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Chapter 383 Traceback

The soul traveled to the alien crystal wall system, and Owen was able to achieve his current achievements. The memory of his previous life played a very important role. Without the infusion of a large amount of information in the modern city, he might at best become an ordinary one among the gods. Perhaps.

When the crystal wall era is reincarnated, he will completely perish.

Now returning to this blue planet, Owen immediately began to check the current situation of this planet.

After observing for a long time, Owen could only sigh. The entire planet was full of life, but there was no longer any intelligent life. Perhaps it was naturally eliminated over a long period of time, or perhaps it was obliterated by some great magical power. The civilization that once existed has become

An inconspicuous speck of dust in the long history. Not only the civilization of living things has been wiped out, but even the mountains and rivers of the continent have been completely changed.

Landing on the surface of the planet, the planet appeared in front of Owen with a completely different image. High mountains and deep forests, strange and steep mountains, birds and beasts playing, everything is beautiful. Through this endless beauty, Owen can see

to the suffering this planet has suffered.

Walking gently on the surface of the planet, Owen tried to be as gentle as possible with every step he took. Every inch of land on this planet was stained with a trace of soul power. Without extrapolation, he knew that these souls belonged to those intelligent beings that had been extinct.

Only intelligent beings will have strong obsessions in their soul power.

With every step he took, Owen seemed to be able to hear the cries of countless intelligent beings through time and space. The former humans were also among them, and they were only part of them.

Counting from the time when Owen died in his previous life, this planet has evolved for countless years. Humanity back then was destroyed long ago, and new intelligent beings were born and multiplied, but eventually they still went to destruction. Each time the intelligent beings were destroyed and born.

, can be regarded as belonging to the epochal reincarnation of this planet.

Sensing carefully, Owen took an ordinary stone into his hand. The texture of the stone was very ordinary and had almost no value. After peeling off the traces of soul power attached to the stone, Owen used these soul powers as a basis to move the planet.

various laws to deduce the past of this time and space.

Perhaps it's because the soul power attached to the stone is too messy. Hundreds of different pictures appear in Owen's consciousness. Each picture is a scene deduced through time and space based on a trace of soul power. Because every

The eras in which creatures exist are different, and the resistance Oven encounters when deducing is naturally different. The more glorious and splendid the civilization era is, the more difficult it is to deduce. Moreover, the laws on the planet are not too perfect, and the information that can be recorded is

It is limited, and many scenes that are too long-term have become blurred.

From the blurry scenes, Owen could vaguely recognize the forms of creatures and some buildings. Occasionally, he was lucky enough to deduce some information about ordinary life.

Comparing the deduced information with his own and the carpenter's memories, Owen quickly discovered the era in which he once lived. He vaguely saw those congested streets and familiar humans, and a heavy and sad feeling came to him.

Owen's consciousness.

The law has no emotions. What has emotions is the trace of soul power. But after releasing this trace of emotion, the remaining soul power also dissipated out of thin air. Pictures appeared and disappeared one after another, allowing Owen to develop his understanding of the planet.

Have a more intuitive and concrete understanding.

It is now the fifteenth era of the evolution of this planet. The first fourteen eras. Each era is the history of civilization of an intelligent race. Each intelligent race once dominated this planet in its own unique way.

And transform it while utilizing its resources.

Every intelligent civilization is extremely brilliant, but what Owen really wants to focus on is the era in which he once lived.

The soul power on the entire stone was completely deduced, and the results obtained by Ou Wen were not ideal. Only a few of the scenes where these soul powers can be traced involved the era in which Ou Wen lived. And most of the scenes about that era were

These were all times when civilization was at its most glorious. There is very little information about the decline of civilization.

Step by step, Owen deduced all the way. After collecting a lot of information, he managed to restore some of the events of that era.

After Owen's death, human civilization seemed to have continued to operate smoothly for thousands of years, and involved several changes related to the entire human race, including the industrial revolution, the electrical revolution, the information revolution, the energy revolution, and the genetic revolution. The day Owen lived

After a period of time, it can be divided into the information age after the information revolution. The information system based on satellites, computers and networks has completely changed the way humans live.

In Owen's previous life, the entire world was facing an energy crisis and began to research various emerging energy sources. Later, the energy crisis on the planet intensified, forcing many countries to speed up research and development and promotion of energy. The energy revolution also began with the portability of nuclear energy.

and solar energy efficiency as the starting point to rapidly change the entire human civilization.

