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Chapter 196 Why is this head so familiar!

Chen Yao on the side took the package and opened it, and a pile of books inside suddenly appeared in the sight of Li Huan and others.

Many people in Benli were very curious as to what exactly Zhao Yi sent Jiang Wu here to deliver at this time, but they didn't expect that it was just some books.

Li Huan's eyes fell on the books, he reached out to pick up one of them, and then started reading. Soon, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Li Huan's mouth.

After flipping through a few more books, Li Huan said with a faint murderous intent in his eyes: "This literary talent is not bad, but it is a pity that it is not used in a proper way. What a pity, what a pity!"

Chen Yao and others showed doubts, and Lin Pingzhi on the side was also holding a book and flipping through it. After reading almost half of it, he suddenly said: "Hey, the person who wrote this book is really brave.

Ah, how dare you blatantly ridicule Your Majesty as a coward, and also say that you, cousin, are a traitorous minister who will be punished by everyone..."

Chen Yao and others did not know the content of the book, but after hearing what Lin Pingzhi said, many people's expressions changed.

They are the Imperial Guards, the emperor's personal soldiers. Someone dares to slander the Emperor like this and monitor the world. This is the duty of their Imperial Guards.

On weekdays, some people speak ill of the Emperor behind his back. If they are not discovered, then that's fine. Once they are discovered, it will definitely be a big crime.

What's more, someone blatantly slandered the emperor in books. This is really audacious.

Chen Yao immediately turned to Li Huan and said, "Sir, who is this person? He is so bold that he asked his subordinates to capture him."

Li Huan waved his hand and shook his head and said: 'Don't worry, get Xie Qian first. With these books, we can't run away from him after all.'

As he spoke, Li Huan patted the pile of books. He clearly saw that on these books, there were names of the people who wrote them.

These people really have no scruples. They didn't even change their names when writing a book like this, for fear that others wouldn't know it was written by them.

In fact, what Li Huan didn't know was that the names on the book were actually printed by Xie Qian's order. The explanation for the scholars was that he wanted to use this method to make them famous.

But these scholars didn't know what kind of potential danger Xie Qian's behavior would bring to them.

Hearing this, Chen Yao glanced at the books in Li Huan's hand, and said with a smile on his lips: "My lord, with these books, if you want to arrest people, you won't be able to catch them all at once."

Li Huan said to Jiang Wu: "Go and tell Zhao Yi to temporarily block the bookstore and ask him to keep an eye on the people in the Xie Mansion and not let anyone leak out."

Jiang Wu responded, quickly got on his horse and rode away.

After ending this unexpected episode, Li Huan and his party quickly arrived near Xie Garden.

From a distance, you can see a garden covering dozens of acres appearing in your sight.

In sight, this dozens of acres of gardens are perfectly integrated with the surrounding mountains and rivers. There are mountains, water, and scenery. It can be said that the environment is elegant, and it is definitely a good place to cultivate one's mind and body.

Even though Lin Pingzhi, Chen Yao and others had already experienced the scenery of nearby mountains and forests before, they couldn't help but sigh when they saw the gardens hidden among the mountains and forests.

Muzhai Academy is only a few hundred meters away from Xie Yuan. The school is not big, but at this moment it is full of literati who came from all over to listen to Xie Qian's lectures.

At this time, Xie Qian was solemnly introducing Su Kui, Xizhen and others to the literati present.

Although Su Kui, Xi Zhen and the others have become celebrities in Yuyao County these days, and many literati recognize them, after all, most people have never seen Su Kui, Xi Zhen and the others.

However, thanks to word of mouth, the names of Su Kui and Xizhen are known to everyone. They are definitely sensational figures of this era.

In fact, what Su Kui and Xi Zhen did was too sensational. In the past, these literati had never thought that they could do such a big thing.

Beating court officials to death and asking for orders for the people is something that many people would never dare to think about, but Su Kui and Xi Zhen did it, and they actually beat to death the tax collectors sent by the court, and they were not punished.

What punishment.

When they received this sensational news, it can be imagined that many literati in Jiangnan were shocked.

Just like now, when Xie Qian solemnly introduced Su Kui, Xi Zhen and others to a group of scholars, many scholars who had never seen Su Kui and others could not help shouting, calling Su Kui and others.

