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Chapter 174: Zhu Tianzi, the murderer

This cry exploded in the night sky like thunder. Seeing the Imperial City guards around him dying one by one in order to resist the rebel attack, Zhu Houzhao could not help but feel a sense of despair in his heart.

But this sudden, extremely familiar shout made Zhu Houzhao's eyes light up, and he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

At first glance, he saw in the distance, by the light of the torch, a very familiar figure riding a war horse, like a god of death, running headlong into the rebels.

With the swing of the iron rod in Li Huan's hand, all the rebel soldiers blocking Li Huan were swept away. There was no standing rebel soldier within a radius of one foot.


Such a horrifying scene only made the surrounding rebel soldiers tremble with fear. They did not dare to step forward at all, for fear of being swept away by Li Huan with a stick and being blown up like his companions.

Qiu Ju, Gao Feng, Luo Xiang, Wei Bin and others who had been protecting Zhu Houzhao all heard Li Huan's shouts. When they saw Li Huan, who seemed to be falling from the sky, leading people to rescue him, their eyes were full of excitement.


Qiu Ju said to Zhu Houzhao with excitement: "Your Majesty, it's Brother Li, Brother Li is here!"

Gao Feng couldn't help but sweep one of the rebels away, and said with an excited smile: "Hahaha, Brother Li is here, we are saved, we are saved!"

Zhu Houzhao was wearing armor at this time and looked like a heroic general. Under the protection of Qiu Ju and others, he was not actually hurt. He even had the energy to bend his bow and arrow to kill one of the rebels.


It's just that the previous situation was too dangerous and made Zhu Houzhao despair.

But now, as Li Huan led people to kill, he directly disrupted the rebel team from the rear. In addition, Li Huan's killing like a god of murder suppressed all the rebels, and this was relieved.

Understand the pressure Zhu Houzhao and others face.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao let out a long breath. Looking at the figure that was fighting out among the rebels, covered in blood but getting closer and closer, Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but smile on his face, and said softly: "Yes, Li

Your Majesty is here, so I have nothing to worry about!"

After killing the rebels, only dozens of Jin Yiwei were left behind Li Huan, all of them covered in blood and filled with murderous intent, making people feel heart-stopping.

He suddenly reined in his horse, and as Li Huan came to kill him, the rebels who had originally besieged Zhu Houzhao and others were now restrained by Li Huan's murderous aura, and were too frightened to step forward.

On the horse, when Li Huan saw Zhu Houzhao in armor, he was stunned for a moment, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The emperor was fine, and he was not late after all.

It is true that God is not as good as man. I am afraid that no one would have thought that such a change would happen. Fortunately, the emperor was safe and sound. Otherwise, he would have had no choice but to find a way to escape from the capital and escape.

"Your Majesty, I'm late!"

Zhu Houzhao laughed loudly and said: "It's not too late, it's not too late, the Qing family came just in time."

When Zhu Houzhao saw Wang Yangming, who was following behind Li Huan and also covered in blood, he couldn't help but feel relieved and said: "Wang Aiqing, just be fine. I'm really afraid something might happen to you."

Wang Yangming paid homage to Zhu Houzhao and said, "Thank you for your great blessing. Fortunately, Mr. Li led his men to kill him in time and saved me, so I can be fine."

While they were talking, the sound of a large group of people approaching came from a distance. Li Huan and Wang Yangming looked stern when they heard the sound.

Li Huan immediately said to Zhu Houzhao: "Your Majesty, the rebels will be here soon. I will protect you and go to find the valley. The Tengxiang Four Guards Camp is here, which is enough to deal with these rebels."

Zhu Houzhao originally had this idea and asked him to go to Jingying. To be honest, if it was said before, Zhu Houzhao was still very relieved about Jingying.

But now it is a battalion of soldiers and horses from the Beijing Camp who are rebelling. How can the emperor dare to go to the Beijing Camp again?

British Duke Zhang Mao may not have any problems, but who can guarantee that there will be no problems with the commanders of the Beijing camp? If there are no problems, it would be fine. If any of the commanders harbors evil intentions, wouldn't they fall into a trap?

Therefore, Zhu Houzhao almost instinctively chose to go to the Fourth Guard Camp of Tengxiang.

After all, compared to the Beijing camp, which was infiltrated by the civil service group like a sieve, the Tengxiang Four Guards Camp is relatively pure and trustworthy.

In the past few years, Gu Dayong has been in charge of the Royal Horse Supervisor. He has put a lot of thought into the Tengxiang Four Guards Camp. At least he has placed his confidants in many positions and has the Tengxiang Four Guards Camp in his hands.

Normally you don't see much of it, but at critical moments, this kind of control over your soldiers and horses becomes particularly important.

