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Chapter 214 Mine Labyrinth

The old man who spoke was none other than the last remaining old monster of the Wu family from the previous generation, Wu Dao 3.

This Wu Dao 3 has a narrow-minded nature and will retaliate against evil, but he is a genius in martial arts. He stands out among the many peers of the Wu family in Western Shu!

The one who lives the longest has the strongest kung fu.


"Well, it's necessary to have Third Uncle step in! Sooner or later, the Ruili Building's property will belong to our Wu family!" Wu Zhan'ao said flatteringly.

The Central Jade Farm is different today than in the past.

Today, the entire Xiling branch, except those on duty in other mines, was called over by Elder Li.

On the one hand, it is to build momentum, and on the other hand, if Chen Luo discovers any good jade mines, he can immediately arrange for people to mine them.

Lou Yun and Lei Ming are also in high spirits. Although they are core disciples of Ruili Tower, they cannot come to this large central mine often.

Li Zhen drank too much last night and followed Chen Luo with giant panda eyes.

Elder Li turned around and looked at Lou Yunchen and everyone, "Everyone, little brothers, we will enter the mine later. The passages inside are criss-crossed and more complicated than a maze. People who are not familiar with it may get lost and trapped to death.

Inside, so please follow me closely and don’t run around!”

Elder Li is right. After tens of thousands of years of mining and excavation, the large central mine has become a large natural maze. There are 1,081 straight vertical passages alone, plus the horizontal passages connected in the middle.

, then there are countless more!

Although the tunnels are connected to each other and there are relatively few dead ends, if you go deep into them, you will have no sense of direction at all. Once you get lost, it will be very difficult to get out of them.

There are many shafts in the tunnel. If you accidentally fall into the shaft, you may be injured at least, or you may be thrown to death or stabbed to death by a stone tip.

Chen Luozheng was listening to Elder Li's explanation when his eyelids suddenly twitched, as if something was happening. Looking up at the foothills in the distance, he felt as if a pair of eyes on the opposite mountain were also staring at him.

At this time, Wu Dao 3, who was looking over at the opposite hillside, was startled.

"It's strange, this guy is quite keen. He actually sensed us from such a long distance!" Wu Daosan, who was hiding behind a big tree, said in surprise.

It stands to reason that at such a long distance and with trees as a barrier, it would be easy to look at the entrance of the mine from here, but it would be impossible to see through the woods from the entrance.

This is just Chen Luo's intuition.

"Elder Li, we will arrange for the brothers from Ruili Building to be on guard at the door later. If there is any abnormality, please report it immediately!" Chen Luo warned. He didn't want to be high in the cave when someone like Wu Zhan'ao suddenly appeared.

"Don't worry, little brother, not even a bird can fly in with this dragnet, let alone a human being."

Chen Luo nodded and followed Elder Li, Lou Yunlei Ming and the others into the mine.

After tens of thousands of years of processing, the central mine pit has been dug larger and larger at the entrance, forming a super large hole. Further inside, the hole is divided into several branches, extending inward from different directions.

"Let's go! Take action!" Wu Daosan watched everyone get into the mine and stood up, "Let's go and close the door to catch turtles!"

"Come on! Uncle 3!" Wu Zhan'ao stood up and followed Wu Dao 3 to the entrance of the central mine. Following Uncle 3, he no longer had to worry about his lack of strength.

"Stop, who are you?" The person guarding the mine at Xiling Branch noticed the two people and opened his mouth to shout!

"One of our own!" Wu Zhan'ao and Wu Daosan approached the guards with smiles. Wu Daosan stretched out his hand and tapped it twice. Then he saw the two guards, who were very skilled in martial arts, fell to the ground and passed out like mud!

It was too late to react! It was simply useless!

"You and your people should guard here! No one is allowed to come in before I come out!" Wu Dao 3 said to Wu Zhan'ao.

"Received!" Wu Zhan'ao said respectfully.

Wu Dao 3 shook his sleeves, tightened his clothes, and walked into the cave!

The purpose of this trip is very simple, which is to kill everyone inside, and then turn the mine into the property of the Wu family. If you are obedient, then everything can be negotiated, if not, then you can only kill them all.

Because the greatest god in the world has divined, it is not long before the top-quality treasure emerald appears in this large central mine.

Wu Daosan's nose was as sensitive as a dog's. He quickly judged the direction of Chen Luo's group, so he followed them and chased forward.


"Elder Li, mark that side!" Chen Luo pointed to the rock wall on one side as he walked. Every place he pointed to was exuding a strong jade soul. These places should have not been mined, or there have been no discoveries or omissions.

Jade at the back.

And these jade stones are not comparable to the jade stones unearthed from the Qiaowu and Muna mines.

Everything Chen Luo pointed out was judged by Chen Luo himself, and almost every piece is a high-quality product.

The products produced by Chen Luo must be of high quality.

Entering the cave this time, Elder Li brought enough people to cooperate with Chen Luo. After all, the amount of jade mined is directly related to the performance of Xiling Branch.

In this way, Chen Luo gave instructions as he walked, and the jade mining workers behind him followed suit, hoping to collect more jade this time into the mine.

Soon, in front of the forked road, two forked roads branched out again. Chen Luo couldn't remember how many times he branched off. He felt that the pit was like a big tree, the part buried under the soil. Except for the well-developed root system

, and also has tens of thousands of reproduction paths.

