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Chapter 182 Shanze is ventilated and shakes out of the east

Chen Luo shook his head, "I don't know completely, I can only make a guess. If this is a cemetery designed with reference to the Eight Diagrams diagram, then according to the "Qiantian, Kundi, Lihuo, Kanshui, Zhenmu, Dui" "Ze, Genshan, Xunfeng" this Bagua plan, Lihuo and Kanshui are already in place!"

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"If you want to produce one next step, then one should be produced from the remaining six."

"Which one could it be?" Everyone couldn't help but wonder, and Li Zhen was also scratching her head.

"Stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly!" Everyone came to Chen Luo one after another and watched eagerly to see what Chen Luo was saying.

"I think the owner of this tomb must have been so arrogant during his lifetime that the space under the tomb he built not only had small calculations, but also used Fuxi Bagua to lay out the formation in a completely grand manner."

"And it uses the anti-bagua! When fire comes out, water comes out. If one of the remaining ones comes out next, then you can guess the other one!"

"So let's see what happens next! Is it Tianchi Shanfeng or Kizawa?"

Fuxi Bagua was invented by Fuxi in ancient times, and was discovered and applied during the Emperor Wen's period. It has been used to this day. Anyone who knows a little bit about Feng Shui and Bagua knows it by heart, so Chen Luo is no stranger to it.

"I estimate that the next mechanism should be one of the following six." Chen Luo then analyzed.

"Qiantian, Kundi, Zhenmu, Duize, Genshan, Xunfeng!" Shen Luo said while everyone listened carefully and compared these corresponding relationships.

"The most urgent task is to find the entrance to the next level first." Elder Qian said calmly and with rich experience.

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"That's right!" Chen Luo walked toward the pitch-black rock that was scorched by the fire, preparing to find the next exit.

Not every connection is at the end of the corridor. After some hard work, everyone found an unusual stone slab at the bottom of one side of the corridor.

Because the bottom of this stone slab is obviously wet. The rock water that just poured down from the upstream has penetrated here unknowingly, flowing in gurgling along the gaps in the stone slab. If nothing else, the place where the gurgling water flows should be Next section of the tomb passage.

Chen Luo took out his ax and got ready to do something.

"Let me do it this time!" Li Zhen rolled up her sleeves, took a step forward, and took the ax from Chen Luo's hand.


When the ax went down, a piece of the stone slab was chipped away. When the ax scraped against the stone slab, sparks flew everywhere.

"What's going on? Why isn't it as smooth as before?" Li Zhen was confused!

"Brother, you can't rely on brute force, you still need the support of realm!" Elder Qian said with a smile, "Brother Chen Luo's realm makes me admire him! Only with the blessing of divine power can he lift his weight with ease!"

"Divine blessing?"

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"Yes, you must have enough strength to achieve a smooth and smooth cut!"

"It takes strength to support a heavy weight!" Li Zhen instantly understood why Chen Luo could do so easily. When it comes to realm, compared to Chen Luo, Li Zhen felt inferior. With his own cultivation qualifications, how could he Compared to a pervert who defies heaven!

Chen Luo took the axe, "I'll do it!"

Chen Luo shouted, and the sea of ​​Qi in his Dantian was rolling. The real Qi was poured into his arm. With a pop of the ax, it was like cutting melons and vegetables. The giant granite was cut into two pieces with a muffled pop.

Everyone stepped forward together and moved the boulder away, revealing a similar black hole underneath. They also used an ax to enlarge the black hole so that it could accommodate one person.

This time, no one entered rashly. Everyone learned from experience and lessons, stood on this side and looked inside carefully.

Lou Yun lit a fire stick and threw it in. The fire stick landed in the center and continued to burn, illuminating the surrounding area.

The ground is surrounded by dark brown ground, and nothing unusual can be seen. There is no such weird smell flowing in the air, and everything looks so normal.

The water flowing in from the previous tunnel slowly penetrates into the ground from high to low.

"I think your courage has been shattered!" Lei Ming took a look inside and laughed loudly!

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"The water is flooded and the fire is burning. I don't believe they can do anything else! I'll go in first and explore the way for you!" As he said this, Lei Ming stepped out and walked in.

"Look, I said it's okay!" Lei Ming stood in the middle of the corridor and took two steps!

"Look, Lei Ming seems to be sinking!"

Lei Ming looked down and saw that his feet had sunk deeply into it, and his whole body was slowly sinking into it.

Lei Ming's expression changed greatly, and he immediately pushed hard, trying to pull his foot out. Unexpectedly, the yellow mud seemed to be stained with glue. The more he struggled, the deeper it sank in, and soon it reached his knees and reached his thighs.


"Stop struggling, get down quickly!" Elder Qian quickly commanded. He was stuck deep in the mud. The way to save himself is not to struggle, but to flatten his body and try to expand the area in contact with the mud to slow down the process.

sinking speed, waiting for rescue.

Lei Ming also reacted quickly, stopped struggling instantly, and lay down in the direction of the sinking. His whole body was like a big character, floating on the quagmire.

The speed of the body's fall was indeed reduced a lot. Chen Luo and others quickly found the rescue rope, fastened the buckle, and threw it directly. The rope happened to fall on Lei Ming's body.

