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【Chapter 157 We are all his fiancee】

~Date:~December 14th~

"Okay, now that we have decided, let's march into the Misty Mountains tomorrow!" City Lord Leng knew very well that after showing this kind of anger, Wu Ya could no longer change his mind, and his previous regrets turned into appreciation, and he just sighed.

After taking a breath, he also explored that place. The most terrifying thing is not the endless monsters, but the boundless loneliness. It does not require high strength. Even if two people go in together, it will never be uncomfortable. It is easy to become suspicious, and then

Kill each other, or just go crazy.

"Yes!" Wu Ya responded, and immediately someone wanted to escort him out.

"Wait a minute!" Crystal suddenly shouted, rushed out, came to Wu Ya, and said firmly: "City Lord, I want to enter the Misty Mountains with Wu Ya, and I can increase the time limit to 3 months!"

"Let's go too!" Lu Yan, Big Tooth and the others looked at each other and rushed forward.

"I'll go with my cousin too!"

Wu Xiaoye rushed after her, followed by Ye Qing and Xiao Mei. Ye Qing always felt out of place, but she felt bad if she didn't go up. After all, Wu Ya was her and Xiao Mei's savior, and Wu Ge needless to say.

Leng Qiuyang smiled, waved his hand and said: "With so many people going in, it's not like punishing the bandits. Okay, I appreciate your friendship, but the crime is the crime. Let's all go down. By the way, I promise that I will be there."

At this time, your team will never be banned."

The commander-in-chief of the Beidou Cavalry Guards' face sank. In other words, the attack on Lord Hōbō from the Special Forces Group was ruined.

"Lord City Lord, they don't have to go, I have to go!" Crystal shouted. She knew that since the City Lord had already decided, there was no reason to change. She had also visited the Misty Mountains. She knew how terrifying it was inside, so she wanted to go there.

It's not that she has the function of a mask. I'm afraid she's already dead inside, and as long as she can get in, she can help Wu Ya get out of the predicament.

"Oh, why do you have to go?" Leng Qiuyang asked with interest.

"I, I, I am his fiancée, I have a reason to accompany him!" Crystal gritted her teeth fiercely.

Instantly, everyone's eyes fell on her, especially Wu Xiaoye, whose eyes almost widened. Suddenly, Wu Xiaoye seemed to feel that if she didn't do something now, she would lose a lot. After she came out, Xiaoye said: "

I also have a reason to accompany my cousin. My father has decided long ago that he will marry me to my cousin, and I am also his fiancée."

Suddenly he turned around and stared at Xiaoye. Xiaoye's face turned red, but he was unmoved at all.

She wasn't talking nonsense. Even Wu Qianxue didn't know about it. She overheard the conversation between her father and mother. At that time, her cousin was still in the Dugu family and had high hopes from the Wu family. The concept of this world is not

It is very open, and it is common for parents to arrange marriages. So Xiaoye, who is only eleven or two years old, accepted it easily, and even had some admiration and expectation.

But it didn't take long for my cousin to come back. There was no worship, no expectations, just a scumbag. Xiaoye was kind-hearted. She felt that if she abandoned the scumbag Wu Ya like this, she would blame herself, so she tried to change.

It's a pity that the scumbag Wuya is still a scumbag after 3 years.

When she was admitted to Beidou Academy, she was preparing to make a last-ditch effort, but she didn't expect her cousin to lose his memory and change. Gradually, he became what she had imagined back then, especially the scene of the battle with the magical heroes in the sky above the Luoqian Kingdom, which deeply affected her.

Engraved in her heart.

Wu Ya looked at Wu Xiaoye with his mouth wide open, and then shook his head. It was better to be self-aware, Xiaoye was impulsive.

Of course, Wu Ya was very moved. With sour eyes, he looked at the people around him and remembered the comrade who died to save him in his previous life. At that time, he swore that he would never let his comrades stand in front of him without hesitation.

He stood up and said, "Okay, don't make things difficult for the city lord. You all can go down, okay? As the leader of the surprise team, I am ordering you to go down!"

Everyone in the team was stunned, their bodies trembled, and they shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"Crystal, you have to disobey the order!" Wu Ya stared at her and wanted to wink, but unfortunately now was not the time.

"I am your fiancée!"

"You are also a member of my team, get down!" Wu Ya said domineeringly.

Bird, it seems to have the feeling of intimidating the husband. Fiancée, hey, I didn’t expect today to be such a good day. It turns out that the world is full of sunshine, and the fog in the misty mountains cannot stop it.

"Yes!" Crystal trembled, making Wu Ya feel sad again, but he couldn't say it now. He would tell her later, saying that nothing would happen to him, and that he was actually going to the Misty Mountains to enjoy himself.

"I'm not a member of the surprise team, you have no right to order me." Xiao Ye said without waiting for Wu Ya to speak.

"I'm your cousin, you have to listen to me!"

"If you don't want to listen, you just don't want to listen!" Wu Xiaoye shook his head and said.

Just when Wu Yajue felt helpless and didn't know how to persuade him, a man hurriedly ran in and said something in Huang Yufu's ear. Huang Yufu was shocked, and immediately knelt down on one knee to Leng Qiuyang and said:

"City Lord, I have something to report to you!"

