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Chapter 1 Heaven has changed

At the end of April in the 18th year of Hongzhi's reign in the Ming Dynasty, at night, the sky was as light as water and there were stars.

The huge Forbidden City gives people an extremely depressing feeling at the moment. In the Qianqing Palace, there are several palace elders from the Ming Dynasty such as Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian, etc. gathered together.

All the important ministers of the court knelt on the ground, looking sadly at the Emperor Zhu Youtang who was leaning on the bed in the arms of a young man.

Zhu Youtang, who had a face as golden as paper and a weak breath, grabbed the hand of the young man next to him and suddenly sat up like a flashback and said to the important ministers in front of the bed: "Several Qings... The emperor is young, I... …I am leaving and I would like to ask all the gentlemen to assist my son..."

After Tuo Guzhi finished speaking, Zhu Youtang, who seemed to have exhausted his last bit of energy, softened and fell into the young man's arms, lifeless.


"His Majesty……"

At this moment, a stream of light broke through the sky. This light rose from the sky and fell to the southeast. The stream of light was extremely dazzling. In an instant, the brilliance actually illuminated the night sky as if it were daytime.

Just when the world was shocked by such a strange phenomenon in the sky and earth, suddenly, endless thunderclouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and then boundless thunder rolled, piercing the sky one after another, and the thunder light pillars tore the night sky, rendering the night sky like a sea of ​​thunder, brilliant. The thunderous Tianyin seems to cleanse the world and restore the universe.

Even the ministers and the young prince, who were immersed in the sorrow of the emperor's death, noticed the strange phenomena of heaven and earth outside and couldn't help but be horrified.

Standing on the high observatory, the sea of ​​thunder is rolling above the head, as if you can touch the boundless sea of ​​thunder with your hand. Qintian Supervisor is looking up at the sky with an expression of extreme astonishment. At a glance, the sea of ​​thunder is boundless, as if It covers the entire world.

"The sky...the sky has changed!"

At Longhu Mountain in Yingtan, Jiangxi, the contemporary Celestial Master Zhang Yanyi also stood on the Celestial Master's Mansion Star Observation Deck, his eyes fixed on the rolling thunder of the sky, seeming shocked, joyful, and a bit unbelievable.

The thunder was shining, and the strong wind was beating against Zhang Yanyi's Taoist robes. Zhang Yanyi, who was stroking his beard and staring at the sky, suddenly laughed loudly: "Infinite Lord, the wind is blowing!"

On the Tibetan Plateau, a continuous monastery looked more solemn and solemn under the light of lightning, filled with sandalwood. An old lama turned the prayer tube in his hand, and gently moved a string of dzi beads with one hand, standing on In front of the monk's residence, the pair of eyes filled with endless wisdom seemed more and more unfathomable in the lightning.

"Variables, variables!"

In Mobei, a land of abundant water and grass, under the light of thunder, by the rushing stream, an old monk sat cross-legged, surrounded by herdsmen kneeling in the darkness. These herdsmen seemed to be greatly frightened. Trembling under the thunder, he kowtowed to the old monk and prayed with great piety.

The old monk's clear eyes seemed to reflect the sea of ​​thunder above the sky. Even with his profound Buddhist practice, he could not suppress the endless waves in his heart at this moment.

"Eternal Life Heaven..."

Whether it is the ancient religion or the strange people and strangers hidden among all living beings, at this moment, under the endless thunder, they all set their sights on the southeastern place where the light fell.

Langqi Island, Changle County, Fuzhou Prefecture, Ming Dynasty

In the Li family's mansion in Langqi, a stream of light pierced the sky and illuminated the night sky suddenly fell in. At the same time, the room filled with the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine suddenly became bright, and then a exclamation came out.


Li Huan only felt a stinging and numbness all over his body, as if his whole body had been crushed. However, along with this indescribable pain, Li Huan felt as if a message was rapidly integrating into him.

in the consciousness.

In the 18th year of Hongzhi's reign in the Ming Dynasty, Li Shi and Li Huan of Fuzhou...

For a moment, Li Huan felt as if a nail had been driven into his head. Coupled with the severe pain throughout his body, he finally let out a muffled groan and lost consciousness.

Hundreds of families on Langqi Island dare not say that they wear mourning at this moment, but there is also a feeling of sadness. Some people even look at the Li family's house in the center of the town with worried faces.

When the stream of light that cut through the sky fell into the Li family's house, shouts of exclamation could not help but come from several adjacent courtyards around the Li family's house, and then they heard the sound of rapid footsteps running toward the Li family's house.


The Langqi Hundred Household Office is one of the five major hundred households under the Dongwei Meihua Thousand Household Office in Fuzhou Road Town, and the big house in the center of the town is the backbone of the thousands of soldiers and civilians on this small Langqi Island. The Langqi Hundred Household House Li Xian's


However, just the day before yesterday, Li Xian from a hundred households took people out to sell salt on the island. When they returned, they were attacked by others. The group of more than 20 people, even though they were all strong and capable people, could not bear to do calculations without thinking. Li Xian died at that time

On the spot, fortunately, his soldiers and servants fought to the death to snatch Li Xian's body back.

That's all. More importantly, Li Xian's legitimate son Li Huan also suffered heavy injuries. Although he was snatched back, he was in a coma for a day and a night, and his life or death was uncertain.