Looking behind him in the direction where the rebels were chasing, Li Huan said to Zhu Houzhao: "Your Majesty, let's go!"

Just when Li Huan and his men were escorting Zhu Houzhao towards the direction of the Tengxiang Fourth Guards Camp, the original calm of the capital was broken by the sudden cry of killing.

The common people in the capital had experienced what happened during the day when Li Huan led the Jin Yiwei men to kill people on the streets, and their nerves had already adapted.

But in comparison, when Li Huan led his men to kill the soldiers and horsemen, the movement in the attack on the imperial city was much smaller. After all, the total conflict was only a few hundred people.

That little movement would not have a big impact, but Changxing Hou Feng Hai, Fei Hong and others led a large army to attack the imperial city and hunt down the emperor Luan Jia. That was a team of thousands of people.

Even if thousands of people make a random move, the movement will not be small, let alone the killing.

Faced with this situation at this moment, almost all the people in the capital stayed at home, and no one would run out to seek death at this time.

Compared with these common people, the dignitaries and powerful families in the city were the most shocked.

Some people who were sensitive to the news received the news almost not long after Feng Hai led people into the city. However, many people did not react for a while after receiving the news and did not know what was going on.

Some officials even subconsciously thought that the emperor was sending troops into the city late at night to protect the imperial city.

After all, the emperor had a precedent of being assassinated. It was not impossible to mobilize a large army to protect him without any sense of security.

Some powerful people quietly sent their capable servants to inquire about the news. After all, there was such a big movement, and they were quite unsure. If they could know what happened, it would be better to be mentally prepared.

The residence of Chief Assistant Li Dongyang does not look very luxurious, it is just a decent residence.

Li Dongyang had just returned to the mansion from the imperial city not long ago. Li Dongyang was almost exhausted. He simply drank some porridge and lay down on the bed to rest.

After all, people in the imperial city these days do not get a good rest most of the time. For an old man in his sixties or seventies, one can imagine the tiredness he feels when he relaxes all of a sudden.

Seeing that the emperor woke up from his coma, the overall situation was decided, and a big stone was lifted from his heart. Li Dongyang felt that he could finally have a good sleep.

As for what will happen after dawn, we have to wait until dawn.

It was just that Li Dongyang had just laid down and was still asleep when he vaguely heard movement outside.

Outside the bedroom, Li Dongyang's son, Li Lingzheng, frowned and looked at the servant in front of him and said, "What happened? You are so flustered. My father has just taken a rest. If there is nothing important, you should not disturb him."


Li Ling saw Li Dongyang's tired posture and knew that what his father needed at this moment was a quiet rest and a good sleep.

But just after a while, a servant came to report something important to his father.

The servant looked at Li Ling and said in a low voice: "Second Young Master, something serious has happened. News came from the Yamen just now that Marquis Changxing has entered the city with an army of nearly 10,000 soldiers from the Xiaoyong Battalion."

Li Ling said subconsciously: "What's the matter? Do you think that something like this should alarm my father..."

But soon Li Ling couldn't help but open his eyes wide and exclaimed: "What? Feng Hai led nearly ten thousand troops into the city at this time?"

The servant nodded.

Li Ling's face was full of horror. He came from a family of officials, and his father was the first assistant at the scene. No matter how slow his reaction was, he could still realize that it was not normal for the army to enter the city at this time.

At this time, Li Dongyang's voice came from the room: "What's the matter?"

Li Ling took a deep breath, quickly pushed the door open, walked into the bedroom, looked at his father with gray hair and a tired look on his face, took a deep breath and said: "Father, the news just came from someone from the Yamen, Changxing

Hou Fenghai..."

Li Dongyang was bending down and wearing official boots. Hearing this, he said: "Oh, what's wrong with Marquis Changxing?"

Gritting his teeth, Li Ling looked at Li Dongyang with some worry and said tremblingly: "Changxing Marquis Feng Hai led his troops into the city and headed towards the imperial city."

Li Dongyang, who was trying hard to lift up one of his official boots, suddenly felt as if someone had pressed his acupuncture point, and a look of shock and anger suddenly appeared on his face full of fatigue.

The official boots in his hands fell to the ground, and his body swayed. If Li Ling hadn't caught him with quick eyesight and quick hands, Li Dongyang would have fallen down in anger.

After taking a breath, Li Dongyang couldn't help but let out a long sigh and cried silently: "What on earth do they want to do? What do they want to do! Do they have to force His Majesty to go on a killing spree to be satisfied?"

Li Ling looked at Li Dongyang with a worried look on his face and said, "Father..."

