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Chapter 289 I have no intention, but I have been sanctified

In addition, Chen Luo was also delighted to discover that this medical book had one point that was very beneficial to him, that is, the treatment methods recorded in the book were very easy for someone like him who had mastered the Seven Colors True Fire.

, things will fall into place.

This book seems to be tailor-made for Chen Luo. Chen Luo knows that if his medical techniques are used to treat diseases and save people outside, he will definitely become a blockbuster and become a peerless miracle doctor in the eyes of others!

I have no intention, but I have become a saint!

Chen Luo read through the "Medical Jue" and at the same time greatly improved his in-depth understanding of his own body and the organs of the soul. At the same time, Chen Luo also began to slowly understand the underlying principles of the real fire body refining and the real fire soul refining.


At this moment, Chen Luo looked out the window at the vast black sea and the stars in the sky, and he actually felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

1 Everything is done without any effort!

What Chen Luo didn't know was that this "Medical Jue" condensed countless efforts of his parents.

This book is a fusion of what my parents have learned and thought over the past 20 years in this heavenly gate, as well as the countless medical inheritances from the upper world provided by my master.

For Chen Luodie, the muscles and bones of the innate holy body have been lost. If he wants to restore his freedom, he must reconstruct a set of muscles and bones according to the records in the Muscles and Bones chapter!

However, this is not easy! Jiang Rong studied hard day and night, but she still couldn't do it.

1. There are very few materials available for use. 2. The method of restoring the original muscles and bones is extremely difficult to master. Even if you are two masters, it is difficult to do it.

There are methods, but they are beyond human power.

So Jiang Rong could only wait patiently for the opportunity. Wait until she could be promoted to the upper realm, improve her cultivation, or be able to meet a big boss in the upper realm to help.

All of this seems to be out of reach! Because Jiang Rong has been waiting hard for 20 years, and Chen Hu has also been waiting hard for more than 20 years.

After Chen Luo finished reading "Medical Jue", he couldn't help but feel refreshed and felt more confident in his heart. He was also full of confidence in the upcoming voyage and the dragon-hunting plan.

After the experience of killing sea monsters, the monsters in the sea seemed to be frightened and all of a sudden they hid without a trace.

In the next two days, the sea was still calm and surprisingly calm! For two days in a row, no ferocious sea beasts came. Chen Luo's activities were even simpler. Except for the necessary time for eating and drinking, at other times,

Chen Luodu stayed alone in his room, studying medical techniques.

At the same time, while studying medical techniques, Chen Luo also pulled out "Wind Control Jue"! What kind of book is this?

Once upon a time, Chen Luo learned the lightening technique from his blind grandfather, called Thousand Transformations of Phantom. Since Chen Luo's realm has advanced to the peak of God Transformation, Chen Luo's Thousand Transformations of Phantom has reached its peak.

This Thousand Transformations Phantom is very useful when two armies are fighting against each other and attacking each other. At 1 degree, Chen Luo thought that this Thousand Transformations Phantom should be the most powerful lightening technique in the world.

But now, when Chen Luo opened the Wind Control Technique, his vision and ideas were opened again.

Because the booklet in front of me is not only about short-distance lightening techniques like the Thousand Transformations of Phantoms, but also about long-distance wind control. Mastering this wind control technique, you can travel thousands of miles in a day.

No problem.

"Holy shit!" Chen Luo flipped the page and became more and more surprised. If he learned the wind control technique, this Dawan horse would be useless!

Flying by the wind is something that monks must learn to master after reaching a certain level. However, flying by the wind has extremely high requirements for the monks' cultivation.

According to the "Wind Control Technique", only when one's cultivation level has reached the middle or late stage of Mahayana can one practice the introductory knowledge of wind control flying. At first, it is necessary to fly a few meters or tens of meters, and then gradually expand to several hundred meters.


Because flying in the wind consumes a lot of physical energy, people with low realms cannot control it at all, or it is difficult to maintain it for long distances. Therefore, under normal circumstances, monks with low realms are not willing to use this method.

Only when the realm breaks through to the peak of Mahayana, or even after the tribulation period, as the realm improves, the monks are no longer satisfied with the transportation methods in front of them. Whether it is riding a horse or taking a car, it is still too slow!

At this time, the monks automatically practiced the wind control technique so that they could freely shuttle through the air. At that time, the spiritual energy consumed by flying and the physical energy consumed by controlling the flight were already negligible compared to the Dantian Qi sea in the body.


Chen Luo took stock of the people around him, and it seemed that only the blind grandfather and Grandpa Chen had the opportunity to practice the Wind Control Technique. Especially the old blind grandfather, whose cultivation level was close to overcoming the calamity, so it was perfect to practice the Wind Control Technique.


This Wind Control Technique not only talks about how to fly in the air, but also how to save physical strength and increase flying speed. For Chen Luo, he is currently at the peak of the gods, almost as good as the elementary level of Mahayana, but he has to practice this

The Wind Control Technique is also very strenuous.

