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Chapter 208 Excellent Hunting Ground

"Thank you, sir, for your sharp eyesight! It was almost shipped out as garbage!" The miner quickly stepped forward to take the jade and bowed to Chen Luo.

"Almost?" Chen Luo sneered. "You almost came close once or twice, didn't you?"

"What do you mean?" The miner stared at Chen Luo angrily.

"I just saw you pushing rocks like this out as rubbish several times. This is no coincidence! Because the person who gave you the rocks every time was the same person!"

As he spoke, Chen Luo stretched out his finger and used his gas power to poke another miner in the thigh. This miner was the one who gave the stone as Chen Luo said, and he was also the person responsible for appraising the jade stone.

When I heard Chen Luo call to stop and use a knife to cut out the jade core, I felt something bad in my heart. I quietly moved out and prepared to escape, but Chen Luo directly hit my thigh.

"I'll fight with you!" The miner who transported the stone grabbed a single sword and went straight to Chen Luo to strike with his sword!

Extremely agile!

Lou Yun 1 frowned, how could this ordinary miner have such skill!

Chen Luo was also as fast as lightning. He turned sideways and struck the miner with a palm, which made the miner vomit blood. Several guards came forward, one on each side, and grabbed the miner's arm. Lei Ming stepped forward, pulled open his clothes, and saw

When it comes to the word "Shu" embroidered on the inside of the skirt!

"Are you sent by the Wu family of Xishu?" Lei Ming was furious and stepped forward to slap his ears.

"If you know what's going on, let me go as soon as possible! Otherwise, when the big team arrives, we will kill you all!" the miner threatened while struggling.

"How dare you threaten me!" Lei Ming's temper broke out, and he immediately kicked one leg after another, and with one or two clicks, each of them lost one leg.

"Detain him, and wait until Elder Li comes to punish him!" Lou Yun shouted coldly.

The foreman next to him came up and lashed out with a whip, "Damn it, sir, I said that the output of jade has dropped so much recently, and the relationship is due to you two spies."

Then he turned around and looked at Chen Luolou and the others, "Thank you so much for frightening these gentlemen. Elder Li will definitely deal with them severely when he comes later!"


Chen Luo nodded, this was all a simple effort.

"Okay, Brother Number One, your ability in the jade-solving competition did not come from luck!" Li Zhen praised her fiercely.

Lei Ming was also impressed by Chen Luo's vision. He also had two shoulders and one head. Why could others see the problem but he was like a fool?

Chen Luo continued his inspection. The people here were all miners from nearby. It was a mixed bag. It was difficult to ensure that everyone had a clear and reliable background. Maybe there were other people from Xishu here.

The same is true for other mines. They need to be reorganized.

However, it is getting close to being unable to control so much at the moment, and I can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time.

Chen Luo called the foreman over and chatted a few words in his ear. The foreman was overjoyed and thanked him profusely. He got up and went to collect the miners and dig northwest.

"Brother No. 1 Scholar, what did you say to him?" Li Zhen asked.

"Nothing, I just pointed out the direction of digging for jade! The current method of digging in four places and fully blooming is half the result with half the effort, and the efficiency is too low!" Chen Luo said lightly.

Helping the foreman is helping Ruililou. If Ruililou agrees to come for training, he must reciprocate the favor and return the favor.


Sure enough, in less than a cup of tea, the miner in front shouted in surprise, "I hit it, I hit it!"

Miners are also experienced. For obvious jade rough stones, they can be judged directly without the need for a jade appraiser later!

Everyone swarmed over excitedly after hearing this. Sure enough, after cleaning up the dirt, what appeared in front of them was a round stone weighing a hundred kilograms, with a gray-brown patina, and a layer of light green color underneath the patina.

, this is the typical characteristic of high-quality jadeite.

A piece of jade weighing a hundred kilograms can be excavated, which is something that is not encountered once a year in a mine.

Qiaowu Mine has not produced such high-grade jade for many years! The foreman is also very excited. If the beautiful jade is dug out, the reward from Ruili Tower will naturally be high, and there will even be additional rewards!

Everyone works hard in this mine just to get money for the three of them to support their families.

The foreman led everyone and solemnly came to Chen Luo, "Please accept my greetings!" Everyone said, kneeling on the ground, and all bowed their heads to Chen Luo.

Chen Luo hurriedly pulled up the foreman!

"Brothers, you're welcome! Don't give up! If you persist, you will definitely gain something!"

When Chen Luo felt the distribution of jade souls just now, he clearly felt that the concentration of jade souls in the northwest was unusual, which should be the result of the presence of high-quality jade. But Chen Luo himself did not expect that one piece would come out so quickly!

His intuition told him that if he kept digging, there would be more. The foreman had already led everyone back to the northwest and continued mining along the place where the jade appeared.

According to experience, generally the appearance of jade in a place is not isolated, but piles upon piles, strings upon strings.

"Brother No. 1 Scholar is also honored by me. I'm convinced! You are definitely worthy of the title of Jade Master!" Lei Ming Louyun also admired Chen Luo's ability. Chen Luo, in addition to his good kung fu, is also very admirable.

His jade picking skills are so high!

When everyone left the Qiaowu Mine, Chen Luo also lamented that this Pagan was really a place of wealth and treasure. If ordinary people were lucky, they could just dig out a piece of jadeite by just hitting it with a hammer.

