you.

Just like the red dot tonight, it seems to be an object with a strong fire attribute and a certain spirituality. This thing is very likely to be the legendary treasure of Kunlun that will be born.

Moreover, this strange treasure seems to have a habit of appearing in the evening and playing at night.

The last time the Black Jade Intermittent Paste was released, it was extremely valuable. This time, it is the New Year, and it is said that the value of the rare treasure that was released is far greater than the Black Jade Intermittent Paste.

Everyone packed their bags and followed Yuan Zhengshan, walking step by step along the mountain road and marching towards the top of the mountain.

While walking, look at the six directions and pay attention to the changes between the sky and the earth around you. The weather in Yusu Peak has become more and more abnormal. The higher you climb, the more obvious it becomes. Sometimes the sky is clear and sometimes it is cloudy and foggy.

Sometimes it's cloudy, sometimes there's thunder and lightning, and there's heavy rain.

As the altitude increases, the temperature has dropped a lot. Looking up, the snow line is right in front of us. Shishan Ming took out things to keep out the cold and distributed them to everyone.

The people from the God and Demon Sect no longer knew where they were hiding, and even the people who came out to chase this rare treasure at night had disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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