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Chapter 182 If you want to kill someone, have you asked the Governor?

The person who suddenly appeared was none other than Feng Qingyang, the most outstanding swordsman in the Huashan Sect in the past.

From Yue Buqun's point of view, no matter how difficult the Huashan Sect's situation has been over the years, even though they were almost bullied several times, Feng Qingyang never showed up.

The Huashan Sect can be where it is today entirely because he and Ning Zhongze managed to survive the period when the Huashan Sect was at its weakest.

To this day, Yue Buqun still dares not forget that after the battle between the two Sword Qi Sects of the Huashan Sect, all the strong men of the Huashan Sect withered away, and his master passed away after reluctantly passing on the position of master to him.

At that time, there was almost no one the Huashan Sect could fight, and it was only through the hard work of his leader that the Huashan Sect could barely maintain its existence.

It can even be said that Yue Buqun felt scared when he recalled the situation at that time. If his luck had been a little worse, the Huashan Sect might have been destroyed.

Back then, Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze depended on each other, and with a few useless juniors, they gradually strengthened the Huashan Sect from the ruins. At that time, Yue Buqun hoped that there would be one or two elders of the Huashan Sect who could protect them from the wind.

The rain holds up the sky for their Huashan sect.

But no, not one. In a battle of sword energy, the Huashan sect, which used to be the best among the five mountains and could fight with the Sun and Moon God Sect with its own strength, withered overnight, and it didn’t even have any foundation.

There was no Huashan sect left for him.

If there had been an elder in charge at that time, he and his junior sister wouldn't have had to work so hard. They would have devoted all their energy to practicing martial arts and developing the Huashan sect, so that they would only have a child like Yue Lingshan for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes when he thought about it, Yue Buqun felt that he was ashamed of the ancestors of the Yue family, because he and Ning Zhongze only had a daughter like Yue Lingshan, not even a son who could inherit the incense.

In this era, it would be to cut off any descendants. Even if Yue Buqun died, he would not have the face to face the ancestors of the Yue family.

Therefore, in Yue Buqun's understanding, all the masters and uncles of the previous generation of Huashan Sect were dead, otherwise why would the Huashan Sect be so difficult.

When Yue Buqun saw Feng Qingyang and recognized the world-famous strongman who was the number one in the Sword Sect at a glance, Yue Buqun's reaction was very strange.

An unknown anger arose spontaneously, Feng Qingyang was still alive, he was still alive, and now he wanted to kill him.

In fact, Feng Qingyang's murderous intention against him was so obvious that even Yue Buqun, no matter how stupid he was, could feel it.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Yue Buqun looked at Feng Qingyang coldly and said: "Feng Qingyang, any disciple of my Huashan sect can accuse Yue, but you are the only one who does not have this qualification.


Yue Buqun said this categorically, staring at Feng Qingyang with disdain in his eyes.

Feng Qingyang couldn't help shouting angrily after hearing the words: "What a scoundrel, you are willing to be the court's hawk and lackey, how did you harm the reputation of our Huashan sect? Today, Feng Qingyang is here to clean up the door of our Huashan sect, so that you will not be ruined in the future."

The clear name of our Huashan Sect has been preserved for hundreds of years."

Yue Buqun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and then sneered at Feng Qingyang: "What a loud tone, Feng Qingyang, what qualifications do you have to accuse Yue, and in what capacity do you accuse Yue, you

Are you still a disciple of my Huashan sect?"

The sword energy dispute back then was a dispute over ideas within the Huashan Sect. Although it was said that it directly led to a split within the Huashan Sect, a great chaos caused the strong ones to wither away.

If we really want to talk about it, both the Sword Sect and the Qi Sect belong to the Huashan Sect, and Feng Qingyang can be considered a disciple of the Huashan Sect.

Therefore, when Feng Qingyang heard this, he immediately became furious and said: "How can Feng not be considered a disciple of the Huashan Sect, and how can he not be qualified to accuse you of such evil deeds?"

Hearing what Feng Qingyang said, Yue Buqun could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and roared at Feng Qingyang: "Okay, okay, you Feng Qingyang actually have the dignity to say that you are a disciple of my Huashan Sect.

, since you said you are a disciple of my Huashan sect, then Yue will ask you, what have you been doing for so many years, and what is the situation of our Huashan sect? If Yue doesn't believe it, you don't know."

