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【Chapter 1191 The edge of the mysterious place】

He reached 96 corners, then continued to advance all the way, and stopped again when he reached 104 corners... At the same time, Wu Ya could actually feel that the "Xuan Weapon Code" was also constantly improving. He was very ignorant before, but

Now he can really feel certain movements and consciousness of "Xuan Weaping Canon", which is definitely something worth celebrating.

"Xuan Weaping Canon" is still silently absorbing the natal power of Luotian Yuanjie.

The soldier spirit who could only "ring-ring-ring" did not wake up. Perhaps it was because Wu Ya had made progress in the talisman and the "Xuan Weaping Code" had made further progress, and the original time to wake up was extended.

Without paying much attention to it, Wu Ya then recalled Xiao Lian's Xuantian inheritance. Finally, he had time to study it. He ignored the Xuantian weapon formation for the time being. The main thing was the ways of various Xuantian soldiers. Wu Ya discovered that the reason why he

The reason why he can directly push the way of Xuanbing to the peak of the god general level is because Xiao Lian almost didn't retain the crazy inheritance before he died, and pushed everything he owned into his consciousness. In other words, Xiao Lian inherited it to him.

In fact, the way of mysterious weapons is more than just the peak of divine generals...

As long as Wu Ya can completely understand Xiao Lian's inheritance, then he will benefit from it endlessly. Yes, Wu Ya has pushed all the methods of Xuan Weapon to the peak of the god general just by being exposed to the inheritance. It will be different if he understands it thoroughly.


Thinking of this, Wu Ya couldn't help but clenched his fist and must help Xiao Lian get back his body.

Standing up, Wu Ya decided to set off in the direction pointed by the mysterious slate. Any problems he encountered would be slowly solved and refined along the way. It was not that easy to reach the place pointed by the mysterious slate.

Embarking on the journey again, Wu Ya continued to travel from one formation to another. During this period, he was also constantly undergoing various trainings. The most important thing was the training of his own "hidden aspects", yes. Now his

His strength is not enough. God knows if the God-Emperors are still desperately looking for him. Therefore, the ability to hide is very important to him.

In the past, he was very strong in stealth and concealment, but he was definitely not good enough in front of the God-Emperor.

Therefore, the direction of training is to integrate with this mysterious land. No matter what formation you are in, you can become a part of it. This is also after comprehending the heart of the elements in that violent sky.


He doesn't have to worry too much about the Rune Array. He only needs to make his runes perfectly match the surrounding runes. There is no problem with the Heart Array. He has a perfect heart for swordsmanship, but he has begun to understand other things.

Xuan Bing's Heart, so when he steps into the Heart Formation, he will also have this task; Demonic Formation, Wu Ya's main practice is the Divine Way of Time, if he can push the Divine Way of Time to the realm of the God King, then he

I have the confidence to fight against Emperor Su Shenhuang.

Of course, facing the real God Emperor is still very likely to be killed instantly.

Shocking Formation, Wu Ya still doesn't know what power the Shocking Formation has, but he feels that the breath of wood is very strong. In short, when he arrives at the Jedi's territory of Shocking Formation, he just hides among the aborigines and native creatures to hone his hiding ability;

Killing Formation. Of course Wu Ya also needs to hone the Killing Formation. The Killing Formation is also very important to him.

If he cannot fully understand the killing formation, it means that the mysterious slate cannot be solved.

The last one was the Xuantian Weapon Formation. Wu Ya did not go in. Whenever he encountered it, he just avoided it. God knows if Lian Zhen Shen could control or spy on all the Xuantian Weapon Formation. Wu Ya would not take his own life as a joke.

Hidden aspects; using the slightest touch of the terrain to constantly comprehend and copy this still ordinary terrain; the four formations other than the Xuantian Weapon Formation and the Shocking Heaven Formation, the various Jedi practices... the above is what happened along the way to Wu Ya


At the same time, Wu Ya will continue to study the inheritance that belongs to Xiao Lian. After all, the mysterious slate also requires the Xuantian Weapon Formation to be solved. Well, there is no solution to this problem for the time being, but he can learn it first. Slowly, he discovers the Xuantian Weapon Array.

The Tao seems to be organized, but sometimes it feels very disorganized, as if anything you can hold in your hands can be a weapon and you can comprehend it.

"No wonder even the God of Killing God's Seal has a 'seal' way. It turns out that the way of Xuan Weapon is all-encompassing. If I can completely understand this all-encompassing way of Xuan Weapon, then, maybe if I start with any one thing, I can

I can turn it into my divine way." When he thought of this, Wu Ya couldn't help but said to himself in surprise: "Oh, if I completely understand the way of the Xuantian Weapon, maybe the Xuantian Weapon Formation

It will be easy, after all, the Xuantian Weapon Formation is built on the basis of countless Xuantian soldiers."

Thinking of this, Wu Ya decided to add one more task as he moved forward, which was to understand the way of Xuan Weapon...

Time passed by like running water, the sun rose and set, and no one knew how long it had been. Wu Ya walked through countless formations without knowing it. He had forgotten that there were powerful enemies around him. He only knew that he would

He worked hard to turn his hidden abilities into instincts. During this period, even if he encountered people from the Xuanbing Empire, they all passed by quietly without leaving any trace of their breath.