But soon Li Dongyang cheered up and said to Li Ling: "Quick, change your clothes for your father. I'm going to the Imperial City. Your Majesty may still be in the Imperial City. I'm going to stop Marquis Changxing..."

Li Ling was stunned for a moment and said worriedly: "But father, Marquis Changxing and the others have gone crazy. If you go there, I'm afraid..."

Li Dongyang took a deep breath and said with firm eyes: "As a father, I am the chief minister of a country, and such a terrible disaster has happened. I, the chief minister, am unforgivable. I can only risk my life to repay your majesty for your kindness."

british government

Zhang Mao originally returned to the palace from the imperial city. After having dinner in the palace, Zhang Mao prepared to go to the capital camp to take charge. He had been preparing to stay in the capital camp for the past few days.

After all, the emperor entrusted the capital camp to him to look after, so he could not let down the emperor's hope.

You just need to get through this period of time, and when things are over and people calm down, you won't have to worry about anything going on in Beijing camp anymore.

It's just that Zhang Mao was not worried about any trouble in the Beijing camp.

After so many years, that is, during the Seizing of the Gate incident, someone in the Beijing camp led troops to seize the palace gate, took control of the imperial city, and helped Ying Zong regain the throne.

But that also happened when Emperor Daizong was seriously ill and dying and lost control of the court.

Other than that, there really hasn't been any trouble in Beijing Camp over the years.

With a bang, the door of the mansion was knocked open by a general.

This sudden movement directly startled the British Duke Zhang Mao, who was about to lead the British Duke's personal soldiers to the capital camp to take charge.

There was a crash. When these British soldiers saw someone breaking in, they almost instinctively drew their swords to protect the British Lord.

With a pop, the low-level general fell to his knees and cried to Zhang Mao: "Old Duke, something terrible has happened."

Zhang Mao looked at the general who was kneeling on the ground and felt that he was somewhat familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember who he was.

Frowning, Zhang Mao said to the general: "Whose subordinate are you? Why did you come to see me in such a hurry? What happened?"

The general kowtowed and said: "The last general is Ding Zhao, a small flag officer in the Xiaoyong Camp of the Beijing Camp. He used to serve under the old Duke's account. Later, thanks to the blessing of the old Duke, he was assigned to the Xiaoyong Camp.


Zhang Mao seemed to have an impression, nodded slightly and said: "Then what are you doing?"

Ding Zhao looked at Zhang Mao and said tremblingly: "Old Duke, something bad has happened. Changxing Marquis Feng Hai led the Xiaoyong camp to the capital overnight and rushed towards the imperial city. The younger one sneaked away while Feng Hai and the others were not paying attention.

Come out and see the Duke."

Zhang Mao's whole body swayed when he heard this, and his eyesight went dark. If the soldiers and generals around him hadn't supported him, Zhang Mao would have fallen to the ground.

"Old Duke, old Duke..."

Zhang Lun, who was originally seeing off his grandfather, heard the commotion and hurried over, and when he came over, he happened to hear what Ding Zhao said.

Zhang Lun's expression changed drastically, and he stepped forward quickly, just in time to see his grandfather's face pale, with fear and anger in his eyes.

Suddenly, Zhang Mao was filled with anger, and said angrily: "Feng Hai, I will kill you even if I risk my life."

As he spoke, Zhang Mao said to Zhang Lun: "Lun'er, take grandpa's seal immediately and go..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Mao couldn't help but frown. He originally wanted Zhang Lun to go to the capital camp to mobilize troops, but he thought that without the Ministry of War's official document and the cabinet seal, it was impossible to mobilize troops, let alone Zhang Lun.

Even if he rushes to the capital camp in person, he may not be able to mobilize troops to enter the capital.

But soon a stern look flashed in Zhang Mao's eyes, and he said fiercely: "Lun'er, take all the soldiers and servants in the mansion and go to the imperial city to escort me."

Zhang Mao then said: "Immediately send someone to inform Duke Cheng, Marquis Ningyang and others, and ask them to dig out their wealth and rush to protect His Majesty. Your Majesty must not get into trouble, and the Ming Dynasty must not be in chaos."

As he spoke, Zhang Mao strode out of the mansion, took the reins of the war horse from the general next to him, immediately got on the horse, jerked off the horse, and headed straight for the capital camp.

When Zhang Lun saw this, he stamped his feet and shouted at some of the generals: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go and protect grandpa? If anything happens, I'll chop off your heads."

Immediately some of the generals mounted their horses and followed Zhang Mao.

And Zhang Lun shouted: "Quick, gather all the servants in the house and follow me to escort him."

Here Zhang Mao ran all the way straight to the capital camp.