As he spoke, Yue Buqun violently tore open the clothes on his chest, pointed at several deep knife marks, and sneered at Feng Qingyang: "Did you see it? This is the tenth year of Hongzhi, when I first took charge of the Huashan Sect.

Qilian Mountain thieves attacked our Huashan Mountain. I, Yue Buqun, tried his best to kill more than a dozen thieves. I was not tired, and two junior brothers, Qi Buming, died at the hands of the thieves. My junior sister was severely injured, and she has been recovering from her injuries for half a year."

Then he pointed to a sword mark and said: "This is the thirteenth year of Hongzhi. The Yellow River pirates infiltrated our Huashan Mountain with the intention of harming our Huashan Mountain. It was my Yue Buqun who led his junior brothers, junior sisters, and disciples to desperately preserve the inheritance of our Huashan Mountain."


Yue Buqun stared at Feng Qingyang with an angry face and told Feng Qingyang the origin of the scars on his body.

The calm and celestial demeanor on Feng Qingyang's face disappeared. He looked at the scars on Yue Buqun's body and listened to Yue Buqun's story about how the Huashan sect had struggled to survive over the years and how it had almost come to an end again and again.

The whole family was wiped out, and there was a somewhat complicated look on his face.

Suddenly, Yue Buqun pointed at Yue Buqun with the long sword in his hand and shouted: "Did you see it? I, Yue Buqun, fought for the Huashan Sect and shed blood. When the Huashan Sect was in the most difficult time, it was me, Yue Buqun.

Qun, those weak junior brothers, junior sisters, and disciples of my Huashan sect risked their lives to protect the foundation of the Huashan sect. Any one of them is qualified to accuse me, Yue Buqun, but you, Feng Qingyang, are not qualified."

Yue Buqun's words were like a knife and showed no mercy to Feng Qingyang. They only made Feng Qingyang's complexion change drastically, and he became angry and said: "You bastard, you dare to argue that Feng has worshiped the memorial tablet of the founder of the Huashan sect, and he is cultivating the Huashan sect."

The authentic martial arts are from the upright Huashan Sect disciples, so why are they not qualified?"

Yue Buqun laughed loudly when he heard this, then stared at Feng Qingyang and said sarcastically: "It's so funny. If you still think you are a disciple of the Huashan Sect, what were you doing when our Huashan Sect was in danger of life and death?

, why don’t I see you taking action? If you, Feng Qingyang, the best swordsman in the world, stand up, who would dare to underestimate our Huashan sect? How can those gangsters have the courage to stroke my Huashan sect’s tiger beard again and again?”

Feng Qingyang was furious at Yue Buqun's words for a moment. He waved his sleeves and said: "You are a sharp-tongued person. I don't bother to defend you. I only ask you, did you really vote for the imperial court? What do you do?"

A hawk and dog lackey of the imperial court?"

Hearing this, the guards in golden robes around him couldn't help shouting angrily at Feng Qingyang: "Bold!"

Yue Buqun waved his hand, patted the waist badge and embroidered spring knife on his waist, and sneered at Feng Qingyang: "Feng Qingyang, please see clearly, this is the waist badge of Jin Yiwei Baihu Official, this

It is an embroidered spring knife of the Jinyiwei standard. Yue is now an official of the Jinyiwei Hundred Households in the Ming Dynasty, a dignified and dignified sixth-rank imperial official."

Feng Qingyang's face turned cold when he heard this, and he said to Yue Buqun full of disappointment and anger: "What a bastard. Originally, I didn't intend to interfere with the affairs of Huashan when I stayed at the back of Huashan, but I accidentally heard Yue Lingshan's words

The girl said that you Yue Buqun actually defected to the imperial court. As a disciple of the Huashan sect, I cannot sit back and watch you ruin my reputation as a Huashan sect."

Yue Buqun narrowed his eyes when he heard this, stared at Feng Qingyang and said, "You said you have been hiding in the back of our Huashan sect all these years?"

Feng Qingyang said matter-of-factly: "That's natural. If Feng is not in Huashan, where can he be?"

Yue Buqun looked extremely unkind and said with anger: "Since you are hiding in the back of Huashan Mountain, why didn't you take action when Huashan Mountain was in danger several times over the years? If you did, how could those junior brothers and junior sisters know how to do it?

Individuals died to protect Huashan."

