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Chapter 9 Searching Mountains

When I woke up the next day, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Chen Luo got up and just went out when the news came from last night. After the monster howled last night, the old man in the pasture next door lost another big animal.

No need to guess, it was probably stolen and eaten by a monster. After listening to the sound yesterday, Chen Luo probably already knew the source of the sound, which was due south and halfway up the south side of the West Mountain.

What is shocking is that this sound can actually reach the ears of herdsmen more than ten miles away across the vast pasture. This is definitely not something that ordinary things can do.

Chen Luo thought, could it be that some ancient beast really came to Xishan? It seemed like he would have to go up the mountain with Feng Buer to conduct a thorough investigation.

Feng Buer promised last time that he would take Laotu and the others up the mountain to destroy the monsters, so he will do it!

Early the next morning, Feng Buer began to prepare. There were many equipment and supplies needed for going up the mountain, such as ropes, nets, blocks, steel forks, spears, crossbows, cleavers, food and clothing, etc.

In addition, just in case, we also prepared knife medicine, flint and other items.

Chen Luo collected some rosin from nearby and made several torches, just in case they came in use.

The old-fashioned thing is even more exaggerated, bringing a dozen strong young men, fully armed and wearing armor, each of them has a big body and a round waist, and they look like they will never give up until they destroy the monsters.

It is better to be in time than to rush early. This is very particular about the time to go up the mountain.

According to reasoning, every full moon night, the monster starts howling, then eats an animal, and then disappears. If the people looking for the monster had appeared just a little earlier, they might have become the monster's food.

On the contrary, if humans go there after the full moon, then the monsters will be full and will hide somewhere, so they will no longer be interested in humans.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, the monsters no longer move around when they are full. If they live in a small house, hold their breath and sleep soundly, it will be difficult for people who go up the mountain to find traces. There are pros and cons in everything, but safety is always the most important thing.


Everything is ready and ready to go.

The next day, at dawn, everyone gathered at Feng Buer's ranch and officially set off. In addition to Laotu, there were also people from several other ranches who also sent people over, and some of them were carrying various supplies.

Chen Yang had rested for a day, and he was already full of energy and eager to try. Although he was still relatively young, in terms of courage and momentum, Chen Luo could not lose to anyone.

Judging from the source of the sound, a group of people followed the south slope up to the West Mountain. At the foot of the mountain was a lush pasture, and further up was a forest farm. The vegetation layers in the West Mountain were also very distinct.

Because there is enough snow and water on the mountain, there are still a lot of plants at the foot of the mountain. As you go up the mountain road, it becomes steeper and steeper. The mountain road turns into a dirt road, and the dirt road becomes roadless, leaving only a few.

Some of the gullies carved out by the snow flowing downwards are wide and some are narrow.

As the team marched deeper and deeper, the trees on the mountain became relatively sparse, but what remained were pines and cypresses with very strong vitality.

During this period, a frightened pheasant, rabbit, etc. would occasionally pop out and run towards the woods.

Feng Buer is also quite experienced in hunting and knows that he has almost reached the area. Going up further, it is bare and unprotected, and animals are not willing to go up, so large predatory animals do not like to go up.

What makes Feng Buer feel strange is that the king of the animal world in Xishan is a pack of wild wolves, known as the king of Xishan. In the past few years, the wolf packs that were easily encountered on the mountain have all disappeared for unknown reasons.

It's gone. I don't know if it was hidden because of the monster.

"Everyone should be careful, we can't even see a wild wolf! It feels weird on the mountain today! When we search separately later, don't be too far apart!"

Feng Buer ordered everyone to search separately, keep a distance and be available for support at any time.

Naturally, Chen Luo was in a group with Feng Buer, and the housekeeper Lao Wang was also in the same group. The three of them walked along the left side of the mountain road and paid attention to the surrounding situation to see if they could find any clues.

Along the way, Chen Luo opened the method of the Five Aggregates and was open to receiving information from the outside. The familiar smells of various animals and plants, and the sounds of various insects and birds came to Chen Luo.

But they are all regular species, nothing fancy.

Chen Luo followed Chen Buer and Lao Wang, and the three of them searched in a spiral from bottom to top.

Lao Wang held a strong stick in his hand and kept touching the stones and vegetation on both sides. Several people searched for an hour but found nothing suspicious. There was a large, flat stone in front of him. Feng Buer

Call everyone over, rest on the stone platform, and replenish water and dry food.

Everyone was just about to sit down.

"Be careful!" I saw something like an arrow emerging from not far away, heading straight for Chen Luo.

Feng Buer had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched out his hand and clamped it firmly with his fingers.

The long and thin object was struggling constantly in Feng Buer's hands. Feng Buer made a move and clamped the head just seven inches away.

It turned out to be a snake, an old snake to be precise.

"Everyone, please stay away. This is the Tianchi Mountain Rock Snake. It is extremely venomous!" Feng Buer was well-informed and looked at the snake carefully.

This snake was already dying. The attack just now seemed to be the last blow in this snake's life. Unexpectedly, it fell into Feng Bu's hand and struggled helplessly.

Chen Luo looked at the snake intently and felt an ancient aura exuding from the snake. The snake's eyes were no longer black and white, but now turned red, as if something had happened.

As a unique local rock snake, it can live through the vicissitudes of life because it has no natural enemies. Judging from the observation, this snake is at least hundreds of years old.

However, this kind of snake has a characteristic that it does not grow very large in its lifetime, so Feng Buer was able to catch it easily.

"Uncle Feng, this snake seems to be acting abnormally. Is it crazy?" Chen Luo said.

"I also thought it was strange just now. This kind of snake will never take the initiative to provoke humans. How can it attack when it sees a human and has no time to hide?"

"Could it be that this snake was frightened and went crazy?"

Thinking of the howling of the mythical beast the night before yesterday, which was more than ten miles away from the ranch, Chen Luo felt it was so penetrating that his mind was shaken by it. If this snake was nearby when the mythical beast roared...

This chapter has been completed!
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