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Chapter 150 Mr. Yue wants to kill

Just when Yue Buqun was about to knock on the door, he saw the closed door suddenly opened. Even Yue Buqun was startled by this sudden change.

Qian Li's figure appeared in Yue Buqun's sight. Qian Li had a look of surprise on his face, as if he had just seen Yue Buqun. After reacting, he hurriedly bowed to Yue Buqun and said, "I've seen you before."

Master Yue, I don’t know the condition of Young Master Linghu’s injury.”

As he spoke, Qian Li had a look of guilt on his face and said, "It's all Qian's fault. If it wasn't Qian's fault, Young Hero Linghu wouldn't have been injured."

Yue Buqun didn't speak, he just looked at Qian Li. After listening to Qian Li's words, a smile suddenly slowly appeared on his lips.

Seemingly seeing that Yue Buqun didn't speak, Qian Li's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked like he was about to go out: "I wonder if I can go and take a look at Young Master Linghu's injury, after all...after all

It’s because I’m injured!”

At this time, Yue Buqun shook his head and said: "Mr. Qian has taken the trouble, but my evil disciple is treating the wound at the moment, which is not very convenient. Mr. Qian does not need to worry too much, it is just a flesh wound.

I just need to rest and recuperate for a few days and I’ll be fine.”

Qian Li breathed a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly: "That's good, that's good. Fortunately, it's just a flesh wound. Otherwise, Qian might have died forever!"

After bowing to Yue Buqun again, Qian Li said: "Please, Master Yue, please don't blame Young Master Linghu. Everything is my fault. It was not Young Master Linghu who wanted to bring me here..."

Yue Buqun coughed lightly and interrupted Qian Li's words: "Mr. Qian, let's not mention these. Yue is just curious, where is Mr. Qian going next?"

Qian Li was stunned for a moment, with a look of sadness on his face, and said angrily: "Now Qian is homeless. His brothers and sons were all killed by Li Huan. Even his relatives were implicated and their homes were ransacked. In this world,

So big, where can Qian go? Sometimes Qian feels that he might as well just die..."

The corner of Yue Buqun's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt the urge to expose the other person.

However, after taking a deep breath, Yue Buqun said with a smile: "I never thought that Mr. Qian's experience would be so miserable. Yue really sympathizes with him."

Qian Li raised his head and looked at Yue Buqun, and heard Yue Buqun say with an embarrassed look: "If possible, Yue would like to let Mr. Yue live here for a while to avoid the limelight outside."

Qian Li's expression changed, and he said with a miserable look: "I understand what Master Yue means. After all, I am the key criminal that Jin Yiwei wants to arrest. It is indeed not good to stay here to make trouble for Master Yue and Young Master Linghu."

Please, please leave right now..."

As Qian Li was about to leave, Yue Buqun stretched out his hand to hold Qian Li's shoulders. In Qian Li's stunned eyes, he shook his head slightly and said, "Mr. Qian has some misunderstandings. Yue is not in a hurry for money."

Sir, leave, otherwise, what is the point of my disciple bringing you back?"

Now Qian Li looked at Yue Buqun with a puzzled look on his face.

Yue Buqun stroked his beard and looked at Qian Li with a smile and said: "Originally, Yue planned to leave Fuzhou City. Now that Fuzhou City is in such chaos, it's time for our master and apprentice to leave after a day or two. It just so happens that here

Just leave it to Mr. Qian to accommodate you."

Qian Li opened his eyes wide, obviously not expecting Yue Buqun to leave this place for him to stay. Almost subconsciously, Qian Li said: "Now that the city gates are closed, how can Master Yue get out of the city?"

Qian Li's eyes flashed with hope. If there was a way to leave the city, he would naturally want to leave the city and stay in the city. Who knows if he would be caught by the Jin Yiwei.

Yue Buqun said with a smile: "Yue has his own way to get out of the city. Mr. Qian can just recuperate. This place is remote. I think as long as I am careful, I don't have to worry about being discovered."

As he spoke, Yue Buqun patted Qian Li's shoulder, then took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Qian Li, saying: "This is a secret medicine for injuries. I see that Mr. Qian is injured. Although it is not serious, it is still

It needs to be dealt with."

