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Chapter 205 Changes

Although Poulos has not even come into contact with the law, he is a key point for the human will to prosper and even dominate the material plane. Naturally, he has no chance of escaping from surveillance, and is always watched by the human will. When encountering

In some difficult times, the will of the human race will even covertly help Prolos for the overall benefit of the human race.

Owen's mental avatar searches for information in the long river of evolution of human will, and is always paying attention to Pros's movements.

Just when the three continents of the giant god system returned to peace, the faith territories of the gods gradually became turbulent. Various conflicts occurred between the human race and other intelligent races in a large number of areas, and some small-scale battles

It also breaks out occasionally.

The followers of the gods are mainly various intelligent races in the main material plane. These races have lived on various continents for countless years, and their heritage cannot be easily shaken by the human race.

But the only flaw that these intelligent races may have is that their reproduction rate is low, which has hindered the development of god belief to a certain extent. The emerging human race is the believers chosen by the gods to make up for the shortfall in the population, and they are also chosen by various churches.


Therefore, in the battle, neither humans nor other intelligent races took any advantage, but the gods only saw that the fierce conflicts between humans and other intelligent races were irreconcilable.

Under such conditions, a large number of gods gave up their original missionary races and vigorously supported the development of the human race. Of course, it is impossible for the gods to really give up their believers, they just moved these races to other areas. If the strength is

Powerful gods can even migrate these races to the demiplane in the void.

However, some racial gods, when it was impossible to abandon the original race, could only migrate the human race.

As time goes by, racial conflicts in the main material plane become more and more intense, and population migration in the territories of various gods' beliefs becomes more and more serious.

Large-scale population migration itself is a huge harm to civilization. The civilization developed by the gods fell into turmoil, causing the large amount of wealth they had accumulated to be spent like water, but it allowed the merchants who were waiting for the opportunity to make a lot of money.


Under the secret layout of the human race's will, the human race gained the greatest benefit from this racial turmoil. A large number of alien races moved out, making large areas exclusive to the human race. Although all the people in the main material plane

The space belongs to the gods in name, but it has given humans the capital to rise.

The wild beasts and warcraft on the main material plane have plundered, causing many migrating races to lose a large number of people, and their overall strength has been reduced rapidly. When they move to the new territory divided by the gods, the population of these races will be reduced by at least 40 to 50%.

Of course, behind the wild beasts and warcraft devouring the population of all races, there are also hidden methods of the human will. It is not difficult for the human will to make creatures with no intelligence like the beasts and low-level warcraft completely lose their minds.

They lead them to the only way for various races to migrate, and everything will be fine!

And the gods just turned a blind eye to the tragedies that happened to various races on the road of migration. If the creatures in the main material plane devoutly believe in them, they can obtain the holy power given by them, and they will not

There is nothing you can do against these wild beasts and low-level monsters. And it is impossible for them to show any mercy to those creatures who do not believe in them.

Sheep that do not produce wool, milk, or even meat have no value to their owners!

Without the attention of the gods, the migration path of these races will be even more bumpy...

Owen's body in the plane of the kingdom of God glanced in a certain direction on the main material plane, and invested large amounts of true god's will in it. And in the interlayer of space where the human will is, these golden strands

The will of the true god was injected into the will of the human race, slowly growing that golden spot.

That golden spot is Owen's true God's will merged into the human will. However, with the rapid development of the human race on the main material plane, the power of the human will itself has grown by leaps and bounds. Owen's true God's will has gradually received the will of the human race.

Instinct suppression.

His true god's will is like a parasite in the human will. Although these true god's will have certain benefits to the human will and do not use the power of the human will wantonly, the human will still instinctively perceives the true god's will against it.

negative impact.

In order to maintain his authority in the human will, Owen can only further invest a large amount of true god's will. This stream of true god's will not only resists the suppression of the human will, but also slowly increases Owen's influence in the human will.

permissions in.

A large amount of true god's will is invested every moment, which makes Owen's body slightly dissatisfied. If these true god's will does not need to be invested in the will of human beings, a new priesthood can be condensed. Even if the new priesthood may not be functionally equivalent to the original priesthood

His vocation is comparable to that of a priest, but he can also absorb free will from the void at all times to enhance his strength.

