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Chapter 270

Chen Luo and the others continued to walk south for nearly three hours. While walking among the mountains, they found nearby hunters to inquire about the route. Gradually, Tianji Mountain was getting closer and closer, and it was visible to the naked eye.

Continuing along the rugged mountain road, the three of them finally arrived at the foot of Tianji Mountain. Even tens of thousands of years later, Tianji Mountain still towers into the clouds. I can’t imagine that this would have happened before the heaven and earth tilted.

How majestic it is.

The mountain road into the mountain is steep and narrow.

Chen Luo and the others simply abandoned their horses and walked forward. After climbing several times and following the prompts, they finally arrived at the place where Bu Tianji lived. This was a strange place. To be precise, it was a cave.

If it weren't for the words "Tianji Cave" engraved on the huge stone next to the entrance of the cave, Chen Luo would not have believed that this mysterious fortune teller, Old Man Tianji, actually lived in a cave.


Chen Luo and Li Zhen came to the cave entrance and looked at the dark cave entrance, feeling very strange in their hearts.

"Senior Bu, Rico? Three juniors came here to pay their respects!"

"Hahahaha, I did a divination today and it seems that a noble person will come today. It seems that the three of you are the noble people in my divination!"

"Senior, this junior has not advanced in school, so he is not a noble person! Today I just came here to ask for advice from my senior!"

"Young man, what's your name?" Bu Tianji asked in the cave.

"Junior, Chen Luo! Chen Luo!"

Bu Tianji was silent for a moment, "Do you still understand the rules here?"

"Junior understands!"

"Okay, then let's do things according to the rules. When I perform hexagrams, I never bargain or bargain. And for the results of hexagrams, I can only understand them, not explain them in words. Are you willing?"

"Junior is willing!"

"Young people are happy!" After finishing the divination, Chen Luo saw a small bamboo basket floating out of the cave. Looking carefully, it turned out that the small basket was connected to an iron wire and slid along the wire to the entrance of the cave.

"Young man, please put the hexagram gold into the basket. At the same time, write down what you want and put it in the basket. I will make a good fortune and I will return the same way!"

Chen Luo was stunned. These fortune telling masters only relied on looking, hearing, asking, and observing carefully. Why did they not even see anyone when they arrived at Old Man Tianji's place?

This can also be used for divination!? He can't be a liar, right? Chen Luo can't help but have a little doubt in his heart. This number one person in the divination world should not be a liar.

At this point, all he could do was rely on divination to make things up. Chen Luo took out a pen and paper, wrote the word "tiger" on the paper, and at the same time wrote down his demands on the paper.

Then put it together with 1 stack of banknotes into the bamboo basket.

"Senior, what this junior is asking for is related to my future! Senior, please answer your questions." As he spoke, Chen Luo shook the rope, and the bamboo basket followed the wire and slowly reached the cave!

As the bamboo basket slowly entered the cave, the cave suddenly became quiet, and there was no sound for a long time.

"Senior! Are you okay in there?" Chen Luo asked, but there was still no reply.

Waited for a long time.

Chen Luo heard a deep sigh coming from the depths of the cave.

"Boy, you are not only a nobleman, but also a great nobleman. It seems that what I expected today was good. A nobleman really came to my door today."

"Senior, what do you mean by this?"

"There are so many people in this world. Some are born rich, some are born lucky, but some are born noble."

"What's the difference between the two words wealth and honor?"

"Of course there is a difference. The word "wealth" means wealth in material and nobleness in spirit! Even if some people have a lot of wealth and countless possessions, they have nothing to do with nobility. And some people, even if they have a pot like

He is penniless, but his status is also priceless!"

"Senior, are you saying that this junior has nobility?" Chen Luo, who is also a monk, is confused. He is a grassroots person. He grew up with his blind grandfather, Grandpa Chen, in the small town of Kule since he was a child. Where did he get the nobility from!

"You boy, you are not only noble, but also noble!" Bu Tianji said with an envious tone.

"It's just——" Bu Tianji groaned and was speechless.

"Just what?"

reader body

"It's just that your hexagram numbers, kid, are so mysterious. This hexagram master has spent a lifetime of experience, but I can't see your future."

"Senior, since you can see the nobility, why can't you calculate the future?"

"Besides, I am a living person right at the entrance of the cave. If you need it, senior, you can come out and see it in person!"

"Bah, bah, bah! You want to lure me out of the cave again, so I won't fall for your deception!"

"No, senior, how about I go to the cave and let senior take a good look?"

"No, no, no! I won't go out, and you don't want to come in either!" Bu Tianji shook his head like a rattle.

This is really a weirdo. I don’t know why he imprisoned himself in this cave, neither coming out nor letting others in.

"Senior, you can't see through my hexagram numbers and my future. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? How is this different from other people?"