Feng Qingyang put his hands behind his back, flicked his sleeves, and snorted coldly: "You dare to question me. If I am not happy, what can you do?"

When Yue Buqun heard this, everyone couldn't help the anger in their hearts, and suddenly waved his hands and said: "Do it, shoot this old guy to death!"

Having said this, it would be strange if Yue Buqun could hold back the anger in his heart. Thinking of those junior brothers and sisters who died for Huashan over the years, and looking at Feng Qingyang's expression of having nothing to do with him, Yue Buqun

I wish I could tear Feng Qingyang into pieces, so that I could comfort my junior brothers, sisters, and disciples who died fighting for Huashan over the years.


Following Yue Buqun's order, the imperial guards who had already been prepared took action one after another.

Several crossbow arrows whizzed in, and at the same time, a guard in Jinyi came forward in formation with an embroidered spring knife, and Yue Buqun took the lead, with the long sword in his hand curled up, and came straight towards Feng Qingyang with full of anger.


"A group of imperial eagle dogs really deserve to be killed!"

Feng Qingyang looked at the incoming crossbow arrows and the group of royal guards with a look of disdain in his eyes. He saw him holding a sword with one hand, and Yun Danfengqing performed a mysterious sword technique. Then he heard a clanging sound.

The sound of the sound came, and several arrows shot at Feng Qingyang missed and fell to the ground, but they couldn't even get close to Feng Qingyang.

With a flick of the sword light, Yue Buqun felt that the sword he was stabbing at Feng Qingyang was deflected away. If he hadn't dodged in time, the sword might have fallen on him.

The few Jinyi guards who were at the front didn't even get close to Feng Qingyang before they were slashed across the throat with their long swords, and they all fell to the ground.

"Retreat, retreat quickly. You are no match for him. Go and ask for the Governor."

In the blink of an eye, several Jin Yiwei fell to Feng Qingyang's sword, which made Yue Buqun realize that Feng Qingyang's former title of number one in the Huashan Sword Sect was by no means false.

Even he is no match for Feng Qingyang, let alone these Jinyi guards, if they charge forward, they may not be enough to kill Feng Qingyang with just a few moves.

Feng Qingyang's eyes fell on Yue Buqun, his eyes full of murderous intent and said: "Yue Buqun, today Feng will clear the door for our Huashan sect."

As he spoke, Feng Qingyang pointed in the direction of Huashan and sighed: "The ancestors of the Huashan sect are above. Yue Buqun ruined the reputation of our Huashan sect. Today, my disciple Feng Qingyang will remove this evil obstacle for our Huashan sect. Ancestors."

The ancestors have spirits in heaven, please learn from them!"

Yue Buqun couldn't help laughing after hearing this. While laughing, he pointed at Feng Qingyang and said with disdain: "If the ancestors of Huashan Mountain really have spirits in the sky, I'm afraid a thunder will rain down and kill you." The clear wind turned it into flying ash."

Feng Qingyang just glanced at Yue Buqun coldly, and strode towards Yue Buqun with a long sword in hand.

Yue Buqun recommended him to stab Feng Qingyang, but Feng Qingyang deflected Yue Buqun's attack with a casual sword, as if Yue Buqun's attack was of no use to him at all.

In the blink of an eye, after more than a dozen moves, Yue Buqun had been stabbed several times by Feng Qingyang. Fortunately, Yue Buqun had deep internal skills and reacted quickly enough to avoid critical injuries. Most of them were flesh wounds.

But if this goes on, Yue Buqun won't be able to bear it for a long time.

After a fight with Feng Qingyang, Yue Buqun already understood that the Huashan swordsmanship he had learned was no secret to Feng Qingyang. The opponent was the most talented swordsman of the previous generation of the Huashan sect. , how could he not be proficient in Huashan swordsmanship?

Using Huashan swordsmanship to fight against Feng Qingyang, isn't this a clear attempt to seek abuse?

However, everything Yue Buqun learned came from Huashan, and all the swordsmanship he knew were Huashan swordsmanship, even if he didn't use it, he couldn't do it.


With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Yue Buqun immediately turned around and left.

When he sensed something was wrong in the city, he had already ordered people to go to the Jinyiwei Yamen for help.

He believed that as long as Li Huan got the news, he would definitely bring someone to rescue him. At that time, regardless of whether Feng Qingyang could be left behind, at least he would be able to save his life.

