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Chapter 49 Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart

The next day, the Jade Jade Competition was held as scheduled. After a night's rest, all the contestants were in high spirits.

The second round of the Ancient Jade Group semi-finals is about to begin. Since the end of the last round, 816 players have eliminated more than 500 players at once, leaving 312 players who will participate in today's competition.

The contestants sat at the front of the arena as usual, ready to compete at any time. Chen Luo stayed quietly among the promoted contestants, looking at the competition venue on the stage.

Three more competition tables have been removed, and currently there are only three competition tables left in the venue. There is a red sandalwood tray on each table, and a round ball-shaped thing is covered with a red cloth on each table. A total of

There is three.

Is this the prop for today's game? Chen Luo looked at the three balls and wondered what was hidden inside. Are they three jade balls? Or something else?

Many players were already whispering, whispering, and discussing in the audience.

"These are three jade watermelons!" someone said.

"This is a ball-shaped ornament!" someone else said.


Elder Situ spared no effort and stood in front of the stage again to introduce the rules of today's competition to everyone.

"Distinguished guests, this is the topic for today's competition among 312 players!" he said, pointing to the three spherical objects covered with silk cloth on the table.

"These three jade balls have an official name, called "Seven Orifices Exquisite Hearts. Today's question is very simple. The contestants' task is to find out who is the true heart among the three seven orifices exquisite hearts?"

"Who is sincere? Is there a true or false heart in Jade?!" Chen Luo also found it very strange that the conference was actually very creative. It was clearly just a "ball" bet, but it was also called "finding the sincerity".

"This exquisite heart with seven orifices is said to be carved according to Bigan's heart. In ancient times, Emperor Bigan was jealous of Daji because he was extremely smart, so he guessed with King Zhou that Bigan's heart had seven orifices. A generation of foolish kings, King Zhou of Shang,

He listened to one side and believed the other, and in order to please the beauty, he forcibly dug out Bigan's heart. The beauty smiled, but sacrificed his own imperial uncle, and the dynasty's foundation fell apart."

What does Bigan's heart look like? Later, an immortal who specialized in jade, in order to commemorate Bigan, carefully carved this "Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart" with reference to Bigan's heart.

"This exquisite heart with seven orifices attracted much attention as soon as it was born and became world-famous. Jade lovers from all walks of life went there one after another. It is said that there is a super secret hidden in it."

"Later, in the Middle Ages, a jade expert appeared and copied two Exquisite Hearts with Seven Orifices in succession, so there were three Exquisite Hearts with Seven Orifices in the world."

Each of the three exquisite hearts with seven orifices is made of fine white jade. It is not easy to find the true heart from them.

However, being able to participate in such a grand event and see these legendary treasures is already a life-long satisfaction. Everyone was waiting for Elder Situ to finish speaking, and 312 contestants came to the stage to watch.

As the silk cloth was lifted, the hall suddenly became much brighter. Three jade balls were seen emitting a gentle light at the same time, crystal clear, neutral and peaceful.

Upon closer inspection, each ball is indeed shaped like a heart, with holes throughout.

Chen Luo counted and found that there were indeed seven, and around these seven holes, there was vague spiritual energy flowing in them. Chen Luo felt it, and the concentration of jade soul in this seven-orificed exquisite heart was no less than that of his own black dragon ink jade.

Looking more closely, I found that the ball was wrapped with dragons one by one, and these dragons were carved with strong force, like blood vessels and arteries, intersecting criss-cross on the heart, and holes leaked out in the gaps between the intersections.


Chen Luo looked out of the hole and saw nothing but white.

What surprised Chen Luo was that these three exquisite hearts with seven orifices were exactly the same. If we talk about the previous competition, there is still a basis for judgment based on the shape and color.

In today's competition, this advantage has been lost. The time it takes for the players to get to the stage is much longer than in the past. Although there are fewer options, the difficulty of selection has increased by more than one order of magnitude.

Chen Luo is also a little crazy. What he is looking for today is not the quality of the jade, but the true "heart". The way of feeling the jade soul before is no longer possible, because each piece of jade is rich in soul, and it does not represent the true meaning of the jade soul.

Anyone who says there is a lot of jade spirit must really mean it.

This is the real game, a cruel elimination round. Most of the players watched it for a long time and then gave up. Just one of them got fooled and stepped down.

The seeded contestants, the proud ones, had to be more persistent and kept silent on the stage. Some people used their special skills to try to conquer the answer in one fell swoop.

Chen Luo closed his eyes and silently felt the three exquisite jade hearts with seven orifices. They were the same size and shape, and even the jade soul they emitted was almost the same. How could this be done?

Gently hold the jade ball in your hand, the weight is almost the same!

It is estimated that the other seeded players are not much better. There are still more than a dozen people left on the stage, and everyone is unwilling to give up. They are always looking forward to finding differences in these subtleties.

Chen Luo silently picked up the Molong Jue and was about to have an emotional exchange with Yuqiu to see if he could learn something about it.

Suddenly, Chen Luo felt that the magatama he was wearing moved. As he moved, the magatama shook to varying degrees.

There's something going on! Chen Luo thought to himself, it must be this true "heart" that awakened this magatama.

That would be easy. Chen Luo circled the jade three times, and finally judged that the one on the right was the true heart.

"Brother Magatama, don't lie to me!"

Chen Luo recorded the answer on the jade tablet and left the competition venue. As the distance went away, the magatama finally stopped.

There seems to be some kind of opportunity here? Chen Luo thought to himself, when he gets the chance, he will study the Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart carefully.

The last group of contestants to step down have also received the attention of the referee group. The further back they go, the more elite they remain.

Among the crowd, Chen Luo also saw Zhang Zhongwen. The two had a fight yesterday, but the outcome was inconclusive. Unexpectedly, they met again on the field today.

Zhang Zhongwen also saw Chen Luo, snorted coldly, and finally chose the answer and left the field.

Tian Wuji smiled and slowly left the arena.

Tang Zhonggu left the arena confidently.

Nan Guan'er is actually here too.


After all the contestants gave their answers, it was already close to noon. Feng Buer was going to take Chen Luo with him to go shopping on the fifth floor to see if there were any other novelties.

When I went up to the fifth floor, I saw that there was nothing else but books. A vast sea of ​​books.

These books, at first glance, come from all over the world, from ancient times to the present. They are piled in piles, line by line, and many of them are single copies. Some are wired, some are bound, and there are also a few simple pages clipped together, and there is even a basket.

A basket of bamboo slices and turtle shells engraved with text and graphics.

Chen Luo took a quick look and found that most of these books were related to jade, and some were about local chronicles, geography, anecdotes about rivers and lakes, fairy tales, etc.

Feng Buer, the former "little scholar", shook his head after reading it, "That's all, I thought there was something new, but it turned out to be a book. I won't go in, I'm too big!"

If the old blind man sees it, he might think that this "little scholar" has changed his gender, or that studying with him before was a lie? Is he a foot-picking big man in his true nature?

Chen Luo shook his head and walked in alone.

[Author's digression]: Today we have stepped onto a new level and officially entered the range of 100,000 to 200,000 words. The weather is hot, and only words can comfort the heart and spleen. The body is like a Bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror. Always brush it diligently, do not

Make it dusty!

This chapter has been completed!
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