Generally, if low-level monks want to fly, they have to resort to flying magic weapons. For example, Chen Luo's 7-color True Fire is a treasure that can carry people to fly.

In any case, even if he has seven colors of true fire, he must learn the wind control technique. Chen Luo decided to master the technique first. It doesn't matter if he can't fly far.

So Chen Luo followed the records in the book, silently recited the mantra, adjusted his body, and got everything ready.


I saw Chen Luo jump, his whole body stepped on the void, and he floated directly as if he had wings.

"Let's go!"

Chen Luo used the formula to control his body and began to move slowly, as if something was dragging Chen Luo 1, and he began to fly slowly.

On the deck, the distance from the bow to the stern was only 100 meters. Chen Luo took off, landed, took off again, landed again, intermittently, and did this for more than ten times before reaching the stern.

The distance of each flight is only a few meters.

But this is indeed of extraordinary significance to Chen Luo. It also means that Chen Luo also has a pair of invisible wings.

Once you learn how to fly with the wind, you will no longer have to worry about the cliff, and you will no longer have to rely on the peerless magic weapon to penetrate the cliff and climb up point by point.

Chen Luo practiced twice, just one round trip. He already felt out of breath and his heart was beating wildly in his body. This was because his physical strength was exhausted.

It seems that what is recorded in the book is correct. This thing consumes too much physical strength. Without enough realm support, it is difficult to maintain it for a long time. Looking at the sea of ​​​​dantian Qi in his body that has almost been consumed, Chen Luo is almost speechless. If such a consumption is

Fa, if a war really breaks out, people's physical strength will be exhausted before they take action.

Chen Luo took out a few chalcedony pills from his arms and swallowed several in one breath. Then he closed his eyes and rested his mind, using spiritual energy to quickly repair everything Chen Luo had just consumed and make up for the deficit in his Dantian Qi sea.

After several times of practice, Chen Luo has become familiar with how to control this kind of flying power and flying skills. The next step is to wait for the level to be upgraded. After upgrading, the use of this wind control technique will be more durable.

Of course, you can't rush this matter, and you can't rush it. Chen Luo felt that it was almost done, so he took the Wind Control Technique back into the storage ring.

Standing up, Chen Luo looked outside. There was already a glimmer of light in the distance. It was dawn.

Unexpectedly, his practice lasted all night. Chen Luo sat cross-legged and meditated for a week. His whole body was feeling warm, but he didn't feel tired. When he stood up, he felt hungry and hungry.

Chen Luo walked out of the room and came below the deck.

The boatmen were still rowing in shifts. Boss Jiang had already gotten up. When he saw Chen Luo coming down, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Brother, our boat has been sailing for two days and nights. At this speed, we can enter by the evening."

We’ve arrived at the Dragon Island area!”

As Boss Jiang said, he took out the navigation chart drawn by Chen Luo and looked at it. At the same time, the compass was constantly correcting its position. In this sea, even if the weather is calm, you have to be extremely careful when sailing, because without anything to refer to, it is easy.

get lost.

Experienced ship owners often make corrections while sailing the ship. The reference for corrections is the stars in the sky.

Jiang Datong skillfully operated the compass and matched the position of the stars in the sky to verify whether the direction of the square ship's navigation was accurate.

"Turn the steering 15 degrees to the left!" Mr. Jiang shouted.

Because just now Boss Jiang discovered that the night voyage had unconsciously deviated from the direction.

Chen Luo stretched out his hand and felt the sea wind blowing in his face, and suddenly something strange came from him.

"Boss Jiang, is the boat heading further and further south?"

Jiang Datong shook his head, "No, it's exactly in the east to north direction."

"This is weird!" Chen Luo murmured to himself.

"Master Chen, is there anything strange?"

"I feel like the sea breeze is getting warmer and warmer!" Chen Luo said, scooping up a ladle of water and reaching into it.

"Strange, this water is much hotter than yesterday's water!"

Jiang Datong's eyes were solemn, and he reached into the water and tried it. It was getting hotter and hotter.

"Moreover, there is a smell of sulfur mixed with the sea breeze!" Chen Luo twitched his nose.

"Not good!" Jiang Datong shouted! "There may be a volcano erupting nearby!"

"Accelerate with all our strength, let's leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible!" Jiang Datong shouted from the bow of the ship.

The shout alerted Tian Wuji and others on the deck, and they all gathered over.

"Where is the volcano?" Li Zhen ran to the side of the ship and looked around.

"I'm afraid it will be too late when you can see it from here!" Jiang Datong said, leading everyone to the observation deck.

"This volcano comes from deep underground. Once it erupts, it will cause landslides and cracks on the ground. The sea water will boil, and hot underground fire will rise into the sky, and then spread from top to bottom, spreading to the sea. After the underground fire, it will also cause


Jiang Datong said while looking around.

"That's not bad! I'll be buried in the belly of a fish before I find the fairy mountain!"

"The top priority is to rush out!"

Just as he was talking, Chen Luo saw a plume of thick smoke rising from the sea in the sea ahead, more than a hundred feet away from the big ship.

The situation is really urgent.

This chapter has been completed!
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