For the Twelve Regiment Camps, Zhang Mao did not go to several other places, but came to the Four Yong Camps. The Four Yong Camps were Zhang Mao's most influential regiment camp.

There were several other regiments and camps that Zhang Mao could not mobilize even with his dignity as a duke.

But the Four Brave Battalions can give it a try. Of course, they have to mobilize troops into the city, which is also very difficult.

When Zhang Mao entered the Siyong camp, late at night, when all the officers were woken up by the soldiers and rushed to the commander's tent one by one, cursing, Zhang Mao was talking to a white-faced eunuch and supervisor.

This supervisory army is naturally the person who sits in the army on behalf of the emperor. He seems to have little sense of existence, but his power is terrifying.

Zhang Mao didn't have any official document on troop mobilization, so in this case he had to convince the supervisor first, and then all the generals. Otherwise, even if Zhang Mao had great ability, it would be difficult

How many people are taken away?

Cheng Wei screamed at Zhang Mao: "Old Duke, our family respects you as the Duke of the current dynasty, but you don't have the emperor's edict, and you don't have the Ministry of War's official documents, so you came here with empty words and wanted to mobilize the army into the city.

Is it your brain that is broken, or ours?"

If we were to do other things, facing Zhang Mao, Cheng Wei would not dare to talk to Zhang Mao like this even though he was a supervisor. But who made what Zhang Mao said was too shocking.

You want to mobilize a large army into the city. What do you want to do? Do you want to bring everyone together to seek death?

Cheng Wei hasn't lived enough yet. If he really agrees to Zhang Mao, then he will be dragged out by the emperor and cut into pieces.

His duty is to keep an eye on the army for the emperor. No one can touch it without will.

Zhang Mao Ze angrily said to Cheng Wei: "Cheng Wei, listen carefully, Changxing Marquis Feng Hai has rebelled. He has brought the Xiaoyong camp into the city now. If I wait too late, I'm afraid your Majesty..."

Several military generals hurried over, and when they entered the tent, they saw Cheng Wei and the British Duke Zhang Mao arguing.

After listening to a few words, these generals finally understood what was going on.

At first I didn't pay much attention to it, but the more I listened, the more cold sweat began to form on everyone's forehead.

One was put down by the news of Changxing Hou's rebellion, and the other was frightened by Zhang Mao's move to mobilize troops to the capital.

Even if the Marquis of Changxing rebelled, they would not be able to leave their base, let alone enter the capital, without an order to mobilize troops or an imperial edict from the emperor.

At this time, almost all the generals in the army had arrived. They looked at the furious Zhang Mao and pointed at Cheng Wei and yelled: "Cheng Wei, your majesty trusts you so much in vain to let you supervise the army. Now that your majesty is in trouble, you

Are we going to sit back and do nothing?"

Cheng Wei also said: "Our family is loyal to His Majesty, that's why we don't allow you, old lord, to send troops into the city. Otherwise, our family will betray His Majesty's trust."

Regardless of whether they stand from Cheng Wei's point of view or Zhang Mao's point of view, there is actually nothing wrong with either of them.

One is anxious to bring troops and horses to Beijing to rescue the emperor, while the other is worried about anyone who deploys troops without authorization and resolutely fulfills his duty to help the emperor keep his troops in good condition.

Zhang Mao suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist. Under Cheng Wei's shocked gaze, he placed the long sword across Cheng Wei's neck and said, "Come here, tie him up for me!"

Cheng Wei reacted and couldn't help but became furious, and said to Britain: "Zhang Mao, if you want to rebel, our family is the supervisor of the army, you..."

Zhang Mao directly ordered people to gag Cheng Wei's mouth, and then several soldiers quickly tied up Cheng Wei.

At this time, Zhang Mao stared at the generals in the big tent with burning eyes and shouted: "Listen to me, the Marquis of Changxing has rebelled, and your majesty is in trouble. We and other ministers should die for your majesty. Today, I risk the world."

It's too bad to force everyone to send troops with me. If the court investigates you later, I will bear the responsibility alone."

As he spoke, Zhang Mao's eyes filled with murderous intent swept over the generals. Everyone Zhang Mao saw lowered their heads and did not dare to speak out in opposition.

Anyone can see that Zhang Mao has made up his mind to lead troops to Beijing. Even the opposing supervisor Cheng Wei has been captured. If any of them dare to stand up at this time, they may be in trouble.

Being killed by Zhang Mao would shock people.

Seeing the reactions of the generals, Zhang Mao shouted: "Since you have no objection, then bring troops and horses to me and go to the capital to protect me."

The Fourth Guards Camp in Tengxiang was stationed some distance away from the imperial city. Under the protection of Li Huan, Zhu Houzhao and others ran all the way, followed by Feng Hai leading the troops of Xiaoyong Camp in hot pursuit.

