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Chapter 94

Outside the temple, there were several lonely stone pillars, inserted diagonally into the ground, and one of them was already tilted horizontally. Chen Luo jumped on one of the stone pillars and continued to explore the grounds outside the temple.

Chen Luo vaguely felt that a scent of fragrance was coming from six meters in front of the door.

The place of incense!

There should have been a copper stove for worship here at that time, and the incense was constantly burning day and night. The incense was filled every day and penetrated three feet into the ground. Therefore, although the incense burner is no longer there, the smell of incense still remains and does not overflow.

This is the power of faith!

Chen Luo came to the place of incense, put his palms together, and bowed solemnly.

Choo Choo Choo--

Magatama moves again!

"There is something!" Chen Luo was pleasantly surprised! The location is just below this place of incense.

Taking out the meteorite knife, Chen dropped it directly under the incense burner and started digging.

After digging out a layer of floating soil, the sound of magatama chirping became even stronger. It seemed that the location was chosen correctly.

Chen Luo continued to dig downwards, and found that the soil layer was surprisingly strong. After removing the floating soil, there was a layer of loess underneath. It was extremely compacted and had the effect of preventing insects and beasts from destroying it. Digging deeper, there was a layer of red soil, mixed with gel, which was waterproof.

The effect of flooding and snow invasion.

Under the red soil, a strange black iron plate was exposed. Chen Luo expanded the circle around the pit and pried out the iron plate. A black box was exposed under the iron plate.

After looking at the iron plate, it turned out to be in the shape of a tile, a tile exclusively for the Iron Tile Palace. The clear mark on it showed that it was for the exclusive use of the Iron Tile Palace.

Chen Luo moved out the box. The wood on the outside was rotten. When he opened the box, there was an iron box inside.

Box within a box!

Opening the iron box, Chen Luo saw a piece of paper. The paper had turned yellow, indicating that it had been a few years. Under the paper, there was a jade box.

Chen Luo unfolded the paper and wrote four sentences on it:

Mountain fire destroyed the temple and the monks were scattered.

There is a posthumous chapter in Taibai, and the relics are destined to be waiting for them.

It turned out that this box was buried by the monks in the temple when the temple was destroyed by wildfire. Chen Luo couldn't help but admire the monks here, who truly did not be greedy, angry or blameful, and only looked at whether they were destined or not.

Judging from the time of writing these few hurried poems, they should have been written before leaving the iron-tiled palace after it was burned down by fire.

Chen Luo took the jade box, and the magatama jade on his chest began to scream "chirp, chirp, chirp" again. No need to ask, according to the reasoning of Liu Shi, there should be a relic inside.

Relics, the most precious treasure of Buddhism, are said to be the crystals left after the eminent monk passed away and his disciples burned his body. This relic has the effect of avoiding evil, bringing good luck, and blessing luck.

I just don’t know which ancient eminent monk’s Buddha body the relic in front of me is. Chen Luo opened the jade box, and sure enough, under the silk cloth, he found a relic that looked like jade but not jade, looked like iron but not iron, and looked like bone but not bone.

A round, bead-shaped object with a crystal-clear body, surrounded by faint Buddhist Dharma. Undoubtedly, this is the relic.

At the bottom of the jade box, Chen Luo found another envelope. When he opened it, it turned out to be a self-report letter.

Looking at the whole letter, the momentum is extraordinary, the calligraphy is elegant and free, and the writing style is elegant and smooth.

"Before I was weak, I studied in Daye City and achieved some success. Twenty years later, I was a willful wanderer, wielding a sword in the rivers and lakes, and went east to the Tang Dynasty. I watched the Twelve Niangs dancing swords, drank with Concubine Yang, traveled to the south of the Yangtze River, and wrote poems and wines.

I spent forty years indulging in writing and sensuality, and wasted forty years. When I got old, I returned to Daye City. After the wind and sand in the desert, I often thought about the beautiful land in the south of the Yangtze River, with its winding paths leading to secluded places, so I painted this painting and built a pavilion in it.

There is a pavilion, a palace and a house. Whenever I think about it, I will travel through it and stay for a few days to soothe my heart."

"While I was away, I entrusted the monks in the temple to take care of me. To express my gratitude, I gave a relic to monk Jingting of Hongyuan Temple in Jingting Mountain to express my gratitude and enhance the Zen feeling in the mountain!"

Chen Luo continued to read down, and there was a signature, "Taibai banished the immortal". Chen Luo thought to himself, this banished immortal is probably from Taibai Mountain, and Taibaishan people are the banished immortal, and they are the same person.

He is worthy of being a banished immortal. These few words clearly explain his life. When he was a child, he was born in Daye City in the Western Region. When he grew up, he returned to the East. It coincided with the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty. He missed it by forty years and waited until he was old.

After returning to Daye City, I always missed the prosperity of Jiangnan. While thinking about it, I made this shocking painting.

You can walk into this painting and relive the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan without having to travel hard.

What a genius idea.

Poets, swordsmen, fine wines, beauties, traveling around the world, returning to their hometown in glory, how cool and unrestrained they are.

The entire masterpiece can be called "Taibai Yi Pian". Through the detailed introduction in the article, Chen Luo roughly understood the causes and consequences of the story.

And based on the meaning of the article, it is deduced that in addition to the iron tile palace, there is also a pavilion, a pavilion and a house on this mountain.

Chen Luo buried the iron and wooden boxes underground, and put the tiles, jade box and relics into his arms.


