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Chapter 207: Qiaowu Mine

The people from Yihua Palace are here too, Ouyang Jie?

Chen Luo turned around and looked around, but he didn't see any old acquaintance, but he saw a young man with a delicate figure and a handsome face, sitting at a table next to him, eating and listening to everyone's discussion!

Chen Luo looked around and saw at a glance that this person was a woman disguised as a man! There was a feeling of déjà vu. Unsurprisingly, this was the female disciple of Yihua Palace, because the smell of this woman was the same as that of Ouyang Jie. 1


Why did the people from Yihua Palace appear here? Could it be that Yihua Palace had any actions here? Chen Luo had doubts in his mind.

This female disciple ate and drank by herself, took out her money, ordered some food, packed it up, and hurriedly took her away. From the looks of it, Yihua Palace was not alone this time, and she probably had accomplices.

Chen Luo motioned for 1 to go downstairs, and he got up and followed quietly. This Yihua Palace does not follow the rules, and there might be some tricks behind the scenes.

The town of Anning is not big. Chen Luo followed the woman from a distance and walked to a single-family house next to the town. Before entering the house, the woman looked back four times warily. Fortunately, Chen Luo was vigilant and had already

Taking advantage of the darkness, I ducked aside in advance.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Chen Luo quietly walked around to the back of the house, held his breath, hid himself, turned on the 5 Yun mode, listened carefully, and heard a burst of voices coming from the house, which reached his ears clearly.

"For the record, Palace Master, the meal has arrived. Please be careful along the way so that no one sees it!" said the woman from Yihua Palace, handing over the food box.

"Okay, put it down, you go to the door and be on guard!" came the voice of a middle-aged man, probably Ouyang Ye, the master of Yihua Palace.

"Ha ha--"

Then another familiar and hoarse voice came, and Chen Luo frowned.

"Palace Master Ouyang, please come here in person, thank you for taking the trouble! When we swallow this Ruili Tower, I, Wu Zhan'ao, will definitely thank you Palace Master Ouyang."

Wu Zhan'ao! Chen Luo was excited. This kid ran away last time and came to hide here. As expected, the Wu family in Xishu is plotting the business of Ruili Building. Moreover, they have also united with people from Yihua Palace.

"Master Wu, you're welcome. When our two families join forces, we each get what we need and satisfy each other. But I'm a little bit confused. With Master Wu's skills, in this land of Lingnan, is there anyone I can hurt you with?"

"Is it the old guy Lin Jiu who hurt you?"

Wu Zhan'ao shook his head, "On the contrary, he is a young man! This person is not very old, but his cultivation level is extremely high and his progress is rapid. If we let this person grow up over time, it will be the end of you and me!"

"Whose genius is so outstanding?" Palace Master Ouyang asked.

"According to inquiries, we learned that this young man is the new top scholar in the Jade Jade Competition, the Jade Master of the Western Regions, who won 3 yuan in a row!" Wu Zhan'ao said.

"It's him! It really took no effort at all!" Palace Master Ouyang said in surprise.

"Does Palace Master Ouyang know this person?"

"This person not only injured my son, but also made things difficult for the Ximen Mansion in Hetian City many times, making the Lord Ximen lose face. It is really hateful! Mrs. Ximen has sent messages many times, asking us to pay attention to this person and avenge her!"

"Furthermore, he has ruined my move to the Flower Palace many times since the Jade Jade Competition. I originally wanted to get rid of it and then hurry up!"

Palace Master Ouyang was gnashing his teeth as he spoke. Chen Luo could hear the sound of gnashing his teeth from behind the house. The wind blowing beside Mrs. Ximen's pillow was so violent that it was really unimaginable.

"Hahaha——" Wu Zhan'ao burst out with a hoarse weird laugh, "That's great, this is our common enemy, we work together, we will get rid of it first and then quickly!"

"Master Wu, do you have any good ideas? This kid can even injure you. I'm afraid it's not safe to rely on just the strength of you and me!" Ouyang Ye said.

"As far as I know, this guy is going to the Pagan Jade Factory. By then, we..." Wu Zhan'ao's voice became lower and lower as he spoke.

"Haha, what a great idea, just do what the head of the Wu family said, and we'll prepare separately!" Ouyang Ye was also overjoyed. This opportunity came without any effort.


Chen Luo heard clearly from outside. He never thought that there was such a conspiracy between Yihua Palace and the Wu family in Xishu.

As for the details of the two men's conspiracy, it is unclear.

Unknowingly, I and Ruililou have become each other's prey. I am in the open and the other is in the dark. It is impossible to guard against them!

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Chen Luo returned to the inn quietly without saying anything. This is a game of cat and mouse, who is more patient, and the result will show who is the mouse and who is the cat.

Back at the inn, Chen Luo checked and took inventory of his equipment, plus the various hidden props he had robbed from Yusu Peak and Tiemenguan last time, such as lime powder, Mongolian sweat medicine, Sui Feng San, and other items.

The Ice Soul Divine Jade from the Tang Sect in Kunyu Mountain, these things can help you at critical moments.

Of course, the most important thing is to rely on your own strength, the Thousand Transformations of Phantoms, and the Qiankun Sword, you rely on it to save your life! There are also two 7-color true fires. Although I don’t know what to arrange for the moment, they are still one

important reliance.

