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Chapter 161: The Bottleneck of the Jade Infant Realm

It's not over yet! As the Gungun Jade Soul continues to deepen, Chen Luo's Dantian Qi sea is quickly rebuilt. The height, depth, and thickness are all constantly strengthening, and the space in the body has expanded more than ten times.

The rolling jade soul swept over. The new space in the body was also open to all comers. For this pure and hot jade soul, he accepted it all. This lasted for another quarter of an hour, and the sea of ​​qi in the Dantian in his body was almost full. Chen Luoting

Performed the refining action.

If you don't stop, your body will be scorched!

The intermediate level of Jade Base has advanced to the high level of Jade Pill Realm. Yesterday, Chen Luo's four jade pillars in the Refining and Creation Hall allowed him to break through to the middle level of Jade Pill Realm in one fell swoop. His strength has greatly increased. It has only been one day, and now,

This is the high level of Jade Pill Realm again.

If Li Zhen were here, I'm afraid she would be surprised by Chen Luo's perverted jade cultivator characteristics.

Chen Luo stood up and tried it. There was a faint roar of dragons and tigers in his movements. This improvement in strength was obvious. There was an indescribable comfort in his whole body, as if he wanted to find someone to fight. At this time,

If you were to challenge any one of the three Yin Luo elders, they wouldn't lose easily.

Jade cultivators are born with the ability to cultivate both soul and body. With the continuous refining of Gungun's jade soul, Chen Luo's soul and body have been greatly strengthened.

Chen Luo swallowed a Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill, closed his eyes for a moment and allowed his hot body to cool down a little, then took a long breath and started the second round of refining.

With the experience of the first round, the second round can be described as overwhelming. After a while, Chen Luo's body reacted again.

"Boom! Boom!" The energy in Dantian began to overflow.

"Gu! Gu!" The Dantian Qi sea was filled, compressed, and compressed again.

"Crack——" The Dantian Qi sea shattered again.

Advancement again! Chen Luo rushed from the high level of Jade Pill to the peak of Jade Pill Realm in one fell swoop. The feeling of advancement was unparalleled. The space of Dantian Qi Sea expanded ten times again, and there was actually a layer of white surrounding him.

The halo lingers in front, back, left, and right, becoming unfathomable.

At this moment, another piece of the jade liquid in the jade pond was missing.

At this stage, Chen Luo clearly felt that the Dantian Qi sea in his body had become thinner again, but strangely, the speed at which the jade soul flowed in actually slowed down, as if it had reached some bottleneck.

Chen Luo stopped refining again, swallowed a Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill, and waited for the sea of ​​Qi in his Dantian to gradually cool down.

Chen Luo took a look at his body and felt that his body had undergone obvious changes. It could even be said that he had been completely transformed. In appearance, his entire body looked more upright and elegant, and his whole body exuded a different kind of light.

Internally, the changes are even greater. The body seems to have become a huge furnace. In the furnace, with the Dantian Qi sea as the core, reaching all directions, the meridians, bones, and the whole body exude the aura of jade, which is strong and agile.

Within the Dantian Qi Sea, a looming white ball is firmly stationed in it, refining the Jade Pill. This is the pinnacle of the Jade Pill realm, which means that the Jade Pill realm has been completed.

With the existence of this jade pill, this is the jade pill realm in the true sense.

Currently, the aura of Chen Luo Dantian Qi Hai is composed of five colors, namely yellow, red, black, white, and cyan.

Among them, white spiritual energy accounts for the largest proportion, accounting for almost the majority of the proportion. There is no doubt that white spiritual energy is refined from Kunlun white jade. Since Chen Luo's promotion, the most refined white jade has been


The second most abundant thing is the black spiritual energy. This black spiritual energy is refined from jadeite from South Vietnam. When jadeite becomes too dense to be dissolved, it turns into black jade.

Again, the third most abundant one is the cyan aura formed by refining Tai Qing Jade. This is due to the countless top quality Tai Qing Jade raw stones that Tian Wuji contributed during the Jade Execution Competition, so that a cyan aura belt was formed in the body.

The fourth most abundant one is the agate jade with fire attribute. The aura refined by this agate jade appears in yellow, yellow and red, which are colorful colors. Although there are not many, but lingering in it, the entire Dantian Qi sea is colorful and truly stunning.


Finally, there is the red spiritual energy refined from the Millennium Cold Jade in the Arctic. The red spiritual energy is the least, but it is also relatively light. Together with the yellow color, it is like a colorful ribbon floating above the Dantian Qi sea.

Chen Luo remembered what was recorded in the "Jade Scripture" before. This level of jade cultivator can be reached by refining jade of one attribute before the peak of the Jade Pill Realm. But after the Jade Pill Realm, if you break through to the next level,

, you need at least two types of jade with different properties.

For example, Chen Luo has now reached the peak of the Jade Pill Realm. In the early stage, he can basically rely on the Kunlun White Jade to reach it. Now Chen Luo mainly refines Kunlun White Jade. But if he wants to break through to the Jade Infant Realm, then

At least two kinds of jade must be refined, and the number of these two jade souls must reach a certain level at the same time before it can be successful.