The jade score card on his body lit up, showing that Chen Luo had gained an opportunity of 20 points, and finally got off to a good start. Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief and no longer worried about lagging behind them.

After tidying up and filling in the soil, I bowed, turned around and left the Iron Tile Hall, and continued to climb up the mountain road.

If we talk about this mountain road, the front is still a neatly repaired trail, but as you go further back, it becomes more and more deserted.

The trees have changed from green bamboo forests to tall trees dominated by pines and cypresses. The wind blows, the swaying pine waves, and the tree crowns that block the sky and the sun make the path up the mountain look a bit dark.

Chen Luo continued to move forward for more than thirty miles, and finally climbed to the next platform. On the platform, looking down, the waves of pines, waves, and sea of ​​clouds were already left at his feet.

After searching around, he saw a small pavilion on the cliff. Chen Luo climbed up in three or two steps.

The stone benches and tables in the pavilion have been mottled with vicissitudes of life. The plaque on the pavilion reads four characters "Listen to the waves and drink".

Taibai Tingtao drinking place.

Chen Luo observed the location of the pavilion and found that it coincided with the art of Feng Shui. All the aura of heaven and earth surged with the wind and was poured into this pavilion. It seemed that the builder of the pavilion was very careful in selecting the location when building it.

Chen Luo sat in the pavilion, closed his eyes, turned on the five aggregates mode, and searched everywhere for perception. As expected, he found nothing.

Suddenly, Chen Luo felt a cold and fishy wind coming from behind. Danger!

Following the stone bench, he instinctively rolled on the spot and moved aside.

"Bang--" A huge mouth hit the stone bench and overturned it. At some point, a giant python dozens of meters long was entrenched on the pavilion.

The boa constrictor was wrapped around the carved beams. It leaned forward and pounced on Chen Luo.

It is true that one moment there are birds singing and flowers are fragrant, and the next moment there is blood and blood. Danger is everywhere and can come at any time.

"Evil beast!"

Chen Luo shouted, stretched out his hand and used his energy to turn into energy, and went straight towards the snake's body.

Poof - the giant python only reacted slightly. It didn't have much effect. This guy is indeed rough-skinned and thick-flesh.

Chen Luo retreated to the pillar and pulled out the meteorite knife.

"Break it for me!"

The next moment, Chen Luo swung his knife, facing the sweeping tail, and cut into the body of the giant python with a pop.

The giant python felt a huge pain, roared, slid down from the pavilion, rolled Chen Luo, and rolled down the cliff.

A cliff thousands of meters high fell from the sky. Chen Luo felt like he was flying through the clouds, so he hugged the python and fell quickly.

One person and one snake were falling and rolling while fighting. The python turned its head and swallowed Chen Luo in one bite.

There is no way to avoid it! The knife is coming!

Chen Luo pushed hard and kicked the snake's head, which was slightly tilted. The python's bloody mouth bit his arm. At the same time, Chen Luo swung his iron knife horizontally and cut open the python.

A big hole. The python writhes rapidly in pain. Chen Luo lets go of his hand and watches the python fall rapidly. Chen Luo, on the other hand, uses the trees on the cliff as a buffer to hang firmly on the cliff wall.

Above, there is a smooth cliff, so high that it does not reach the top.

Below is an abyss.

A dilemma.

One arm was still bleeding.

Chen Luo grabbed the stone with one hand and took a break. Then he held the meteorite knife with the other hand.


One stab of the knife can actually hang it.

Following the same pattern, Chen Luo slid along the cliff and gradually slid to the bottom of the cliff one by one.

There were still thirty meters left, but Chen Luo couldn't hold on any longer. His hands softened and he fell down with the knife in hand.

Bang, crash, Chen Luo felt his body hitting the branches and stones protruding from the rock.


It hit a tree.

The tree was like a big open umbrella, catching Chen Luo and bouncing it up again.


The person fell to the ground.

In the haze, Chen Luo felt something cool falling on his face. He opened his eyes slightly and saw the dew falling from the tree.

Chen Luo licked his lips. A fierce battle had almost exhausted all his energy.

Counting the time, it was already afternoon, and a wisp of light filtered through the mountain stream, shining on the stream.

Chen Luo endured the severe pain and tried to get up. He sat cross-legged and used the breathing technique to move his whole body. He took out two pieces of jade and silently used the Black Dragon Technique. A strong jade soul swarmed in.

This lasted for about an hour. Chen Luo stood up energetically, found a rag, and simply bandaged his arm.

Then he started to look around, and saw that the python was nowhere to be found, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and where there is a monster, there must be a treasure. I heard the blind man once said that in places guarded by big snakes, there are often fairy grass or treasures.

"Bao, where are you?"

"Baby, come to the bowl quickly~"

Chen Luo touched the magatama on his chest and prayed in his heart. The magatama did not respond.

What's even more troublesome is that I'm lost.

If you fall into this abyss, you can either climb up or go down the mountain stream and explore a new route.


Something hit me.

Chen Luo looked up and saw a monkey grinning at him. While the monkey was chewing a fruit, it threw the core towards Chen Luo. It also grinned at Chen Luo. It was not afraid of people at all.

He stretched out his hand to take the fruit, put it under his nose and smelled it, and felt that the fruit actually had a refreshing fragrance.

Chen Luo picked up a stone, stretched out his hand and flicked it towards the ape. The ape was hit hard and squeaked in pain.

In a blink of an eye, he became angry and threw all the fruits at Chen Luo.

Chen Luo took all the fruits one by one, and there were four complete fruits in total.

This chapter has been completed!
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