A psicrystal is a fragment of a psionic character's personality that exists physically and appears to be alive (through the "Psicrystal Synesthesia" feat). The psicrystal appears as a crystal structure the size of a human palm.
Complete data on the Psychic Servant is on page 207.
Because a psicrystal is a continuation of its master's personality, the character's psicrystal is, in a sense, a part of him. This is why (for example) a psyker can manifest powers that are distant to "themselves"
On the Psychic Crystal Servant, even though normally he can only show it on himself.
Psicrystals are considered constructs for the purposes of type-related effects.
A psicrystal can grant its owner special abilities, as listed in the "Psicrystal Special Abilities" table below. In addition, a psicrystal has a personality (a small part of its master's personality), which makes its master
Gain a bonus on a check or saving throw, as listed in the "Psicrystal Character" table below. These special abilities and bonuses only apply when the master and the psicrystal are within one mile of each other.
A psicrystal's abilities are based on its master's psionic class levels. Class levels from other classes are not taken into account when determining a psicrystal's abilities.
The psicrystal can speak a language determined by its master (the master himself must know this language). The psicrystal can understand all languages that the master can speak, but cannot speak them. This is a supernatural ability.
Basic Psicrystal Statistics: The stats of the Psicrystal are basically the same as those of the Psicrystal described on page 207, except for the following:
Saving Throws: A psicrystal uses its master's base saving throw bonus and ability modifier on saving throws, but it cannot use its master's other saving throw bonuses (such as those provided by magic items or feats, if any).
Attributes: When the "self-propulsion" ability is not used, the psicrystal servant has no strength value and agility value.
Skills: A psicrystal has the same skill levels as its master, except that it has at least 4 ranks in Spot, Listen, Sneak, and Search. (Even if its master does not gain ranks in these skills, the psicrystal still has all these skills.
There are 4 levels.) A psicrystal uses its own attribute modifiers as bonuses on skill checks.
Psychic Servant Special Abilities
Master Level Natural Armor Modifier Intelligence Modifier Special
1-2+0+0 alertness, proficient evasion, personality, self-movement, shared powers, super vision, psychic link
3-4+1+1 transfer touch ability
5-6+2+2 psychic call
9-10+4+4 flight
11-12+5+5 ability resistance
13-14+6+6 remote viewing
15-16+7+7 transfer ability
Psicrystal servant ability description: All Psicrystal servants have special abilities (or provide special abilities to their masters). These abilities are related to the master's professional level, as shown in the table above. These abilities are cumulative. {Ahem...
It shouldn’t be about naturalarmoradj and intadj...}
Natural Armor Modifier (naturalarmoradj, ex): This column lists the degree to which the psicrystal's natural armor bonus (usually 0) has been enhanced. This reflects the psicrystal's supernatural durability.
Intelligence modifier (intelligenceadj, ex): Add the value in this column to the psicrystal's intelligence value. The psicrystal is as smart as a human (although it is not necessary to be as smart as a smart person).
Alertness (ex): Keeping the psicrystal around will make its owner's senses more acute. As long as the psicrystal is within arm's reach (adjacent to or in the same square as the owner), its owner will
Gain the Alertness feat.
Improved Evasion (ex): If a psicrystal is attacked by an attack that allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage on a successful save or only half damage on a failed save.
Personality (personality, ex): Each Psicrystal has a personality. See "Psicrystal Personality", below.
Self-propulsion (su): The psicrystal's owner can use a standard action to cause the psicrystal to grow spider-like ectoplasmic legs, giving the psicrystal a base speed of 30 feet and a crawl speed of 20 feet. These
The legs will disappear after a day (or sooner, if the owner wishes).
Shared powers (sharepowers, su): The owner of the psicrystal can choose to have the power displayed on him (but not psionic abilities) also affect the psicrystal. When the power is displayed, the psicrystal must be no closer than the master.