The distance between the original army and Li Huan and the others gradually widened. After all, Li Huan and the others only had one horse per man, and there were only a very small number of horse soldiers in the Xiaoyong camp.

The only ones who can really catch up are the hundreds of cavalry with Feng Hai as the core, but the number of hundreds is quite large, at least several times more than Li Huan and the others.

In addition, these cavalrymen, armed with powerful crossbows and fire muskets, attacked from behind from time to time, so Li Huan and others could only keep rushing towards the direction of the Tengxiang Fourth Guards Camp.

Tengyang Fourth Guards Camp Station

Gu Dayong left the palace and did not return to the Royal Horse Prison Yamen, but went directly to the Tengxiang Fourth Guards Camp.

In fact, the previous encounter made Gu Dayong feel so insecure that he subconsciously wanted to stay in the military camp.

In the dead of night, Gu Dayong had gone to bed early. He had not had a good night's sleep these days. Now that he was fine, he could have a good rest.

Just after he fell asleep, a young eunuch hurried over and shouted to Gu Dayong: "General Manager, General Manager, hurry up, hurry up, your Majesty is here!"

Gu Dayong, who was sleeping in a daze, vaguely heard the word "Your Majesty" and sat up from the bed. Then he reacted and stared at the little eunuch and said, "Your Majesty? Where is your Majesty?"

The little eunuch said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty is being hunted and will arrive at the camp soon. Please hurry up and bring someone to greet you."

Gu Dayong jumped up from the bed, with a look of horror on his face. He didn't even bother to put on his shoes. He ran out of the room with bare feet and shouted: "Come here, come here, give me a fight quickly."

Drum and gather troops."

Following Gu Dayong's order, the originally silent Tengxiang Left Guard Camp was broken by the sound of drums. A large number of soldiers began to wake up from their sleep, and then cursed and relied on instinct to gather at the school ground.

The Tengxiang Four Guards are divided into Tengxiang Left Guard, Tengxiang Right Guard, Wuxiang Left Guard, and Wuxiang Right Guard. These four camps are collectively called the Tengxiang Four Guards Camp.

The Tengxiang Left Guard is the most combat-effective battalion of the Tengxiang Four Guards Battalion, so Gu Dayong stayed overnight at the Tengxiang Left Guard. Naturally, it was the Tengxiang Left Guard who was summoned at this time.

There are about six thousand elite soldiers in Tengxiang's left guard. They are all warriors selected from the best in the army. Compared with the Beijing camp, they can definitely be regarded as elite.

Even so, if we really have to wait until all the soldiers of Tengxiang's left guard are gathered to return, it may not take more than half an hour.

At this time, Gu Dayong had already ordered Qi Xianguo, the commander of Tengxiang's left guard, to order the first thousand soldiers and horses to go with him to meet him, and the rest of the troops were handed over to the deputy commander.

Feng Hai led hundreds of his elite men to chase behind him from a distance, with a crazy look in his eyes.

Both Feng Hai and Fei Hong knew that the Emperor and his entourage were heading towards the Tengyang Fourth Guards Camp.

If the Emperor and others were allowed to enter the camp, even if all his soldiers were willing to fight for him, they might not be able to break through the camp of Tengxiang Four Guards Camp, let alone capture the Emperor.

"Chase, let me chase them. If you catch those people, I will give you a big reward."

At first, these soldiers had no idea that the target they were attacking was actually the Emperor Luan Jia. When they realized it, they had already boarded the pirate ship. Even if they wanted to regret it, it was too late.

The hundreds of people who are following Feng Hai now can be said to be the people in the entire Xiaoyong camp who are willing to follow Feng Hai all the way to the dark side and give it a try.

After all, they were guilty of treason. Even if they chose to lay down their weapons and surrender at this time, it would be a dead end. It would be better to follow what Feng Hai, Fei Hong and the others encouraged and work hard, maybe they could become a slave.

Where is my minister?

The outline of the Tengxiang Fourth Guards Camp can be seen from a distance, and you can even see the dancing firelight in the Tengxiang Fourth Guards Camp. It is obvious that the Tengxiang Fourth Guards Camp has received the news and is gathering troops.


Feng Hai and Fei Hong looked at each other, with a hint of despair in their eyes.

Li Huan, Zhu Houzhao and others had already rushed to the camp gate. At this time, the entrance to the camp was blocked by a barrage of horses. Several soldiers guarding the camp gate looked at the roaring cavalry in horror.

Li Huan shouted loudly: "Open the camp gate quickly!"