Under Qian Li's stunned gaze, Yue Buqun left slowly with his hands behind his back.

A cold and stern look flashed in his eyes, Qian Li opened his mouth, recalling all Yue Buqun's expressions, words, and reactions after seeing Yue Buqun, and whispered softly: "This is the humble gentleman that that boy Linghu Chong said.

?Why do I feel like this is a slippery old fox!"

Fuzhou City

There was such a big commotion yesterday that even half of Fuzhou City could hear the shouts of killing. I don't know how many people were hiding in their homes, closing their doors tightly and trembling while listening to the shouts of killing outside.

After so many years of peace, suddenly something like this happened. Who among the ordinary people has ever experienced this kind of thing? I'm afraid they won't be able to recover at all within a few days.

Of course, there are also people who are a little more courageous. After hearing that there was no movement outside and the shouts of killing disappeared, they couldn't help their inner curiosity and secretly looked out through the crack in the door. They only saw a group of people exuding an evil spirit.

The guardsmen were cleaning up the corpses on the long street. The corpses that looked extremely miserable were thrown into the carts, filled to the top, and then pushed away.

The dark night recedes, a red sun rises from the sky, and it's a new day.

Prefect's Yamen

After a night of cleaning, the long street in front of the current magistrate's office was finally restored to its original appearance before the sun came up.

Of course, it is obviously unrealistic to completely restore it to the original state. At most, the remains of the corpses and blood from yesterday's fierce battle have been cleaned up. As for the damaged houses on both sides of the road, there were no traces of them in a while.

What is possible to recover from.

Under normal circumstances, the long street should be full of people coming and going at this time, but now it is deserted, and only a few sparse figures can be seen.

Obviously, those who dared to come out at this time must be very courageous. These people looked at the remaining traces of the fight on both sides of the long street, and the air seemed to still contain the bloody atmosphere after the fighting last night.

On the high wall in front of the magistrate's office, a notice was posted. At this time, some people had gathered around the notice.

It is human nature to be curious and join in the fun. Even though many people died here yesterday, when the first person appeared in front of the notice, it didn't take long for a group of people to gather around him.

A Jin Yiwei was standing under the notice, reading the contents of the notice loudly.

"Hereby are Gu Huang, the governor on the left, and Qian Zhong, the governor on the right... who assassinated the imperial envoys, conspired to rebel and rebel... ransacked their homes and exterminated their clans... the men were sentenced to death, and the women were sent to the Jiaofangsi..."

The content of the notice was naturally very elaborate. Some people listened to it at a glance, while others couldn't read a single word and were confused after hearing it.

Someone couldn't help but boldly asked the captain of the Jinyi Guards who was reading the notice: "Sir, what does this notice mean? Can you explain it to us?"

Although I was afraid of Jin Yiwei, I really couldn't restrain my curiosity.

When the Jin Yiwei heard this, he immediately explained to everyone: "Everyone, the notice means that officials such as Gu Huang and Qian Zhong colluded with Cai Wenxiang to murder the imperial envoy. According to the imperial law, this is a serious crime of rebellion.

Now the Imperial Envoy has invited the king's flag and is preparing to behead all the prisoners such as Gu Huang, Qian Zhong and their relatives at noon tomorrow as a warning to others."

"Ah, I want to behead my head!"

Someone exclaimed.

"It's the first time I've seen so many officials beheaded at once. I have to come tomorrow to see the excitement."

While they were talking, several officers took some pieces of white paper filled with black writing and pasted it on the wall.

Someone who could read saw it and came forward to take a look. His eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Come and take a look. It seems to be about the crimes committed by the Qian family, the Gu family, the He family, etc., who were raided and exterminated by officials."

The numerous crimes he committed.”

Immediately, a crowd gathered around him again, shouting for the man to read it loudly to them.

"Today there are brothers of the Qian family. The elder brother Qian Zhong sells his official position and seizes the title. He is corrupt and perverts the law... Qian Yong kills people like crazy. He once colluded with the Japanese pirates to massacre Xishui Village and Chenjiawu..."

"He Wencao, a descendant of the He family, took human lives and robbed civilian girls. As a result, sister Jing Xiao'e in Baima Town could not bear the humiliation and committed suicide by drowning..."