Kui, Xizhen and the others' names, and then looked at a few people with great excitement.

Some literati who still remained calm felt the crazy emotions of their companions around them. Under the influence, they felt envious and jealous of Su Kui, Xizhen and others, and wished they could take their own lives.

its impulse.

If... if there is really a chance, they also want to imitate Su Kui, Xi Zhen and others, do extraordinary things, and make a name for themselves in the world.

Su Kui, Xizhen and the others seemed quite calm. After all, they had seen too many scenes like this this year.

It can be said that whenever they go to a place, once the local literati learn about their identities and the fact that they led people to kill the tax collectors sent by Liu Jin, the reactions of these literati are almost the same.

But even so, Su Kui, Xizhen and others were secretly proud of the fact that a big shot like Xie Qian introduced them to the literati in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in such a serious manner.

How many people can be like them and can be introduced by Xie Qian in such a serious manner.

Among the crowd, a scholar of about 20 years old, with a face full of excitement, dressed in brocade clothes, bowed his hands to Su Kui and others and said: "I have met some wise brothers from Yuyao scholar Lu Jian."

When Su Kui and Xi Zhen saw this, they smiled and raised their hands to Lu Jian. They were extremely polite and said to Lu Jian: "I've seen Brother Lu!"

Upon seeing this, Lu Jian turned to Su Kui and Xi Zhen with some respect and said, "Brothers, when you led people to attack the Yamen and beat to death the tax collectors sent by the imperial court, weren't you afraid that the imperial court would be angry and punish you?"

Everyone knows what a serious crime it is to attack the government office and kill the imperial officials. If it were the emperors Hongwu and Yongle who were in power, I am afraid that it would be a capital crime to confiscate the family and exterminate the nine tribes.

Su Kui and Xi Zhen were obviously not dealing with this kind of problem for the first time. He laughed loudly and said with a righteous look on his face: "We scholars should pray for the people. The welfare of the people in the world is what we want. If

For this reason, even if we lose our lives, we will have no regrets!"

The righteous words of Su Kui and Xizhen made Lu Jian and others unable to help but praise them.

Su Kui and Xizhen looked at each other. They were very familiar with this scene, and they knew how these people would react when they said these words.

But thinking about it now, Su Kui and Xi Zhen were still a little scared. It was just that the taxes collected by the tax collectors at that time were actually collected by their families, which seriously damaged the interests of their families.

When they thought about the damage to their family's interests, they got excited and gathered some people to attack the Yamen while they were drunk. They even dragged out the tax collector and beat him to death.

To be honest, they were extremely scared when they beat the tax collector to death. After all, the tax collector also represented the court. They not only attacked the government office, but also beat the tax collector to death. This is a capital crime.

However, the outcome of the matter was beyond their expectations. At the court, all the officials tried their best to offend Liu Jin and protected them. This made Su Kui, Xizhen and others increasingly recognize their status as scholars.

Even in the past six months, the reason why they traveled around and made friends with scholars was partly to make their reputation known, and partly to gain influence.

By beating tax collectors to death without being punished by the court, Su Kui, Xi Zhen and others discovered that sometimes as long as they are famous enough and have enough people involved, even if they have done something big, the law will not punish everyone.

It was also difficult for the court to punish them.

According to Su Kui and Xizhen, with their current reputation and influence among the scholars, as long as they either openly rebel or attack the government office again, the imperial court will have nothing to do with them.

Because they are no longer what they used to be, their reputation has already spread all over the south of the Yangtze River and is highly praised by many scholars.

At the same time, Li Huan and others also arrived near Xie Garden, and from a distance they saw the densely packed literati in the Muzhai Academy.

The huge Muzhai Academy was actually packed with hundreds of literati. At first glance, it seemed that there were no less than a few hundred people.

Although it is said that the prosperous place south of the Yangtze River has a prosperous literary style and the number of scholars far exceeds that in the north, it is not an easy thing to gather so many scholars at once in Yuyao County.

However, considering that the lecturer is Xie Qian, a former cabinet minister who is famous all over the world, it is not surprising that so many scholars can be attracted to listen to his lectures.

Chen Yao turned to Li Huan and said, "Sir, would you like to..."

