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Chapter 68 Undead

ps: Thanks to "Tianshan Wangyue" and "Wishan Tianxia Shu" for the rewards!

"The underworld is full of death, and we, the dark gods, should have a place!" In the main hall of the divine palace of the God of Darkness, Hod, a god said with a gloomy face.

Hod, the God of Darkness, sat in the center of the hall and did not reply. However, from his expression as if he had lost money, it was still possible to see that he cared about the underworld.

The fact is that as this god said, the underworld is full of death energy, which is in line with the attributes of the dark gods. If they can occupy a place in the underworld, the strength of their men will be rapidly improved. It's just that this time there is the God of Dreams.

Owen's intervention was justified, and they couldn't force their way in.

After all, the God of Darkness is the leader of these gods, and decided to come forward to resolve matters in the underworld himself: "I will personally go to discuss with the God of Death, Longdis. As long as we do not affect the interests of the Lord of Dreams, I don't think he will object.

We have entered the underworld. However, I heard that there is some movement from the God of Light?"

Hearing Hod's question, a god immediately replied: "In recent years, several gods have joined the light, which has greatly increased their influence among the gods, which is very detrimental to our dark side!"

Hod closed his eyes slightly and seemed to be recalling something, and seemed to be deducing something. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said softly: "Collect more information about the giant god system. Although His Highness has only one god so far,

It seems that his power is the weakest. But he has a high prestige among the gods. If he establishes another power, a large number of gods will join him and form a third-party power."

Owen is the strongest among the gods, and has always been the number one. As the forces of light and darkness continue to grow, he has become the favor of many gods who want to be neutral. Owen has no god in the first place.

The kingdom of God that I only visit is occasionally visited by the divine avatars of the gods.

All these are seen by the God of Light and the God of Darkness, but they have nothing to do. Many gods among the gods reject them and hope to be neutral and not get involved in the conflicts. Because in the battle of forces,

There will definitely be frequent battles, and the crisis of death will be magnified dozens or hundreds of times!

And Owen has always been almost absolutely neutral. He has not reacted at all to the formation and growth of the forces of light and darkness, and has never interfered with other gods. This is why he is favored and supported by some gods.


A transparent flame appeared on a deserted plain.

Countless skeletons are scattered on the plain, as if a shocking battle had taken place. In the gaps between the skeletons, some low strange grasses grow sparsely. These strange grasses are gray-black in color and seem to contain toxins. The entire huge area is

The plain is just these skeletons and strange grass, without any life.

The transparent flame slowly fell to the ground and merged into the head of a skeleton. From the empty eyes of this gray-black skeleton, the transparent flame could be clearly seen.

After the transparent flames merged into the skull, a faint green smoke began to emit from the entire skeleton, as if it had been burned. When the green smoke stopped flowing out, although the appearance of the entire skeleton did not change, the texture of the bones became hard.

Several times. After the smoke cleared, the skeleton lay on the ground for another whole day.

A day later, its fingers began to move slightly. Then it slowly climbed up from the ground like a person who had just woken up from sleep. Standing was its natural instinct and there was no shaking at all.

After that, countless transparent flames appeared on the plain, forming countless skeletons. These skeletons did not have any consciousness, but instinctively began to wander on the plain, and then instinctively hunted their own kind and swallowed the transparent flames in them. Devouring

, seems to be the mainstream in this world!

Space cracks appeared on the plain one after another, swallowing up the skeletons one by one, but could not deter the skeletons from advancing.

In the Temple of the Underworld, Owen's divine clone frowned.

His body's divine power level is 4, and the strength of this divine power clone is equivalent to a weak divine power equivalent to godhead level 3. Although the perception range of this divine power clone is limited, he has understood some of the laws of space and is still keenly aware of the occurrence of space cracks.


The underworld has just been born and is connected to all planes in the outside world. The space is unstable and it is normal for space cracks leading to various planes to appear. If Owen understands the complete laws of space, he can easily solve this problem, but now

I can only watch.

"The underworld has just opened and started to move, and the undead are born in it. Ordinary creatures can easily defeat them, and there should be no impact on other planes."

Oven didn't care that the undead might reach other planes through space cracks.

Space cracks were born in various planes, spewing out the undead one after another, and then quickly closed. The plane with the most space cracks is the main material plane with stable space. The underworld is vast and stable with space.

When the main material plane is connected, the space oscillation generated will naturally be the largest, and there will be more space cracks than other planes.

However, because the space of the main material plane is stable, the space cracks last for a very short time, and will be repaired by the plane laws in just a few breaths. However, some planes in the void are not as powerful as the main material plane and cannot be repaired quickly.

Space cracks can only be allowed to exist in the plane for a period of time.

The undead set foot on the main material plane for the first time. They were just ordinary skeletons. The weakest ones could not even resist the sunlight in the main material plane and died as soon as they were exposed to it. Only some of the skeletons that appeared in darker areas could survive.

Survived. Then, they began to devour the souls of all living creatures they could devour. Countless of the weakest beasts became the targets of their devouring. This part of the skeletons used their hard bones as weapons to earn their first place in the main material plane.

A serving of food.

After devouring souls, the flames in the skulls increased more rapidly, as if they were born to feed on the souls of creatures in the main material plane.

Then these skeletons grew up in the same process of hunting and devouring. Their bones gradually changed from gray-black to as white as jade, and then gradually changed to gold.

By the time their bones turned pure white, these skeletons had the ability to use the corpse as a medium to summon low-level undead. As a result, a large number of low-level undead began to appear on various continents in the main material plane and spread rapidly. These low-level undead saw

The living creatures swarmed up, devoured its soul, and then were transformed into new undead by powerful skeletons.

The undead are like snowballs rolling down from the snowy mountains, growing bigger and bigger, and after being devoured in large quantities, their strength also grows rapidly.

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