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Chapter 198 The will of the gods is transformed

Crystal Wall Kingdom 198_Crystal Wall Kingdom full text free to read_Chapter 198 The transformation of the will of the gods comes from

Now that the immortal will in this mysterious finger bone has been extracted by the will of the gods, Owen has no possibility of obtaining it. Although the will of the gods has not yet given birth to complete consciousness, it has the instinct to enhance its own essence. It extracted the finger bone

The immortal will within him will naturally instinctively integrate with that immortal will to enhance the essence of his will.

Carefully examining the internal structure of the finger bone, Owen discovered that the finger bone was made of a special material, which was very different from the bones of mortal objects and the sacred bones of gods. It’s just that the bone structure was too

It's so delicate and special that even Oven couldn't find it out in a short time, let alone deduce it completely.

Putting down the phalanges in his hand, Owen used his mind to sense the mysterious places of the gods and the will of the gods. At the moment of induction, Owen had already noticed the changes in the will of the gods after obtaining the phalanges.

After the true god's will of the gods was born, the will of the gods has become an independent entity, only retaining a trace of connection with the gods. Through this connection, the gods can perceive the existence of the will of the gods with their thoughts, and

Communicate with them, and even receive some power of will from the will of the gods through authority.

Although Owen's true god's will occupies a dominant position in giving birth to the will of the gods, it does not allow him to dominate the will of the gods. He only has a little more authority than other gods.

Through induction, Owen discovered that most of the consciousness of the will of the gods has been perfected, greatly improving its operation speed and efficiency. Following this, the strength of the will of the gods has increased by leaps and bounds, absorbing the power of the void every moment.

The free will power is tempered into one's own strength.

"Immortal Breath!"

Now, in addition to inheriting a hint of immortality from Owen's true god's will at the time of birth, the will of the gods also has a faint aura of immortality. Obviously, these are the biggest gains that the will of the gods has gained from the mysterious finger bones.

Oven's thoughts entered the temples, and the temples were bustling with excitement. Many gods had their thoughts projected in the temples to discuss. The scene of the mysterious golden light group and various radiances chasing each other in the void.

That overwhelming pressure has become the only topic they talk about.

Although the gods are divided into three camps, the relationship between many gods is complicated, and information that is not very confidential generally circulates very quickly. As for what happens in the void, although only gods with medium divine power or above have sent out divine power

The clone is present. But other gods have also obtained some not-so-secret information through their respective relationships. For example, the mysterious figure, the golden finger bones, and the sigh full of regret...

As soon as Owen entered the temple, he noticed the doubtful gaze cast by the God of Knowledge, Mysei. Of course, his gaze did not stay on Owen for too long. After all, it was a very impolite behavior. It might also cause unnecessary confusion.


Sitting on his throne and listening to the discussions of the gods, Owen felt no disturbance in his heart.

Just when the gods were talking in a heated manner, a faint coercion descended on the temples, and a force of will swept past the projection of the gods' thoughts, causing the gods to stop talking unconsciously.

A force of will in the center of the temples turned into a picture scroll, in which the scene kept changing. It was the process of the mysterious finger bones being suppressed by the will of the crystal wall system and the power of various laws in the void! And the details in it were

The degree is even higher than the information collected through divine clones.

The eyes of the gods are all focused on the scroll in the center of the temples, firmly locked on the brilliance of various laws, trying to obtain some information related to the laws of the crystal wall system. However, the law information contained in these scenes is very limited. For the gods

There is even less useful law information. Only a handful of gods who have little understanding of the law have gained some benefits from the scenes in the scroll.

As for Owen, the law information in these scenes is basically what he has already understood, and it is basically of no benefit to him. It just allows him to see the process more clearly.

It started when the golden light group appeared in the void of the crystal wall system. It was not until the golden light group approached the main material plane and was suppressed by the will of the crystal wall system that the mysterious figure was obliterated, and the scene in the scroll gradually faded away.

After that, the gods in the void used magic to try to collect the mysterious finger bones, but the influence projected by the gods' will did not include that part.

The scene faded, and there was still silence in the temples. Although no existence identified the crystal wall will, the gods could naturally understand its identity from the powerful power it burst out. It was the action of the crystal wall will.

The gods were all shocked. However, the scene in the scroll did not give the origin of the golden light group, nor any information about the identity of the mysterious figure, which made the gods unable to calm down.