It was at this time that Gu Dayong came over with his commander Qi Xianguo and a group of soldiers and horses, and heard Li Huan's shout from a distance.

Gu Dayong was originally extremely worried about the emperor's safety, but suddenly he heard Li Huan's cry and knew that Li Huan was with the emperor, so the emperor must be fine, and he felt relieved.

"Open the camp gate quickly!"

Gu Dayong shouted loudly.

It's just that the soldiers guarding the camp gate didn't know Gu Dayong at all. Even if Gu Dayong opened his mouth, these soldiers would subconsciously look at their superiors.

The small flag officer in the army had seen Gu Dayong from a distance. Hearing this, he immediately shouted to his soldiers. Soon dozens of soldiers stepped forward and quickly moved their horses to the side to expose a path.

Come through the channel.

At this time, Li Huan, Zhu Houzhao and others also came closer. When they saw the camp gate open, they felt relieved and rushed directly into the camp.

Feng Hai, who had been chasing after him, couldn't help but let out an unwilling roar when he saw this scene. His eyes were full of madness. He stared at the emperor's back and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me in."

This shout only silenced the soldiers who followed Feng Hai, but when they saw Feng Hai rushing into the camp, each of these soldiers looked crazy and rushed in after Feng Hai.

Hundreds of people attacked the camp directly. It can only be said that Feng Hai was really crazy. He was betting that while the Fourth Guard Camp in Tengxiang was unprepared, he would rush into the camp and catch the Emperor. Otherwise, if he missed it,

After seizing this last chance, what awaited them next was the thunderous suppression of the imperial army.

The moment he rushed into the camp, Li Huan reined in his horse and shouted loudly. Only twenty or thirty people of Jin Yiwei and dozens of imperial guards were left. Seeing this, Li Huan reined in his horse instinctively.

They actually blocked the camp gate.

Li Huan exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked at Feng Hai who was roaring towards him, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

The emperor rushed into the camp, and Gu Dayong led his people to greet him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the emperor in armor was safe and sound.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao breathed a sigh of relief and looked to his side. He thought Li Huan was beside him, but when he saw it, he was alone beside him. There was no one except himself.

"Li Qing, Li Qing!"

Zhu Houzhao panicked and shouted a few times subconsciously. Looking back, he happened to see a figure riding on a war horse at the entrance of the camp, turning around and rushing towards the rebels.

At this moment, Gu Dayong noticed Zhu Houzhao's expression and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, brother Li Huan is blocking the enemy for your Majesty! Your Majesty, don't worry."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes fell on the commander Qi Xianguo, and he immediately shouted: "Why don't you quickly bring someone to help Li Qing?"

Qi Xianguo, who was about to pay tribute to the emperor, was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that he really didn't expect the emperor and his entourage to arrive so quickly and in such a hurry. He was originally planning to lead his troops out of the camp to greet them.

Otherwise, Qi Xianguo could not have been so slow to react as the commander of the first battalion. In fact, this sudden change shocked him so much that he did not know how to react.

Who would have thought that in this important place in the capital, someone would dare to mobilize troops to attack the emperor, and even chase the emperor all the way. Even now, Qi Xianguo feels like he is dreaming.

At this time, Qi Xianguo finally came to his senses when the emperor shouted angrily. He immediately raised his hands to the emperor, and then shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy."

At this time, at the gate of the camp, headed by Li Huan, dozens of imperial guards and imperial guards ran into Feng Hai and his rebels.

Originally, Feng Hai thought that he could rush into the camp and take advantage of the chaos to disrupt the camp, so he might not have a chance to catch the emperor.

But he didn't expect that Li Huan could escape into the camp and survive, but after the emperor entered the camp, he took the imperial guards and the imperial guards to turn around and deal with him.

This suddenly dashed Feng Hai's hopes.

Originally, horses were very fast when they trampled the camp. As long as they were fast enough and rushed directly into the camp without giving the defending soldiers time, hundreds of soldiers and horses would be enough to disrupt the camp where thousands of troops were stationed.

It's a pity that Li Huan seemed to have been prepared for this a long time ago and did not give him a chance to step on the camp.


On one side are hundreds of desperate rebels who are just trying to catch the emperor and gain a chance of survival; on the other side are dozens of loyal people who are fighting for the emperor.

The two sides collided together, and screams rang out.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of people fell down on both sides. Li Huan directly stopped Feng Hai and even blew up the horse under Feng Hai. If Feng Hai hadn't jumped in time to dodge, he would have been blown away.

The thing on his head was not the war horse beneath him, but himself.

Feng Hai jumped up and landed on the horse of a soldier behind him. Feng Hai stared at Li Huan with fear and roared: "Strong crossbow, shoot him to death for me."

