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Chapter 95 A Mud Doll

Chen Luo caught a fruit and took a bite. A sweetness surged into his heart. It was a spiritual fruit! This fruit has lived in the mountains for a long time and absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon. It has become spiritual.

In a short time, the monkey had thrown four or five fruits. Chen Luo took one bite at a time and swallowed several fruits. The juice entered the Dantian, and the fatigue on his body was wiped away. The injuries on his arms also improved significantly.

This is really good stuff.


Chen Luo lowered his head and saw that the jade sign was on again.

My chance points actually increased by one more point.

Haha, opportunities are indeed everywhere. This monkey doesn't know where he picked the fruit. If he has time, he can look for it.

The competition is still important at the moment, and spiritual fruits are hard to come by.

After being nourished by the spiritual fruit, Chen Luo felt that his physical condition was much better and his whole body was full of energy.

After some rest, Chen Luo looked up at the sky. Now there were two choices before him.

The first is to go down the mountain stream to reach the small pool where you can go fishing in the mountain, and then go home. The second is to climb up the same way and work hard to find greater opportunities.

This is a competition, and Chen Luo doesn't want to be eliminated so quickly.

Grit your teeth and climb up! Chen Luo is determined!

When I was a child, I often heard my blind grandfather talk about cliffs and mountain streams. There is a kind of mountain stream called Yingchoujian. It means that the eagles become worried when they see it and cannot fly up.

Chen Luo felt that the mountain stream in front of him was exactly what the blind grandfather said, the eagle's sorrow when it sees an eagle.

Chen Luo observed the mountain stream. In fact, the mountain stream was not straight up and down.

Looking from top to bottom, it feels unfathomable. Looking from bottom to top, it completely changes because you see the ecology of the rock wall, which is like a small world, with various flowers, grass, and thuja growing on the sides.

, a sign of prosperity.

Chen Luo planned an easy route for himself and took out a rope. This time, unless it was absolutely necessary, he couldn't stab the rock wall with a knife, as that would consume too much energy.

With the help of the rope, it is much easier to go up. In addition, Chen Luo is as light as a swallow and extremely flexible. Chen Luo is like an ape, jumping sideways for a while, running straight up for a while, climbing quickly towards the mountain.

Almost a hundred meters to the top of the cliff, Chen Luo stopped, wiped his sweat, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a cave entrance on the left. Above the cave entrance, it was the place where he fell. In front of the cave entrance, there was a protruding stone.

, constructed a natural stone platform.

Interesting, go check it out!

Chen Luo is thinking about what opportunities there are around here. Maybe there is an opportunity in this cave.

He pulled out the meteorite knife and used the clumsiest method to cross the steepest mountain wall and reach the stone platform.

Chen Luo looked inside and saw that the cave was not big and could be entered by bending down. There was a familiar fishy smell coming from the cave. Could this be the place where the python lived?

After falling into the mountain stream, I didn't know whether the python was dead or alive, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Could it be in this cave?

Chen Luo lit the folding bag, held a knife in one hand, and bravely explored inside. The space inside became larger and larger, and gradually turned into a stone chamber.

The ground was covered with hay, and the natural stone floor was shiny from friction.

The boa constrictor is not at home! Moreover, the boa constrictor lives alone, has not yet married a wife, and has no children.

Chen Luoxuan felt relieved.

Choo Choo Choo--

Magatama called.

Is there a treasure in the cave?

Chen Luo searched carefully. In addition to the stone slabs, there were dry weeds, probably the remains of animals that had been swallowed. Chen Luo turned over carefully, and vaguely felt something glowing faintly on the stone platform in the corner of the cave.

That's it. Chen Luo stepped forward and picked up the shining thing.

A ruby.

Chen Luo looked at the stone carefully. It was a bit strange. He said it was jade, but it didn't feel like jade at all. He said it was stone, but he always felt that its origin must be extraordinary.

Otherwise, this giant python wouldn't be able to protect you, otherwise, this magatama wouldn't be chirping.

No matter what, just accept it and go back to study slowly.

Chen Luo put the ruby ​​​​into the storage ring.

Didi! The opportunity jade cards flashed at the same time. Chen Luo took a look and increased his chances by 20 points.

At the same time, in the competition hall, a huge jade screen was hanging in the center of the stage, which constantly displayed the changes in the players' points.

"Wow, the contestants this year are so fierce!"

"Tang Zhonggu leads the way and has already exceeded 100 points!"

"Tian Wuji is not bad, he also scored 80 points!"

"Chen Luo, eh? Why did Chen Luo only score 41 points? He is far behind!"

"Even Zhang Zhongwen scored 50 points."

You can't go back empty-handed when you enter Baoshan. The players are all working hard and scrambling to be the first. Only Chen Luo lags behind and picks up some of the treasures they left behind.

On the ranking list, Tang Zhonggu scored 100 points, Tian Wuji scored 80 points, Zhu Wuji scored 60 points, Leng Xuecheng scored 60 points, Gu Lie scored 50 points, Nan Guan'er scored 50 points, Lou Yun scored 60 points, and Chen Luo only scored a pitiful 41 points.

. Shen Mi, the casual cultivator who entered first, actually scored 70 points.

This fully demonstrates the importance of going in first, first come, first served, and late arriving behind. If you are one step ahead, you will be ahead step by step.