Feng Qingyang seemed not to have expected that Yue Buqun would turn around and run away even though he was not his opponent. After being slightly stunned, he said with disdain: "Want to run away? Today Feng is cleaning up the door for my Huashan sect, and I don't care about you. No matter where you run, you will never escape death."

As Yue Buqun fled, he sneered at Feng Qingyang and said, "Feng Qingyang, if you have the ability, just wait for my chief governor to come and see if you still dare to say this."

The wind is clear, the clothes and belt are fluttering, and the immortal wind is able to cover a distance of several feet with one step, which is not slower than the light kung fu performed by Yue Buqun.

Then Feng Qingyang sneered and said: "What a bullshit Governor, Feng said, no matter who comes today, they can't save you."

In the distance, they saw Yue Buqun leading Feng Qingyang away and Feng Qingyang chasing Yue Buqun away. Several Jinyi guardsmen reacted and looked at each other. A small flag immediately said: "Quickly Go and ask the commander to come."

Several imperial guards in royal robes immediately ran towards the imperial city.

Someone actually dared to attack and kill members of their Jin Yiwei outside the capital, and even dared to hunt down and kill Yue Buqun, a member of the Jin Yiwei Hundred Households. This was a slap in the face of their Jin Yiwei, who could not be let go no matter what.

in prison

Deep in the dark dungeon, Li Huan sat on a chair with a blank expression, while Chen Yao and others stood silently with their hands down.

But in this cell, the miserable wailing and begging for mercy of brothers Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling were echoing.

At this time, brothers Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling could not even move because their acupuncture points were sealed, but their whole bodies were being tortured by the Yin and Yang Qi and Blood Locking Technique.

The pain of soreness, numbness, and itching all over the body went from being weak at first to getting stronger and stronger. Just like Na Laoding said, as the qi and blood circulate throughout the body for a week, the pain will become stronger.

It had only been half a cup of tea, but brothers Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling were already crying and their voices started to become hoarse. Even with the acupuncture points sealed, their bodies were twitching slightly due to instinctive reactions.

Li Huan stepped forward and looked condescendingly at the two brothers Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling.

The two brothers, who were suffering endless pain and torture, suddenly saw Li Huan and couldn't help but plead desperately to Li Huan: "Li Huan...Grandpa Li, please spare us, we don't dare to do it anymore..."

I don’t dare to do it anymore... If you ask us to go east, we will never dare to go west. Let us catch dogs, but we will never dare to catch chickens..."

Li Huan looked at the two brothers with a smile on his face and said: "What are the two princes saying? The two princes are so noble and have the Queen Mother as their backer. Li doesn't dare to do anything to them."

The two brothers, who were enduring endless pain, almost couldn't help spitting saliva on Li Huan's face after listening to Li Huan's words. He even said that he didn't dare to do anything to them, and tortured them to this point. What if they were like this?

How to deal with them?

It was another Qi and Blood Zhoutian, and the pain on the two of them was even greater. Now they couldn't even say anything to beg for mercy.

Li Huan looked at the two men and sighed softly: "Hey, who told Li to be kind-hearted? Since the two princes said so, Li will give the two princes a chance?"

Hearing what Li Huan said, brothers Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling said as if they heard the sounds of nature: "Yes, Grandpa Li is right, give us brothers a chance, we will never dare to do it again..."

Li Huan stretched out his hand and touched the two of them, dissipating the true energy in their bodies in an instant. The endless pain that could have driven the two of them crazy disappeared in an instant. If it weren't for the two of them, their whole bodies were wet due to the severe pain.

He looked like he was fished out of water, with a look of exhaustion on his face, and he even suspected that the pain just now was fake.

But Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling didn't think so. Comparing the warm feeling that spread throughout their bodies at this moment with the endless pain that they wanted to die immediately for relief, they couldn't help but shudder.

Even if they were beaten to death by such pain, they were not willing to try it again. Even if Li Huan wanted to use the secret blood-locking technique of yin and yang on them again, they would rather wipe their necks and die immediately.

Li Huan looked at the two people lying on the ground, with a smile on his face and said: "I don't know what the two princes think of the secret skills that Li has learned. It is said that Li has a muscle-splitting and bone-splitting hand. It is said that

Compared with the Yin and Yang Qi blood-locking secret technique just now, it has its own merits, but there has never been a chance to find someone to try it out, you two..."

When Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling heard this, their expressions suddenly changed. They got up from the ground, then knelt down in front of Li Huan with a thud, crying: "Please spare us, Mr. Li, Governor Li, Grandpa Li, you

Just spare us, we will never dare to do it again."

Li Huan glanced at the two of them and said: "Didn't you two say that you want to report Li to the Queen Mother? You also said that you want the Queen Mother to kill Li..."

Before Li Huan could finish his words, Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling immediately shook their heads like a rattle and said: "It's nothing, nothing, we have never said it. We have always admired Mr. Li very much, how could we think about it?"

My lord, you are in trouble."

Li Huan smiled and said: "So, does it mean that Li heard it wrong?"

Zhang Heling said quickly: "Sir, you must have heard wrong."

As they spoke, the two brothers looked at Li Huan with mournful faces and said: "Admiral Li, Taifu Li, please show mercy and spare us. From now on, our brothers will never dare to provoke you again. We will do whatever you ask us to do."


Li Huan stepped forward and patted the two of them on the shoulders with a smile on his face. It seemed that he had a deep psychological shadow on Li Huan. As a result, Li Huan's big hand fell on the two of them, frightening them directly.

He was shaking all over and didn't even dare to step back, for fear that his actions would give Li Huan bad thoughts.

Patting the two of them on the shoulders, Li Huan smiled and said, seeing their shocked and frightened expressions: "Look, isn't this good? Li is always easy to talk to, and we will be good friends from now on."

Hearing what Li Huan said, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. They were really frightened by Li Huan, and even if they were beaten to death, they were unwilling to endure the same pain again.

The two nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, we will be good friends from now on."

Li Huan looked at the two of them with satisfaction and said: "Since we are good friends, then there is no need for Li to say more about what the two princes should say to the Queen Mother."

Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling immediately assured Li Huan: "Don't worry, sir. We brothers know what to say. This incident is all our brothers' fault and has nothing to do with you. We won't say a word about you to the Queen Mother."

Even if he says bad things, he will say good things for Mr. Li."

Li Huan waved his hands indifferently and said: "Since the two marquises know what they are doing, that's fine."

As he spoke, Li Huan said to the two of them: "Come, I will personally escort the two marquises out. I think the people sent by the Queen Mother are already impatiently waiting by now."

In the side hall next to the imperial prison, the chamberlain who came from the palace and was sent by the Queen Mother to bring Marquis Jianchang and Marquis Shouning into the palace stared at the Imperial Guardsman with an angry look on his face.

He really believed the Jinyiwei's lie, saying that he was told to wait here for a while, and that Marquis Jianchang and Marquis Shouning would be here soon.

But he has been waiting here for nearly an hour. That is a full hour. Even if the Marquis of Jianchang and the Marquis of Shouning are dining in the prison, they should have dinner to see him now.

That's right.

Walking back and forth in the side hall, the chamberlain suddenly stopped and said with an angry look to the imperial guard: "Wait, wait, wait, our family has been waiting here for a full hour.

Why haven't you seen the two princes coming over yet? What about your masters? Don't you dare to disobey the Queen Mother's decree?"

This time, the chamberlain stared intently at the Jin Yiwei. He was not willing to wait any longer. Who knows what accidents might happen to the two marquis who were captured and imprisoned during this period.

If nothing happens, that's fine, but if something does happen, the first person to be unlucky will be him, the chamberlain who came to ask Li Huan for help.

The captain of the Imperial Guard glanced at the chamberlain, shook his head in a very formulaic manner and said: "I have already informed you, sir, and you have been told to wait here. The two princes will be here soon."

The chamberlain said sharply: "Where is Li Huan? Let Li Huan come to see our family. If not, don't blame our family for suing your family in front of the Queen Mother..."

As he spoke, the chamberlain threatened again: "If the two princes lose even a hair, your adults will have to pay with their lives..."

Just when the chamberlain got mad and shouted that he wanted to report Li Huan to the Queen Mother, he heard footsteps coming from outside.

When the angry chamberlain heard the noise, he immediately raised his head and looked outside. When he saw a few people approaching, the chamberlain's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he quickly stepped forward to greet them.

The visitors were none other than Zhang Yanling, the two brothers Zhang Heling, and Li Huan who was smiling.

