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Chapter 327 Jiufeng Mountain

Chen Luo was glad that he was not greedy for too much. If Chen Luo had been allowed to continue to pursue the person behind the scenes, he would have been unable to do anything! This kind of divination originally required extremely high power from the soul!

Fortunately, through this shocking hexagram, Chen Luo at least secured the place where Zhou Xun was imprisoned.

"Grandpa, I saw a mountain peak with nine connected peaks!" Chen Luo said slowly.

"Helmsman of the Temple of Gods and Demons!" the blind grandfather said in one breath.

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"Grandpa, where is the chief rudder of this Temple of Gods and Demons?"

Chen Luo opened his eyes and swallowed a few Jade Soul Pills. While recovering his strength, he thought about what kind of existence the chief rudder of the Temple of Gods and Demons was.

"According to the Xiaoluo Gua Technique, we know that the place deduced from the Gua Technique is none other than Jiufeng Mountain!"

"According to Zhi Ruofang's intelligence, we learned that Jiufeng Mountain is located on the Northern Plateau, thousands of meters above sea level. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack! This Jiufeng Mountain is also the chief rudder of the Temple of Gods and Demons. It was also in this place that Zhou Xun had an accident in the past. It seems that

The person who controlled Zhou Falcon was not moved to another place, but was imprisoned on the Jiufeng Mountain." The old blind man analyzed.

"Grandpa is right. It seems that Senior Zhou Xun has not left Jiufeng Mountain after he was controlled by someone. The other party seems to be confident. Otherwise, finding a person in this vast world is like finding a needle in a haystack."

"Xiao Luo thinks that in order to rescue Senior Zhou Xun, we have to go and have a look at Jiufeng Mountain!"

The old blind man nodded and thought for a moment.

"Xiao Luo is right. The Jiufeng Mountain is connected by mountains. There are countless caves on each mountain, and they are covered with snow all year round. The conditions are naturally extremely difficult, but when it comes to Tibetan people being imprisoned, nothing is more suitable than here.

It’s over!”

The old blind man paused, "This time we go, not to fight, but to save people, so before the opponent is clear, we must try our best to avoid alerting the enemy along the way. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.

"Do you want to borrow troops from Wuji City to encircle and suppress them?" Chen Luo asked. According to Chen Luo's current reputation, even if he borrowed the entire Imperial Forest Army from Zhu Wuji from Shenwei Hou, it wouldn't be a problem.

"Now that the enemy's situation is unclear, don't use the army easily yet." The old blind man shook his head, and from the bottom of his heart, Yu Rui still hoped that Jianghu would be settled.

"In addition, I estimate that many people in the Temple of Gods and Demons were forced to give in, so don't kill innocent people indiscriminately before Zhou Xun is rescued. Let Zhou Xun decide and handle everything by himself!" Yu Rui gave everyone another instruction.


Jiufeng Mountain really has nine peaks. Jiufeng Mountain is majestic and the peaks are connected at the corners, like thousands of horses galloping.

According to the news, the main rudder of the Temple of Gods and Demons is rumored to be located on the third peak, Aofeng. Aofeng is one of the highest and most dangerous mountains in Jiufeng Mountain. For some reason, this week Falcon placed the main rudder of the Temple of Gods and Demons here.


"This time, in addition to rescuing Zhou Xun, I also went to see this old guy's lair!" Old Chentou said excitedly.

"Since we are going to rescue people, we will take as many people as possible this time!" The blind grandfather ordered directly, "Old Chen, myself, and the old Taoist priest will definitely go. By then, there will be masters above the Mahayana realm.

The three of us are responsible for solving it."

"Feng Bu'er, Xiao Luo, and Shi Zhuo are also going together. Your three's combat power is quite impressive now!" Especially Chen Luo's performance left a very deep impression on everyone.

"As for Li Zhen, Nan Guan'er, Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Huizi, and Miss Thirteen, you guys are responsible for waiting in the city!"

"I want to go too!" Li Zhen protested. "Although I'm not good at fighting, I'm still a man! Besides, we three brothers always act together, how can I be left out this time!" Li Zhen

Jane protested against staying to compensate a bunch of girls.

"And I, too, want to go!" Thirteenth Niang raised her hand, "Although I am a woman, my cultivation level is not bad, and besides, women also have their advantages!" Thirteenth Niang's main thought was

Reluctant to leave Feng Buer.

"I want to go too, I want to go too -" When everyone saw Li Zhen and Miss Thirteen applying, they also rushed to go.

"You think this is a vacation? Do you know that this journey is very dangerous?" The old blind man stared.

"Li Zhen, Thirteenth Mother, you must think carefully!"

"Don't think about it, we all know it!"

"Okay, then Li Zhen and Miss Thirteen will follow. Miss Thirteen is responsible for collecting and transmitting information. The little scholar is responsible for protecting Miss Thirteen's safety!"

Thirteenth Niang glanced at Feng Buer and thought to herself, "As long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter if I go up the sword mountain or go down the frying pan!"

Feng Buer looked at Thirteen Niang's eyes, which were already messy in the wind.

Eight hundred miles north of Wuji City, one begins to enter the Northern Plateau. Eight hundred miles further northeast of the Northern Plateau is the legendary Jiufeng Mountain System.