As the man read out the crimes committed by each family written on the white paper, many people watched the excitement at first, but soon they saw that every face was filled with hatred.

"Oh my God, the people of Xishui Village and Chenjiawu were massacred by the Qian family in collusion with the Japanese pirates. That was hundreds of lives. I don't know how sensational it was when the murder case came out, but it turned out to be nothing.

I thought it was the Qian family who did it..."

Someone shouted: "Have you seen that none of the four brothers of the Qian family is good? The eldest Qian Zhong is corrupt, perverts the law, sells his official position, the second is a murderer, slaughtering villages and households, the third is raising thugs to bully the market, and hoarding goods.

The fourth child is not bad either. He bullies men and women, and forces girls into prostitution..."

"It's time to kill. God is really eye-opening. None of these people are good. The imperial envoy ordered the annihilation of three of their tribes. It's really satisfying!"

Among the crowd, Yue Buqun, who was wearing a green shirt, also cast his eyes on the notice on the high wall.

Compared with most of the people who are illiterate and can only know what kind of crimes these officials who are about to be executed and their relatives have committed through the words of others, Yue Buqun can see clearly in black and white.

It can be seen that the people who sorted out the crimes committed by these officials and their relatives were very careful and recorded all the crimes committed by these people in detail.

Although there are only a few words for crimes such as killing a whole family and massacring a village, at least not a fool knows what kind of bloody sin those few words represent.

When Yue Buqun's eyes fell on the crimes committed by the Qian brothers, he especially noticed that Qian Li, one of the four Qian brothers, bullied men and dominated women.

There were no less than a dozen people, and two or three households were completely wiped out by money gifts.

Exhaling a breath, Yue Buqun stood in the crowd, looked at the notice, and turned his eyes to the royal guards and the solemn magistrate's yamen, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Suddenly, a shrill howl sounded from beside him, startling Yue Buqun.

This wailing sound contains both grief and anger, but also a kind of joy that a great revenge has been avenged.

"My poor daughter, can you see it in the spirit of heaven? God has eyes. Damn it, the Qian family has finally received its retribution."

Yue Buqun glanced at the white-haired old woman in surprise. At this moment, someone beside him seemed to recognize the old woman and whispered: "It turns out to be the Liu Qin family from Liujia Hutong. Speaking of which, this is also the case."

Poor man, a good family was originally a good family, but because a pair of twin daughters were attracted by Qian Li and could not ask for anything, Qian Li directly sent people to beat Liu Qin's two sons to death, in front of Liu Qin's eyes

She raped and killed her two daughters in front of her. At that time, Liu Qin couldn't stand the stimulation and went crazy..."

"Ah, it turns out she is the crazy woman in Liujia Hutong."

The old woman cried out like a ghost: "Have you ever experienced the pain of having your own son beaten to death in front of you, and your daughter being humiliated to death in front of you? Old lady, I am indeed crazy. If I hadn't been crazy,

If he had, I'm afraid he would have been killed by that beast Qian Li."

"Hahaha, God's eyes are open, the Qian family finally suffered retribution..."

Liu Qin just stumbled towards the direction of Liu's alley, laughing wantonly while walking, and at the same time shouted that the Qian family had finally suffered retribution.

Yue Buqun stared at Liu Qin's figure disappearing into the distance.

It’s still that remote little courtyard

Linghu Chong was sitting in the courtyard at the moment, holding a wine gourd in one hand and drinking wine. His originally swollen shoulder had subsided, and the injury was obviously much better.

Yue Lingshan angrily said to Linghu Chong: "Elder brother, my father said you are not allowed to drink. Your injury is not healed yet..."

Linghu Chong smiled at Yue Lingshan and said, "Little junior sister, it's rare for the master to go out to inquire for information. The wine bug in my stomach is almost dying of hunger, so just let me have a few sips."

Yue Lingshan reached out to grab the wine gourd, but Linghu Chong ducked out of the way. Just as the two senior fellow apprentices were fighting over it, they heard a light cough.

The movement of the two people stopped immediately. It turned out that Qian Li walked out of the room.

It seemed that after a night's rest, Qian Li's energy level was obviously much better. He was no longer as embarrassed as before, but rather more elegant.

