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【Chapter 977 Forged order book】

"I can still feel that I gave this mirror image scroll to Heilinsi'er, and Heilinsi'er also gave it to her Black Moon God Clan's assassin to assassinate Wu Ya. However, the assassination failed later. Wu Ya

Not only did I survive, I also killed all the Black Moon Killers, but at that time I didn’t feel the breath of the Mirror Image Scroll being activated, which means that my Mirror Image Scroll fell into Wu Ya’s hands.”

Listening to Lan Cangzi's analysis, everyone nodded, and then their eyes flashed with confusion.

"Wu Ya is said to have died in the outer circle of the Traveler's Union or the Traveler's World, but why is he suddenly in the Elf Forest?" Lan Cangzi glanced at the people present and said, many of them were of the older generation, and Lan Cangzi could see that

His status is still very high.

The matter of the mirror image scroll also seemed to make Lan Cangzi's mind clearer and clearer, and he was thinking of more and more things. Some of the previous doubts were combined bit by bit, but these doubts made his face become more and more solemn.

"Could it be that Wu Ya came out of the Traveler World and is already in the Elf Forest?" Mu Jingjing asked.

"The Travelers Guild is said to be a mysterious organization among ordinary humans. For some reason, it knows my divine descendants very well. What if Wu Ya's entry into the outer circle is just a game of the Travelers Guild against my divine descendants? A man who has sneaked into a place unknown to us.

Game?" Lan Cangzi did not answer Mu Jingjing, but suddenly assumed it and continued to look at everyone?

"Sneaking into the unknown, Lan Cangzi, your assumption is too bold." The ancient commanders shook their heads and said.

They really don’t believe that someone can sneak into unknown places because they have the omnipotent True God. Again, it’s precisely because they believe in the True God so much that Wu Ya takes advantage of them. Otherwise, they might have been taken advantage of by people like Lan Cangzi.


"It's just a hypothesis. If, I further assume that if the real Mu Wei really dies and Wu Ya transforms into Mu Wei, what will happen?" Lan Cangzi suddenly said with his signature smile on his face.

, he didn’t have much emotion towards the opposition from everyone. He believed that once these words were spoken, the ancient commanders present would not be so opposed.

"This is impossible!" Almost everyone shouted.

But at this moment, there was still a strong chill in everyone's hearts. If this was really the case, then the matter would really be serious, and the more they thought about it, the more likely it was. If "Mu Wei" is not Wu Ya, Hei Yue

Why is the princess so enthusiastic about him? And if Mu Wei is "Mu Wei", then his hiding is indeed too deep. They also investigated Mu Wei in Shenxuan Continent before, and found his sudden outburst a bit strange.

, but they still trusted the true God and didn’t think too much.

But now, when Lan Cangzi brought it up, they couldn't help but think about it, and their faces turned pale inexplicably. If it was yesterday, they wouldn't have believed it, but today, the violent chaos of hundreds of tribes made them...


"Report, my lords, riots have suddenly appeared in various places where hundreds of ethnic groups are in chaos." Just when everyone was thinking about "assuming that Mu Wei is Wu Ya", a long and drawn voice came in.

"Tell me more details." Lan Cangzi asked directly.

"It's like this. For example, in the orc tribe, an order from the orc king suddenly appeared."

The reporter replied quickly. His face was not very good-looking and he was very nervous. He gasped and said: "The order states that the hundreds of tribes have been unified, and the king of the hundreds of tribes has been born in the Elf Forest. It will be announced to the world soon. Now, the order

All the armies and even individuals resisted my god descendants and immediately killed the people who saw my god descendants. Not only the orcs, but also other races began to cause chaos one after another."

"What!" Everyone in the meeting stood up in shock and stared at the speaker.

"Now, although only a small number of races have received similar orders, the orders are still spreading. I am afraid that all the races among the hundreds of races will start to resist my descendants." The reporter continued.

"How dare they?" Everyone, including Lan Cangzi, looked very, very ugly.

"Yes, people of all races are hesitant, but adults, don't forget that the anti-gods of each race are still very powerful. In addition, there is an order from their king who suddenly appears, and the resistance is strong.

It’s also getting bigger and bigger.”

Silent, all the ancient people present were imagining the current situation of the chaos of hundreds of tribes. You can imagine what the chaos of hundreds of tribes will look like next. As long as 10% of each tribe dares to resist, it will be very scary.

It was still the order of their clan king. There was no way to suppress the military formations of each clan or the people who were leaning towards their divine descendants. At most, they could just stand by and watch.

The ancient commanders in the conference room felt powerless.

Yes, they actually felt powerless and frustrated. At this moment, it was Lan Cangzi who asked first: "Does the order you just issued from the kings of each tribe refer to the unification of all tribes? Doesn't it mean which empire you have surrendered to?"

"Yes." the reporter responded.

"Well, you can go down and report any developments at any time." Lan Cangzi took a deep breath and said.