The chamberlain trotted over to Zhang Yanling, and the two brothers Zhang Heling approached, looking at the two of them up and down with a look of concern on their faces, as if they were checking to see if the two brothers had been hurt in any way.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu2u2u2w2 Marquis, it's great that you are all right. That traitor Li Huan didn't kill you..."

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Before the waiter finished speaking, he saw brother Zhang Heling glaring at the waiter with an angry look on his face. He picked up his sleeves and slapped the opponent's big mouth with hatred.

After several consecutive blows, blood oozed from the corner of the chamberlain's mouth, and his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"You are so bold that you dare to slander Mr. Li. Who gave you the courage? I must beat you slave to death today."

With an angry look on his face, Zhang Heling pointed at the stunned chamberlain and cursed loudly, as if the chamberlain had torn up their family's ancestral graves.

Zhang Yanling's performance was no worse than that of Zhang Heling. He said angrily: "The Taifu is a loyal minister of our Ming Dynasty. Without the Taifu, His Majesty may be in danger. You, a little slave, dare to slander the Taifu. You have How many heads?”

The chamberlain looked confused. In the past, as long as he spoke ill of Li Huan, slandered or even cursed Li Huan in front of Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling brothers, he would definitely win the favor of Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling brothers, and even the two of them. If you are happy, you can reward them with some money.

The chamberlain stayed with the Queen Mother and did not come into contact with many people, but Zhang Yanling and the Zhang Heling brothers were the ones he had the most contact with. Therefore, the chamberlain was too familiar with the temperament of the two Zhang Yanling brothers.

How difficult would it be for such a pair of fearless marquises to suddenly change their tune and even defend a person who had once disgraced them and deeply hated them?

But at this moment, the two of them were really defending Li Huan. Looking at their posture, it seemed that if any of them reacted slowly, Li Huan would misunderstand their attitude.

The chamberlain was full of doubts about the change in Zhang Yanling's brother's attitude, but he did not dare to speak anymore.

These two princes are the Queen Mother's favorites. Offending these two people is equivalent to offending the Queen Mother. If the two brothers say a few bad words about him in front of the Queen Mother, I am afraid that he will be punished. Beaten to death.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Master Hou, Master Hou, this slave said the wrong thing, please don't hit me, please spare my life."

The chamberlain did not dare to dodge and was slapped by Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling. He could only hold on and beg for mercy from Zhang Yanling and his brothers.

Li Huan stood aside and watched this scene with a faint smile on his face.

Li Huan could clearly hear the extremely arrogant words of this chamberlain, and brothers Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling could also hear them clearly when they came over.

When the two of them heard the shouting of the chamberlain, they were immediately frightened. They were afraid that Li Huansheng would have some ideas and they would come up and beat the chamberlain together.

At this time, Zhang Yanling smiled flatteringly at Li Huan and said: "Master Taifu, this slave has a bad mouth and needs to be dealt with. We will definitely give you an explanation."

Li Huan looked at the two of them with a smile and said: "Two princes, since the Queen Mother wants to see you, Li will not send me off. Have a good trip. If you miss me anytime, come and see me. …”

Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling had excited expressions on their faces after hearing this. They bowed their hands to Li Huan as if they were being pardoned and said, "Master Taifu, let's take our leave now."

Speaking of Zhang Yanling, Zhang Heling didn't care that the chamberlain was looking at their brothers with a strange look, and just snorted coldly at him: "What are you still waiting for? Come with us to see the Queen Mother."

The chamberlain trembled, reacted, and hurriedly followed the two of them out of the prison.

The moment they walked out of the prison, Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling felt that the sky suddenly became brighter, and a huge stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

At this time, the chamberlain who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face carefully asked the two of them to get on the carriage, and then accompanied them aside and said: "The two marquises, the traitor Li Huan..."

Bang, another hard slap was slapped on the face of the chamberlain, and Zhang Heling said angrily: "Are you deaf? Remember, from now on, you can call me Taifu Li or Admiral Li, even Mr. Li. If we hear you dare to slander Taifu again, then don't blame our brothers for beating you to death."

The chamberlain opened his eyes wide and covered his face, which was burning with pain, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

I looked up and down at Shouning Hou and Jianchang Hou. Apart from their pale faces, they didn't have any injuries on their bodies. They didn't look like they had been tortured, but their reactions were real. It's a little too weird.