This is the cruel law of competition.

Chen Luo, don’t be left behind like your name!

Chen Luo, who was getting out of the cave, was also secretly motivating himself. The speed he was traveling at was really a bit slow, and he might capsize in the ditch.

Chen Luo no longer studies the harvest, but works hard to move forward, continues to look for opportunities, and seizes all the opportunities he can.

Thinking of this, Chen Luo used his hands and feet to climb up quickly. When he climbed up to the pavilion and looked back down, he felt dizzy. It felt completely different from when he came up from below.

Drinking and watching the waves at the pavilion finally came to an end.

Chen Luo put away the rope, tidied his clothes, and continued climbing up the mountain road.

At this time, the hillside had turned into a ravine washed by water. The road was no longer visible.

There are no roads in this world. A road that few people have traveled is not a road.

Chen Luo followed the ravine and climbed higher.

Continue walking for thirty miles, crossing countless ravines, dense forests, and mountain streams, and avoiding countless falling rocks, snakes, insects, and miasma. Climbing up a slope, my eyes suddenly opened up.

What comes into view is a mountain col. The gentle slope is covered with a layer of green grass. Among the grass are unknown wild flowers. On the wild flowers, a group of butterflies and bees are sparsely interspersed.

Could this be a paradise?

Then I saw a row of wooden houses built in the middle of the mountain col. Above the wooden houses, smoke was rising.

The sun is setting in the west and smoke is rising.

Chen Luo seemed to be back in the small town of Kule City, with the large houses beside the Peacock River and the daily routine of human fireworks!

The scene in front of me is unbearable to disturb!

Chen Luo tiptoed toward the hut, fearing to scare the butterflies on the grass and the smoke on the roof.

When he came to the door, Chen Luo raised his hand and clicked lightly three times. With a "squeak", the wooden door was opened.

An old man came out with his body hunched over.

"Old man!" Chen Luo shouted!

"Eh-" Isn't this the old man fishing by the stream at the foot of the mountain?

Chen Luo rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe it.

"Uncle Wang?"

"You, you - weren't you fishing at the foot of the mountain just now -" Chen Luo asked stutteringly.

In a blink of an eye, I saw the fishing gear in the corner of the house and confirmed that it was true. It was the same person up and down the mountain.

I am a young man who climbed here in a hurry. How can I not be as good as an old man?

And the food is ready!

I heard from the blind grandpa that there are many people with supernatural powers in this world. In ancient times, people who had cultivated to a certain level could fly.

"Are you hungry? Let's have something to eat together." Mr. Wang said and greeted Chen Luo into the house, as if he already knew that he was coming.

I followed Uncle Wang into the house. The house was neatly tidied. On the dining table, there was a porridge, a vegetable, a meat dish, and two pairs of chopsticks.

Chen Luo's stomach was already hungry. The wind was blowing, and in a short time, all the food on the table was wiped away.

This food was a bit weird to eat. As soon as Chen Luo put down his bowl and chopsticks, he felt a strong energy coming from his lower abdomen, starting from his Dantian and sweeping through his whole body.

As if he had experienced a baptism of spiritual power, Chen Luo felt that every pore was extremely comfortable. It was warm and moisturizing his body.

"Uncle Wang, this meal?" Chen Luo looked at the old man doubtfully.

"Be impartial, one for each person!" Wang Bo smiled and put away the dishes. "There are many ferocious beasts in the mountains and the environment is harsh. Eat and drink enough so that you can continue on your way!"

"They? Are here too!" Chen Luo almost asked, but thought about it and swallowed it back.

"Follow me!" Wang Bo tidied up neatly and took Chen Luo to the back room.

At a glance, I saw a bunch of clay dolls placed in the room. Each one was similar in size, appearance, and height.

"Opportunity is something that cannot be explained or greedy. Everything depends on fate!"

"Young man, choose one! Let's see how your luck goes?"

Chen Luo instantly understood that this was to give everyone an opportunity. Although he came late, he had the same chance of getting the opportunity.

Chen Luo stared at the rows and rows of clay dolls and observed them carefully. He saw that these clay dolls were all made of a special kind of clay, and each one had symbols painted on them, like Taoist talismans.

Turning on the five aggregates mode and turning on the Molong Jue, Chen Luo sensed it, but no information was revealed.

Isn't there jade in this?

Or is it that the insulation effect of this mud is more effective than Chen Luo's carefully compiled tips bag?

Since you can't perceive or judge, just leave it to fate and choose one at random.

Chen Luo grabbed a feather, blew it gently, and floated in the air.

"Wherever this feather falls, I will choose it!" Chen Luo thought to himself, he was betting on his luck, and no matter what the outcome was, he would accept it.

A gust of wind blew in, and the feathers fluttered in the wind. Sometimes they were here, and sometimes they fell to that.

"1,2,3,4,5, stop!"

Chen Luomo counted five and called a timeout. He saw that the feather had already floated to a clay doll in the corner. This clay doll looked like a defective product. If he had chosen it himself, he would definitely not choose this one.

But this is the opportunity I chose.

Uncle Wang smiled and took out the clay doll, put it on the table, then picked up the hammer and knocked it lightly——

Bang, the shell of the clay doll shattered!

This chapter has been completed!
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