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Chapter 346: The End of the Era

There are countless native creatures in the entire main material plane. Coupled with the creatures in various plane worlds in the void of the crystal wall system, and even some creatures in the sea of ​​chaos, the number of creatures in the main material plane has far exceeded

The number exceeded the usual number. As the matter in the main material plane continued to disintegrate, the number of living beings affected and died increased sharply.

Based on a huge number of living beings, the resentment and curses of faith generated have the effect of blocking out the sky. The power of dusk formed by the fusion of resentment and curses of faith is so abundant that it is inevitable for the gods to avoid it.

.These powers of dusk are not fixed in the main material plane, but spread quickly to various places in the void of the crystal wall system. As long as there is a true god who has faith, the power of dusk will follow his faith and come to his door.

Among the gods, only the main gods of each pantheon had been promoted to the realm of ancient gods under the arrangement of the Chaos Gods, and they escaped from this twilight disaster. But their losses were also huge, not only losing all their gods

, and also lose all believers and clergy.

The material disintegration of the main material plane is not transferred by the will of many remaining ancient gods, but is still moving firmly towards the center of the main material plane. At this time, the interior of the main material plane is like a ball of thread that is constantly being torn.

, it is shrinking greatly due to the disintegration of matter every moment.

Facing the faster and faster disintegration rate of matter in the main material plane, many ancient gods can only sigh in vain. With their abilities, it is impossible to contact the origin of the main material plane, and it is impossible to restore the main material plane.

Facing the current situation of loss of origin, one can only watch helplessly as everything of the gods disappears into nothing.

The space in the main material plane has become smaller and smaller, so many ancient gods can't help but focus on the Lord of Time in the center. Although they have not seen the specific image of the Lord of Time, they are also aware of the time.

The moment when the Lord of Time conforms to the laws of the main material plane, it senses it. As the Lord of Time extracts the original power of the main material plane, its breath has become more and more powerful and mysterious. Fighting with the Lord of Time, many ancient gods have no

No chance of victory can prevent the opponent from continuing to extract the original power of the main material plane.

At this time, the laws of the main material plane and the abyss purgatory have weakened to the extreme, and they can no longer restrain all the energy inside. Let alone absorb energy from the void of the crystal wall system for refining.

Many ancient gods have been able to predict the collapse of the main material plane, and have begun to prepare their own escape routes. But they only have the realm of ancient gods, and what they can do is limited. They can only try their best to save some believers as a means of their own resurrection.


Each ancient god took the plane world he needed from the space mezzanine of the main material plane to accommodate his remaining believers and petitioners. Then the ancient gods quickly left with their respective plane worlds.

He entered the main material plane, traveled through the void through various means, and headed for the distant star realm.

There are still violent chaotic air currents gushing out from the cracks in time and space, which have plunged most of the worlds in the crystal wall void into a countdown to destruction. Even if the ancient gods place their believers and petitioners in the crystal wall void, they will

There is no way to escape the fate of destruction. The star realm, which used to be relatively dangerous for the gods, has become the best escape option.

The star realm is at the "top" of the void of the crystal wall system, and is the farthest position from the space-time rift in the void of the crystal wall system. Even if the chaotic airflow comes here, it has been relatively relaxed a lot, and it is difficult to cause too much damage to the star realm.

Huge damage. Moreover, all the fallen gods are immersed in the astral world. Some of the divine powers alone are immeasurable wealth. With such a huge amount of divine power, as long as the will of the astral plane can be used a little, it can be easily

Resist most changes in the crystal wall system.

After breaking the plane crystal wall system, the ancient gods entered the star realm one after another and began to look for suitable places to place believers and petitioners. Because there is no complete earth in the star realm. There are only a large number of corpses or divine powers that were born after the death of the gods.

Islands. These islands are all the same size and shape. Only by patient selection can you find the best placement.

There are usually gods and evil spirits near islands with residual divine power, which is not a good placement choice. Abandoned islands without residual divine power have become the targets of the ancient gods.

While several ancient gods were busy organizing the star island, the original power of the main material plane and the abyss purgatory had been extracted to the edge of exhaustion. The space inside the plane had almost completely collapsed, and all living creatures were completely dead.

.Even if the Lord of Time and the Man in Black stop extracting the original power, the main material plane and the Abyss Purgatory will no longer be able to exist for a long time.

After squeezing out the last bit of original power, the figure of the man in black flashed in the abyss and purgatory. He completely disappeared into the abyss and purgatory. The Lord of Time, who had also exhausted the original power of the main material plane, also chose to leave immediately.

.For them, the main material plane and the abyss purgatory no longer have any value.

