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Chapter 380 The solution to the energy gap

This ray of energy in Owen's hand was already produced by a large number of beings. If all were converted into living beings with mature autonomous consciousness, this ray of energy would be equivalent to the total amount produced by hundreds of people concentrating for an hour.

Judging from the total amount of energy generated, it does not seem to be the key to solving the energy gap in the entire spiritual sea. Owen has great strength and absorbs an extremely large amount of energy from the spiritual sea at every moment.

Only when the speed of this energy generation exceeds the speed of Owen's energy intake can it completely replace Owen's energy intake work from the outside world.

To increase the output of this energy at every moment, it is necessary to increase the maturity of consciousness of life. And intelligent beings with independent consciousness are relatively mature consciousness among all lives. In Oven's spiritual sea, similar to humans or

Creatures beyond human beings do not exist, and they can also meet such requirements. All that remains is for Owen to allow these creatures with mature consciousness to reproduce enough offspring.

Population explosion has become a general trend in the spiritual world!

Under Owen's special guidance, the pregnancy rate of a large number of intelligent beings increased significantly. Various difficulties in production conditions and material supply were also solved by Owen in a subtle way. A large number of intelligent beings began to give birth continuously, even at any cost.

Spend your own life force.

There are cultivators on every life planet in the spiritual sea. These monks have already noticed when the tide of birth of all intelligent creatures comes. But everything Owen does is done through the law system in the spiritual sea. Almost

No trace was left in the spiritual sea.

After continuing to pay attention for a period of time, the monk was no longer nervous. Although Owen wanted the number of intelligent creatures to increase, he would not let a large number of intelligent creatures die. All female intelligent creatures would no longer become pregnant after giving birth to a certain number.

This quantitative limit is set based on the physique of each race of intelligent beings. As long as the successive births do not reach the physiological limit of intelligent beings, Owen will not let them stop producing for too long.

The birth of a large number of new lives has made the law of life in the entire spiritual sea extremely active, and also made all monks feel opportunities. When a large number of monks practice techniques that are biased towards the law of life, they can clearly feel that their practice speed has been improved. Even though

The speed of cultivation is not increased much, but it is enough for monks to gain considerable benefits after years of accumulation.

I don’t know since when, the cultivation techniques in Owen’s spiritual sea that are biased towards the law of life have gradually become popular, allowing more and more monks to practice techniques that are biased towards the law of life.

Monks practice techniques that are biased towards the law of life, and a large amount of free energy is tempered by them into powers of their own attributes. These powers flow in the bodies of living beings in a form that is similar to the law of life. The law of life can promote the flow and growth of these powers.

.These forces can naturally promote the operation of the law of life. Under mutual promotion, Owen has been able to clearly detect that the law of life in the spiritual sea is much more active than other laws.

A large amount of scattered information gathered from all over the spiritual sea into Owen's consciousness. After being deduced and screened by Owen, it was classified and stored in various laws. The information related to the law of life has far exceeded other laws. If this

If the fertility wave continues, not only will the dilemma of energy shortage in the spiritual sea be completely solved, but even the new law system created by Oven will be perfected at a faster speed.

It’s just that the life activities of every living thing consume energy. The birth of a large number of new lives also brings a large amount of energy burden to the spiritual sea. And as time goes by, these new lives will gradually grow up and consume

The energy will be even greater.

"The energy gap seems to be getting bigger and bigger."

Before opening up the spiritual sea, Owen did not consider the energy problem, which resulted in today's embarrassment. Now it is so difficult to remedy it.

Fortunately, the intelligent creatures selected by Owen all have relatively ordinary life cycles, and their infancy is not too long. As long as they can survive the infancy of these new lives, and when their thinking becomes active, the energy gap in the spiritual sea may not disappear.

No more problems. After the spiritual sea has no energy gap and becomes self-sufficient, it is a truly energy-independent crystal wall system.

The development of the situation in the spiritual world is far better than Owen expected.

In the process of growth, a large number of new lives affect the soul law in the spiritual sea, making the soul law as active as the life law. And the activity of the soul law allows more energy in the spiritual sea to be converted into soul power. These souls

Power is attached to matter or energy, making the power of thought generated in the spiritual sea even greater.

However, matter and energy without the ability to have independent life will almost never consume themselves, let alone extract and consume the free energy in the spiritual sea.

Therefore, the activation of the soul law greatly increases the thinking power generated in the spiritual sea, but does not increase much energy burden. Generally speaking, this also relieves some of the energy pressure on Owen.

Now in order to provide enough energy for the spiritual sea, it has been in the deep void of the crystal wall system. In this new era, there is almost no layout and foundation. Other chaos gods, as long as they have not yet fallen, basically run a world.

Perhaps there is not much difference between Owen and other Chaos Gods in terms of the number of creatures he controls. But the worlds controlled by Chaos Gods can provide them with income from their original power. Not only does Owen not have any income, but he needs

Invest a lot of energy without interruption.

Just when Owen was thinking about solving various problems after the energy gap, an unprecedented shock wave spread through the deep void of the entire crystal wall system. All chaotic energy and fate trajectories solidified in an instant. Owen could clearly sense the crystal wall system.

The laws of time and space in the wall system are trembling violently.

It was not only the deep void of the crystal wall system that fell into shock and solidification, but even the main material plane at the core of the evolution of the crystal wall system fell into the confinement of the laws of time and space when the shock began.

Under the suppression of the laws of time and space of the crystal wall system, Nuwa and Houtu were barely able to escape the constraints of time and space, but their faces were pale and their expressions were frightened. The experiences of other chaotic gods were also similar, and they were all imprisoned by time and space, but they

They can barely break free. But they cannot completely let go of their own foundation and layout, and still choose to stay in their own worlds.

Because the laws of this crystal wall system are in the process of mutation, many chaos gods are unable to detect any information from the fate track and can only passively wait for the change to end.

No Chaos God doubted that this was a suppressive action by the Crystal Wall System against them. After all, they were able to view some situations in nearby areas after breaking free from the confinement of time and space. Now the entire Crystal Wall System seems to have fallen into a strange state of stagnant time and space. Only

The ubiquitous laws of the crystal wall system are still active. In fact, the laws of the crystal wall system are even more active than usual.

Such changes involving the entire crystal wall system are no longer something that the Chaos Gods can interfere with. Perhaps after they become masters, they can get some information from the origin of the crystal wall system, and they can also make some interference. But whether they can become masters,

Still a problem.

PS: I don’t have time to update it today, I will update it tomorrow afternoon or evening.

This chapter has been completed!
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