"Grab the rope!" Lou Yun directed Lei Ming to cooperate while preparing to pull Lei Ming out of the quagmire with everyone!

Lei Ming was also a member of the martial arts world. He quickly regained his composure, reached out and grabbed the rescue rope thrown over him, and put it on himself.

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"One, two, three -" Everyone worked together to slowly pull Lei Ming out of the muddy pond.

Elder Qian walked over, squatted on the ground, grabbed a handful of soil, put it on the ground and smelled it. Sure enough, it was "Huanglong soil"! This kind of soil dissolves quickly when exposed to water and is very sticky. It is a kind of soil that is extremely easy to sink into.

Huanglong jade is usually better, but once it is filled with water, it will expand and soften quickly, so that the entire space will become a big trap for people. This is not uncommon in cemeteries in South Vietnam.

It’s just that the design of the water injection is really clever, just a section of the tomb passage, the timing, coordination, and perfect. The water flows down from the upper reaches without any bias, and just pours into this place. Once the landscape and Huanglong mud are combined, there is a beginning.


Lei Ming was dragged out covered in mud, with a look of embarrassment and no longer the arrogance he had just now.

This yellow dragon mud seems to be silent, but in fact it is very harmful. If a lone person accidentally falls into it, it will be difficult to struggle out. In the end, it may turn into a pile of bones and be buried in the mud forever.

"Bring in the ingredients!" Elder Qian ordered. A helmsman took out a storage ring and began to move things out one by one.

Chen Luo took a look and found that part of it was grass ash and part was lime powder!

"This lime powder plus grass ash will quickly agglomerate when it encounters this yellow mud soup!" Lou Yun explained that Ruili Lou had also explored other ancient tombs in South Vietnam before and knew that there was such a method to prevent theft, so

Responded in advance.

Sure enough, with more people and greater strength, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

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As layers of lime and grass ash were sprinkled into the yellow mud soup, a rapid reaction occurred, and the originally soft and sinking mud began to solidify into lumps.

After waiting for a while, Elder Qian observed, "This hardness is almost the same!"

Lou Yun took the lead and stepped onto the solidified open space. This third level was passed without any danger.

First attack with water, then attack with fire, and then use the flowing water to create a swamp. This is a good plan.

This swamp should correspond to "Dui" Ze, and the so-called Ze means swamp.

After the swamp, where does it lead? With the "Dui" Ze, according to the Anti-Bagua, there should naturally be the "Zhen" Wood. The mountains and marshes are ventilated and the east is shaken.

This underground winding tunnel can no longer be distinguished from east to west, north to south. It is still the old method, everyone works separately, looking for the same stone slab.

Sure enough, an abnormality was discovered under the rock wall on one side. With his previous experience, Chen Luo swung his ax and carved a hole in the wall in a few strokes.

Chen Luo slowly leaned in and looked inside. This was another independent corridor. Similar to the previous section of corridor, this section of corridor was also empty, with nothing on the ground. But experience tells everyone that there must be something inside.


Chen Luo decided to try it himself. He also had the ability to change the body of the phantom, and he could save himself if necessary.

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After thinking about it, Chen Luo cleaned up, grabbed Ye Mingzhu in one hand and a small ax in the other, and stepped into the next corridor.

One step - two steps - three steps -

There is nothing strange! Is this different from what he imagined? Chen Luo looked around. The entire tomb was dark on all sides and could not see anything unusual.

"Haha, there are no more traps at last!" Li Zhen laughed. The craftsman who built the tomb may have cut corners! As he said this, Li Zhen also raised his legs and entered the tomb chamber.

Lou Yun led everyone to prepare to enter.

"Stop!" Chen Luo shouted, his sixth sense telling him that things were not that simple. A dangerous signal always lingered in his mind. Chen Luo thought hard and couldn't figure it out.

"Xiao Zhenzhen, you go out first!" Chen Luo drove Li Zhen out of the corridor, stretched out his hand to support the wall, and sensed the stones one by one. The size of each stone suddenly came to his mind.

Found it! On a side stone wall, Chen Luo found something strange. This should be the wall leading to the next tomb chamber.

Chen Luo took out his ax and prepared to do the same thing and dig out another hole.

"Wait!" Elder Qian said, "Brother Chen Luo, you hold this rope, we will respond outside. If anything goes wrong, we will quickly pull you back!" This is a just-in-case operation.


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Chen Luo nodded, concentrated on holding the luminous pearl in his mouth to illuminate it, then grabbed the rope with one hand and an ax with the other, and chopped it down.

Once, twice, three times——

There was a click, as if something was being pulled, and a strange sound came from the top of the corridor, as if there was a cracking sound. Chen Luo reacted quickly, grabbed the rope, and used his strength to flash back to the entrance.

Suddenly, the wall above seemed to lose control, and several logs crashed down with a rumble. Each log weighed more than a thousand kilograms. The logs rolled down and filled the corridor space in an instant.

Chen Luo and everyone else couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. If everyone had crowded here just now, once the log came down, there would be no escape, and the ending would definitely be a tragic story.




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