Along the way, the number of pedestrians gradually became less and less. The old blind man led everyone pretending to be a business trip and passed by Jiufeng Mountain. He hid in the car along the way and had little contact with people. In this way, he got closer and closer, and finally, after walking for six consecutive days, he

We arrived at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain.

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After finding a mountain col that was sheltered from the wind, the experienced Shi Zhuo Maliao led everyone to set up camp.

"Everyone, let's rest here first. We are going to send two people up the mountain to survey the situation! It won't be too late for us to take action after we find out what's going on inside." the old blind man ordered.

"Grandpa, let me go up the mountain! I am young and my body skills are not bad!"

"Well, Xiaoluo is the only one!"

"I'll go too, I'll go too -" Everyone signed up one after another.

"Okay, let's go for a run with Xiao Xiucai and Chen Luo. Be careful not to reveal your identity, and retreat as soon as you find danger. I'll be waiting for you here."

At night, Feng Buer and Chen Luo put on their night clothes. They followed the mountain path, performed lightening techniques, and quietly headed to the top of the mountain like civet cats.

While Feng Buer quickened his pace, he looked at Chen Luo who was following him. He followed him easily without blushing or breathing. He couldn't help but admire Xiao Luo's cultivation strength. It was amazing.

After a while, I saw faint lights on the mountain from a distance. Under the lights below was a sentry box. Fortunately, it was already dark, so the two people followed the night and quietly walked around.

Not everyone's eyesight is as good as Chen Luo's. In addition, the two of them are extremely fast, so even if the guards see it, it is just an afterimage, and they will suspect that they are hallucinating.

The two of them dodged and moved, and soon broke through to the core area of ​​the main rudder of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

Chen Luo looked around and saw a huge cave with holes in front of him. This cave actually had doors and windows. It looked like it had been in business for many years. The weak light penetrated from the windows and gaps in the cave.

come out.

Zhou Falcon was also a ruthless person this time, and he was stunned to find and build such a base in this wilderness, on Jiufeng Mountain.

It's a pity that people have lost their freedom now, which makes it easier for those who come after them. As Chen Luo thought, he wondered who had such great ability to control the Temple of Gods and Demons from the root. Their purpose of controlling the Temple of Gods and Demons

What is it again? After Zhou Xuan was controlled, where did the other members of the Temple of Gods and Demons go?

Full of questions, Chen Luo and Feng Buer quietly approached the window of the nearest cave and looked in through the faint light.

When he saw everything inside, Chen Luo couldn't help but feel happy. This cave was actually the kitchen of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

Inside the cave, there are all kinds of pots and pans, and a few people in uniforms are preparing various dishes.

Chen Luo Wuyun mode was turned on, and several cooks were heard chatting while working.

"Boss, you said that the higher ups have arrested so many people and locked them up here. What's the point? If we keep them and waste food, it might as well be——" The cook made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"What do you know? These people who stay here have their uses! It is said that they have some secrets, and the other thing is-" A chef whispered.

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"——So let them live first!" Chen Luo listened intermittently.

"Oh, that's going to be very difficult for us. In addition to serving our uncles, we also have to cook for them!"

"Why are there so many complaints? As mentioned above, these people can just starve to death. Don't take it too seriously. They won't be tired at all!"

The head chef, who was all fat and spoke in a effeminate manner, stirred the food at hand while answering.

Chen Luo glanced at the food and couldn't help but frown. This is not food for humans! This is obviously animal feed. Grind it into fine pieces, add water, and mix it!

These beasts! Chen Luo cursed in his heart!

Judging from the tone of these cooks, it seems that there are quite a few people imprisoned here. I just don’t know if Zhou Falcon is among the detainees this time.

"Stop talking, come and follow me to deliver the food." As he said, the chef picked up a horse spoon and threw it into the bucket. Then the two of them carried the bucket and walked towards the door.

Chen Luo and Feng Buer jumped up and climbed to the top of the cave entrance.

The door of the cave opened with a creak, and two cooks walked out carrying wooden barrels, and then walked to the left.

"Uncle Feng, let's follow!" Chen Luo said, using the gecko's free movement skill, quietly following the cook towards another cave not far away.

Different from other caves, this cave was actually completely dark. The cook carried the food, opened the door and walked in. One cook lit the light, and the other started to distribute the food.

Chen Luo stepped forward and heard bursts of moans, wailings, and curses coming from the cave. The sounds were mixed together. It sounded like there were countless people of all kinds imprisoned inside.

"Please give me a little more!"

"Water, I want water-"

"let me out!"

"I want to see your elders! Go and report it quickly!" someone also roared.

"Huh, there are a lot of dishonest people like you when we first come here. They will be honest after being hungry for a few days!" A cook ordered, "There will be no food distribution at Gate 9 today. It's a waste of food!"

Obviously, No. 9 is a newly arrested person.

Through the gap, Chen Luo looked inside. The huge cave was carved into stone chambers. Each stone chamber, with its closed door, had windows inlaid with black iron. Rice was passed in through the gaps in the windows.

There are prisoners inside, all of them are sallow and thin, holding on to the window lattice, eagerly waiting for the cook to feed them.

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The cook doesn't give too much, just one spoon per person.

Indeed, in such an environment, one can only survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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