He originally hated Li Huan so much that he suddenly changed his temper, even saying that Li Huan was a traitor behind his back.

Zhang Yanling noticed that the chamberlain's eyes were scanning the two of them, and he snorted coldly: "What are you looking at? Remember our words, otherwise, you won't be so lucky next time."

The carriage creaked and headed towards the imperial city.

Chen Yao stood next to Li Huan, looking at the carriage going away, he couldn't help but said to Li Huan with a little worry: "Sir, are these two brothers really so honest? What if they speak ill of you in front of the Queen Mother and file a lawsuit against you? If so, what should we do?"

Li Huan withdrew his eyes from the carriage that was driving away. Li Huan could clearly hear the conversation between Zhang Yanling and Zhang Heling in the carriage. He knew that Zhang Heling and the others were really scared, so he would not worry.

Smiling slightly, Li Huan glanced at Chen Yao and said, "Even if you don't have confidence in Zhang Heling and his brothers, you still have to have confidence in the secret art of yin and yang qi to lock blood."

While he was talking, he saw a guard in plain clothes coming in a hurry. When he saw Li Huan from a distance, he couldn't help but said: "Sir...Sir, please go and save Yue Baihu." Bar."

Li Huan was talking to Chen Yao when he suddenly heard Jin Yiwei's words and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He asked with confusion on his face: "Yue Buqun?"

The Jin Yiwei nodded repeatedly and said, "It's Yue Baihu."

Li Huan raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Oh, tell me, what kind of trouble did Yue Buqun encounter?"

Others don't know what Yue Buqun's strength is, but Li Huan is quite clear about it. With Yue Buqun's strength, looking at the world, to be honest, he can really be ranked at the forefront.

Even if it is not difficult for some top-notch criminals to defeat Yue Buqun, if Yue Buqun concentrates on escaping, not many people can actually kill him.

However, the Jin Yiwei's reaction seemed as if Yue Buqun was on the verge of death. So what kind of trouble did Yue Buqun encounter, and what kind of powerful person he provoked?

Thinking about what he had just asked Yue Buqun to do, Yue Buqun might have just left the capital at this moment. He hadn't even seen Ping Yi Zhi yet, so he wouldn't provoke Dongfang Bubai.

With various thoughts flashing through his mind, Li Huan looked at the guard in brocade clothes.

The plain-clothed Jin Yiwei immediately said: "Sir, we were preparing to go out on business with Yue Baihu, but when we were in the city, Master Yue seemed to realize that we were being targeted, so he asked another brother to go to the Yamen to look for you.

And we left the capital."

As he spoke, the Jin Yiwei showed a look of fear on his face and said: "I didn't expect that Master Yue was right. There is really a powerful person eyeing our group. Just outside the city, an immortal

The old man from Feng Daogu showed up and said he wanted to kill Mr. Yue and clean up the family."

Li Huan now understood who was targeting Yue Buqun.

"The wind is clear!"

Feng Qingyang's name came out of Li Huan's mouth. The Jin Yiwei nodded immediately after hearing the words and said: "Yes, yes, that's the name Lord Yue said. This old man is so powerful that our brothers could even shoot him with a powerful crossbow."

Without his body, he killed several of our brothers with just one move, and even someone as powerful as Mr. Yue couldn't resist him."

After knowing that the person targeting Yue Buqun was Feng Qingyang, Li Huan naturally understood why Yue Buqun sent people to ask for help.

With Feng Qingyang's strength and his understanding of Huashan's swordsmanship, he could really defeat Yue Buqun.

Even if Yue Buqun faced Dongfang Bubai, he might not be able to parry for a while, but against Feng Qingyang, he would be really restrained to death.

With this thought flashing through his mind, Li Huan immediately shouted: "Here comes, prepare your horses! Follow me to save people."

Seeing that Yue Buqun had returned home, for such a useful subordinate, Li Huan didn't want to be killed by that old madman Feng Qingyang.

Soon Li Huan mounted his war horse, followed by a group of royal guards, and rode straight down the street, heading straight out of the city.

On the long street, many people who saw Li Huan running wildly with the Jin Yiwei were shocked even though they were used to this scene. They secretly guessed that Li Huan was leading the team in person. Who in the middle of the court was this?

An important minister was targeted by the killer Li Huan.