Suddenly Oven's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he glanced in the direction of the underworld with some disdain.

At this time, large numbers of undead souls gathered in the underworld, and under the leadership of some powerful undead souls, began to attack the temples of several gods.

The temple of the true god is constantly blooming with golden light, illuminating an area in the underworld. And these golden lights are a completely destructive force for the undead, the darlings of the underworld. As long as the low-level undead

Once you enter the place where the divine radiance shines, you will be directly purified, and not even the fire of the soul will remain.

Large forces of death were drawn from all over the underworld, forming extremely vast dark clouds above the undead army. The undead gathered together, causing these dark clouds to continue to expand.

Just as these clouds pressed into the area where the temple's divine glow shone, the collision of the divine attribute's divine glow and the clouds of death power produced huge energy. These raging energies further disrupted the divine glow of several temples, seeming to give life to the undead.

Facilitate the movement of the army.

These undead souls gather together and jointly pull the power of death in the underworld, trying to use these powers to wipe out the divine glory of several temples. But the divine glory is essentially a power belonging to the gods. How can the undead be able to do whatever they want?

Destroyed? The death power they gathered only offset part of the power of Shenhui.

Among the several temples, two belong to the giant god system, one belongs to the death god system, and the rest belong to the dark god system. The two temples of the giant god system have suffered the greatest impact from the undead. But Owen's promotion is powerful

Divine power and divine power clones also have the strength of medium divine power, which cannot be competed by these undead, most of which are below the holy level.

It's just that in the temple, the divine clones of several gods did not take action against these undead armies. And the undead army seemed to be very "smart" and did not attack the temple desperately, but wandered around the periphery of the area where the divine light shines.

Under the disturbance of a large amount of energy, the sacred power contained in the divine radiance has declined. However, under the radiance of the divine radiance, the lower-level undead have been purified one after another. Only some undead above the holy level are shrouded in the divine radiance.

He kept wandering around the area, as if he was looking for something, and seemed to be just wandering.

The divine radiance containing divine power shines on these saint-level undead, but it does not cause them much harm. The divine power on them is more like removing impurities from their power. They cannot completely

The power of control overflowed from their bodies and was purified by the divine radiance.

Some undead souls whose impurities have been removed from their bodies have even begun to gradually let go of the protection of the soul fire, allowing the soul fire to be baptized by the divine radiance. Although this baptism is accompanied by tremendous pain that goes deep into the soul, in the underworld

The undead whose strength does not improve will sooner or later become food for other undead.

I have to say that this is a very good method. The undead itself uses devouring to strengthen itself, and a large amount of "impurities" will inevitably accumulate in the body. If the undead can "purify" its body and soul, it can

Their power is purer and easier to promote.

Owen's divine clone in the underworld glanced at the temple of the God of Death, Longdis, with a deep look in his eyes, and then closed his eyes to deduce the law of death in the underworld.

Now the area outside the temple has been surrounded by an army of undead, and even foreign souls cannot be dealt with within this period of time. Only when these undead naturally recede can the gods resume their soul reincarnation.

When the undead army "besieged" several temples, the power of death nearby was active, making it easier for the divine clones of several gods to understand the law of death. Therefore, the gods knew the actions of these undead but did not do anything about it.

Action. Moreover, after the strength of these undead increases, if they become demigods, they can be recruited by several gods. Even the giant gods have already recruited several demigods in the underworld.

Owen's divine clone glanced at the temple of Longdis, and he seemed to feel something. However, the divine power of Owen's divine clone had medium divine power, which was two levels higher than his divine clone's strength. In this way

The huge gap in strength made it difficult for his divine clone to truly detect the movements of Owen's divine clone. It was more of a vague feeling.

"Only by rapidly improving the undead can we allow the Death God System to have more demigods. The Death God System's foundation is too shallow, and we have to seize any opportunity to increase our strength! I hope that powerful His Highness will not

This will suppress the death god system!”..)

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