This is also the reason why Chen Luo stopped, because he has reached the bottleneck of cultivation. At the peak of the Jade Pill Realm, the next goal is the Jade Infant Realm, which corresponds to the Yuanying Realm of traditional cultivation. The difficulty of this jade cultivation, except for the Dantian Qihai

The capacity is getting bigger and bigger, and the density is getting bigger and bigger. In addition, it also needs to be compatible and absorb and refine a variety of jade. Jade is divided into five poles, corresponding to the Western Wilderness, the King of Nanyue, Dongtai, the North Pole, and the Middle Kingdom.

There are five major jade producing areas in Kunlun. As a jade cultivator, I must use all kinds of jade for my use, so that I can gradually produce colorful auras.

Colorful sacred jade is the lifelong pursuit of every jade cultivator.

Chen Luo looked inside his body and found that in addition to being filled with white aura, the second most abundant aura was black aura.

Why is there so much black spiritual energy? It stands to reason that since his debut, he has not refined much jadeite!

Chen Luo thought hard and found that the thing that has helped him the most since he started cultivating is white jade, and the second most helpful thing is Taibai Puree.

Could it be that what is refined from this Taibai puree is jade soul with jade properties? Thinking of this, Chen Luo took out the Tongtian jasper gourd. This gourd was full of jade, and was undoubtedly made of the best jadeite. And this Taibai puree, before

When I was refining it, the color of the aura produced was white. Who knew that the nature of this jade gourd would actually change.

Jasper gourd also has this unique effect, which can actually transform the contents inside.

Chen Luo couldn't help but feel overjoyed. If he used the raw wine from the jade gourd and the "jelly liquid" smelted from the white jade in the pool, he should be able to break through to the Yuying realm or even a higher realm.

Just do it.

Chen Luo pulled out the gourd stopper and took a sip. This time, Chen Luo was not polite. As his cultivation realm advanced to three small realms in succession, all aspects of Chen Luo's body were greatly strengthened, so he also

There is no need to refine it drop by drop anymore.

As soon as the Taibai puree entered his stomach, Chen Luo's body immediately felt another kind of feeling. This time, there was no such violent impact as in the past, and the feeling of almost exploding. The wine entered his intestines, and his mouth was full of spicy food, and it went down his throat.

It flowed into the abdomen, then spread throughout the limbs and bones, and finally gathered in the Dantian Qi sea. The Dantian Qi sea immediately began to rise rapidly, and at the same time, there was an additional layer of black spiritual energy above it.

Chen Luo also felt strange about his body's reaction. He was also drinking alcohol. The last time he almost exploded, but this time it was normal. Why is there such a big difference?

What Chen Luo didn't expect was that by refining the liquid jade with extremely strong fire properties, Chen Luo's body had been greatly strengthened, and his body was now able to control such violent and burning things.

So this seemingly violent Taibai puree did not do anything extraordinary this time.

Seeing the pure liquid in his body gradually transforming into the black spiritual energy in his body, enriching the Dantian Qi sea in his body, Chen Luo took another sip without hesitation. Hundreds of rivers returned to the east, and Chen Luo instantly felt a floating feeling in his mind.

An ecstatic feeling.

As the third mouthful of pure liquid was poured into his belly, Chen Luo made a pop and fell to the ground on his back.

I'm so drunk that I'm about to go to sleep. I'm planning to bring Qin to you tomorrow. With the aftertaste of the wine, Chen Luo fell into sleep, letting the power of the wine flow naturally throughout his body, and finally gathered in the sea of ​​Qi in his Dantian.

In the dream, I seemed to see an immortal, singing and drinking, singing or writing poems.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Luo opened his hazy eyes, and with the faint light in the cave, he turned his stiff and painful limbs, raised his head, and looked around. Everything was the same as before. He just had a meeting with Zhou.

A meeting.

Chen Luo sat up cross-legged and checked the sea of ​​dantian qi in his body. Among the floating blue waves, there were more and more black parts. At this time, the entire sea of ​​dantian qi had been filled and began to develop in density. With the spiritual energy

With the continuous influx of people, the density is getting bigger and bigger.

The jade soul of the white Kunlun jade seems to be saturated and cannot be absorbed anymore, but the black jade soul extracted from the jasper gourd puree wine is absorbed very smoothly. As expected, you cannot rely on just one kind of jade for refining.


Through practice, Chen Luo saw hope, grabbed the jade gourd, and took another sip. The power of the wine mixed with the power of the jade soul, once again rushed towards the sea of ​​​​dantian, transforming into streams of black spiritual power.

Persevere, persevere.

When Chen Luo drank several mouthfuls of Taibai puree in succession and was about to get drunk, Chen Luo felt obvious changes in his body. The sea of ​​Qi in his Dantian became denser than ever before, and the Jade Pill in it also floated above the sea of ​​Qi in his Dantian.

Be radiant.

At this time, the black and white spiritual power merged together in the Dantian Qi sea, drawing an S-shaped Tai Chi line, squeezing the other colors of spiritual power to the outer edge, and the entire Dantian Qi sea looked changed.

It became a big Tai Chi.

Black and white, black and white, black and white distinct.

It was time to break through. Chen Luo took a short nap, drank the last sip of the puree, returned to unity, and guarded his Dantian.

This sudden superposition of rolling spiritual power became the last straw to break through the realm.

This chapter has been completed!
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