"Young Master Linghu, Miss Yue! Qian is so polite."

After looking at Qian Li lightly, Yue Lingshan naturally didn't like Qian Li. After all, it was the other party who caused her senior brother to be slapped by his father, and even caused his senior brother to be injured. Therefore, Yue Lingshan had no intention of facing Qian Li.

What a good look.

Although they were children of the Jianghu, Yue Lingshan didn't like the other party, and she didn't want to embarrass her senior brother. When she saw Linghu Chong winking at her, Yue Lingshan snorted and turned around to go back to the room.

After Qian Li waited for Yue Lingshan to return to the room, he smiled a little, walked up to Linghu Chong, and said with a look of concern on his face: "Young Master Linghu, I don't know how your injury is. I originally wanted to visit you yesterday.

You are here, but my respected master, Mr. Yue, said that your injuries are fine, so I don’t want to disturb you."

Linghu Chong smiled freely, patted the swollen shoulder and said, "Brother Qian, I'm worried about you. It's just a minor injury. It's okay. But how is your injury, Brother Qian?"

Qian Li smiled and said: "Thanks to the healing medicine given by the respected master, I am much better now."

Linghu Chong smiled and said: "Master is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person. Sir is a scholar. My master also loves reading. People in the world call him a gentleman's sword. This does not only mean that the master is a humble gentleman, but also refers to his knowledge."

Comparable to a gentleman."

Qian Li blinked his eyes, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I see. No wonder I think that the teacher is elegant and gentle as jade. I never thought that he is also a scholar of my generation."

Linghu Chong said with a smile: "That's natural. There are many schools and sects in terms of knowledge, but few can compare with it. If the master is willing to take the exams to gain fame, he won't be able to say that he is a high school Jinshi, at least he can be a candidate.


Qian Li said: "That's a pity. The respected teacher is so knowledgeable, but he has no intention of obtaining fame. Our scholars have lost a great talent."

Linghu Chong smiled when he heard this and said, "Sir, there is no need to worry. All you need to do is stay here. With us here, even if the Jin Yiwei people come to visit, we can ensure your safety."

Qian Li was about to speak when suddenly a majestic voice suddenly sounded in Linghu Chong's ears: "Evil disciple, what did I tell you before I went out? You were injured, but you still..."

Dare you drink here."

Linghu Chong was startled and quickly stood up and said: "Master, disciple..."

Yue Buqun snorted coldly, glared at Linghu Chong fiercely and said, "I'll settle the score with you bastard later."

As he spoke, Yue Buqun's eyes fell on Qian Li, his eyes full of indifference and even murderous intent.

Qian Li felt that Yue Buqun was looking at him with an unkind look, and he was immediately shocked. He didn't know why the other party went out, and when he came back, he seemed to be a different person. Looking at the look in his eyes that wanted to kill him, Qian Li felt

Li hurriedly bowed to Yue Buqun respectfully and said, "Qian Li has met Mr. Yue."

Qian Li said with a smile: "Just now Qian was listening to Linghu Shaoxia mentioning that Mr. Yue is proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics and is a learned scholar. Qian..."

Yue Buqun raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Qian Li, before Yue wants to kill you, get out of here right away. You are so careless about human life, and your hands are covered with bloody beasts, let alone Li Huan."

You, even Yue wants to kill you with one sword."

Linghu Chong on the side never expected that his master would be so angry, especially when he said that Qian Li should be killed. This made Linghu Chong puzzled.

Qian Li's expression changed, and he said with a look of confusion and grievance: "Master Yue, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand..."

With a bang, Yue Buqun swung out his palm, and Qian Li was immediately thrown away by Yue Buqun. When he fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Qian Li looked at Yue Buqun with a look of horror on his face and couldn't help but roll up and said: "Master Yue, I have misunderstood. You must have misunderstood. Young Master Linghu, please advise me."


Even Linghu Chong was confused by Yue Buqun's sudden action, especially when he saw Qian Li being slapped and flew away. He was stunned. When he was awakened by Qian Li's shout, Linghu Chong

Seeing Yue Buqun once again walking towards Qian Li with murderous intent, he stepped in front of Yue Buqun and said: "Master, master, stop it quickly. You were fine just now, but in the blink of an eye you..."