"Say!" Leng Qiuyang was really moved. To Wu Ya and others, it's good to be young. His companions who fought side by side in the past have left him. He is already the lord of a city and a province.


"Li Kai, the number one master of the Elite Soldiers Jumen Battalion, is missing and is suspected to be dead. The time is exactly when Wu Ya comes back. They have had a holiday before. I suspect..." Huang Yufu said slowly.

"Huang, what do you mean?" Big Tooth shouted.

"At the same time, the Li family of the Hammer Leader discovered the body of their third son Li Dongba, who died four days ago and was killed by magic. That place was exactly where Wu Ya and the Magic Princess disappeared eight months ago. The Hammer Leader

The Li family suspects that Wu Ya and the Magic Princess teamed up to do this!" Huang Yufu ignored it and continued: "In other words, Wu Ya colluded with the Magic Princess!"

This is a serious crime, a crime of association. If confirmed, then Wu Ya may not be as simple as entering the Misty Mountains.

Ye Qing felt cold in her heart and stood up: "What a joke, I found Wu Ya, how come I didn't know he was colluding with the magic princess?"

"Oh, I didn't expect there to be such a relationship. The Li family, the hammer leader, found evidence of Wu Ya's crime on Li Dongba's body. Is there any other evidence?" Leng Qiuyang said calmly.

"There is no such thing, but the Hammer Collar..."

"When did the Hammer Leader take care of me, Beidou?" Leng Qiuyang said domineeringly. As the master of a province, he is very knowledgeable and he also cares about face. The Hammer Leader Li family will come to arrest people without evidence.

Why? Then he said: "Okay, I maintain the original verdict, take Wu Ya into the Misty Mountains tomorrow morning, and no one else is allowed to follow."

"City Lord!" Huang Yufu was also shocked by the City Lord, but he still had to bite the bullet and said: "City Lord, Wu Ya has to be on guard. If he is not colluding with the magic princess and is not a pawn of the magic empire... why is he a pawn of the magic empire?

When he was a soldier in the city guard, he was the first to expose the magic princess. Why was he able to discover and follow the magic princess when she went to steal the key to Jin Qitian? Why was he still alive after the magic princess excavated the ruins of Jin Qitian?

He, a brick warrior, can cultivate to the sixth level of the Spiritual Weapon Division in such a short period of time, and he has not yet handed in the mission items for the task of relocating the empire."

Several reasons pointed their suspicions at Wu Ya, and they were well-founded. As for the mission items, they had been given to Yue Linsha as a condition for taking action. Ye Qing and Xiao Mei both looked at him nervously, wondering how he was going to deal with it.


I never thought that after the above level passed, another difficulty would arise.

The commander-in-chief of the Beidou Cavalry gave a slight frown on his face and looked at Huang Yufu with satisfaction. He didn't care about Wu Ya's punishment, but if Wu Ya was really declared to be a spy, Yan Lei, who tried his best to protect him, would not have it so easy.

"Oh? I almost forgot, Wu Ya, where are the items from the last mission?" The city lord made sense after thinking about it, and stared at Wu Ya.

"It was snatched away by the magic princess!" Wu Ya said in a deep voice.

"City Lord, did you hear this? He is a spy!" Huang Yufu was determined, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Wu Ya, do you have anything else to defend?" Leng Qiuyang said.

"No, if the city lord can't trust me, you can kill me now!" Wu Ya didn't say anything, and he really couldn't give a reason. Could it be said that I have inherited the inheritance from "Youhuang" and am extremely powerful, with piercing eyes?

He was betting, and he was betting that the city lord didn't believe it. He was betting that the city lord had checked his life, and he was even betting that the aura of the Dugu family could still work.

Now, no matter what you say, any reason is enough for Huang Yufu to retort, saying that the magic princess wants to take him as a male slave. Only then will the devil believe that you are a little soldier and they want to take you as a male slave. How can it be more ridiculous?

"Well, the mission items were robbed. With the strength of your general at that time, it was unusual for you to survive. However, since you are loyal to the empire, you will be punished. The Misty Mountains will be increased from two months to three months. Of course, you

I joined the Yin Yuan Team before and even set a record for the Yin Yuan Team. I will also reward you for this, so let’s allow you to move back 10 miles from the entry point!"

10 miles, that is to say, initially we had to take Wu Ya very deep, but now, if we go back 10 miles, we have a much greater chance of coming out. As long as we look in the right direction, we might be able to see the dark blue plants.

Elimination, this is the basis for the survival of the Misty Mountains.

If it doesn't disappear, it won't take long for you to die. Others don't know, but the city lord knows that the deeper you go, the more ghost beasts there are. As long as you are surrounded, you will die. Wu Ya's current strength is not enough to deal with the ghost beasts.


"City Lord!" Huang Yufu did not expect this result. This was too understatement.

"Okay, no need to say more, let's go."

Leng Qiuyang waved his hand, and the matter was decided. Humph, the Yinyuan team was under his control, so how could he not know about Wu Ya's situation? He knew almost everything about this kid's experience. Although the reasons mentioned by Huang Yufu seemed very strange,

It makes sense, but there are many flaws. If Wu Ya is a spy, why did he call out the princess in front of the city gate? Is he even thinking about the Beidou Cavalry Guard? (This site...,.



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