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Chapter 180 Tomb Road Labyrinth


Chen Luo moved forward and possessed himself to the entrance of the cave. The Five Aggregates mode was turned on. When he sensed it, the sound of footsteps could be faintly heard from a distance of three feet below. Moreover, at the entrance of the cave, a faint cold wind blew up, and the airflow inside did not seem to be completely closed.

There is no such rotten smell.

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"Elder Qian, Brother Lou Yun, it should be safe in front, let's go down!" Chen Luo clapped his hands and said.

Everyone took out their self-defense tools.

Four people were left above Ruili Tower to take care of them, and the remaining ten people followed Elder Qian, Lou Yun, and Chen Luo and jumped down into the tomb cave one after another.

The temperature inside the cave suddenly dropped by ten degrees, and Chen Luo couldn't help but shudder.

"It's so cold, Brother Zhuangyuan!" Li Zhen couldn't help but hugged her body.

Fortunately, this was all prepared. Elder Qian took out the warm clothes he had reserved and handed them to everyone. The situation improved instantly. Lou Yun lit the fire fold in front, and then everyone started to move along the tomb passage.

Chen Luo used the light to carefully observe the walls of the tomb passage. This tomb passage was not entirely artificially dug, but was partially natural and partially processed. Probably when the Nanyue King built the tomb, he relied on the favorable terrain in the mountains and the acquired effects.

Made from processing.

When entering the tomb passage for the first time, it is extremely wide and forms a gentle slope extending downward. Everyone moves forward along the tomb passage.

After walking a few hundred meters, they saw a hall, which was about several feet wide and more than ten meters high. In this underground palace, it looked spectacular. Everyone stopped and took a look. The stone walls of the hall were smooth and unusually solid. They encountered someone in front of them and came down first.

People like Wu Qingfeng, Huang Gongzi and others also came here and had no way out.

Wu Qingfeng took out a sharp weapon and poked at the wall. Everyone followed suit. Sparks flew everywhere in the hall and the walls were dug into holes. However, it remained as quiet as before and there was no change.

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"Let me do it!" A strong man took out a hammer and swung it towards the wall.

"Crack!" With a loud noise, the hammer bounced back, leaving only a few stone chips missing from the wall. The strong man was shocked and fell to the ground.

The stone walls of the hall remained unchanged.

"Don't come here rashly, there must be a mystery here!" Elder Qian reminded.

"Everyone, just wait patiently!" Wu Qingfeng is also a man who has seen the world and knows that brute force may not be enough to solve this problem.

Chen Luo found a quiet place and stopped paying attention to everyone's comments and questions. Instead, he put his ear against the stone wall and listened carefully.

Behind the stone wall, there was a subtle clicking sound. Everyone followed suit and put their ears against the stone wall, but not everyone's hearing was as sensitive as Chen Luo.

"Brother No. 1 Scholar, what did you hear?" Li Zhen asked.

"I heard something turning! And then there was a clicking sound!"

"What's that sound?"

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"I don't know yet!" Chen Luo closed his eyes, feeling and meditating. Suddenly, Chen Luo opened his eyes, "Elder Qian, Brother Lou Yun, what time was it when we came in?"

"It was past midnight when I came in, and I've been in there for about half an hour now. I guess it's almost a quarter past noon." Lou Yun said while analyzing.

"I feel that this clicking sound is like the sound of a timing device. It starts over and over again, and the cycle continues!"

The sun is at its strongest at noon, which is the turning point of the day. Chen Luo listened to the sounds and felt the changes.

"Almost!" Chen Luo heard something unusual in his voice. Perhaps, when the sun reaches its peak at noon every day, things will turn around.

There was a rustling sound in the hall! And the sound got louder and louder.

"Why do I feel like the ground is moving!" someone shouted in horror.

"Look, the wall is moving too!" Someone with a keen eye saw the dent in the wall.

The wall that had remained motionless despite being hacked, axed, chiselled and hammered just now was actually dented.

Then the sunken part moved left and right, and nine dark holes appeared in the huge hall.

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Everyone stood blankly on the spot. There were nine cave entrances in total. Each of them was bottomless. They were both real and fake, virtual and real. Which one seemed to be the real one?

"There's nothing to hesitate about. It's better to have a road than no road at all!" Wu Qingfeng said. The thin old man next to him stretched out his hand to calculate, and then whispered to Wu Qingfeng.

"Everyone, you can follow me, or you can find a way by yourself! I'll take my leave now!" He said and walked into the sixth entrance with the two old men, tall and short.

"Master Wu, wait for us! A few casual cultivators rushed forward and chose to follow Mr. Wu to continue the adventure."

"I, the Dongyue Huang family, a dignified Xuanhuang family, disdain to be in the same room with you!" Mr. Huang gently shook his folding fan and stepped into the seventh entrance together with the strong man accompanying him.

Following into the seventh entrance was a team of gold-touching captains.

Most of the remaining people stayed and watched the actions of Ruili Tower. Ruili Tower had a large number of people. Lou Yun also said just now that everyone should help each other in the tomb, so they followed the people in Ruili Tower and encountered problems.