There is no trace of original power to maintain it. The operation of laws and energy circulation within the two planes have suffered a devastating blow. The law system collapsed, time and space began to become chaotic, and energy rioted... Everything is moving closer to the final destruction.

The space world inside the Abyss Purgatory has long since collapsed, and now even the main continent only has a small space left. Although the interior of the main material plane has completely collapsed, there are a large number of plane worlds saved by the gods in the space mezzanine.

.These plane worlds may not be large individually, but together they are at least as large as the original thousands of continents on the main material plane.

The law system of the main material plane has begun to collapse, and the divine power that suppresses the laws of the plane world has been exhausted. Although the main material plane has been drained of all its original power, it is not comparable to many void worlds. Many plane worlds are under the influence of the main material

After the pressure generated when the plane was about to be destroyed, they began to collapse one after another.

The violent energy flow generated by the collapse of many plane worlds far exceeded the capacity of the main material plane at this time, and directly turned the interior of the main material plane into a mess.

A huge impact force bombarded the outside of the plane crystal wall of the main material plane, so that the plane crystal wall system of the main material plane could no longer withstand the double impact from the inside and outside and collapsed. The collapse of the plane crystal wall also

It indicates the complete demise of the main material plane. And that huge impact force is the energy explosion formed by the destruction of the abyss and purgatory.

The huge bombardment force caused the remaining plane crystal walls of the main material plane to cut through the space and rush towards the star boundary at an incredible speed. Although during the rapid flight, the plane crystal wall fragments had been crushed by the chaotic airflow,

Part of it was assimilated, but it still hit the crystal wall of the star realm hard.

It is not only the star realm that is bombarded by the plane crystal wall fragments of the main material plane, but also the underworld next to the main material plane, as well as other planes in the void of the crystal wall system that are barely supported by the chaotic airflow.

The bombardment force of the plane crystal wall fragments in the main material plane exceeds the limit that the plane crystal walls in other planes can withstand, or it is because the plane crystal walls in other planes are weakened by the chaotic airflow, causing several other planes to be damaged.

The plane crystal wall of the seat plane was directly broken. The plane crystal wall was shattered, and the chaotic airflow in the void of the crystal wall system immediately began to penetrate several seat planes. The plane that lost the protection of the plane crystal wall was taken off.

The soldiers in armor have become targets of massacre by the enemy.

The ancient gods who had reluctantly placed their believers and petitioners knew that their arrangements had become empty talk the moment the crystal wall of the star realm was broken. When the star realm was about to be destroyed, their believers and

The petitioners had no chance of survival.

Although the ancient gods can use the laws of the crystal wall system to consume divine power to protect themselves from being eroded and assimilated by the chaotic airflow, their source of faith has been cut off. Without the source of faith, there is no divine power, and it is impossible to resist the erosion of the chaotic airflow for a long time.

Assimilation. Therefore, after the destruction of the star realm, it was close to the time of their complete fall.

But all the ancient gods could only watch the destruction, unable to stop the destruction.

When the main material plane, abyss purgatory, star world, underworld and other large planes were destroyed one after another, the destiny track in the void in the deep layer of the crystal wall system had almost completely collapsed. In the end, there were not many remaining destiny tracks, only

There are less than four thousand. Each destiny track represents a life or thing, and most of them are chaos gods.

Feeling that the aura of fate gradually calmed down, Owen also woke up from a deep state of understanding. Although he was mentally prepared in advance, he still felt sad after sensing the only remaining trajectory of fate.

The main material plane must have collapsed, and even the gods have perished. However, there are less than four thousand remaining existences, which is somewhat beyond Oven's expectations. There are many talented innate gods among the gods, and there are definitely only the remaining gods.

The potential of a god. Perhaps as long as the Chaos Gods provide more guidance, they can pass the stage of ancient gods, possess the power of a god, and escape the fate of complete destruction.

At this time, there were less than 4,000 fate tracks in the deep level of the crystal wall system. Even if the Chaos God wanted to cover up his own destiny track, Owen could easily get some information from it, allowing him to confirm that the Chaos God had also entered.

Things to understand in the deep space. But it is impossible for him to blame the many chaos gods for the destruction of the main material plane and other planes.

"The most urgent task is not to find trouble with the Chaos Gods, but to preserve ourselves as much as possible." During the period when the aura of destiny caused by the twilight disaster was active, Owen's analysis of the mysteries of destiny has taken a big step forward. He has made great progress in his analysis of the mysteries of destiny.

The understanding of destiny is close to 85%, far beyond the understanding of the law of dreams. The profound understanding of destiny also gives Owen a great advantage in the deduction of destiny.

"What follows should be a critical moment in the cycle of eras, rebirth in destruction, opportunity in crisis..." (To be continued)

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