When Yue Buqun saw Linghu Chong standing in front of him, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Evil man, do you know who this Qian Li is? He took human life lightly, bullied men and women, and even killed several members of his family by robbing women. It can be said that

His hands are stained with blood and he is worse than an animal. If he is not killed, the people will not be angry..."

After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Qian Li had a look of panic in his eyes, but his face was full of grievance and astonishment. He backed away and said: "Slander, this is all slander. I, Qian Li, am a descendant of a saint. I read the books of sages."

, how could someone who has been taught by a saint do something that is worse than a pig or a dog and that makes people and gods angry? This must be because someone slandered Qian, Mr. Yue, please don’t be deceived and unjustly kill a good person."

Linghu Chong, who was standing in front of Yue Buqun, heard this and said anxiously to Yue Buqun: "Master, Mr. Qian said, this must be a slander. Don't be impulsive and be deceived, so that you accidentally kill a good person.


Linghu Chong really felt Yue Buqun's murderous intention. He could guarantee that if he really stepped out of the way, his master would definitely go up and slap Qian Li to death.

Yue Buqun looked at Linghu Chong and snorted coldly: "You evil disciple, are you saying that your master and I don't distinguish between right and wrong, and that others will do whatever they say, so am I, your master, so easy to deceive?"

Linghu Chong said anxiously: "Master, that's not what I mean. I'm just worried that the master will be deceived. Besides, Mr. Qian is a handsome man. He comes from an official family. He is also a scholar. He is also being chased by the Jinyi Guards. How could he possibly do that?"

Are you the kind of evil person who cares about people's lives and kills everyone?"

Linghu Chong said, "Master, where did you get the news? You will kill Mr. Qian as soon as you come back."

Glancing at Qian Li, who was hiding in the distance with a pale face, Yue Buqun felt a little regretful as to why he didn't just hit him to death with all his strength.

Why do you still want to let Linghu Chong understand his true face, so as to teach Linghu Chong a lesson and let him remember that not everyone can be saved randomly.

Yue Buqun said coldly: "The government has just issued a notice. At noon tomorrow, the Qian family, the Gu family and others will behead the imperial envoys and those who intend to rebel."

"Ah, God damn Li Huan, he wants to destroy my whole Qian family, how vicious he is!"

Qian Li was not a fool. Since Li Huan wanted to kill people, he obviously couldn't kill just Qian Zhong and a few others. Otherwise, he wouldn't have ordered people to confiscate the Qian family. Although Yue Buqun didn't say it, Qian Li could guess that Yi

It may not be possible to destroy the nine tribes, but it is certain that the three tribes will be destroyed.

With a bit of trepidation and fear, Qian Li looked at Yue Buqun and said, "Master Yue, is that traitor trying to destroy my three Qian clans?"

Yue Buqun sneered and said: "The crimes your Qian family has committed, in Yue's opinion, destroying all three of your clans is considered a minor crime."

Linghu Chong couldn't help but said anxiously: "Master, can you trust the words of a traitor like Li Huan who slaughtered hundreds of scholars at every turn? Not to mention whether the government's notice can be trusted, I believe that Mr. Qian must be unjust."

When Yue Buqun heard this, he almost couldn't help but want to slap Linghu Chong again. Thinking of the white-haired, crazy Liu Qin, Yue Buqun looked at Linghu Chong's unwavering look and insisted on stopping him.

, immediately sneered and said: "Okay, in this case, I will spare his life for the time being. Tomorrow I will take you, this evil obstacle, to the execution ground to have a look. You also open your eyes wide and give me a good look."

Look and listen to whether the people are clapping their hands and applauding, or cursing the government. If you still believe that I have wronged you for giving him money and gifts, I will have nothing to say."

Linghu Chong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this and said, "Master, calm down. I will accompany you tomorrow to see what the government says."

Yue Buqun snorted coldly and said, "You bastard, why don't you get out of the way."

Linghu Chong glanced at Qian Li worriedly and hurriedly followed Yue Buqun. It seemed that he was really worried that Yue Buqun would suddenly kill Qian Li.