After the death of the father, the son succeeds. Even though Li Xian is dead, if his legitimate son Li Huan is still alive, he can inherit the position of one hundred households in Langqi. In this way, the clan members, servants, servants, and even the soldiers and civilians on the island who are attached to the Li family will not seem to have lost their backbone.

Li Feng heard the exclamations coming from her son's room and didn't even pay attention to the sea of ​​thunder and rolling thunder that suddenly appeared in the sky. She came in a hurry, pushed the door open and saw the maid Lian Qiao with a look of fear on her face.

Standing in front of the bed with a look of color.

"Forsythia, how about Huan'er?"

It should be noted that Li Huan was unconscious for a full day and night without any movement. Just now, Li Feng clearly heard the movement coming from her son's bedroom, and now her face was full of anticipation.

Forsythia bowed to Mrs. Li Feng and trembled: "Go back to Madam, just now...just now, my maid saw a stream of light falling into the young master's body, and then the young master let out a scream..."

Li Feng couldn't help but was slightly stunned. She looked at Li Huan who was motionless on the bed. She hurriedly stepped forward and touched Li Huan's forehead with one hand. Then she couldn't help showing a bit of joy on her face and said with a trembling voice: "The fever is gone."

, finally retreated!"

Li Huan has been suffering from a high fever since he was brought back. Even if the doctor he invited tried his best, he was helpless. All fools know that if the fever does not go away for a long time and then becomes unconscious, this person is probably close to death.

Not far away.

Now that Li Huan's high fever has subsided, Li Feng was naturally very excited. At the same time, a deep voice came from outside, and even the thunder in the sky could not suppress it.

"Madam, my nephew is so kind!"

A burly figure stood at the door of the room. There was only a ferocious scar on his face, which was intimidating. However, this person was looking into the bedroom with a concerned look.

Soon another figure came striding forward. Through the lightning, it could be seen that the figure was wearing a Confucian shirt, but the fierce aura that could not be concealed made it difficult to believe that he was a scholar.

The visitor took a look at Chen Yidao who was standing in the courtyard and couldn't help but said: "Chen Laoer, has our eldest nephew ever woke up?"

When Chen Yidao heard this, his face twitched, and the long scar twisted, looking quite ferocious. He then turned to stare at the visitor and said: "Zhao Xiucai, you fucking remember, I am your second fucking brother.


Zhao Zhi just glanced at Chen Yidao and was about to speak when he heard Li Fengshi's voice coming from the room: "Uncles, come quickly, Huan'er's fever is gone!"

Chen Yidao and Zhao Zhi were overjoyed upon hearing this. They immediately walked into the room and saw Zhao Zhi striding forward and placing his hand on Li Huan's wrist.

For a moment, the room was quiet, and a few eyes naturally fell on Zhao Zhi's face. They saw that the expression on Zhao Zhi's face gradually relaxed, and the hearts of several people also relaxed a lot at any time.

Testing Li Huan's body temperature again, he opened his eyelids and took a look. Zhao Zhi took a long breath, turned to Li Fengshi and said: "Huan, the good boy has his own destiny. Now his pulse is stable and the high fever has subsided. If he doesn't come out,

If there’s an accident, it’s okay!”

Li Feng couldn't help crying with joy when she heard this. Li Feng, who had been keeping vigil for her deceased husband just now, now had a smile on her face, which was really touching.

Li Feng saluted Chen Yidao and Zhao Zhi, and said, "I am going to comfort my husband right now!"

Hearing Li Fengshi mention Li Xian and Chen Yidao, Zhao Zhi looked at each other and couldn't help showing a bit of sadness on his face.

Zhao Zhi glanced at Li Huan, who was unconscious on the bed, and said to Zhao Zhi: "Second brother, the eldest brother unfortunately suffered this fate, but Brother Huan is still here. At this time when people's hearts are in turmoil, you and I must...

I will do my best to support Brother Huan to ascend to the throne. Apart from Brother Huan, we, the two thousand soldiers and civilians of Langqi Island, do not recognize this position as the official of one hundred households in Langqi!"

When Chen Yidao heard this, he grinned fiercely and said, "Don't tell me that you, Zhao Zhi, don't recognize it. I, Chen Yidao, also won't recognize it."

While speaking, Zhao Zhi squinted his eyes and said: "Although these Langqi households are not high-ranking officials, they control the military and administration of an area of ​​nearly a hundred miles around Langqi Island. They can be called emperors of a land, and there are many people watching them."

Chen Yidao couldn't help but think of those wealthy officials, merchants, and gentry. A fierce look flashed in his eyes and he said: "Who the hell dares to rob the eldest brother's inheritance? Let's ask him if he will end up on Langqi Island."

Hearing Chen Yidao's murderous words, Zhao Zhi was not surprised at all. Li Xian had a life-saving favor for Chen Yidao, and with Chen Yidao's temperament, even if he sacrificed his life for the Li family, he would not blink an eye.


Now that Li Xian is dead, if anyone dares to take advantage of the official of the Hundred Households of Langqi, Chen Yidao will definitely be the first to refuse.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Zhi solemnly said to Chen Yidao: "I will leave the island to fight for the position of one hundred households for Brother Huan. Everything on the island..."

Chen Yidao immediately patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, unless I, Chen Yidao, die, no one can harm Brother Huan at all."


"I am..."

In a daze, Li Huan felt that he had regained consciousness, his mind was a little dazed, and a strange memory emerged.

This chapter has been completed!
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