5 feet to benefit from the power. If the duration of the power is not immediate, the psicrystal will no longer be affected by the power once it is more than 5 feet away from its owner, and will not be affected again, even if it
It is not possible to return to the master during the duration of the power. In addition, the master can choose to show the power at a distance of "himself" to his psicrystal servant instead of himself (like a touch spell). The master cannot share it with the psicrystal servant and cannot affect it.
Ability of the creature type (construct) that the psicrystal belongs to.
Sighted (ex): Although lacking sense organs, a psicrystal can still perceive its surroundings telepathically, just like a creature with normal vision and hearing. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) does not affect sighted
, as does supernatural silence, although the psicrystal remains unable to detect invisible or ethereal creatures. The psicrystal's beyond-vision range is 40 feet.
Telepathic link (su): The master of the psicrystal has telepathy with his psicrystal servant, as long as the psicrystal servant is not more than one mile away from him. The master cannot see through the psicrystal servant's supersight, but they can telepathically communicate with each other.
Communication is like the master showing a "spiritual link" to the spiritual crystal servant. For example, the spiritual crystal servant placed in a distant room can report what is happening in the room at any time.
Through the psychic link between the psicrystal and its master, the master has the same connection with the places or items related to the psicrystal. For example, if the psicrystal sees a room {should refer to the inside of the house}, its owner can teleport
Entering that room was like seeing the house.
Deliver Touch Powers (su): For a psicrystal master of level 3 or above, his psicrystal servant can deliver touch powers for him. If the master touches the psicrystal servant when manifesting the power, he can designate the psicrystal servant as
"Contacter". The psicrystal can then transfer the touch power, just like the master. As usual, if the master displayed other powers before the contact, the touch power is resolved.
Telepathicspeech (ex): A psicrystal master of 5th level or above can communicate telepathically with all speaking creatures within 30 feet. The psicrystal cannot be more than one mile away from its master.
Flight (su): A psicrystal owner of 9th level or above can use a standard action to cause his psicrystal to fly at a speed of 50 feet (poor maneuverability). After one day (or sooner, if the owner wishes) the psicrystal
The servant will slowly fall to the ground.
Power resistance (powerresistance, ex): For a Psychic Servant master of level 11 or above, his Psychic Servant gains power resistance equal to the master's level (should be the professional level) + 5. To use power to affect the Psychic Servant, other
The manifester must make a manifester level check, and the result must equal or exceed the psicrystal's power resistance.
Remote viewing (sightlink, sp): A psicrystal master of level 13 or above can perform remote viewing on his psicrystal (just like manifesting the power "remote viewing") once per day.
Channel power (sp): A psicrystal master of level 15 or above can display powers through a psicrystal servant within one mile. At this time, the psicrystal servant is regarded as the initiation point of the power, and all distances
Calculated from its position. When using a psicrystal to deliver a power, the master only has to pay the power point cost to manifest the power. He is still subject to attacks of opportunity and other threats caused by manifesting the power, if any
(For example, if you use the psicrystal servant to display offensive abilities while invisible, it will appear, and the same goes for the psicrystal servant).
Psicrystal personality (ex): Each psicrystal has its own unique personality, chosen from the personalities listed in the table when its owner created it. Usually, at the first level, the owner can only pass
Occasionally pulse to detect the personality of the psicrystal servant, but as the master's level increases, the personality of the psicrystal servant will also become obvious. At high levels, the psicrystal servant will often continue to remind and advise his master, these
Suggestions are usually strongly geared toward the psicrystal's own worldview. The master can always see a part of himself in his psicrystal, even if it is an exaggerated and distorted version of himself.
Personality of the Psychic Servant
Psychic Crystal Servant Personality Special Abilities
The master craftsman gains a +3 bonus on Craft checks.
The bully's master gains a +3 bonus on Intimidate checks.
A cowardly master gains a +3 bonus on Hide checks.
A friendly host receives a +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
The hero's master gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves.
The liar's master gains a +3 bonus on Bluff checks.
An attentive master gains a +3 bonus on Search checks.
The master of dexterity gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks.
The master of the gaze gains a +3 bonus on Spot checks.
A calm master gains a +3 bonus on Balance checks.
The resolute master gains a +2 bonus on Will saving throws.
