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Chapter 51 Battle

In the Holy City, Fubai stood in the square outside the temple and saw off all the church leaders who participated in the war. After receiving the oracle, he keenly sensed the opportunity and immediately summoned senior priests and holy warriors to formulate a battle plan.

.Then he vigorously urged war preparations, so that the giant civilization quickly made material and psychological preparations for long-term war.

Glancing at the holy warriors and priests in the square, Fubo said solemnly: "Dear devout priests and loyal holy warriors, God knows everything! Your piety and your achievements will not be in vain. Take it in your hands

Use your weapons and follow the will of the God of Dreams to flatten the barbarians and wipe out the natives! Your great deeds will definitely be remembered by future generations!"

With the blessing of the Holy Power, Fubo's words spread easily throughout the square, echoing in the ears of every priest and holy warrior.

History is evidence of the existence of a civilization and also a witness to its prosperity. Since the establishment of the Church of the Dream God, the civilization of giants has had simple written records, which not only recorded several of Oven's miracles, but also recorded the history of giants.

The development path of civilization.

The tasks that can enter these historical documents all have great achievements, leading the growth of a generation of giants. For example, Driss, the only holy warrior of the giant civilization who has been retiring in the holy city. He conquered five indigenous people alone.

race, captured hundreds of thousands of people, and transformed them into a subsidiary race of the giant civilization. Because of his great achievements, even the Pope treated him with courtesy, and was finally recorded in the annals of history and worshiped by countless young giant warriors.

When they heard that this war could be recorded in the annals of history, even if they were just a part of the battle, these priests and holy warriors were extremely excited.

A burst of heavy footsteps sounded from outside the square and gradually approached. The footsteps were not loud, but they silenced the entire square. Everyone listened unconsciously, as if the footsteps were incomparably beautiful music.

Wherever the footsteps went, all the priests and holy warriors couldn't help but bow and salute. In the crowd, whether they were the younger generation or the older generation of holy warriors, they all looked with reverence at the white leather boots that made the sound of footsteps.

, no one looked up to see the face of the owner of the leather boots.

The pair of leather boots came to Fu Bai from the other end of the square, and finally stopped three steps away from Fu Bai.

"Me! Driss! Please fight!"

Fu Bai looked at the half-bowed figure in front of him and sighed: "You are still so sharp! Even a thousand years of success can't smooth your edges?!"

Driss did not stand up, but said firmly: "I only have the great Lord in my heart!"

In the past thousand years, batches of people have passed by Fubo. The only one who can still stand in front of him now is Driss, who has achieved the saint level and obtained the holy title. In his heart

Driss is his junior, so why is he not his only friend? A friend who has been with him for a thousand years!

After becoming Owen's elect, Fubai has a crown to nourish his body and soul, and his life can be extended almost indefinitely. Older people will miss the past, and Fubai naturally hopes to have someone who can witness the development of giant civilization. Therefore, he vigorously cultivates

Driss, who has top qualifications, provides him with the best training resources to help him achieve the saint level.

However, the lifespan of a saint-level powerhouse is also limited. Judging from the vitality in the body, Driss does not have a few years to live. Therefore, Fubai arranged for him to retire in the Holy City, hoping that he could go further.

Looking at Driss steadily, until the depressive atmosphere made everyone in the square breathless, Fubai asked with a solemn face: "Holy warrior Driss! Are you willing to fight the indigenous people for the giant civilization, and will

The glory of the Lord shines throughout the Lord’s territory?”

Without any hesitation, Driss knelt down and solemnly replied: "I am willing to dedicate everything to the Lord!"

Seeing Driss kneeling, Phuber quickly stepped aside. Although he was a pope, he was not qualified to accept the kneeling of the holy warriors. Naturally, it was not him who was kneeling by Driss, but the statue of the god in the temple.

Half a day later, in a huge square, only Fu Bai and the believers were praying together.

Countless giant warriors formed small teams and slowly moved towards a huge aboriginal settlement. Although these giant warriors were organized into small teams, they did not appear to be at all disorganized. Instead, they seemed to form some kind of simple formation.

This is also a simple military formation that the giant civilization has slowly figured out after countless training and battles. Although it has no mysterious effect, it can make the army move more orderly. Don't underestimate the role of orderly movement. A disciplined and flexible person

Only an army that obeys orders in an orderly manner can better unleash the combat power of each soldier.

Although the productivity of the natives is lagging behind, it does not mean that they are not vigilant enough. The giant warriors were discovered by the natives patrolling around them before they even approached their settlement.

Now that their own side has been exposed, the giant warriors gave up hiding and went directly to the indigenous settlements to kill.

At the beginning of the war, the two sides directly engaged in hand-to-hand combat, fighting with only the weapons in their hands. The giant warriors were born with supernatural powers, and with the training methods provided by the church, the training amount and time were arranged very reasonably. The overall strength was naturally not comparable to that of the natives. The giant sword

A single knife can cut the native from the middle of the body, but a killing move of the native can only seriously injure the giant.

As the natives lost their strength, they gradually turned into lambs to be slaughtered.

Suddenly, a milky white light rose from the center of the settlement and collapsed into a rain of light, scattering over all the natives. After the rain of light integrated into the bodies of the natives, the natives began to attack desperately as if they had been given blood.

However, the giant warrior's attack on the natives was greatly reduced in lethality. The situation on both sides almost turned around.

"Evil! Your existence is a blasphemy against the gods!"

Driss' whole body exuded a faint milky white light. He stepped on the void and strolled from a distance. He yelled and almost stunned the fighting natives.

A small milky-white light beam shot out from the indigenous settlement and shot directly towards Driss's chest. Driss just shook his body, and a wave of air floated around him, slowly weakening the light beam, and finally dispersed it.

Driss's steps seemed slow, but he took more than ten feet at a time. In just a few steps, he entered the aboriginal settlement. As he passed by, it was like entering an uninhabited land. No natives dared to stop him.

He stopped in front of the high altar.

A figure with a vague face and a somewhat illusory figure appeared out of thin air on the altar, seducing Driss: "Convert to me, and I will give you wealth! I will give you strength! I will give you eternal life!"

Along with this voice, there was also a wave of mental fluctuations transmitted into Driss's perception.

Driss mocked: "You are so weak, what can you give me?"

The figure said: "When I become immortal, I will give you everything you want!"

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