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Chapter 4 Robbery

The old man stroked the black dragon ink jade with his hand, and his breathing became rapid.

"Miss, thanks to you, the old slave has lived up to his trust and finally found one of the pieces!" The old man's voice trembled with excitement.

"Please rest assured, Miss, I will definitely continue to look for the remaining pieces and try to collect four jade tablets to help you achieve your wish."

After that, the old man rewrapped the jade, then added a layer of oil paper, and wrapped it densely several times. The old man patted it with his hand, and a hidden grid on the wall popped open, and the old man put the black jade in.

The most important thing now is to avoid this period of noise.

There is no doubt that many strangers will visit the village in the past few days. The people of Yu Gang will not give up easily. But who would have thought that the old man and the young man that Yu Gang is looking for are the simple farmers in front of them.

and his granddaughter.

"Grandpa, there are some people in the village who are asking around!"

Sure enough, not long after, Siqi flashed in from outside, "They asked if any strangers had come to the village recently."

Hao Siqi has followed his grandfather since he was a child, and he is also very alert at a young age. The three of them settled down in this village near Wubei City two years ago. They bought land and kept their names anonymous. They are no different from ordinary villagers.

It already looks like an ordinary farmer in this ordinary village.

While the Yu Gang was searching intensively, on the horizon in the distance, on the mountain road through the Tianshan Canyon, two horses galloped over like lightning, with a trail of dust and smoke rising behind the horses' butts. The person who came was none other than Feng, who was just starting out and had experienced the world of martial arts.

Bu'er, Chen Luo's uncle and nephew.

"Xiaoluo, your riding skills have improved so fast. You have only been riding this road for a few days, and now you are even better than your Uncle Feng." Feng Buer praised.

"Uncle Feng, thanks to you teaching me riding skills all the way, I didn't expect that riding a horse can be so fast and so fun." The young man said, whistled, and did a handstand on the horse while his interest was not exhausted.

Before setting off, Feng Buer specially bought a horse for Chen Luo from Nanshi as a mount for Chen Luo to travel in the world. In the past few days, the two of them drank from the mountain spring water on the roadside when they were thirsty, and took out the old horse when they were hungry.

Chen Tou took a few bites of the naan prepared by Chen Tou. When he passed by an inn, he stayed and rested for the night. He ordered a lot of food and wine and had a great meal. The days of traveling around the world were so happy.

"Xiaoluo, when you get to my ranch, I will select a group of high-quality horses for you. My uncle trained a group of high-quality Dawan horses a few years ago, the kind that can travel thousands of miles a day." Feng Buyer said.

"Although the horse you are riding now is not bad, it is only used for traveling and is not a great horse."

Chen Luo was overjoyed when he heard this, "Thank you Uncle Feng, it's a deal!" Chen Luo slapped the horse's butt, and with a whoosh, it rushed forward again. Feng Buer quickly patted the horse to follow. Dusk was gradually approaching, and the two of them had to wear clothes.

After passing the mountain pass in front, there is an inn for rest.

The uncle and nephew were either in tandem, or running side by side, chasing each other. Suddenly, a dangerous signal came to Chen Luo's heart! In the distant mountains and forests, the sound of someone breathing could be heard, and occasionally there were sounds of swords and weapons.

The sound of bumping means there is an ambush!

You must know that under the training of the blind grandfather, Chen Luo's senses are completely different from ordinary people, especially the sixth sense, which instantly warns him of dangers. Chen Luo lowered his horse speed, signaled Feng Buer to slow down, and made a warning that there was danger ahead.


The two tightened their reins and the two horses moved forward slowly. At this moment, they saw a group of people rushing out of the woods, and surrounded Feng Buer and Chen Luo with a roar. And everyone had their hands in their hands.

He also held a bright weapon.

"Stop!" one of the leaders shouted!

It was the first time that Chen Luo encountered a robbery. This was the first time that Chen Luo had encountered such a thing when he came out to explore the world. Robbery on the road had only appeared in the stories told by the blind grandpa before.

The leader took out a piece of drawing paper and looked at the two of them up and down.

"Where are you from? Where are you going? Tell me your name!" asked the leader with a sinister look on his face.

Feng Buer signaled Chen Luo to be silent, cupped his hands, and said, "I'm Feng Buer of Xishan Mountain. I wonder which mountain top these brothers are from? Do you have any advice?"

The leader did not speak. He repeatedly compared the people in the picture. There were two people in the picture: an old man and a young man. The old man was similar in stature to Feng Buer, but thinner and older. The young man was obviously shorter than Chen Luo.


"Stop talking nonsense, I'm looking for someone!" The leader compared the pictures for a long time, then looked at Feng Buer and Feng Buer unwillingly.

"This horse is good. You can leave, but the horse stays!" The leader waved his hand, calling his subordinates unquestionably to come up and take the horse. Several people behind him were about to come up and snatch the reins of the two horses.

"Wait a minute!" Feng Buer took a look at the clothes on the leader's body, "You are from the Jade Gang, right? Go back and tell your hall master, I, Xishan Feng Buer, if anything happens, come to Xishan to find me!"

I saw that these people's short-breasted clothes were all embroidered with a golden word "jade", and Feng Buer recognized their identities at a glance.

"Do you know our hall master?!" The leader hesitated, "Then I can't keep you!"

He picked up the steel knife and winked, and a group of people gathered around him, ready to kill and steal goods.

Feng Buer frowned, "The Yu Gang has been a mixed bag over the years. You are looking for people to come out to rob houses. Does Huangfuxuan know about it?! I will clean up the house for Huangfuxuan today!" Feng Buer waved his big hand gently.

, the guy running at the front was slapped to the ground by Feng Buer and fainted.

When the others saw this, they all waved their steel knives and surrounded Feng Buer.

"Uncle Feng, be careful!" Chen Luo kicked over the evil slave running beside him.

Feng Buer is already angry. You guys who won't cry until you see the coffin, let you see Feng's slap in the face.

I saw that Feng Buer refused to hide. He added a little more strength to his palm and slapped it. A group of people were blown away. They were lying on the ground groaning and unable to get up. Several people had fainted.


Everyone looked at each other, this was a tough situation.

Whoops! Several people got up and wanted to leave when things got bad.

"Let you leave?" Feng Buer said, "It's too late to leave now! If you don't explain things clearly today, no one will be able to leave!"

As he spoke, Feng Buer stretched out his hand and placed a steel knife on the leader's neck.

"Tell me, who are you looking for?"

Seeing the bright steel knife in front of him, the leader's face turned green. "Feng~~ Mr. Feng, misunderstanding, misunderstanding~~ Our Jade Gang is looking for the person who took away the Black Dragon Black Jade. News came from Hall Master Qi in the city,

We've searched all over the city but can't find it, so let's search in the suburbs. They said the person might have gone to the suburbs. I didn't expect it to be you, Mr. Feng!"

"In the name of someone else, if you rob someone of their money, you can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the crime of living!" Feng Buer exerted his strength, and with a click, one of the leader's arms was disabled.

"Go away!" Feng Buer waved his hand, and the steel knife flew into the slope next to him.

A few of the minions winked and ran away.

"Uncle Feng, what are they doing with Black Dragon Moyu from the Jade Gang?" Chen Luo was relatively leisurely on the side and observed for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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