The wise master gains a +3 bonus on any Knowledge check he has learned; once chosen, it cannot be changed.
The attentive master gains a +3 bonus on Concentration checks.
The Serenity Master gains a +3 bonus on Stealth checks.
The empathetic master gains a +3 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
Artiste: This small piece of personality unabashedly professes prodigious talent for almost any profession, such as dance, opera, and cooking. Equal parts oath and conceit permeate this declaration.
Bully: Sometimes a bad character is an advantage in certain things. The bully personality is very annoying. It is arrogant and boastful and very stubborn in thinking that only oneself is right, but the Psion can make good use of this influence from time to time.
Coward: A sound self-defense instinct is hidden deep in everyone's heart. When the element of cowardice is captured and amplified, it can help the psion find a safe harbor in dangerous situations. However, this kind of psychic crystal servant is too keen on urging
Psions run and hide, even from less threatening situations.
Friendly: This small piece of personality is willing to help others, even those who are obvious enemies. The psion master will have to endure lectures on his hard-heartedness, but in compensation, the psion will be more adept at dealing with other creatures in a non-violent manner.
Hero: We all want to be heroes, and the psicrystal servant instilled with this part of the personality is the humanization of this feeling. It is accustomed to inspiring the psion to enter dangerous situations, and rewards its master with strong strength in emergency situations.
Strengthen the body.
Habitual liar (liar): A lying psicrystal servant cannot help but lie, even to its master who knows when it is lying and when it is telling the truth. However, this inability to deceive its master does not prevent it from lying.
And when the psion has to lie, its lying method can help.
Meticulous: A meticulous psicrystal spends a lot of time distinguishing between important details and insignificant details. It describes itself as "meticulous about etiquette and extremely attentive to details." This trait, while almost maddening at times, is
Useful for psions trying to carefully study their environment.
Nimble: Fast and nimble, nimble nimbles are excellent partners when they must respond to situations as quickly as possible. If there is a drawback, this small piece of personality is a little too inclined to notice what may be lurking in every shadow.
Observant: "Did you pay attention to that?" is what the Psicrystal Servant most often tells its master. Psions often have already seen what the Psicrystal Servant prompts and ignore it because it is not important. However, sometimes this characteristic will remind the mind.
The warlock notices what has been overlooked.
Poised: Always paying attention to the coordination between your body and the environment often leads to losing more important ideas. A poised Psychic Servant will never do this. It can always maintain complete composure and confidence, even if its owner cannot.
In this regard, it often preaches the importance of a sense of balance and being ready to act at any time, and its influence can indeed help the Psion when balance is more important.
Resolve: This psicrystal possesses this quality that everyone desires. Its determination and belief are very strong, and its suggestions and opinions are filled with unwavering determination. Or, in the words of its master
Say, he is so stubborn. However, this unswerving belief helps the Psion in all battles of will.
Sage: This small piece of personality attempts to be a mentor to its master, even if it is itself drawn from the master's spirit. However, separate from other personality types, the sage considers himself to be the most important spiritual and philosophical master, not the sage.
Mention your area of expertise. Sage Servants' advice beyond their expertise is often unreliable.
Singleminded: Implanted into the psicrystal is the ability to ignore environmental and emotional factors and focus on the task at hand. Sometimes it is difficult for the psion to attract the attention of a psicrystal focused on a specific task, but its impact is also
Expands the Psion's own focus abilities.
Sneak: Why use heavy footsteps to attract attention when you can use footsteps that are lighter than the sound of breathing? A Sneak spiritual crystal servant who wholeheartedly believes that silence is the function of gold will probably ask this. It is used to
Highly quiet for the owner and the owner's companions. However, its expertise in quiet movement is undeniable.
Sympathetic: This quality allows the psicrystal to put itself in the shoes of other creatures and see into the minds of other creatures. Unfortunately, psicrystals spend a great deal of time analyzing the psion and his companions, commenting on their mental states and the appropriateness of their actions.
Expressing Judgment, this ability is useful when the psion is trying to determine the motives of potential enemies.
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