Li Huan shook his head slightly at Chen Yao, turned over and dismounted and said, "Come on, let's go and see what Mr. Xie Ge is talking about."

Li Huan, Chen Yao, and Lin Pingzhi soon appeared outside Muzhai Academy and stood at the door. In front of them were a dense crowd of extremely excited scholars.

A loud voice came from among them: "...So facing the tax collectors sent by the imperial court, we must unite and we must not let them plunder the people. We scholars, who have been taught by saints, should be

The people ask for orders..."

With a sacred look on his face, Su Kui spread his thoughts to the literati around him, which only made many young literati flush with excitement. They shouted loudly below, "How many blessings are there for Su Kui."

People applaud.

Li Huan, who was standing at the entrance of Muzhai Academy, looked with interest at Su Kui and Xi Zhen who were surrounded by a group of literati.

After hearing Su Kui's words, Chen Yao couldn't help but look angry and said: "Sir, they are crazy, they actually take it as a matter of course to attack the government office and kill the imperial officials..."

Li Huan said calmly: "They are not crazy. It's not like they have never done such things before. It is precisely because they have done such things that they dare to say such things."

Chen Yao was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he was doing. He looked at Su Kui and the others who were surrounded by people. He immediately realized what he was doing, with a look of astonishment on his face and said, "Sir, they...could it be that they created Su Hang?"

Those people who were the tax collectors?"

Li Huan said calmly: "If it weren't for those few people, do you think anyone else would dare to say such a thing so boldly, and also make everyone take it for granted."

Hearing this, Chen Yao looked at Su Kui and the others, with a bit of disgust and murderous intent in his eyes: "Then they really deserve to be killed!"

Li Huan smiled and said: "You are right, these people really deserve to be killed. The last thing Liu Jin should do is to let these people go, so that these people become more and more courageous. I really think that the court has nothing to do with them."

Su Kui looked at the hundreds of literati around him who were looking at him with reverence, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, today's society is stupid and favors Li Huan, Liu Jin and the like. The villain is in power. We, the scholars, should

Stand up and serve the interests of all people, why should you cherish this body?"


Xie Qian stroked his beard and laughed loudly and applauded.

At the same time, Xie Qian took a step forward, attracted everyone's attention to himself and said: "What Su Mingguang said is true. I think you should take this as a lesson and always think of asking for help for the people..."

At this moment, the sound of clapping came.

All the literati in the room had their eyes on Xie Qian, and no one spoke, so there was only Xie Qian's voice in the room, but when the applause sounded, it was very clear.

This sudden applause naturally caused many people to be surprised. Who is this? I didn’t see Xie Ge’s old saying has not been finished yet. Why is there sudden applause? Everyone has not applauded yet. Why are you taking the lead?

Many people followed the applause with such a mood and looked over. At first glance, many people showed expressions of astonishment.


Someone recognized Li Huan and Chen Yao behind Li Huan at a glance. Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but exclaimed when the Jinyi guards came.

Li Huan was wearing the Imperial Flying Fish Suit. He had a tall and straight figure and looked very noble. At this moment, he was clapping his hands with a smile on his face.

Xie Qian heard the applause immediately and saw Li Huan.

But when Xie Qian saw Li Huan, he was stunned for a moment, his eyes couldn't help shrinking, his expression changed slightly, and then he calmed down and laughed loudly: "Who do you think this is?

, turns out to be you Li Huan."

Su Kui, Xizhen and others also looked at Li Huan and his party. Even a fool could tell that Li Huan's identity was not simple, but they didn't know who Li Huan was and why he appeared here.

After listening to Xie Qian's words, everyone immediately realized that this person was actually Li Huan, whom they, the literati, wanted to cut into pieces when mentioned.

The news that Li Huan frequently massacred scholars in Fuzhou has gradually spread. Although it has not completely spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River, some well-informed scholars have already heard some rumors.

However, most scholars simply do not believe the authenticity of this news.

In the eyes of these people, it may be credible to say that Li Huan killed a few scholars, but to say that Li Huan killed dozens or hundreds of scholars at once is simply a joke.

After all, there was too much news to discredit Li Huan, so many people only regarded the news from Fuzhou that Li Huan massacred hundreds of scholars as an exaggerated rumor.

"It turns out he is Li Huan!"