The difference is that the branches of the tree are creeping downwards, while the veins of the mines in the mine are winding upwards.

About every time you walk through a section of the cave, a node will appear. The node is wide and tall, like a hall, where jade workers gather to rest.

There were disciples arranged by Elder Li next to him holding torches. They all walked to a node. Chen Luo squatted down and carefully observed each cave entrance. At this node, there were about fifteen branches that continued to wind upward.



Suddenly, a burst of strange laughter came to everyone's ears.

"Who's laughing?" Everyone looked around.

"Lei Ming, are you smiling?"

Lei Ming shook his head. "Who is that?"

This laughter sounds a bit creepy. In this deep cave, it suddenly lifts everyone's hearts into their throats. Could there be someone else in this cave?

"Elder Li, are there still miners mining jade there?" Lou Yun asked.

"Impossible!" Elder Li shook his head, "I evacuated everyone yesterday!"

Who is that!


"Pretend to be a ghost, come out!" Lei Ming shouted!

"Pa--" A stone flew towards Lei Ming's forehead without any hesitation!

"Boy, I think you are tired of living!" As the stones flew out, a sharp voice came from the depths of the cave.

Lei Ming was caught off guard and was hit on the forehead by a stone, causing a bloody head!

"What a fool! I dare to plot against your father——!" Lei Ming yelled. Before he could finish speaking, another stone whizzed towards Lei Ming. This time, his strength was much stronger. If he really had to concentrate, Lei Ming would probably

Died on the spot.

Elder Li had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched out his long sword and knocked down the flying rocks with one sword.

"Who in the cave dares to come to my Ruili Loupa Gan Jade Field to cause trouble!" Elder Li pointed his sword and said calmly.

"Hehe - you don't deserve to know your grandfather's name!" As they said this, everyone saw an old man in gray robe appearing in the corner of the cave node.

This old man looks very old, but he has a mean and mean look! He is Wu Zhan'ao's third uncle, Wu Dao!

"Senior!" Lou Yunggong raised his hand, "May I ask what your name is, senior? Why did you come to my mine under Ruili Tower?"


"Your family's mine? Are you asking him to agree? Only the powerful can live in the mines in the world. You are not worthy of owning this jade pit now!" Wu Dao 3 said disdainfully!

"From today on, this mine belongs to my Xishu Wu family!"

"The Wu family of Xishu? Are you from the Wu family of Xishu!?" Elder Li stared at Wu Dao 3 and asked coldly.

"Haha - you must be scared!" Wu Dao 3 said proudly.

"The Wu family of Xishu and my Ruili House are like fire and water, and they are incompatible with each other! They still owed us business in Wuzhou and have not handed over the business, and now they are coveting our mines. Do you really think that our Ruili House is easy to bully?" Lou Yun stepped forward.

Step 1, speak righteously.

"I don't care what you agreed before, anyway, you have to hand this place over to me today! Even if Lin Jiu comes, it won't work!"

"I know who you are! You are Wu 3 of the Wu family, right?" Chen Luo's mind was spinning quickly, remembering Lin Jiu once said that the reason why Ruili House and the Wu family of Xishu are in separate divisions is because the two families are fighting against each other.

Each has an old guy in charge.

Chen Luo is not polite, he is disrespectful to an old man, he only deserves to be called by his first name!

"Bah, I'm Wu Dao 3, your grandpa!" Wu Dao 3's beard turned up, obviously he was angry at Chen Luo's words.

As he said this, Wu Dao 3 dodged and rushed straight towards Chen Luo. Chen Luo was about to fight, when suddenly his eyes flashed, and a figure passed over, directly facing Wu Dao 3's single palm.

The person coming is none other than Elder Li!

With a sound of "Boom-", the two people burst into applause in the air.

"Little Li Er, please step back, you are still one point short of strength!" Wu Dao 3 said jokingly.

Elder Li's full name is Li Er. In Wu Daosan's eyes, he actually became a child!

Although the age difference between the two is not that big, Elder Li's strength is obviously not as good as that of Wu Dao 3.1. He is suppressed by Wu Dao 3 and is passive in every aspect!

Wu Dao 3 did not use weapons, just relying on his flesh palm, he completely neutralized Elder Li's long sword attack.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Daosan's body shape changed, and he swung his hands frequently. After a while, Elder Li was forced to panic.

"Haha, no more fun! There's not a single one who can hit me!" Wu Dao 3 said and his speed instantly increased tenfold.

"Pa--" With one sound, Elder Li was hit in the abdomen by Wu Dao's 31 palms, causing him to vomit blood.

"I'm telling you, if you don't surrender, I'll kill them all." Wu Daosan twitched his beard, as if killing people was commonplace for him.


"I will lead him away later, you lead everyone out!" Chen Luo whispered in Lou Yun's ear. As he said this, Chen Luo pulled out the Xuan Yu blunt sword.

"Hey, Wu 3, let's have a fight!" Before he could finish speaking, Chen Luo had already stabbed out with his sword, and the sound of hissing through the air was approaching Wu Dao 3!

Wu Daosan's expression changed. Knowing that the sword move was powerful, he turned around and wanted to knock down the sword!

Unexpectedly, Chen Luo's footwork changed, and he would dodge to the other side with just one move. Once the Tianyan Life-Destroying Sword 1 entered the attack mode, the sword energy would be continuous, and the subsequent moves would be like the endless flow of a surging river. Level 1

Keep up with the layers.

This chapter has been completed!
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