Just like that, the reporter went down, and the conference room became silent again. Because of Lan Cangzi's analysis just now, everyone is still looking at him. It seems that because of this report, many previous inferences have been overturned, because Baizu is going to

Unification, not espionage, that Wuya represents the Xuanbing Empire... Hundreds of tribes are really unified, how on earth is it done?

As mentioned before, the ancient people never thought that hundreds of races would be unified when they planned it.

"There must be someone behind the scenes pushing it, maybe it's the Xuanbing Empire, maybe it's the Magic Empire. Let's continue to assume that the previous hypothesis still cannot be overturned. We can only say that maybe the two empires can't compete for the ownership of the hundreds of tribes, so the behind-the-scenes push for the unification of the hundreds of tribes

, no matter how we are not allowed to conquer hundreds of tribes, and if Mu Wei is Wu Ya, he can play the role of threading the needle."

Lan Cangzi continued his inference, and everyone nodded, but what everyone is concerned about now is not the matter of "Mu Wei", but how to solve the chaos that has emerged in the land of hundreds of tribes: "According to your inference, what happens next?"

What to do.”

"We can only ask the God Emperor to mobilize more divine warriors. Since the two empires are only promoting the unification of the hundreds of races, they will not forcefully interfere in the affairs of the hundreds of races. In addition, the two empires are still arguing. As long as we use force

, there is still a chance to suppress the hundreds of tribes, and at least get more land, and there is no need to appease them. Anyone who dares to resist, whether they are gods or ordinary civilians, will be killed without mercy!"


Following Lan Cangzi's words, everyone nodded, but they still didn't know that the changes in the hundreds of tribes this time were all caused by Wu Ya, whom they recommended to Duan, and they didn't know that all the three major forces in the Shenxuan Continent were used by him alone.


Well, he is not fighting alone, he is being used by everyone in Beidou.

In any case, Lan Cangzi's judgment is correct. I'm afraid he will soon discover that Wu Ya is about to become the king of hundreds of tribes. He may be shocked and jealous, or he may feel a deep sense of frustration, because he also

Wu Ya's madness has not been inferred, but he will be glad for his current proposal, which is to use force to suppress hundreds of tribes.

It is actually better for Wu Ya to become the king of the hundreds of tribes than to expect the two empires to be behind the scenes, because the hundreds of tribes belonging to Wu Ya will not be helped by the two empires, at least not when the war first breaks out.


"Teacher Bai, all the forged orders from the clan kings of each clan have been sent out. Some races have begun to resist the ancient people. However, because the clan kings have not come forward, the situation of each clan is relatively chaotic."

Just when Lan Cangzi and others were asking for support, in a small bar in a small town near the Baizu Chaos, Brother Jianjian seemed to be drinking with nothing to do. The person talking next to him was Dugu Zhu. If Lan Cangzi heard

I'm afraid his mind will be clearer after what he said, especially when he heard the words "forged order letter", he would be very surprised.

"Chaos, as long as Wu Ya succeeds, this chaos will soon end, and the real orders from the clan kings will be issued."

Brother Jianjian nodded and raised his glass gently. Since he made up his mind to help Wu Ya, he has become calm. It doesn't matter whether such a crazy thing succeeds or fails. At least it is wonderful. At least he has fully used his wisdom and strength.

Bring it into play.

In the Travelers Guild, he couldn't even perform like this, there was no such stage.

"Teacher Bai, are we going too far in doing this? What if Wu Ya is about to succeed, but angers the powerful men of the hundreds of tribes for forging the order of their clan king?" Dugu Zhu still didn't get into the role, worried.

He asked indifferently. Of course, forging the order will still be suspected by the people of the Bai clan, but Brother Jiejian is not afraid of being suspected at all. He just arouses the emotions of all clans. Some people will take action even if they know that the order is forged. The Bai clan

Some anti-ancient people are just afraid that they can't find an excuse to take action.

Of course, the scale will be smaller than the real order book, but it doesn't matter, he just wants to confuse and stir up the emotions of the entire tribe.

"Will the strong men of the Bai Clan be angered? Haha, they have no right to be angry... The chaos of the Bai Clan will only inspire Wu Ya to take a step forward, and our forged order will only further push the Bai Clan to fight against the ancients, because they have already

Start killing the people of ancient descent."


"If this little thing can make the powerful people of the Bai Clan furious, then the fact that Wu Ya deceived the Bai Clan that he is the envoy of the Ancient Demon Clan will make the powerful people of the Bai Clan even more furious. Then the order letter we forged is just a drop in the bucket.

, maybe, we can also create some chaos so that Wu Ya can escape faster after the failure. In short, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in doing so..."

"Remember, what we are doing now is just a last-ditch effort to seize the greater possibility. We are going to die in the first place. Why do we have to think so much? Besides, I believe Wu Ya can succeed. As long as he succeeds, then what we do is to promote the development of hundreds of races.

Gather together faster. As long as we succeed, then what Wu Ya and we have to do next is how to resist the attacks of the ancient people." (To be continued...)

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