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Chapter 105 Special Sailor

ps: It’s late again. First of all, I would like to thank “铩蓅詩莮” for the reward and evaluation. As for the reminder... well, let’s not talk about it. In addition, this chapter is on the 29th.

The emergence of fighting spirit did not cause a sensation in the giant civilization, and the first people to try to practice it were only a very small number of creatures with little talent in magic and holy warriors. These creatures were not the most eye-catching existence in society.

Moreover, if they give up their promising holy warriors and magical magic and practice a new power system, they will only attract strange looks from others instead of being amazed and envious.

But fighting qi cultivation has great advantages after all. These creatures with "ordinary" qualifications, after eating and drinking too much, quickly developed their own fighting qi and embarked on their own path to power.

Owen's clone didn't have much energy to watch the drama of "adventures with a woman, a rich man, a handsome man", so he walked out of the Giant Continent and began to travel throughout the main material plane. He said he was traveling, but in fact he was investigating

Explore the development status of racial civilizations under the rule of various gods and compare them with giant civilizations to facilitate the formulation of new development strategies in the future.

To travel through the faith territories of various churches, Owen naturally needs a reasonable identity. Of course, this identity cannot be related to the church of God, and can only be a free person. Among free people, the identity is the most stable and the most awe-inspiring.

The only one is the mysterious arcanist. If the traveler does not have a certain level of strength, he may be invited to serve as a slave or something, and it is easy to get into trouble.

Taking the huge ship of the giant civilization, Owen left the giant continent as an ordinary arcanist.

"Dear Arcanist, is this your first time traveling?" A sailor suddenly asked in a low voice.

Because of the existence of the Dream Altar, the profession of magician is very popular. As long as you complete some tasks issued by the Dream Altar, you can get the simplest permission to use magic. This also greatly weakens its mystery. As for arcanists, because of their scarcity,

He is powerful, more mysterious and noble than a magician. However, it seems that because he has been studying magic and arcana alone for many years, arcanists have a relatively withdrawn personality and are difficult to deal with. But Owen, although wearing an arcane robe, has a kind face.

, the sailor couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Glancing at the dirty-faced sailor, Owen smiled slightly: "I need to travel to other continents to seek breakthroughs in arcane magic."

Talking to a powerful arcanist, the sailor seemed extremely happy and said excitedly: "Dear arcanist, I heard that arcana is more magical than magic, and practicing arcana is more difficult than practicing magic. I used to

I once followed a magician and practiced magic for a period of time. The magician also said that I have great talent. So can I practice arcane magic?"

"A sub-giant who can practice with a magician will basically not be so destitute that he becomes a sailor! In addition, the sea breeze is more terrifying than you think, and the dirt cannot keep your skin moist enough." Owen

He took a deep look at the sailor and walked into the cabin leisurely.

The sailor's face felt hot. Fortunately, it was covered by dirt so that no one could see it, and he continued to clean the deck without any panic.

Because under the protection of Poseidon Gallente and his followers, the ships of the giant civilization are absolutely safe on the ocean close to the giant continent. But once they go out of the sea area that the sea tribe can control, countless monsters will come to them.

Paid for road fare.

The ships sailing out from the giant civilization are equipped with the magic core of high-level monsters, which can scare off all low- and intermediate-level monsters, but cannot avoid the harassment of high-level monsters. These high-level monsters have been dealing with the ships of the giant civilization, and they have

They are quite intelligent and "draft on the water", holding a fixed route and collecting certain benefits.

The ship shook for a while, and there was a huge noise on every ship in the entire fleet. Owen was okay, so he followed the flow of people and came to the deck again. Fortunately, he was wearing arcane robes and no one dared to fight with him.

He squeezed, otherwise he would have to spend some effort.

Countless people on the boat stood on the deck and watched the ocean in the distance, where countless ocean monsters were swimming on the water, revealing various dorsal fins. Being able to see so many monsters at one time also ensured their own safety.

The only time is to cross the sea by boat.

In Owen's eyes, these people on the boat seemed to be rubes, and even groups of monsters seemed to be rarely seen. Moreover, the slightly higher monsters were all intelligent, so why were these people on the boat watching the fun?

Provide laughter for those monsters.

Owen walked easily among the crowd and walked to the edge of the deck. It wasn't that he wanted to watch the excitement, but it was just uncomfortable being squeezed in the middle by a group of people who hadn't showered in a long time.

Suddenly there was a person beside him, it was the sailor who was responsible for cleaning the deck before. At this time, the sailor's clothes had been wrinkled by the crowd, and there was also some pungent smell stuck to it.

Seeing the sailor's expression almost crying, Owen joked: "Congratulations, you are more like a sailor than before!"

Although the crowd around him kept making loud noises, Owen's words still reached the sailor's ears accurately without any impact.

The sailor opened his mouth and spoke a few words loudly, but his words were covered by the huge shouts around him.

Owen waved his hand and threw out a light curtain, covering the two of them. The surrounding shouts were immediately isolated by the light curtain, making the light curtain become quiet. When the people around saw this light curtain, some people standing in the light curtain

Owen, who was wearing arcane robes in the scene, immediately squeezed away, not daring to get too close, and was even more awed by the look Owen cast. Even their shouts were quieter, and it could be seen that they were interested in

Arcanists respect and fear them.

But the sailor didn't seem to notice the strangeness around him, and still shouted loudly: "Dear Arcanist! Your arcane magic is really magical!"

Owen knew that this was the result of the sailor's ears being affected by the noisy environment before and had not yet recovered. As long as he waited for a while, the sailor's hearing would return to normal.

Sure enough, the sailor seemed to have noticed the anomaly around him. He looked at the light curtain that enveloped the two of them with curiosity, and touched the light curtain with his dirt-covered fingers.

"You seem to have never seen magic. Did the magician you followed never teach you any magic, or even demonstrate it?"

"That old man only knows about fire prevention and nothing else!" The sailor said in a deep voice with a depressed look on his face.

Only then did Owen understand. A fire magician would indeed only demonstrate some fire magic, such as fireball and fire rain. This sailor had never seen such a water-based isolation spell, so it made sense.

{Piaotian Literature www.piaotian.net thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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