In the wave of powerful crossbows just now, some of the arrows were locked on Li Huan. Li Huan actually did not dodge and took the arrows. It has to be said that Li Huan's actions completely exceeded Feng Hai's expectations. If it weren't for

If this was the case, he wouldn't have been almost killed on the spot by Li Huan with one blow.

After all, no matter how much Feng Hai overestimated Li Huan's strength, he still couldn't believe that Li Huan could withstand powerful crossbow shots with his indestructible golden body.

You must know that at least half of the wave of arrows just came towards Li Huan. Even the war horse under Li Huan was shot into a hedgehog. However, Li Huan was unscathed and even blew up the war horse under Feng Hai.


At this time, Feng Hai gave an order, dozens of powerful crossbows fired again, and the arrows directly covered Li Huan.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Li Qing, be careful!"

Even though he saw Li Huan resisting the arrows with his body just now, when he saw dozens of arrows covering Li Huan's body, Zhu Houzhao also cried out in surprise.

Just a few feet away from Li Huan, he was holding a sword and curling up sword flowers all over the sky. Yue Buqun and Wang Yangming, who had just blocked the arrows fired at them, both looked at Li Huan.

Both of them can be regarded as strong martial arts masters, and their internal strength is so strong that few people in the world can match it.

But even if they were stronger than them, they would not dare to withstand the powerful crossbow fire with their own bodies.

They really thought that they were indestructible. If they were hit by arrows, as long as it was not a vital part, they would be safe. However, if they were covered by dozens of arrows, in their eyes, they would definitely die.

Yue Buqun and Wang Yangming knew that Li Huan's kung fu was at its peak, but at this moment they couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for Li Huan.

In an instant, all the arrows fell on Li Huan. The impact of these arrows was so strong that they directly penetrated Li Huan's clothes. Some arrows fell to the ground, and some hung on Li Huan's body.

body, but not one shot penetrated Li Huan's body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Even Feng Hai was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This is impossible, this is impossible..."

Seeing Li Huan standing a few feet away from him without any injuries, Feng Hai felt bad.

The dozen or so imperial guards who survived and the imperial guards also saw the scene of Li Huansheng carrying the arrow and couldn't help but cheer for Li Huan.

"My lord is mighty, my lord is mighty!"

Among the group of rebels, Fei Hong, who was dressed in official uniform, stood out. At this moment, he was also looking at Li Huan in horror at the unharmed Li Huan.

When he saw the emperor escaping into the camp, Fei Hong felt a little desperate in his heart, but he didn't expect that Feng Hai would burst out with such courage at this time and even wanted to rush into the camp.

This gave Fei Hong some hope, hoping that Feng Hai could bring him a miracle.

What he didn't expect was that Li Huan did not follow them into the camp, but chose to stay and stop them.

When he saw Li Huan being shot by a powerful crossbow, Fei Hong clenched his hands and couldn't help but show a bit of excitement and anticipation in his eyes, hoping to see Li Huan being shot at a hedgehog by a powerful crossbow.

Everything they planned was all because of Li Huan. If it weren't for Li Huan, the emperor might still be lying in the Jinglan Palace right now, and he wouldn't have to choose such an extreme method with Feng Hai.

Therefore, Fei Hong's hatred for Li Huan could not be washed away even if he poured out all the rivers and lakes. Even if he could not catch the emperor this time, he could kill Li Huan when he was about to fail, even if he died.

He has no regrets anymore.

Unfortunately, what disappoints Fei Hong is that Li Huan's whole body seems to be forged from fine iron, and it is difficult for arrows to hit him at all.

"Does the legendary indestructible body really exist?"

Fei Hong looked at Li Huan standing there and couldn't help mumbling to himself.

All the rebels were stunned by this scene, and looked in awe at Li Huan, who was standing there like a god.

At this moment, the commander Qi Xianguo and a group of soldiers who rushed out with Tengxiang's left guard also saw the scene where Li Huan showed off his power just now.

The soldiers following Qi Xianguo respected Li Huan like a god.

At the same time, Li Huan heaved a sigh of relief. You must know that Li Huan was not feeling well just now when he resisted so many arrows. That is to say, he had practiced the Henglian Thirteen Taibao Magical Skills to the point where his golden body was indestructible. Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to

How dare you take so many arrows.

Even so, if he had a choice, Li Huan would not want to enjoy the treatment of arrows like this again. This is just a wave of arrows. If there are several waves, he may not be able to bear it.



Li Huan heard a loud shout, jumped up, and appeared directly in front of Feng Hai, grabbing Feng Hai before Feng Hai could react.

"Run away!"

