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【Chapter 1039 After the war】

"Well, compared to the two major empires, the foundation of our hundreds of races is still too weak. Many races are isolated from each other. There is not even a decent road, not even a road in the sky.

The flying capital is dangerous... Next, what we have to do is to weave the entire hundred races into a network that extends in all directions so that all races can be connected. Moreover, this network must be made very strong, so each Jedi is also transformed by us.


Three days have passed since the last great victory. Wu Ya has not slept a wink in these three days. There are too many things to deal with. The first is to hold various memorial gatherings to commemorate the soldiers, including those who died.

The divine general will then have to clear out the people of ancient origin in the chaotic land of hundreds of tribes, and then the boundary lines will also need to be redefined.

There must be a new understanding of where defensive lines and fortresses can be built.

The land of hundreds of tribes was in chaos before, and there was no sense of a country at all, and it still doesn't exist until now, because even though his appearance united them, over time they will inevitably become scattered again.

Therefore, Wu Ya must forge this loose sand into a thick rock as soon as possible. It must be fast. The spread of the war has made him take shortcuts in everything he does, so that he can say what he said. In the past three days, he has basically

I was thinking about how to unite all the hundreds of tribes in chaos. In the end, the only thing I could think of was "road". As long as there is "road", all tribes can be connected.

"Jedi can also be a fortress for our battles. Therefore, all newly built cities must be based on the Jedi, that is, built next to the Jedi..." Wu Ya continued, well, he had made a plan before.

The entire hundred tribes will figure out the Jedi one by one. Then, cities will be built next to or even inside them, so that natural fortresses will appear among the hundreds of tribes. Each city will have a powerful Jedi as a shelter, and then...

With these Jedi as the core, the entire tribe is connected. Jedi are dangerous, but Wu Ya wants to turn them into exploitable existences.

In the past, the reason why hundreds of tribes were in chaos, and the reason why Jedi had no one to develop it was not to say that it couldn't be developed, but that no race was willing to make great efforts to develop it, and ordinary people simply couldn't do it. Development also requires strong people.

Jedi are dangerous, and they may die at any time. To develop such a place, it is better to seize the territory of nearby races and launch a small war for safety. But now that hundreds of races have united and become stronger in strength, it is no longer

Small races can develop and study the Jedi. Of course, this does not mean flattening the Jedi, but as Wu Ya said. Cities are built next to the Jedi or even inside the Jedi... According to the terrain, each Jedi


In this way, the Jedi can not only become a natural fortress, but also a place to train young people. In short, the next time is to integrate and develop the entire Baizu Chaos, making Baizu Chaos truly resemble a country.

As for other complicated matters, Wu Ya ignored them.

Nowadays, most people are busy with various tasks, such as integrating the army, forging armor, appeasing various tribes and families, collecting other intelligence on the mainland...it's such a mess, if Wu Ya were to take care of it all, he would be doomed.

In this regard, the official positions and appointments of the Hundred Clans Alliance must also be put on the agenda. Of course, they also need the approval of the great emperor Wu Ya.

Only then did Wu Ya realize how troublesome it was to be this great emperor. Fortunately, he had many soldiers and spirits within him. If you didn’t understand or had troubles, you could discuss them with them or even hand them over directly. Wu Ya still needed more time to practice.

...Fortunately, in this world, force is respected. If the force is strong enough, you have to be careful and think about it. Some things can be explained with confidence.

"Wu Ya, you must be very tired. I made you some soup."

It was late at night, and Wu Ya stood on the Shenwu Fortress, the "first line of defense of the original hundred tribes". The wind was not very strong at night, and the soup behind him still felt warm. Wu Ya felt the heat, and

He took it from Crystal's hand unceremoniously and drank it in large gulps, which made Crystal roll his eyes. This guy really wastes things and doesn't know how to enjoy the delicious food he cooked.

"Why, is this direction the direction of the Magic Empire? Do you want to save Yue Linsha?" Crystal suddenly asked.

"I must save her. I have promised. Although I don't know if she is still alive, a promise is a promise. At least I will see her alive and her body when she is dead. But now is not the time. I have to wait for a hundred years.

The clan needs to be more stable." It was only in these three days that Wu Ya learned that the Magic Empire was in chaos, the Magic Emperor suddenly died, and Yue Linsha had been missing for half a year.

In order to save Xiaomei, Wu Ya made Yue Linsha a promise that no matter what danger you encounter in the future, I will risk my life to save you. Now it seems that it is the time for him to fulfill it. I always thought that this promise was not true at all.

Maybe cash it out.

But I didn't expect that the mainland was in chaos and the time to fulfill the promise came so quickly and urgently.

"Then when are you going to go out, and who are you going to take with you?" Crystal looked at him with bright eyes.

"Of course it's impossible to take you with me. The current situation in the Magic Empire is too dangerous for someone as beautiful as you. I think I'd better take you with me... Okay, I'd better consider this matter in the long run. Anyway, I can't leave right away.