Yue Buqun sealed Qian Li's acupuncture point with one finger, swept his long sleeve, and Qian Li immediately flew into the woodshed nearby, and then said to Qian Li: "Tomorrow, my stupid disciple will see your true face clearly.

, Yue is here to take your life."

With a flick of his long sleeves, Yue Buqun glared at Linghu Chong and said, "You bastard, why don't you go back and recuperate?"

Linghu Chong glanced worriedly in the direction of the woodshed, then reluctantly returned to the room.

Yue Buqun walked into the room and said to Yue Lingshan: "Shan'er, keep an eye on your senior brother!"

Yue Lingshan looked at the angry Yue Buqun and couldn't help shrinking her neck and said: "My daughter knows."

Watching Yue Buqun leave, Yue Lingshan couldn't help but look at Linghu Chong worriedly and said: "Elder brother, why did you make father angry again? I don't think that person is a good person."

Linghu Chong couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "Little Junior Sister, do you also believe what the officials said? You know that Brother Qian is being hunted by the Jinyi Guards, and Brother Qian is gentle and elegant, how could he do that?

If you wait for evil deeds, senior brother will believe him!"

Yue Lingshan frowned and said: "Okay, senior brother said so. You don't want to make father angry. Go to the execution ground tomorrow to take a look and listen to what the people say. Who is Qian Li?"


Linghu Chong nodded and said, "Junior sister is right. Let's go to the execution ground tomorrow to see how many innocent people Li Huan is going to unjustly kill."

Yue Lingshan couldn't help pouting: "Elder brother, you..."

Linghu Chong smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Tell me, master, why did he bring us to Fuzhou? It's been a while. Master left early and came back late. He was mysterious and asked him

, he didn’t say anything either.”

Seeing Linghu Chong mention this matter, Yue Lingshan was also full of curiosity and said: "I also asked my father, but he just refused to tell me."

In a separate courtyard

Li Huan was boxing in the spacious yard at the moment. A set of boxing techniques used in Li Huan's hands did not have any fireworks at all, and looked light and airy, like a flower stand.

The next moment, Li Huan saw a flash of light in his eyes. He punched out and heard a thunderous explosion, which exploded the air.

A figure walked over, saluted Li Huan and said, "Sir, all the confiscated property has been tallied. Please take a look."

Li Huan put away his fists, took the towel from a Jin Yiwei and wiped his hands, then took the thick stack of account books handed over by Chen Yao

Sitting on the edge of the stone table, Li Huan flipped through the account book, and it took him just a cup of tea. When he reached the end, Li Huan's eyes fell on that line of numbers.

Five million nine hundred and eighty-nine thousand and forty-eight taels.

This is the total amount of gold, silver, jewelry, and other items confiscated from more than 20 families. It does not include fixed assets such as antique calligraphy and paintings, land, shops, and houses confiscated from each family.

I have to say that in this era, more than five million taels of gold and silver is definitely a shocking number. In fact, if you think about it, it is not surprising that so much wealth can be stolen.

The Ming Dynasty implemented the policy of banning the sea, but the people who banned the sea were only ordinary merchants. For these families with strength, background, and ability, the policy of banning the sea became a protective umbrella for them to earn huge wealth.


In the coastal areas of Fujian, smuggling is rampant, sea trade is prosperous, almost monopolistic interests are gained, and gold and silver wealth is rolling in like mountains and seas.

Li Huan even felt that he confiscated more than 20 families, which accounted for almost half of the maritime trade in Fujian Province, and only confiscated more than 5 million taels of wealth, which was a bit low.

Knocking gently on the table, Li Huan glanced at Chen Yao and said, "Bring me a pen and ink!"

Chen Yao handed the pen and ink he had prepared long ago to Li Huan and said: "Sir, here is the pen and ink!"

Li Huan pondered for a while, looked at the account book, glanced at the number of more than five million taels of gold and silver, then wrote down the words five million taels, and at the same time opened another book and looked at the

Densely packed shops, land, and ships were sketched on it with pen and ink. In a short time, tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, dozens of shops, and dozens of merchant ships were sketched.

He threw the brush aside casually, closed the account book and handed it to Chen Yaodao: "Transfer everything I sketched to Li's name."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but smile a little: "If Your Majesty knew, he wouldn't think that I was greedy, and then order someone to chop off my head!"

