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Chapter Seventeen: The Gnomes Who Robbered Giants

For giants, strength is not only able to obtain sufficient benefits for themselves, but also a symbol of status. The way to enhance strength is to practice hard. However, the emergence of magic has caused a change in the understanding of giants.

A big impact.

When the first priest who received divine magic from Owen appeared, it caused a huge sensation in the entire giant settlement.

The way of God is not acquired unilaterally. Generally, gods will give back part of the harvested power of faith to believers to change their physiques and extend their lifespan.

After believing in Owen, the giant family also received feedback from Owen's belief, and their physical fitness and life span have greatly increased. Naturally, the strength of believers has also improved to a great extent. But the main method to improve strength is

It's better to rely on the giant's own training, there is no trick at all.

But now there is magical magic. As long as you believe in the gods devoutly, you can gain power.

Because the first batch of believers who were gifted with Oven's magic were basically fanatical believers. They had gone through long periods of devout prayer and meditation, and their mental power had already far exceeded that of ordinary people. Therefore, once they mastered the magic, they would reach level 3.

Or level 4.

Then during a collective prayer in the temple square, a priest released a level 4 holy light spell. The level 4 holy light spell was so powerful that it almost completely enveloped the small square in front of the temple.

Under the illumination of the holy light, all believers who participated in the prayers felt as if a pair of divine hands were caressing their souls, feeling extremely at ease and comfortable. When the holy light dissipated, all believers felt refreshed and even prayed more piously.


This prayer immediately had a great impact among believers. Many believers chose to participate in various activities organized by the church under the guidance of these priests who had practiced divine arts. Under the competition, others who had not received the gift of divine arts

The priests all prayed and prayed intensively, trying to impress the gods with their piety and obtain magical powers from the gods.

The group most affected by the emergence of divine magic is the giant warriors whose strength exceeds that of ordinary giants. After a long period of hard training, combined with their personal talents, they are powerful. But facing the level 4 dream-building magic, they have almost no chance

Any resistance was trapped in the dream.

Stimulated and inspired by divine magic, these warriors also prayed devoutly to the gods, hoping to gain power beyond the priests. Then, the holy warriors naturally appeared among the giant clan. The training of the holy warriors was very difficult, but these warriors were very important to those who advocated force.

It is not a difficulty at all for the giant.

The emergence of divine magic and holy warriors allowed Oven's church to develop rapidly, and its power gradually expanded. Soon the church controlled almost all the power of the giant clan.

The matter between divine magic and holy warriors has not yet settled down, but another major event has occurred. The warriors of the giant family who went out to hunt were actually robbed!

The giant civilization has been developing very smoothly, with great progress in planting and breeding, which has been able to meet the food problems of the giant clan. However, the warriors of the giant clan are still used to going out for hunting. On the one hand, they protect the surrounding areas of the tribe by hunting some ferocious beasts.

On the other hand, they also want to temper themselves in battle.

But after the hunting a few days ago, several giant warriors were actually besieged by a group of small unknown creatures. Without care, these giant warriors were knocked down by the creatures with a strange weapon. According to these after returning

The giant warrior described this strange weapon as capable of spitting sharp thorns at extremely fast speeds.

When they hunted enough beasts and returned, this group of creatures blocked their way. The appearance of these creatures was basically the same as that of the giants, but they were only as tall as the giants' knees. They were also well-dressed like them, and

The expression was arrogant, and it was obviously an intelligent creature. Because the two sides did not understand each other's language, they could not communicate with each other at all. But when those creatures kept pointing at the prey on the shoulders of the giant warriors, the fool also understood what they meant.

Later, the two sides became more and more dissatisfied with each other, and finally developed into an organized and large-scale armed fight!

Each of these giant warriors had some strength, so they thought that these short, thin creatures could not pose any threat to them, so they were a little careless after the battle started. When these short creatures saw that the giant warriors were about to take action, they all

He took out this weird weapon and launched the first attack on the giant warriors. These giant warriors were caught off guard. They only felt a pain in their chests, and then their hands and feet began to feel sore and numb. After a while, they all fell to the ground.

The giant warrior fell to the ground. Naturally, he did not die heroically, but his whole body was numb and weak. Then, they watched helplessly as the prey they had fortunately hunted was taken away by these thin, jumping creatures!

Later, because they had not been to the settlement for a long time, some warriors from the tribe went to search and found these giant warriors still lying on the ground.

What a shame! A giant warrior with natural supernatural powers was robbed by a group of skinny guys!

This incident caused a sensation in the entire settlement, and even the church was alarmed. The reason for the sensation in the settlement was the fact that the giant warrior was robbed. But the reason for the alarm in the church was this strange creature.

There is no doubt that this kind of creature is an intelligent creature. And intelligent creatures have faith! Due to the population problem of the giant family, Owen's church has now developed to a bottleneck. And this kind of intelligent creature that appears now is

An opportunity for faith to develop rapidly again.

A pastor who does not want to develop believers is not a qualified pastor!

In the church, everyone from the interim Pope Ferber to the ordinary priests were trembling with excitement. If they could rescue this newly emerged ethnic group from the abyss of darkness and bathe in the light of the Lord, then what would happen?

What kind of achievement?!

In this era of underdeveloped civilization, war is the main means of resolving religious disputes!

It is said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Although the church does not know this sentence, it still understands this truth. The first question before the church is to find out how those guys knocked down the giant warriors. If this problem cannot be solved, even if

If a war breaks out, the warriors of the giant clan will also be affected and restricted in every way.

But for some unknown reason, during the following days of hunting, this creature did not appear.

Believers are the eyes and ears of gods. Whatever a believer knows, the god he believes in will soon know. While the core figures of the church are waiting anxiously, Owen has already disappeared and is standing in the lair of this creature.


Shocking! An underground city with brilliant lights!

The city is entirely made of half-meter-square stones, dotted with a large number of magic minerals that continuously release a faint light, making Owen feel like he has returned to his previous life when facing the entire city. Although the city is not big, with only a few

It's a small area, but it has complete facilities. From the lighthouse to the sewer, everything is available.

There is only one kind of creature in the whole city, and they are short and thin. Looking at these creatures, Owen immediately thought of a name - dwarf!

ps: There is a big difference between dwarfs, goblins, and dwarves. They are naturally intelligent and love to invent. According to legend, the civilization of dwarves is very brilliant!

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