"According to my many years of divination experience, this situation is extremely rare. There are two reasons why I can't see your destiny in the future. The first is that your boy's destiny hexagram has been banned, so the hexagram

The teacher can't calculate it. There is another situation, that is, your kid's innate physique and destiny have been integrated with life, so that I can't calculate it!"

"What kind of physique is this?"


"Of course - Xiantian Gua Master!" Bu Tianji softly spat out a few words. Xiantian Gua Master, this is not the first time Chen Luo heard these four words.

The old blind man’s grandfather has been slow to teach him the hexagram technique, and this is probably the case.

"Well, let me guess what kind of situation you are in!" Bu analyzed and murmured in a low voice, kneading the formula in his hand and mumbling words.

"Oh, you kid, I'm afraid you are the latter! I didn't expect that your kid actually has the potential of being an innate ancient hexagram master! I like this guy so much!" Bu Tianji suddenly said happily, as if he had discovered a piece of rough jade that needs to be carved.


"You brat, how about you come and learn the hexagram skills from me? I guarantee that you will become the best hexagram master in the world within one year!" Bu Tianji seemed to have discovered a new continent, with greed in his eyes.

"Senior, this junior is here to inquire about the future, not to learn from a teacher!" Chen Luo politely rejected Bu Tianji's kindness.

"Hey, brat, do you know how many people want to become my teacher? Don't you not know how to cherish them!" Bu Tianji said with a snort.

"I'm sorry, senior! I can't agree to this! I don't want to practice in this cave. I'd better ask senior to explain the hexagram fruit!" Don't say that Chen Luo doesn't have time. Even if he has time, he is not willing to practice in this dark cave.

, live for 1 year. Since I have paid the hexagram gold, I have to ask for a result no matter what.

"You - you damn brat!" Bu Tianji said bitterly.

"I can't do anything about your destiny! As of now, I only know that your kid's identity is indescribably valuable. As for why it is indescribable, I can't divine it."

"If you want to ask about your future and the ins and outs of your life, then I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it!"

"But I haven't seen anyone with such a talent in hexagrams for a long time. Young man, please stay and let me teach you!" Bu Tianji suddenly lowered his voice and began to beg Chen Luo. It seems that this divination

The first person is so obsessed with divination that he is obsessed with divination! He is also obsessed with divination and cultivating talented divination masters.

"I'm sorry, senior. I still have a lot of things to do. I have no intention of coming here to study. However, if I meet someone who likes divination, I will definitely recommend him to my senior and help him pass on his legacy."

"Go, go, go, go - if you don't want to learn, get out of here! Do you think talented people are just like street sweepers? They are everywhere!" Bu Tianji's face changed at every turn, moody!

"Then I'll say goodbye, junior!" Although I didn't figure out the future I wanted, at least it wasn't a gain.

"Wait a minute, take your crappy banknote back. I didn't succeed in fortune-telling, so I won't accept your crappy money!" As he said that, the small basket slid out of the cave again, and inside it was the 1 coin that Chen Luo had just put in.

Stack banknotes.

"In that case, senior, I'll take my leave. When I finish my work, I'll bother you again and ask for advice!"

"Huh! That's pretty much it!" Bu Tianji chuckled, "Although I don't have any money, I will give you some advice!"

"Senior, please speak!"

"Even with your special physique and identity, you must keep it strictly confidential and don't tell anyone casually. Don't let others tell you divination easily, otherwise you may be killed!"

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"A fatal disaster?" Chen Luo was stunned, "Senior, please tell me in detail!"

"Alas! This is not the first time I have seen a person like you. The last person with a talent like you was also a talent of an innate divination master. Unfortunately, the end result was a tragic one!"

Chen Luo's heart moved.

"Who is the person that the senior is talking about?"

"It was more than 20 years ago, and there were three young people like you who came to visit me! Of these three people, one was calm and resolute, warm and hospitable, and the other was smart and resourceful, and his hexagram skills were also just beginning to show off. At that time, they all

You can compete with me one, and the other one has a domineering physique and is naturally brave."

"The natural hexagram master I am talking about is not the smart and resourceful person, but the first one, the calm and resolute person."

"This is talent. Although the more intelligent and resourceful people are more interested in divination, from the perspective of talent, among the three young people, the calm and resolute one has the better qualifications!"

"Senior, do you know the names of these three people?"

"Why should I tell you!" Bu Tianji's tone changed instantly, "That brat is just like you. I insisted on accepting him as my disciple, but I didn't agree. I'm really angry!"

"But what happened later, alas! How pitiful!"

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"Although that boy also rejected me, I always pay attention to him, always thinking that one day he will change his mind and come to learn the art of divination and return to Tibet from me. For this reason, I also gave him the book "Gua Jue" 1

Ministry, I hope he can change his mind one day and come to learn the art of divination from me."

"It's a pity that it turned out to be so tragic!"

"I didn't wait for that day!"

This chapter has been completed!
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