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Chapter 171 The abyss again

As a collective will spawned by racial beliefs, the will of the human race fundamentally represents the interests and demands of the human race. This origin also determines that it is almost impossible to control the power of the river of destiny.

certain binding force.

Unless other races recognize the dominant position of the human race and are willing to be controlled by the human race and become existences similar to subordinate races. In this way, the will of the human race can draw strength from the living beliefs of other races and directly interfere with the internal development of these races. Otherwise, they can only use

The current layout achieves its own goals through the involvement of various forces.

Therefore, the picture in this long river is almost entirely the development trajectory of the human race in various regions in the main material plane.

The source of this long river is the scene when the human race was born. Although the will of the human race has not experienced the birth period of the human race, it can easily search for relevant information from the memories of many human races and deduce some situations at that time.

The long river flows out of the void, and countless illusory forks immediately appear. The pictures in each fork are extremely sparse, and various unprecedented situations lead the human race into futures that are different from reality. But no matter

How powerful the human race shown in these branches is, after all, just an illusory picture.

The main road of the long river is unusually clear, different from the illusory branches. The countless clear pictures in it completely show every moment of the development of the human race.

Where the long river reaches the center of this space mezzanine, the main road gradually becomes blurred. It is connected to countless illusory branches. As time goes by, the situation in the main material plane changes, and the countless illusory branches also change.

A present consisting of detailed pictures appears, continuing to the main road of the long river.

New sections of the river continue to emerge from countless illusory branches, but the length of the entire long river does not seem to have changed at all. The junction between the clear "past" and the vague "future" has always been the will of the human race.

The suppressed "now".

Owen threw a trace of his mental power into the river, and countless things that were happening in the main material plane appeared in his induction. There are not too many humans now. People like Owen are considered powerful among the gods.

God, however, cannot process all the information in the river instantly.

The main reason is that Ovenna itself has an extremely large group of believers. Countless believers will "deliver" massive amounts of information to the god's godhead at any time, including prayers, prayers, magical applications, and accompanying accompaniments.

The chaotic memory fragments brought by the power of faith. These information have occupied a large amount of space in his godhead, making him unable to process all the faith in the long river of manifesting the human will in real time.

After selecting some of the information he needed from the countless pictures that made up the river, Owen ignored all the other pictures. He was a superior god. He was not the nanny of the human race. He had no need or obligation to understand the details of the development of the human race.


Going up the river, Owen's spiritual power continued to select the information he needed in the long river, and with the help of a little bit of the will of the true god and the power of the human race's will, he transmitted this useful information to distant places through the void.

in the ontology.

Countless information came together, and Owen's true form in the realm of God couldn't help but show his original expression.

Although he can use his divine power to collect information to deduce some details of the development of the human race, it is impossible to obtain some obscure internal information. And his clone in the human race has limited strength, and it is impossible to read other human beings at will.

With his own memory, it is naturally impossible to know all the experiences of every living being in the human race. Among them are some things that have had a certain impact on the overall development of the human race. They were "missed" by his clone.

A glimmer of light flashed in Owen's eyes, "It's a pity that the giant family already has faith, and it is impossible for such a racial will to be born again."

If the racial will of the giants could be spawned, Owen would have to use all his strength to completely control such a racial will.

Now he only uses his true god's will to occupy a small corner in the will of the human race. He has obtained such great benefits from the transformation of the will of the human race. If he can completely control the will of a race, wouldn't it be... not to mention

The powerful ability of a race's will to develop the race is enough for any god to spend a lot of investment.

Of course, if Owen is asked to re-select a race to cultivate a racial will, he will definitely not do it. Let’s not talk about whether there is no faith at all in the main material plane, and whether there is a race that has the conditions to give birth to a racial will. Even if it does not matter.

Even if he could successfully find such a race and cultivate a racial will, he would not be able to catch up with the development of the human race.

Perhaps when that race develops, the human race has already occupied the entire main material plane, and can only barely gain a foothold in some barren corners of the main material plane. It is better to increase the "investment" in the human race's will and increase its own true god.

The erosion of human will by will.

Moreover, the human race in this crystal wall system is very similar to the human race in Owen's previous life. The physical form is very similar. He does not believe that there is no reason for this, so he naturally has to pay more attention to the human race.