The ones who were most shocked in my heart were not the group of gods who stood at the top of the gods. After all, they had already known most of the scenes that happened in the void. It was also not the gods with the lowest strength, because their strength was too low. Then

The level of strength displayed by the mysterious figure may be something they will not be able to see for a long time.

The gods with weaker powers have now become the main body of the gods, and they are also the group that is most concerned about this matter. Their strength is not above or below, but they occupy the most interests among the gods. Although there are mysterious

Powerful gods like Wen are suppressing it, but due to their overall numbers, they occupy most of the area in the main material plane.

If peerless powerful men like the Ancient Gods of Chaos appeared again in the Crystal Wall system, their group would lose most of their benefits and become as poor as the weaker gods.

After the will of the gods projects what happened in the void, it hides in the temples again to digest the immortal will obtained from the mysterious finger bones. If it is not bred by the true will of the gods, it is inherently higher.

It will definitely be counterattacked by that immortal will when it is integrated with that immortal will. At that time, it will also be transformed into a trace of immortal will by that immortal will through mysterious methods and become part of the mysterious finger bone.

Although it has successfully swallowed up the immortal will, its own power of will is not as pure as that immortal will, and there is a big gap between them. If it does not temper its power of will as soon as possible,

The rejection will become greater and greater, and it is likely to collapse on its own.

Countless willpowers floating in the void were drawn by the will of the gods, constantly tempered into their own will, and used their own will to continuously temper the immortal will.

As the will of the gods continues to operate, one of the more obvious golden willpower, which contains a strong aura of immortality, gradually merges into the willpower of the will of the gods, and is completely integrated with the will of the gods. This current is constantly integrated.

The color of the immortal will and the will of the gods also continues to deepen, gradually approaching light gold, and the trace of immortal connotation it possesses also rapidly grows, revealing an obvious aura of immortality.

The will of the gods merges with the immortal will, and its own essence continues to improve, and the power it can control naturally increases rapidly. In the induction of the gods, the pressure from the will of the gods continues to grow stronger, and has already

Far beyond the strength of the true will of the gods, even Owen's true will cannot be compared with the current will of the gods.

In an inexplicable void, a golden temple continued to absorb the free power of will in the void, and began to spit out the pale golden power of will. This pale golden power of will spread in the void, and also

This indicates that the power of the will of the gods can enter and exit the temples independently and interfere with the pattern between the gods to a certain extent. As long as the power of will spewed out by the will of the gods can fill the entire void of the crystal wall system, the gods will

will be completely placed under the supervision of the will of the gods.

The will of the gods continued to change, and a will that exuded heavy coercion suddenly appeared in the void. This will came into the void, and without inducing any power, it had already changed the changes in the will of the gods.

Completely understood. This will immediately retreated after detecting the changes in the will of the gods, without being noticed by the will of the gods.

Just after this will receded, the power of free will in the void seemed to be more compatible with the will of the gods. As a result, more free will was drawn by the gods, continuously strengthening the power of the will of the gods, making the will of the gods more powerful.

The transformation is even faster by several percent.

Oven's thoughts were in the temples, but he was also able to detect the changes around the body through the natural induction with the body.

Shortly after the transformation of the gods, his body seemed to be more compatible with the power of free will in the void, allowing him to more easily pull the free will in the void and refine it into his own true god's will.

Not only has Owen sensed his own changes, but most of the gods have also sensed the change in their affinity with the free will of the void. The degree of increase in the affinity of the gods with the free energy is about the same as

It is related to the authority that the gods occupy in the will of the gods.

Several gods with medium divine power occupy the majority of the will of the gods. As the affinity increases, they can be clearly sensed. However, gods with low strength have little understanding of the law, and their affinity with free energy is natural.

Even though it was low, they can feel the sudden increase now.

"This is the love of the crystal wall will!"

The affinity with the free energy in the void increased, and Owen immediately understood the reason. To increase the affinity of the gods with the free energy in the entire crystal wall system, only the power of the will of the crystal wall system can achieve this.

. Although the will of the plane can also cause a similar increase in affinity, it can only be limited to that plane.

After taking a look at the many gods in the pantheon, Owen's thoughts returned directly to the Kingdom of God. Those gods speculated on the purpose of projecting images of the will of the gods, or talked about increasing their affinity with free energy. To him,

Saying it makes no sense.

Crystal Wall Kingdom 198_Crystal Wall Kingdom full text free to read_Chapter 198 The transformation of the will of the gods has been updated!

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