When Wu Ya said the first half of the sentence, he only saw Crystal's eyes staring at him for a moment, Liu Jingtong was so vast!

It was really uncomfortable to be stared at, so I finally used the dragging technique first. Indeed, the Magic Empire was in such a mess, no one could guarantee whether there would be any danger, especially when Yue Linsha had to be rescued.

Maybe it's a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. How dare you let Crystal take risks casually? Although her strength has reached the ninth level of the Saint Weapon Master, she can easily die at the god level now.

"Okay, I won't force you to go with me. I'm not such an unreasonable woman, but I can definitely help you. In fact, I have already planned it for you... Hehe, Ming

My mother-in-law is originally from the Magic Empire, and she is also a member of the Molenkadi family that is close to us in the east. I can go back to her hometown with Granny Ming first, and then find a way to use the power of the Molenkati family to investigate the whereabouts of Yue Linsha.

And you, just follow your own ideas..." Crystal suddenly took out the map and said.

Wu Ya was stunned. He never expected that Crystal would help him plan it?

However, although the two of them have not yet broken through the last step, they are still an old couple, so they are not so pretentious. Wu Ya pondered for a moment: "Molenkadi family, who is Granny Ming to them, is there no problem?"

"Grandma Ming is not a direct member of the Molenkadi family, but a collateral member, and is not taken seriously. However, she has slowly risen with her talent. She was once considered a genius, and even joined the Temple of Light."

"But later it was discovered that there were all kinds of disgusting things behind the Temple of Light. Therefore, she left the Temple of Light and the family let him go because of her behavior and did not pay attention to her. She didn't have much affection for the family in the first place.

As she grew up taking risks everywhere, she gradually fell in love with the Xuanbing Empire's more straightforward character..."

"Later, she came to the Xuanbing Empire as a Xuanbing practitioner. Look, Granny Ming is also a magician and a martial artist. That's why she came to the Xuanbing Empire in the first place. After arriving in the Xuanbing Empire, she was able to go home.

There are even fewer opportunities... In other words, since she has no hatred or grudge against the Molenkati family, and the Molenkati family also wants to dominate the mainland, a god-level light magician from the family suddenly came.

She will definitely be reused, and I am still her disciple."

Crystal briefly introduced the life experience and experiences of Granny Xia Ming.

Only then did Wu Ya realize that Granny Ming was actually from the Magic Empire, but since she was born in the Molenkadi family, why was she so greedy for money? Was she half-dead because of money in the first place?

Well, I was too lazy to think about other people's private affairs. Wu Ya wanted to say something, but Shuijing said again: "Don't worry, Granny Ming is not famous, especially in the Magic Empire. Even people who know her know that she is a magic weapon."

Dual cultivator, and she is going back this time as a light magician. You don’t have to worry about my danger. I will take Xiao Hei with me. With Xiao Hei here, I am afraid that few people on this continent can hurt me. Besides, don’t worry about me.

The Lencarti family is on the east side of the Magic Empire, very close to us."

"I have also discussed this plan with Brother Borrowing Sword, and we can also take this opportunity to help Brother Borrowing Sword set up an intelligence network in the Magic Empire." Crystal said and brought Brother Borrowing Sword out, obviously because he was afraid of Wu Ya

Worry about her.

"You've already planned everything, what else can I say."

Wu Ya smiled bitterly. Indeed, with Xiao Hei here, no one could touch the crystal unless he was a master of the God King. Moreover, the move of the crystal was more subtle than his own, which was to break into the Moronkadi family and spread the intelligence network.

By expanding the past, and with the help of the Molenkadi family, we might be able to find the whereabouts of Yue Linsha faster. The most I can do is investigate in secret.

At most, it would be to use the power of the Dugu family's Ghost Sword Pavilion.

Another point is that if I really rescue Yue Linsha, then with her prestige, I am afraid that she can end the struggle within the royal family. With a shout, maybe the Magic Empire will not be as chaotic as it is now, and Crystal and Granny Ming are in

In the Molunkati family... this can be regarded as a good move to prepare for a rainy day. After thinking about it, Wu Ya said: "Things need to be planned again."

"Well, by the way, what should we do about the head of the Dugu family?" Crystal nodded, and then asked again.

"I don't know either. I'm afraid I have to wait until I can really control the killing array at will before I can rescue the family leader. I didn't expect that the Dugu family leader would take the risk to save me at that time."

Wu Ya was still a little uneasy when he heard the words "Master of the Dugu Family". There was nothing he could do. On the day of the great victory, Dugu Qinghai and other members of the Dugu family found him and said that the family leader might also be trapped in the Heaven-Slaying Array and asked Wu Ya to find a way.

But what can Wu Ya do to save people? Although his attainments in the Heaven-Slaying Killing Formation are quite good, they are still far from it. It might take a long time to truly unlock the entire Heaven-Slaying Killing Formation.

Several years of effort, therefore, he must first learn all the Heaven-Slaying Formation before proceeding...

This chapter has been completed!
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