But this emphasis will not allow him to change his development targets from the giants to the human race. He does not believe in gods, nor lacks faith, and will not run for faith. Moreover, he needs to create a more peaceful image among the gods.

Try to minimize large-scale conflicts of interest with the gods and avoid any possibility of standing on the opposite side of the gods.

Now the gods have begun to pay attention to the human race and develop their own beliefs in the human race. If he interferes in the affairs of the human race now, it will affect the common interests of the gods in the human race. Even if he does not monopolize the thoughts of the entire human race, he will cause trouble

The dissatisfaction of many gods.

"Controlling the will of the human race means controlling the development direction of the human race. The control over the human race is countless times better than preaching. I only need to occupy the will of the human race and control the general trend of the development of the human race. Even if the churches of various gods are in the human race,

Even if it is managed in the medium to long term, it may not be able to stand firm against the calculations of the will of the human race."

While Owen was paying attention to the war preparations of the Church of the Giant God, he put strands of the true God's will into the space mezzanine of the main material plane along the induction, and continued to grow while ensuring that he would not be rejected by the will of the human race.

That bit of true God’s will in the will of humankind.

A projected clone of Ekmund was in the space interlayer in the main material plane, constantly sensing the situation inside the main material plane. The results of the sensing made him very excited, and a ferocious look appeared on his already vicious face.


"Killing and resentment are what the abyss loves the most! Only chaos can provide the abyss with strength and opportunities!"

He maximized his perception, constantly sensing the fluctuations of sacred power in the main material plane, and selecting suitable targets.

The true bodies and divine clones of the gods have all withdrawn from the main material plane, and those weak fluctuations of divine power are basically sent by demigods. If the abyss demons deal with these poor demigods who have developed in the main material plane, what will they gain?

The gains may not be enough to make up for the losses. The church of the true God who can obtain divine power and use divine magic is their main target.

As the leader of the Abyss Demons, Ekmund naturally has to put a lot of thought into selecting targets. He must not only meet the interests of the Abyss, but also not let his opponents be too much stronger than the Abyss.

With a strange laugh, Ekmund's eyes were fixed on a certain direction on the main material plane, and he seemed to have selected the target of the abyss demon's attack. His eyes seemed to have penetrated the space barrier and saw the main material plane.

In a certain area, the selected target is firmly locked.

"It's not too strong!" Ekmund said in a deep voice, his tone was a little weird, and he didn't know whether he was happy or mocking.

He gradually withdrew his perception, concentrated on communicating with the body in the distant abyss, and passed a certain spatial coordinate of the main material plane to the past. Of course, he had carefully used his mental power to leave a mark on the corresponding area of ​​the main material plane.

The mark is enough for the body in the abyss to lock that space and open up a relatively stable space channel.

Ekmund's body far away in the abyss received the message from the projection clone and immediately began to prepare to open a space channel. The battle on the main material plane has been going on for some time, and the abyss has also gained a powerful race like the Abyss Dragon.

But facing the chaotic situation that broke out in the main material plane, the already chaotic and evil Abyss would naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

Because he has not comprehended the slightest bit of space laws, Ekmund can only rely on the power and laws of the entire abyss when opening up space passages. Although his power is only to locate the spatial coordinates and guide the opening of space passages, it must be connected across the endless void.

The abyss and the space passages of the main material plane are not something he can play with at will.

A space crack appeared on a continent on the main material plane, spewing out a huge amount of negative energy, making the area gradually darken.

Countless low-level skeletons were in this area. Facing the negative energy spewing out from the cracks in the space, they had no local ability at all. Their pale skeletons were directly eroded away, and the already dim soul fire was extinguished.

The clergy who were in the same place immediately reacted, began to gather their strength to resist the erosion of negative energy, and slowly withdrew from this area. However, the large number of abyss demons pouring out from the space cracks did not give them the slightest chance to escape, and a large number of negative energy

Attacks composed of energy fell in pieces.

"My Lord bestows exquisite weapons! My Lord bestows holy flames! My Lord's divine radiance will purify all evil in the world!" All the clergy began to pray devoutly in the same language.

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