"Hey, this Li Huan is not like the legend that he was born three feet tall and two feet wide, like a devil."

"What is Li Huan here for?"

Li Huan smiled and cupped his hands at Xie Qian and said, "Mr. Xie Ge, you are fine."

Xie Qian heard this and sneered: "Li Huan, I don't welcome you here. If nothing happens, please leave here."

When the scholars around him heard that Xie Qian was so neither humble nor overbearing when facing Li Huan, the most treacherous minister in the court, their eyes suddenly shone.

Some scholars even shouted at Li Huan: "You are not welcome here, Li Huan, get out of here, get out of here..."

It has to be said that the emotions of these literati were directly aroused by Xie Qian, so that many of them subconsciously shouted along.

Soon all the scholars glared at Li Huan and shouted for Li Huan to get out of his way.

Li Huan looked at these literati with excited faces and glowing eyes, and there was a bit of pity in his eyes.

"How brave, shut up!"

Li Huan immediately shouted, and the shout that contained Li Huan's inner breath was like thunder exploding in the ears of these people, which directly shocked all the literati. Many people only felt their heads buzzing, and almost

He was so shocked that he fainted.

When Xie Qian saw this situation, he couldn't help but angrily said to Li Huan: "Li Huan, don't be so arrogant. This is not the capital, nor your Jinyiwei Yamen. Even if you want to show off the prestige of Jinyiwei, you still have to see what is happening here."


Su Kui looked at Li Huan, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. After listening to Xie Qian's words, he immediately said: "Mr.

You are so talented, why should I be afraid of you?"

Li Huan cast a dull glance at Su Kui and ignored the other person's intention. He just sneered at Xie Qian and said, "Xie Qian, your incident has come to light. According to His Majesty's decree, the traitor Xie Qian was captured and brought to the capital to confiscate his family and exterminate his clan."

Xie Qian's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed and said to Li Huan: "Li Huan, you are so brave, you dare to slander me..."

Li Huan just said calmly: "Xie Qian, you colluded with Fei Hong, Mao Ji and others to murder His Majesty. It has already been revealed. No matter how you argue, you will still be guilty of treason."

All the scholars around were stunned, and they all looked at Li Huan with horrified eyes.

He was obviously stunned by Li Huan's words.

Xie Qian actually plotted to murder the emperor. This sounds so unbelievable.

You must know that Xie Qian was a veteran minister of several dynasties, and was also the late emperor's trusted minister. How could such an important minister try to murder the emperor?

Xie Qian saw the expressions of the scholars around him and immediately said: "Everyone, have you seen that in order to harm me, the traitor Li Huan actually accused me of treason with unfounded charges? How vicious is his heart..."

A scholar couldn't help but said to Li Huan: "Traitor, you dare to slander Mr. Xie..."

Su Kui looked at Li Huan, his eyes falling on the imperial guards in royal robes behind Li Huan, and then he looked at the hundreds of literati around him, with a slightly strange look flashing in his eyes.

Li Huan snorted coldly and said: "Come here, help me capture the rebel Xie Qian. Anyone who dares to stand in the way will be killed without mercy!"

Two Jinyi guardsmen immediately stepped forward and prepared to capture Xie Qian.

It was at this time that Su Kui suddenly shouted: "Everyone, the traitor Li Huan has slandered Mr. Muzhai like this. We will never tolerate it. Everyone, please follow me to take down this traitor..."


When Xizhen heard this, he only glanced at Su Kui and immediately understood Su Kui's intention. It was obvious that Su Kui wanted to do something big. If they could capture or even kill Li Huan today, by then

The sensation caused by them is definitely not comparable to the killing of several tax collectors.

By then they will definitely become famous all over the world, and I am afraid that from now on, no matter who sees them in the scholarly community, they will treat them with courtesy and look at them with a high regard.

Thinking of this, Xizhen suppressed his inner fear of Li Huan's identity as a Jinyiwei, but when he thought of the benefits that would be reaped if this was successful, Xizhen did not hesitate to follow Su Kui in shouting.

Many literati around were confused by Su Kui's shout and looked at Su Kui stupidly. Xi Zhen and others rushed towards Li Huan.