You can also help.

Chen Luo sensed that there was no difference between these nine gates. It seemed that except for the different positions, everything else was the same void and empty.

"Elder Qian, let's go down too!" Chen Luo said, taking out the Jade Mark Powder, marking it, and walked in through the first door. Some local sects, including Captain Mo Jin, chose to follow Ruili

Walk upstairs.

The rest of the people, according to their own opinions, enter from the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and so on. According to the current situation, it is normal to obtain the rare treasures any way, but to die any way.

This is also normal.

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All risks are unknown. Chen Luo also knows that according to the complexity of this secret tomb, this time is far from the time to rely on luck.

"Everyone, be careful, follow closely, and don't fall too far behind." Elder Qian nodded and ordered. Then he arranged for the people behind Lei Ming Hall to move forward cautiously along the corridor.

Chen Luo clearly felt that the road ahead was getting narrower and narrower, and it was gradually getting lower and lower, forming a giant spiral shape as a whole.

After walking a few hundred meters in this way, the ground began to become a little damp, indicating that the terrain was getting lower and lower. As they turned a corner, everyone's eyes lit up, and there was another row of stone gates.

This time there were eight stone gates, and in front of each stone gate was a stone-carved monster.

"This is the formation of the Bagua Diagram!" a Feng Shui master from Ruili Tower exclaimed. This is the Qian position, this is the Dui position, this is the Li position, followed by Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, and finally Kun position.

Chen Luo frowned. When he was a child, he heard the old blind man's grandfather talk about the Bagua chart. The Bagua chart is the introductory knowledge of divination and fortune telling.

Among the eight trigrams, they correspond to Qian Tian, ​​Kun Tu, Li Huo, and Kan Shui.

Which door should I take? Chen Luo carefully looked at the stone beast in front of each door. This stone beast should be the switch that opens the stone door.

However, each of these doors has its corresponding crisis trap. Each door is now an extremely quiet existence, and this danger is often brewing in this silence.

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"Elder Qian, Lou Yun, I want to enter from this door!" Chen Luo said and pointed to the "Li" door.

"Why?" Lou Yun asked.

"According to the Eight Diagrams Li Huo Kan Shui, there should be a fire-attributed mechanism inside Li Men!"

"According to this logic, Qiantian, Kuntu, Lihuo, Kanshui, Zhenmu, Duize, Genshan, Xunfeng. Can we easily guess the mechanisms with other attributes?" Lou Yun analyzed.

"Yes, this is all based on common sense! But do you think that the person who built the cemetery will act according to common sense!"

"Perhaps on a whim, he might engage in counter-gossip or disrupt the order."

No matter what, it is not easy to create a Bagua map in this underground place, and Chen Luo has a hunch that the owner of the tomb will not waste every mechanism here.

If the first level was to lure the enemy deeper, then this level is probably where the killing starts.

Since learning the fire-bending technique at Yusu Peak, Chen Luo has never practiced it properly. Is there really fire inside the "Li" door in front of him?

Chen Luo told everyone to hide in a safe area at the door, while he stood up and moved forward, coming to the stone beast at the door. He stretched out his hand to hold the beast's head and twisted it hard.

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There was a clicking sound.

The stone door slowly opened! A gust of cold wind came from inside the stone door. Chen Luo held a black jade blunt sword in his hand and defended himself while looking inside. The stone door was so dark that he couldn't see clearly.

Chen Luo took out the luminous pearl from the storage ring, and the surrounding area suddenly became a lot brighter. Just like that, Chen Luo held the sword in one hand and the luminous pearl in the other, and stepped into the "Li" door!

It was also quiet inside the door, nothing happened!

Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief. There was no mechanism in this door? It seemed that he was overthinking it.

Immediately, Chen Luo waved to everyone to follow. Elder Qian and Lou Yun led everyone to catch up, and more than a dozen people squeezed into the corridor away from the door.

It turned out to be a false alarm. "Brother Zhuangyuan, I don't think this tomb passage is scary. Is it because it has been in disrepair and the mechanisms are broken?" Li Zhen said carelessly.

Chen Luo shook his head!

"I'm afraid things are not that simple. It's better for everyone to be careful!"

"If all the mechanisms are broken, then this stone door should not be able to be opened!" Lou Yun analyzed.

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Suddenly, there was a slight noise behind them, and everyone turned their heads to look. The door they came from had been slowly closed at some point!

"It's broken! Our way has been cut off!" Someone shouted in fear.

"Don't panic, everyone, this is something you will have to face sooner or later! Let's look for an exit as soon as possible!" Elder Qian consoled him.

"Look, what is that?" Someone pointed at a place on the wall and shouted, and everyone moved forward.

"It's water! This secret room is going to be filled with water!"

Chen Luo stepped forward and took a closer look! He saw a gap in the rock wall, and a steady stream of mountain water was pouring into it.

It is indeed an anti-gossip form!

However, in this closed corridor, as the water flow continues to increase, the water level gradually rises to the roof, wouldn't everyone be drowned? Even if they are not drowned, this cold mountain water will freeze people to death!

Chen Luo thought quickly in his mind!




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