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Chapter 139 Khalle conferred a god

As long as this undead transformation method is used properly, his church can transform a group of believers into undead and train them to become kings among the undead. After all, there is a certain gap in controlling the undead with flesh and blood. But the undead will

Just like instinctively obeying the orders of the undead lord, there is almost no disobedience.

"With countless armies of the undead, what's the point of fearing the Church of Dream God?!" At this moment, the God of Darkness no longer had any worries about the strength comparison between the Church of Dream God and the Church of Darkness.

Soon, the Dark Church selected a group of believers whose piety levels reached the level of fanatics. These believers were basically the core direct descendants of the Dark Church and had a certain rejection of being transformed into undead. Because once transformed, the souls would be

Change almost means losing the opportunity to enter the kingdom of God forever. However, the fanatical belief and the call of the church still turned them into undead souls that retained their original consciousness.

"Having accumulated enough divine power, you can start to build your godhood and try to become a god!" Kehaler has gained a lot from the giant pantheon. Among them, there are key points, precautions, and aftermath information on how to become a god. Of course, you must obtain

This information comes at a huge cost.

After spending a lot of divine power, Khaler has deduced and perfected the structure of his own godhead. Now that the divine power needed to become a god has been saved, he can try to condense the godhead to become immortal at any time.

After setting up a large number of rune formations in his demiplane, Khaler began to use divine power to construct the godhead. It seemed that he was favored by a certain existence. The process of constructing the godhead was very smooth, and every step followed his deduction.

Perfectly finished.

A burst of soft but extremely conspicuous divine light was born from his godhead, penetrating the energy flesh and blood composed of divine power, and constantly radiating outward. With a thought from Khaler, a huge and tight formation in the demiplane emits a strong brilliance, spreading the divine light.

Blocking most of it. The remaining divine light is also blocked by the world crystal wall of the demiplane and cannot be transmitted to the void outside the demiplane. In fact, the world crystal wall of the demiplane is enough to block the spread of the divine light, Korhal

Using a formation to block is only a safe way.

"My Lord, I have become a god!"

In the main material plane, countless followers of Khal sensed the changes in the underworld and knew about his apotheosis. They seemed to be called by the underworld and began to pray devoutly. This was also the apotheosis of the gods.

Afterwards, the believer's natural reaction to the shock was like a creature knowing the existence of the true God for the first time and praying to Him.

"Wukehal was made a god and became the god of death!"

The name of a god is related to the future development. Once it is determined, it cannot be changed at will. Therefore, there are many gods with repeated names, such as the god of war, the god of death, the god of fire, the god of water, etc., and Khale will naturally call him a big one. Moreover, he has the title

The Queen of Gods is a member of the Giant God System. She can be protected by the Giant God System and is not afraid of other gods who understand the law of death.

Owen, who was copying the information from the golden book in the Kingdom of God, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced in the direction of the Shrine of Alberta. Then he closed his eyes and penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the core of the plane to copy the golden book.

Information obtained during the evolution of the Kingdom of God.

Now that he has the golden book, Owen hardly has to work hard to communicate with the giant network of laws in the void to deduce the laws. His work has changed from arduous deduction to easy copying. The huge efficiency difference makes him feel that he was not as good as before.

The act of reasoning is a waste of time.

In another palace not far away, Alberta looked at the crystal of divine power that was constantly blooming with golden light in her hand, and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

This divine power crystal is also a strange material that can be condensed to create artifacts. The divine power crystal in Alberta's hand has been specially processed and can preserve the spiritual power of any being below weak divine power. All giants are preserved in it.

A trace of the spiritual power of the preparatory personnel of the divine system is closely preserved by Alberta. The golden light of this divine power crystal indicates that one of the demigods has become a god.

Alberta did not release his spiritual power, although it was a very unfriendly act to imprison a true god's spiritual power in this way. However, according to the rules of the giant pantheon, the owner of the spiritual power must come to retrieve it in person.

The gods in the temples also had new senses. They raised their heads and glanced at the newly born throne, and then went about their own business. The birth of gods is a very normal thing, and they are directly promoted to gods with level 1.

There are also many gods. These gods no longer have any interest, unless there is a god who has just become a god and is at level 2.

Kehal waited for the divine light in his godhead to dissipate, and then began to condense his priesthood. Of course, he would not be foolish enough to condense the priesthood of death. That kind of powerful priesthood is not something he can touch now!

What he wanted to focus on was naturally the field he was best at - the undead. Most of his memories were related to the undead. When deducing methods to improve the transformation of the undead, he further studied various aspects of the undead. Now, according to the analysis of the undead,

From everyone's understanding, he is also at the forefront among the gods!

Recalling all the memories of the undead, Khaler condensed the true god's will born in his spiritual sea into a golden flame.

"Becoming a god and condensing the priesthood doesn't seem to be as difficult as the rumors say!"

Everything went so smoothly that Khale couldn't help but wonder.

Among all the rumors, becoming a god involves great dangers. If you are not careful, the structure of the godhead will be disrupted, causing huge and irreparable mistakes, and you may even die as a result of the explosion of the godhead. When condensing the priesthood,

Various situations will also arise. Only by thoroughly understanding all aspects of the relevant fields, the possibility of success will be much greater. If the control of the true God's will is not strong enough, it will also lead to the collapse of the priesthood.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, Khaler left his demiplane and rushed towards the kingdom of the giant god system. A trace of his spiritual power was still stored in the Albert Tower. If he did not go to retrieve it,

If he expresses his position, he will receive a huge blow. The giant pantheon has many ways to hurt him, which makes him have to be afraid.

"Your Highness Alberta!" When Khaler saw Alberta, he immediately bowed and saluted.

Although he has become a god and has perfected his godhood, which is directly at level 1 of godhood, he is not much different from a demigod in front of weak gods like Alberta. Moreover, this Alberta is the main god of the giant god system.

His direct lineage has a very high status in the giant god system, enough for him to salute.

After a simple greeting, the two gods entered the whole body.

"Your Highness is here to retrieve your spiritual power?" Alberta's tone was very casual, as if she didn't care at all.

Khaler looked sincere: "I hope to join the giant pantheon!"

"Oh?" Alberta's face straightened, and she began to explain to Khaler the obligations that need to be fulfilled and the rights that can be enjoyed after joining the giant pantheon. She explained in extremely detail, with rigorous wording, and there were no loopholes in all the items.

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