The satisfaction of energy has brought about a significant increase in productivity, and also provided ordinary people with better living conditions. Living conditions have improved, and the instinct of living beings to pursue health and longevity has led the entire civilization to begin to involve research at the genetic level. Along with this

As the genetic code is cracked one by one, human beings are deeply aware of their own advantages and shortcomings, and begin to make up for them by various means.

At the end of the genetic era, a large number of genetically improving drugs were used on a large scale by humans. Countless people's genes were mutated by drugs and transformed into structures close to the so-called "perfect genes." Being physically strong is no longer enough to demonstrate the power of human beings, and the power of individual intelligence

Elevation allows human beings to truly become gods over all living beings.

After genetic research reached a bottleneck, human civilization actually began to study spiritual souls. Countless "pseudo-scientific" antiques were brought out for research, and humans continued to produce new research results. High-IQ scientists who were born with good genes have overcome various academic problems.

The difficulties gradually revealed the mystery of the soul. During the research process, several scientists' souls were transformed due to their in-depth understanding of the soul field.

The transformation of the soul makes these scientists who were originally at the top of civilization even more proud. Every scientist is a madman, which is not unreasonable. In order to analyze more mysteries of the soul and allow themselves to undergo greater transformation, these scientists

He actually began to study living creatures in secret.

If people don't know, they have to do it themselves. The behavior of these scientists was leaked during long-term research, which immediately triggered riots among ordinary people. Because the creatures studied by scientists include humans themselves, and they are also the focus of research. After all,

Scientists are all human beings, and the purpose of research is also to serve humanity.

Various contradictions that have accumulated in human civilization have also erupted due to the favoritism of the higher-ups of the civilization. The entire civilization has fallen into chaos and entered an era similar to the end of the world.

Perhaps because they have most of the resources of the entire planet, these scientists' research is proceeding fairly smoothly. But just when their research is about to involve the consciousness of living beings, a sudden meteorite causes all human beings to become extinct.

The composition of that meteorite seems to be very special and has a great negative impact on the souls of living beings. Those scientists whose souls have been transformed have been exposed to the power of the spirit and have even been able to sort out a reasonable cultivation system. But the powerful individual power

, and they were not allowed to survive the impact of the meteorite.

Walking in the vibrant jungle, Owen exudes a trace of energy. These energies are transformed from the chaos-like energy in his spiritual sea, which is more suitable for this planet. These energies are emitted in the air and can affect the planet.

Creatures play a role in nourishment, but they cannot meet Owen's requirements.

He was born and grew up on this planet, and naturally consumed the energy of this planet. Strictly speaking, until the reincarnation of the crystal wall era, Owen's soul came from the soul power of this planet. Even if he was lighting the divine fire

The transformation of the soul during the Conferment of Gods, and even the various transformations in subsequent promotions, are all based on the power of the soul on this planet.

Owen did not want to leave any hidden dangers for his future transcendence and immortality, and tried to resolve the cause and effect by feeding back energy.

When energy is dissipated in the air, it will also be lost outside the planet, and will eventually be absorbed by the precise space barrier. This is also the main reason why although this planet has active life, there is never much free energy.

In order to make more effective use of the existing energy and make his feedback have greater effect, Owen began to imitate the prehistoric world to arrange spiritual veins.

What are spiritual veins? They are the veins of heaven and earth that can emit spiritual energy. Common in ancient times are spiritual veins based on earth veins. This kind of spiritual vein relies on the mountain earth veins, which can not only release spiritual energy, but also gather the surrounding spiritual energy, and even

Energy such as earth fire is converted into spiritual energy and released.

After finding some stable mountains, Owen transformed the chaos-like power into an energy similar to aura and penetrated it into the mountains. This energy is similar to aura in properties, but its texture is tighter and can collapse.

Decomposed into ordinary spiritual energy, it is the energy deduced by Oven that is most suitable for building spiritual veins. Of course, this energy can only be transformed by the power of the law, and it is also a privilege of the strong who can stir up the law.

The speed at which this energy is integrated into the earth's veins is not too fast, but on this wild planet where no intelligent creatures have yet been born, the integration speed is not that important. As long as this energy can be completely integrated into the earth's veins before the birth of intelligent creatures, it becomes something like a spirit.

The existence of veins has already met Owen's minimum requirements.

Traveling between mountain ranges, because the entire planet is not big for Owen, the work of arranging the spiritual veins was also completed very easily.

After all the super-large mountains were equipped with spiritual veins, Owen immediately chose to leave. He did have a special emotion for this planet. But there was almost no connection between the past life and this life, and the entire planet had changed beyond recognition. Continue

Staying here will only increase your own karma.

This chapter has been completed!
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