"Brother Chen Luo, next we can go to the Muna Jade Mine. This mine is an old mine. It is bigger than Qiaowu and is relatively large in the Pagan Mine. Because it has been mined for a long time, the structure

It’s more complicated. It’s just that in recent years, due to low output, it’s basically semi-closed and few people have entered!”

"Okay!" Chen Luo readily agreed. This kind of old mine usually has a glorious history and has produced many beautiful jade masterpieces. For Chen Luo, mining for jade is not the most exciting thing, but being able to hunt for treasures is the same.

, finding beautiful jade that has not been discovered is the most exciting thing.

By the way, Chen Luo also wanted to see what tricks the Wu family of Xishu and Yihua Palace would come up with.

Everyone left the Qiaowu Mine and continued walking up the valley floor. After walking for about ten miles, they arrived at the Muna Mine.

Unlike the Qiaowu mining area, which is completely open-air, the terrain of the Muna mining area is significantly elevated. In this mining area, in addition to the pits dug on the ground, there are also countless tunnels connecting the pits. Each of these tunnels is

The strips are as deep as a person's height, so short people cannot see them even if they stand up straight.

Like a maze!

Talk app—

This is exactly what Chen Luo wants!

There are few people here and the roads are winding and hidden. It is a good place for ambushes and maneuvers.

Chen Luo followed everyone, followed the tunnel, and went underground. He found that the underground tunnel was actually more twists and turns than the ground. The cave was connected with the tunnel outside. There were twists and turns. It was easy for an inexperienced person to get in here.

Just get lost in it.

This is it! Chen Luo secretly made up his mind. No matter what the conspiracy of the Wu family and Yihua Palace is, in the end they will lead to this Muna Mine. This place can be attacked and retreated. It is convenient to escape and hide. It is indeed a place for conspiracy.

A good place for assassination attacks and killings.

"Elder Li is here!" someone said!

Elder Li is the helmsman of the Ruili Building Xiling Branch, the number one person in the Xiling Branch, and has the same identity as Lei Ming.

After a while, Chen Luo saw an old man in gray clothes walking quickly towards Lou Yun and Chen Luo.

"Young Master Lou and Mr. Chen, we are waiting for you from afar!"

"I have received a message from the great elder. I heard that you are coming to play. I didn't expect you to come so soon! I couldn't greet you in time. I will host a banquet for you tonight."

"Elder Li is so polite!"

Lou Yun knew that although Elder Li was the elder of the branch, he had been a member of Ruili House for a long time, and his qualifications and status were not inferior to those of the Great Elder. Ruili House had given Elder Li the important task of guarding the Pagan Jade Field, and he could see that.

trust in it.

Elder Li was very familiar with the Muna Mine. Under his leadership, Chen Luo observed the topography and structure of the mine, inside and out.

By the way, Chen Luo used his own advantages to help detect a lot of jadeite stones left behind. An abandoned mine seemed to be glowing with a second spring, and everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

According to what Chen Luo said, the few disciples who accompanied Elder Li had an 11 mark for the remaining ore that had not yet been mined, and they would bring people to mine it tomorrow.

The entire Pagan mining area is like a peacock spreading its tail, extending from the valley below to the mountain, and from the surface to the mountain.

Clear context!

After walking around for a while, Chen Luo probably had an understanding of this mine. If the Qiaowu Mine is a downstream surface open-pit mine, then the Muna Mine is somewhere in between, half above ground and half underground.

This is a jade farm and an excellent hunting ground

Unknowingly, it was getting late, and Elder Li had already ordered a banquet to be prepared, and a banquet would be held to entertain everyone tonight.

Although this is a quarry area, except for mining, it can be said to be a barren land in other aspects.

However, Elder Li opened up a warm and elegant residence in this mining area for internal and external receptions. He also provided a lot of fine wine and food.

Li Zhen, Lei Ming and others were very excited to see this fine wine and delicacies after a few days of travel.

In Chen Luo's mind, he has been thinking, when will the Xishu Wu family and Yihua Palace appear next? What method will they use to find and kill him?

But one thing is certain: when there are many people and many eyes are on the wall, it is not a good time to take action.

It’s the dead of night, the moon is dark, the wind is high, it’s the murderous night!

The enemy is clear and we are hidden, and he may be targeted at any time. Chen Luo looked at the night outside the window and thought hard.

At this time, I saw a waiter carrying a carefully cooked wild bird, and the aroma was wafting over it.

"Come on, come on - try our specialty, the Xishan Phoenix!" Elder Li stood up and introduced it to everyone. The Xishan Phoenix is ​​a gourmet specialty of the Xiling area in South Vietnam. It is made from a kind of wild bird similar to the Phoenix, processed


Li Zhen, Lei Ming, and everyone drooled when they looked at Phoenix.

Chen Luo, on the other hand, kept staring at the waiter carrying the plate. From the waiter, Chen Luo felt a murderous aura!

Talk app—

This murderous aura went straight to Chen Luo.

The waiter placed the dinner plate in front of Chen Luo, then touched his wrist, and there was a bright dagger in his hand!

Everyone was shocked!

It’s too late to say it, but it will be soon!

Chen Luo tilted his head back and moved his body quickly back! The dagger slid along the inch in front of Chen Luo's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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