Seeing Feng Hai being captured by Li Huan, the rebel soldiers had already been demoralized by Li Huan's great display of power. In addition, it was obvious that the situation was over, and all the rebels only regretted that their legs were too short.

, escaped too slowly.

When Qi Xianguo saw this situation, he immediately led his troops and horses to rush out without giving any orders to chase and kill the fleeing rebels.

Li Huan glanced at Yue Buqun and shouted: "Yue Baihu, take that Fei Hong to me!"

When Fei Hong saw the scene where Li Huan was invulnerable, he already realized that the situation was over, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Yue Buqun jumped up and appeared in front of Fei Hong in just a few ups and downs.

At this time, Fei Hong was wrapped up by the rebels and was in a terrible state. If it weren't for the fact that the official uniform was a bit of a shock to the rebels subconsciously, making the rebels subconsciously avoid each other, I'm afraid he would have been captured by now.

The rebels knocked him down and trampled him to death.

When Yue Buqun appeared in front of Li Huan carrying Fei Hong, Li Huan just glanced at Fei Hong lightly, and then took Changxing Marquis Feng Hai and strode toward the camp.

Surrounded by Qiu Ju, Gao Feng, Luo Xiang, and Gu Dayong, Zhu Houzhao looked at Li Huan with excitement.

Gu Dayong on the side smiled and said: "Brother Li captured Feng Hai in the chaos of the army. He is really like a famous general in ancient times, bravely championing the three armies."

Li Huan smiled at Gu Dayong, and then said seriously to Zhu Houzhao: "Your Majesty, the traitor Changxing Marquis Feng Hai, and Fei Hong are here, please tell me how to deal with them."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes fell on Changxing Hou Feng Hai and Fei Hong.

Feng Hai's face was full of despair at this moment. There was no trace of the madness that he used to pursue the emperor. It was as if his energy had been drained from his whole body.

On the contrary, Fei Hong seemed much calmer than Feng Hailai.

"Feng Hai, I'm not surprised that other people rebelled against me, but if I remember correctly, you are a nobleman of the Ming Dynasty who died with the country. Why did you betray me?"

Feng Hai just lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing that Feng Hai had no intention of speaking, Zhu Houzhao didn't ask any more questions. He just snorted coldly and said: "Take him under custody and interrogate him strictly. His accomplices must be brought out."

When Zhu Houzhao looked at Fei Hong, Fei Hong burst out laughing, and gradually a faint green and black color appeared on his face.

Seeing this situation, Gu Dayong, Qiu Ju and others subconsciously stood in front of the emperor.

Yue Buqun almost immediately stepped forward to check and saw black blood flowing from Fei Hong's mouth.

"Hahaha, Fei asked himself that if he could not bear the torture, it would be a capital crime. It would be better to find out for yourself. It is simply delusional for you to want to know Fei's accomplices from Fei's mouth."

In the blink of an eye, the green and black color on Fei Hong's face became more and more intense, and it was obvious that the poison had spread in his body.

Zhu Houzhao looked at Fei Hong, even though he had more questions to ask, but he opened his mouth, and finally just snorted coldly: "The decree is sent, Fei Hong rebelled, and the guards in golden clothes confiscated Fei Hong's family property, and wiped out the nine tribes.

, engraved his crime on a stone tablet in his hometown, and told the world that Fei Hong’s hometown would stop scientific examinations for ten years to serve as a warning to others.”

At this time, Fei Hong, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, did not have much reaction when he heard that Zhu Houzhao confiscated his home and exterminated his family. After all, he had already been mentally prepared for this when he participated in the rebellion.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhu Houzhao would inscribe his crimes on a stone tablet in his hometown to tell the world, and even deprive his fellow villagers from taking scientific examinations for ten years.

Ten years, that is almost a generation. It is conceivable that because of him alone, in the next ten years, countless literati in his hometown and neighbors will be cut off from scientific research.

He implicated the entire village by himself. I thought he died in order to eradicate traitors like Liu Jin and Li Huan. Even if he committed a serious crime of disobedience, he could still leave a good name among the scholars in his hometown and pass it down to future generations.

However, the emperor's move nailed him to the pillar of shame, and even asked the literati in his hometown to curse him. Even if he died, he would not be able to rest in peace.

Killing people is nothing more than that.

Suddenly, Fei Hong opened his eyes wide and begged Zhu Houzhao, as if he was having a flashback, "Your Majesty, all the blame lies with this minister. How can Xiangzi be held accountable? How can Xiangzi be held accountable..."

[This is the first update. I was delayed due to something, so it’s a little late, but there is still a big chapter tonight. I haven’t mentioned anything yet. Please subscribe, reward, and give me a monthly pass!]

This chapter has been completed!
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