Chen Yao smiled and said: "My lord is just joking, it's not my subordinates who talk too much. What you intercepted privately doesn't matter. As far as I know, people like Mr. Xie Ge and Mr. Liu Ge are really corrupt."

For example, the Xie family of Mr. Xie Ge, whose family owns more than 100,000 acres of fertile farmland in Yuyao County, Shaoxing Prefecture, Zhejiang Province, has shops all over Jiangsu and Zhejiang. As for Liu Ge

My hometown is not much worse than Xie Ge Laolai. I heard that there are hundreds of smuggling merchant ships at sea alone, and among them there are many lucky ships that have been lost by the navy..."

Li Huan sighed softly, it's not that he is arrogant, that's how it is in this era. He has the Li family behind him. Even if he doesn't move a single cent in this major robbery case, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

To put it bluntly, even the emperor would not believe that he was really not greedy. It could even be said that he wanted to make the emperor trust him immensely, maintain the friendship between the emperor and his ministers, and be a person who was neither greedy nor greedy.

A saintly gentleman, that is a big mistake.

Sometimes it is not necessarily bad to be greedy for money and lustful, but if someone sees that he is not greedy for money, not lustful, and not obsessed with power, he will be suspicious of his ulterior motives, and the emperor will be relieved if he has flaws, right?

Li Huan felt that he might as well defile himself and leave a greedy and lustful impression to the world. It was a kind of protective color, wasn't it?

Based on the relationship between him and Zhu Houzhao, being greedy for money and lust is really nothing. Li Huan never worried that Zhu Houzhao would be detrimental to him. After all, with Zhu Houzhao's temperament, as long as he did not take the initiative to rebel, Zhu Houzhao would not be alive for a day.

Then you will rely on and trust him for a day.

Just when Li Huan's thoughts were wandering, Chen Yao put away the account book with a smile and said: "Don't worry, sir, I will handle these things as soon as possible."

Li Huan nodded slightly and said, "Send someone to invite all the wealthy businessmen and powerful people in the city to me later. Tell me that Li has something to do and wants to see them!"

Chen Yao was stunned. Naturally, he didn't understand why Li Huan wanted to meet a group of wealthy businessmen with his current status. However, Chen Yao never discounted Li Huan's orders. He nodded and said: "I will send someone right now."

Go and invite."

The Jiang family in Fuzhou City is a famous wealthy businessman's family in Fuzhou. It has taken root in Fuzhou City for nearly a hundred years. Its ancestors slowly developed from a small salesman into a wealthy businessman.

The Jiang family almost monopolizes the cloth business in Fuzhou City. It can be said that in Fuzhou City, which is so large, the cloth produced by the Jiang family accounts for more than half of the entire Fuzhou cloth. It can even provide large quantities of cloth for those maritime merchants to be smuggled overseas.

Therefore, although the Jiang family may not be prominent in Fuzhou City, their family background is not bad at all.

The ups and downs in Fuzhou City in the past few days have suppressed Jiang Hong, the head of the Jiang family. Although no member of the Jiang family has entered the officialdom, they have weaved a large network through in-laws.

Gu Huang's eighteenth concubine is a daughter of the Jiang family, and Qian Zhong's second concubine is also a daughter of the Jiang family. Even Dong Huan's wife is a legitimate daughter of the Jiang family. It can be said that the Jiang family has no influence in Fuzhou City.

Not much worse than those wealthy families.

Li Huan's house raids shocked the entire city of Fuzhou. He believed that his family had done no serious evil deeds, and no members of his clan were imprisoned by Li Huan. Even when various families called on scholars to besiege the government offices, the Jiang family did not participate.

But when Li Huan ordered his house to be searched, Jiang Hong, the head of the Jiang family, was still so scared that he was bedridden.

The Qian family and the Gu family are both accused of treason. If Li Huan wants to involve himself in a big way, he may not be able to find a reason to implicate the Jiang family. Therefore, Jiang Hong has not thought about food or tea in the past two days.

, the whole person's energy almost collapsed.

"Master, Master is not good, Jin Yiwei is here!"