In the past few days, we have seen many scenes of Jin Yiwei riding their horses down the street and Tiqi riding out to take out people. The people of the capital have gradually adapted to this situation.

Because these people discovered that the Jin Yiwei was not as scary as the legend said.

These Jin Yiwei only arrest people from the houses of powerful people and high-ranking officials. I have never seen any Jin Yiwei looking for trouble for ordinary people from small families like them.

Even these Jin Yiwei were very polite when they treated the people, and they didn't bully the people at all like in the legend. At least they had never seen or heard of them.

So at this moment, many people were watching Li Huan's retreating figure, and some even called their friends to place bets on which dignitary was being targeted this time.

Li Huan didn't know the reactions and thoughts of these people. Even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart. Li Huan was just looking forward to it.

Feng Qingyang should be considered one of the top beings in this era.

In particular, Li Huan was full of curiosity about the Nine Swords of Dugu that he mastered. This swordsmanship was passed down from the sword demon Dugu Qiufei who had defeated all the unbeatable swordsmen in the world. He was somehow obtained by Feng Qingyang, and even used it as a sword.

This earned him the title of Sword Master.

Li Huan just wanted to see if the Dugu Nine Swords, which was said to be able to break all the laws in the world, could break the Henglian Thirteen Taibao Divine Art that he practiced.

At this time, outside the capital, Yue Buqun was busy running for his life, with blood oozing from several wounds on his body. At first glance, he looked really embarrassed.

As for Feng Qingyang, Yun Dan followed Yue Buqun lightly, slashing at Yue Buqun with his sword from time to time. However, facing Feng Qingyang's attack, Yue Buqun could only parry with all his strength. He was not Feng Qingyang at all.

Qingyang's opponent.

Feng Qingyang looked at Yue Buqun's embarrassed look and said with a bit of disdain: "Yue Buqun, it seems that the governor you mentioned may not take you to heart. How long has this been going on?

, and no one came to save you!"

Yue Buqun sneered and said: "Feng Qingyang, if I were you, I would flee for your life before the Grand Governor has arrived. Otherwise, once the Grand Governor arrives, even if you want to escape,

It’s too late.”

Feng Qingyang laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "If you say that, I really want to see the governor you talk about today. If I kill you, I will kill you. No matter how many court dog officials there are, it won't be a big difference."


Yue Buqun dodged to avoid the sword that Feng Qingyang swung casually. The strong sword energy only made Yue Buqun's whole body shiver, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

After a while, Yue Buqun had already judged the level of Feng Qingyang's cultivation level. It was at least a whole level higher than him.

In Yue Buqun's view, this level of cultivation is considered to be one of the best in the world.

Even if he had confidence in Li Huan, to be honest, after learning about the level of Feng Qingyang's strength, Yue Buqun actually hoped that Li Huan would not come.

If Li Huan was killed by Feng Qingyang's sword, his Huashan faction would have no chance of keeping silent, and his previous idea of ​​using the power of the court to strengthen the Huashan faction would disappear. At that time, in the thunderous wrath of the emperor,

Now, Yue Buqun really can't think of any possibility of the existence of the Huashan Sect.

At the same time, I hate Feng Qingyang more and more in my heart. He has such unparalleled swordsmanship and almost invincible cultivation. If Feng Qingyang could help him strengthen the Huashan Sect in the early years, the Huashan Sect would have been revived long ago.

After another stick of incense passed, Feng Qingyang obviously lost his patience and revealed his murderous intent: "Yue Buqun, it seems that the Governor you mentioned really does not intend to save you. In this case,

I will send you on your way first!"

As he spoke, the long sword in Feng Qingyang's hand transformed into a sword light that filled the sky, and rolled directly towards Yue Buqun. Yue Buqun immediately enveloped himself with a murderous intent, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of despair in his heart.

At that moment, Yue Buqun had no fear of death in his heart, but was filled with regret and guilt. He said silently: "Master, my disciple is unfilial. After all, I failed to revive Huashan, and I let you down!"

At this moment, a sound broke through the air, and then a voice rang in Yue Buqun's ears: "Old guy, isn't this Commander-in-Chief coming soon? It depends on the owner to beat a dog. Do you want to kill Yue Buqun?

Qun, have you asked this Governor?"

[The first update is here, it’s the last two days, please vote, reward and subscribe.]

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