In addition, he also has three important helpers, Lou Yun and Lei Ming who are familiar with the terrain, and Li Zhen also has a smart mind who can help him refine elixirs and come up with ideas.

It is not yet known who will win.

Early on the next day, Chen Luo and others set off from the inn and headed towards the Pagan Jade Field. Because they knew the Wu family's plan, Chen Luo always felt that there was a pair of eyes on this road that was always staring at him.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Chen Luo did not tell Li Zhen, Lou Yun and Lei Ming.

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Pagan Jade Farm has a long history and is located in the middle reaches of the Wulu River. It is a long strip area covering an area of ​​300 kilometers. In this area, there are dozens of large and small mines. These

Some of the mines are open-air, while others are mine tunnels that extend into the underground space.

There are several markets at the outskirts of the mine, which are used to receive merchants who come to purchase. Because production has been declining recently, there are not many merchants who come to purchase jade.

"Brother Chen Luo, not far ahead is the location of the first mine, "Qiaowu Mine", which is mainly made of alluvial sand deposits."

“What is alluvial placer?”

"The so-called alluvial placer is when the jade ore is weathered and broken, forming massive jade gravels. These jade gravels are washed together by water, and over time alluvial placer deposits are formed."

"Oh, this is similar to the jade from Kunlun Mountain," Chen Luo said in comparison.

"Yes, although the ores from this alluvial sand mine are not large in size, they are of good quality and have thin shells. Many of the jades produced are round, transparent, and verdant, and are deeply loved by jade collectors."

Warning posts will be set up in each mine at Pagan Jade Farm to ensure that no outsiders get in.

The person responsible for the security of the Pagan Jade Farm is the person from the Xiling Branch of Ruililou. One of the most important missions of the Xiling Branch is to ensure the safe production and stable operation of thousands of miners at this jade farm.

"Brother Lou Yun, should we say hello to the elder in charge first?" Chen Luo asked.

"No, the elders in charge usually don't guard the mines. I have a jade badge from the Chamber of Commerce. You can go in first and look at it while you wait!" Lou Yun said, taking out a finely carved identity jade badge in his hand.

The entrance to the Qiaowu Mine was not difficult to find. Surrounded by a small mountain environment, Chen Luolouyun quickly found his way into the mine.

This is a natural open-air mine that is exposed on the outside. However, due to years of mining, the mine has reached a depth of tens of meters. Looking from above, the bottom of the mine is densely packed with people mining for jade.

At the entrance of the mine, 34 disciples from Ruili Tower were standing guard. When they saw Lou Yun and others arriving, they immediately drew their swords and shouted to stop.

Lou Yun showed his identity card, and the guarding disciples immediately became respectful. After checking the jade card, they released Chen Luo, and Lou Yun and others entered the mine. At the same time, they quickly notified Elder Li of the Xiling branch.

The pit is mainly composed of slag and gravel. After thousands of years of mining and combing and cleaning layer by layer, the gravel at the bottom is becoming increasingly scarce, and in many places it is close to the bottom.

Even so, the jade pickers were still unwilling to give in and still checked every stone at the bottom one by one.

When you encounter a larger stone, study it carefully to avoid slipping through the net. After confirming that it is correct, the transporters will clean it and carry it outside.

Lou Yun, Chen Luo and others walked and watched. Although there were many people down there, there was a clear division of labor. Some were responsible for digging out the stone, some were responsible for cleaning up the residue, and some were responsible for identifying the jade.

As everyone moved to the bottom of the pit, Chen Luo immediately felt the richness of the jade soul in the pit. This richness was not caused by a single stone, but the inherent heritage of the jade pit that had lasted for thousands of years.


Judging from the rich jade spirit, Chen Luo judged that there must be many unexploited fish in this mine, waiting to be discovered!

Chen Luo's 5 Yun mode was turned on, his consciousness spread all over the four directions, and he carefully observed the workers coming and going in the mine.

The mining area at the bottom of Qiaowu's open-pit mine is large enough, and hundreds of miners are working in an orderly manner according to their respective divisions of labor under the command of the leader.

"Wait!" Chen Luo saw a miner transporting a cart of stones. These were all miscellaneous stones that had been identified as not jade.

The miner's expression changed, and he stopped and looked at Chen Luo and the others in confusion.

Chen Luo stepped forward, stared at the miner, and then stared at the stone in the car for a moment. Then he reached out and pulled out a stone from underneath.

"Brother Chen, I think this stone is just an ordinary stone. Is there anything unusual about it?" Lou Yun stepped forward, picked up the stone, and observed it carefully.

As a leader of the younger generation of Ruili House, Lou Yun still has good appraisal skills. Mr. Lou said it was a stone, so it must be a stone!

The miner pushing the cart heaved a sigh of relief. Everyone was relieved. Just as Lou Yun was about to throw the stone back to the mine cart.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Luo pulled out the iron knife and cut it with a click. The stone was still stone inside.

1 hit, 2 hits, 3 hits——

Everyone stared at the stone, and saw that this stone, like magic, turned the heart of the stone into a tender and lush green.

This chapter has been completed!
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