In the room, a graceful girl is wearing a moon-white double-breasted waist-cinched skirt, with water-colored jasmine lightly opening her sleeves, and three thousand blue silk threads tied into a loose bun, like mutton-fat white jade.

He was holding a small white porcelain bowl with meat porridge in his bare hands and said to Jiang Hong: "Dad, you haven't had water or rice for two days. If you don't eat something, you won't be able to bear it!"

Jiang Hong looked at his favorite little daughter and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "No need to persuade Mo'er, my father can't bear it..."

Suddenly, the servant's frightened shouts came from outside the room. Jiang Hong's expression changed drastically and he stood up suddenly, almost falling down as a result.

Jiang Yuemo exclaimed and quickly reached out to help him. As a result, the small white porcelain bowl filled with meat porridge fell to the ground and broke into pieces with a snap.

At this moment, Jiang Hong stood upright with Jiang Yuemo's support. He looked outside eagerly and said, "What's going on? What are the Jin Yiwei people here for? Isn't it to confiscate..."

The housekeeper ran over panting, saluted Jiang Hong and said, "Sir, the people from Jinyiwei are here. They are in the front hall."

Jiang Hong's head was banged and he almost fainted. He looked at the housekeeper and said, "Tell me, what are the people from Jin Yiwei here for?"

The housekeeper shook his head and said, "The man didn't say anything, he just said he wanted to see you, sir."

Jiang Yuemo's willow eyebrows moved slightly, and a clear and sweet voice sounded: "Uncle Jiang, you said there is only one Jin Yiwei here?"

Jiang Bo nodded repeatedly and said, "To answer my question, Miss, there is indeed only one person."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuemo smiled slightly at Jiang Hong and said, "Dad, you can rest assured. If the imperial envoy really wants to implicate our Jiang family, then it will be a team that raids the house, not just one person. "

Jiang Hong is obviously not a fool. Needless to say, Jiang Yuemo said that when Uncle Jiang said that there was only one Jin Yiwei, Jiang Hong had already reacted, took a deep breath, and said with a bit of solemnity in his expression. : "Take me there quickly."

Not to mention the troubles caused by the wealthy businessmen and gentry in Fuzhou City who were sent by Li Huan to notify the frightened wealthy businessmen and gentry, but after a day of fermentation, the news that the imperial envoy Li Huan ordered the execution of Gu Huang and other officials and their close family members has spread throughout the world. whole city.

I don't know how many people were horrified, but they were also looking forward to the arrival of the next day, preparing to go to the execution ground to see the excitement.

Time passed by and the sky gradually darkened.

Linghu Chong stayed bored in the room, sitting cross-legged and meditating. After a while, he couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and took out a wine gourd from a corner, secretly drank a few sips, and then put it away again.

There was a sound of footsteps. When Linghu Chong heard the footsteps, he quickly sat cross-legged and looked like he was meditating.

Yue Buqun, who was walking to the door, saw Linghu Chong meditating, a hint of relief flashed in his eyes and said: "Chong'er, master needs to go out for a while. Outside, the Jinyi guards are everywhere arresting the remnants of the rebels. You and Shan'er stay here well." , don’t cause any more trouble.”

Linghu Chong heard this and said hurriedly: "Master, this disciple will never step out of the courtyard. I will definitely accompany my junior sister and wait for you to come back."

Yue Buqun nodded when he heard this, glanced at Linghu Chong, then turned around and left.

Soon Linghu Chong heard the sound of the courtyard door being closed. When Linghu Chong, who was sitting there, heard the sound, his face suddenly showed a bit of joy.

Immediately, Linghu Chong stood up, went to the door and looked into the courtyard. He saw that the courtyard door had been closed, and it was obvious that Yue Buqun had left.

[The first update is here, a 10,000-word chapter, and the second chapter will be a little later. According to my outline, I actually wanted Linghu to practice Sunflower Drops. I didn’t expect so many readers to strongly demand that Linghu be killed, which really hurt me. I changed the outline overnight, otherwise I wouldn’t have updated it so late. To avoid being criticized by everyone, let me spoil it. In the next chapter, Linghu Chong officially receives the lunch box. Wow, writing a book is too difficult. My outline.]

This chapter has been completed!
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