"Wu Ya, two more formations away, is the edge of the mysterious land, the place guided by the mysterious stone slab."

The Sky-Swallowing Sword Spirit couldn't help but remind, Wu Ya nodded, the front was already filled with chaos, and the violent sky became gloomy and terrifying under the influence of the power of chaos, and after so many formations, the Jedi have been tempered

, Wu Ya no longer cares about the last two Jedi formations. Even if these two Jedi formations can kill the God Emperor, they will have no impact on Wu Ya.

If it were a Xuantian Weapon Formation or a Shocking Formation, it would definitely be more depressing.

But the one in front of him is the Demonic Formation and the other is the Killing Formation. It is not a problem at all for him. The Demonic Formation containing the element of killing the God-Emperor is very dangerous, but he can let the Sky-Swallowing Sword bring it over.

Needless to say more about the killing array...

"Is this the place that the mysterious stone tablet points to?"

When Wu Ya finally crossed the last two formations and came to the edge of the mysterious land, he looked at the billowing energy of chaos in front of him in a daze. Well, let's call it the energy of chaos for now. Wu Ya

I really don’t know what the hazy gas in front of me is, but it feels very similar to the unexplored part of "Xuan Weaping Canon"...

Yes, there was nothing in front of me except the billowing energy of chaos, as if I was standing under dark clouds, looking around.

Wu Ya had no choice but to take out the mysterious slate again. Then, he saw that the mysterious slate trembled slightly. There was indeed a strange feeling that he wanted to pass through the air of chaos, but he soon calmed down and seemed not to enter it.

It has no impact either.

As if with a sense of nostalgia, Wu Ya made a strange emotional evaluation of the mysterious stone slab.

"What does this mean?"

Twitching his mouth, Wu Ya was very speechless. He had no choice but to use the "Guan" formula of luck again, staring at the rolling chaos in front of him with wide eyes, and also let the senior queen have a look at it. Unfortunately, this time none of them could

Didn't see anything.

I don’t know what will happen if I jump in?

"what to do?"

Wu Ya frowned and asked in his mind, but soon he shrugged. What else could he do? Keep moving forward. If he didn't move forward, everything he had done before would be in vain, let alone getting Xiao Lian's body back.

It's hard to say whether you can save your own life or not. As the same saying goes, if you go forward or retreat, you will die, so move forward without hesitation.

"My wife, Sky Swallowing Sword, can you help me swallow this energy of chaos?"

Moving forward does not mean being impulsive. He will not jump into the chaos casually. Therefore, Wu Ya asked the Sky-Swallowing Sword Spirit again. The Sky-Swallowing Sword Spirit was now used to Wu Ya calling her wife.

She's not used to it yet.

She nodded and said, "I'll try..."

Just like that, Wu Ya raised the Heaven-Devouring Divine Sword and pierced it into the chaos, and then the Devouring Divine Way erupted...


In an instant, the billowing energy of chaos was sucked in by the Sky-Swallowing Sword. What made Wu Ya and the Sky-Swallowing Sword Spirit stunned was that the surrounding chaos energy actually contained something joyful, as if it had been sucked in by the Sky-Swallowing Sword.

Falling is a very happy thing.

Or, in other words, are they just waiting to be swallowed up by the Sky-Swallowing Sword?

It was a completely unexpected situation, and I had no idea what was going on...

Just when Wu Ya and the soldiers were in a daze, something weird happened next. The Heaven-Swallowing Sword actually swallowed a "door shape" after swallowing it. Only with the character of the Heaven-Swallowing Sword Spirit would he not swallow the sword.

When the energy of chaos is activated, it will look like a "door". At most, it will swallow up a small hole for Wu Ya to go through.

Well, if the gas of chaos is compared to a cloud, and we hold a vacuum cleaner and suck the cloud gas wildly in the middle of the cloud, how can we suck out the shape of a "door"? But a door shape appears in front of us...

Except for the chaotic energy in this "door", other chaotic energy around it cannot be swallowed, as if the Sky-Swallowing Sword is a key to the chaotic energy in this "door".

Well, the energy of chaos that can be absorbed is a door, and the surrounding energy that cannot be absorbed is a wall.


Now Wu Ya and Bing Ling can only express their current mood with this expression, but they soon relaxed. No matter what happened, since there is a door in front of them, it means that they have really found the mysterious place.

the core of.

Now is not the time to be embarrassed, but to be excited.

Moreover, Wu Ya also discovered that after absorbing the energy of chaos, the Heaven-Swallowing Sword was like the "Xuan Weapon Canon" absorbing the original power of the Yuan Realm of God. It was definitely a great tonic, as if these energy of chaos were specially reserved for

The Sky Swallowing Sword.


Putting aside everything else, the moment Wu Ya saw the door in front of him appear completely, a mysterious feeling from the Heaven-Swallowing Sword suddenly appeared, and then his "Swallowing Divine Way" also directly enlightened him into becoming a god.

King, everything will fall into place.

"My wife, Sky Swallowing Sword, do you have a sense of where this place is?" (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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