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Chapter 56

Thank you Tianzi for the rescue!

Nan Wan'er solemnly saluted Tian Wuji. Tian Wuji smiled and waved his hand, "Miss Guan'er is too polite. It's not that I don't believe in Brother Chen Luo's strength. Today is indeed not the time for a fight!"

Tian Wuji took out a piece of paper and said, "Do you know the schedule for the upcoming competition?"

"I don't know!" Chen Luo and Nan Wan'er shook their heads at the same time. This was exactly the information they were going to inquire about next. Originally, Chen Luo wanted to listen to the information Feng Buer inquired about after returning home later.

"The next competition, the finals of the ancient jade group, will be put on hold for a while!"

"The priority is the rematch between Hyundai and China."

"After the modern jade semi-finals are completed, the top 10 finalists will be selected, and then the most popular and exciting stone gambling group semi-finals will be held. The 10 finalists will also be selected for the stone gambling group."

"After all the semi-finals are over, the finals of the three major events will be organized uniformly!" Tian Wuji, as the defending champion, naturally knows the agenda of the competition well.

"If we don't talk too far, let's talk about the upcoming modern jade competition. Every piece of jade is a new jade cut from the original. It stands to reason that it is much easier to identify new jade than to identify old jade." Tian Wuji paused.

For a moment, "In order to make it easier to select outstanding players, Modern Jade's semi-finals will add some additional requirements!"

"For example, all contestants are required to participate in the competition blindfolded so that they cannot see the jade. The purpose of this is to test the contestants' feelings about jade."

"This is a bit difficult!" Chen Luotai understood the purpose of this assessment. If everyone is allowed to observe with the naked eye, then many players can find the answer by relying on massive training and accumulating enough experience.

This method of relying on experience is not the purpose of the competition. In the final stage, the organizing committee still hopes to select talented players, even if they have relatively inexperienced players.

"That's right! The purpose of the competition is to select talented players, not experienced ones!" Tian Wuji added.

"Based on past experience, modern jade competitions often eliminate many experts, especially players who participate in the competition for the first time. They are unprepared and caught off guard, and fail at the beginning of the semi-finals."

For example, Wu Shaoyun from the Ancient Yue Holy Land last year was eliminated in the semi-finals of the modern jade stage. Fortunately, he won second place in the ancient jade competition and saved some face.

"Thank you Brother Tian for your advice. I really benefited a lot." Chen Luo and Nan Guan'er nodded repeatedly.

"The details have been written down on paper. Each of you can take one copy back and study it slowly."

"The other piece is a jade token for communication. Please accept it. If you have anything to do later, please contact me in time!" Tian Wuji took out two jade tokens and gave one to each of Nan Wan'er and Chen Luo.

Nan Wan'er looked at Chen Luo in confusion, wondering why Tian Wuji was so nice to Chen Luo. One was a wealthy, aloof young man with money, talent, and good looks, while the other was a rustic Chen Luo.

The relationship between these two people is extraordinary! Is there any hidden secret? Why is Tian Wuji so good to Chen Luo!

Cough - cough -

Chen Luo felt a little embarrassed when he saw Nan Wan'er's eyes.

"It's getting late, so I can go back and prepare for tomorrow's game." Chen Luo stood up and prepared to say goodbye and go back.

"Let's go back together!" Seeing Chen Luo leaving, Tian Wuji said with a smile.

I feel dizzy~~, a strong jealousy wells up in Nan Wan'er's heart.

For Chen Luo, the next task is very arduous. One is to ensure that Modern Jade advances to the semi-finals, and the other is to study the martial arts fight with Ou Shaoxiong.

Tian Wuji and Chen Luo walked out of Qingyu Tower, chatting while walking.

"Brother Chen, have you gained anything from studying the Classic of Mountains and Seas recently?" Tian Wuji asked. As a person chosen by the Tian family, Tian Wuji also attached great importance to it.

"The harvest is quite great!" Chen Luo told him frankly, but this book of mountains and seas is too vast and needs time to understand and digest.

"That's for sure. In addition to diligence, studying the Classic of Mountains and Seas requires talent! Only talented young people like Brother Chen can hope to achieve research breakthroughs." Tian Wuji said frankly.

"Brother Tian is so honored. When it comes to talent, who can compare with Brother Tian!"

"Brother Chen, I am telling the truth. My father will not be wrong about the person who can be selected by "Jade Fate"!"

"If that's true, then my uncle is really a master."

"Brother Chen, what are you lacking recently? Just ask, the supply of Fuhua Building can still be guaranteed!" Tian Wuji already regarded Chen Luo as one of his own, and he didn't speak out of mind at all.

"Thank you, Brother Tian! I don't need anything right now." Chen Luo was about to refuse when he suddenly remembered the piece of sapphire he had refined before.

"Brother Tian, ​​what is the origin of that piece of sapphire from last time!"

"Oh, that piece of sapphire? This is the finest sapphire that was recently mined from the bottom of Mount Tai."

"Although this sapphire is new, its quality is still very good. Over time, it will evolve into a jade soul."

"What is Jade Soul?" Chen Luo continued to ask.

"High-quality jade, especially complete jade, ancient jade, not only has jade soul, but also jade soul!"

Tian Wuji also understands jade soul and jade soul!

"Jade with a jade soul is spiritual. It can even change its shape!" Tian Wuji said, "Due to the decomposition of this piece of sapphire, the jade soul has been submerged during the cutting and processing, leaving only a few residues and jade.

The soul is in it!"

Chen Luo seemed to understand a little bit. Top-quality jade, such as black dragon ink jade, and even that jade pillow, all have souls. People have three souls and seven souls, and spiritual jade also has souls.

The reason why the scum jade that I had refined before was easy to refine was because there was no jade soul in it. However, no matter how I refined the jade with the jade soul, I could only absorb its jade soul, but could not refine it alive.


Unless he is, he can even take the jade soul for his own use.

"So, Brother Tian, ​​can you give me some more sapphire like last time? Brother, I have a use for it."

"That's no problem, I will send someone to deliver it." Tian Wuji agreed directly without any hesitation. Then the two said goodbye and went home.

When Chen Luo went back, the old blind man and Feng Buer were discussing matters in the hall.

"Xiao Luo, I heard that the next match is the rematch of Modern Jade!" Feng Buer said.

"Uncle Feng, I already understand the rules of the following games clearly." So Chen Luo took out the schedule given by Tian Wuji and recorded the time and location of each subsequent game in detail.

At the same time, Chen Luo also informed everyone about Tian Wuji.

"Grandpa Blind, I have one more thing that I need your help with!" Chen Luo is actually rough on the outside but delicate on the inside. He is not confident that he will win in the fight with Ou Shaoxiong. There are still three days left, so he still needs to think carefully.

get ready.

"Grandpas, Uncle Feng, do you know about White Camel Villa?" Chen Luo finished talking about the previous events and told him about the match with Ou Shaoxiong.

"Baituo Villa is a family of cultivators that has established a sect for hundreds of years. Its Kung Fu routines are characterized by fierce attack, weirdness and variety. Coupled with the blessing of Jade Clam Kung Fu, it really has a crushing advantage in fighting with others!"

The blind grandpa analyzed.

[Author's digression]: At the suggestion of book friends, I will add another chapter today. I wish everyone a happy weekend!

This chapter has been completed!
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