Some people retreated subconsciously, while others followed Su Kui and rushed towards Li Huan and others with gleaming eyes. They were obviously encouraged by Su Kui and wanted to take down Li Huan with Su Kui in order to become famous in the world.

Li Huan looked at Su Kui, Xizhen and the others, and couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. These people are really lawless.

Do you want to repeat the old tricks and repeat the old events in Suzhou?

It's a pity that he had already seen this kind of drama when he was in Fuzhou. It was a joke to try to threaten him with a scholar.

Originally, Li Huan wanted to take down Xie Qian first, and then deal with Su Kui, Xizhen and others, but they never thought that the other party would actually target him and want to step on him to become famous.

"court death!"

Li Huan just sneered, and the next moment he heard a choking sound, the embroidered spring sword was unsheathed, and then the sword flashed.

Su Kui, who was rushing at the front, had excitement and expectation in his eyes. As long as Li Huan was killed this time, his Su family would definitely be able to roam the land south of the Yangtze River, and no one would dare to provoke them.

"Hey, whose body is this? Why does it look so familiar? Why is the head missing..."

The next moment, Su Kui's head flew up and blood spurted out. Until the moment he lost consciousness, Su Kui still didn't expect that Li Huan would kill him with a knife without hesitation.

As blood spurted out, Xizhen, who was following Su Kui, immediately opened his eyes wide. He had witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Su Kui had his head chopped off by Li Huan.

It can be said that the moment he saw that scene, Xizhen's whole body felt trembling. His blood was boiling and the thought of beating Li Huan to death disappeared in an instant, leaving only endless fear.

Li Huan's eyes naturally fell on Xizhen.

After all, just now Li Huan clearly saw that Xi Zhen and Su Kui were standing in the middle, being worshiped by all the scholars. Needless to say, this Xi Zhen was also one of the leaders of Suhang Blood Eucalyptus at the time.

So after Li Huan killed Su Kui, he naturally focused on Xizhen.

Xi Zhen was already stunned by the scene where Li Huan chopped down Su Kui cleanly. Now when he saw Li Huan's eyes falling on him, his whole body felt like he was falling into an ice cave, and he almost instinctively wanted to

He shouted for mercy, but unfortunately Li Huan just glanced at him with disdain, then raised his knife and dropped it.

Another head flew up.

"Spare my life..."

Xizhen only had time to shout out two words, his head flew up, his mouth opened and closed, and his eyes were filled with endless regret.

In the blink of an eye, Li Huan killed Su Kui and Xizhen in succession, and blood flew everywhere. Some of the literati who rushed at the front were directly covered in blood, and even the heads of Su Kui and Xizhen were covered in blood.

It falls directly on some people.

"Ah! He killed someone... He killed someone..."

Some people turned pale with fright and shouted loudly.

Li Huan waved the embroidered spring knife in his hand, and in an instant, the heads of the few soldiers who had rushed to Li Huan flew up.

It was only at this time that Chen Yao and others reacted. Chen Yao shouted loudly: "How brave, how dare you obstruct the Jin Yiwei's execution, brothers, follow me and kill!"

Dozens of royal guards shouted, and then they drew their swords out of their sheaths and pounced on the literati like wolves and tigers.

Muzhai Academy is not big, but it is extremely crowded with hundreds of students. Naturally, the scholars who rushed to the front were the first to be killed head-on by the Jin Yiwei. A dozen people screamed and fell into a pool of blood on the spot.


As for the soldiers behind, they still didn't understand what was going on. They only heard screams from the front.

"Brother in front, please be gentler. Don't beat that traitor Li Huan to death. Wait until I kick that traitor Li Huan..."

Someone was shouting from behind.

But soon the scene of Jin Yiwei's random killings came into view.

I saw a famous Jin Yiwei who looked like a wolf and a tiger, waving the Xiuchun knife in his hand, and chopped down the screaming soldiers to the ground, with their arms broken and blood splattered.

The next moment, a stream of heat spurted out, pouring over his head and face. The scholar subconsciously touched the blood on his face. When he saw clearly the blood on his hands, he immediately let out a scream, and his eyes

He passed out immediately after turning over.

When Xie Qian stood there, watching the scene where Li Huan killed Su Kui, Xizhen and others without hesitation, his heart pounded, and he felt extremely bad.

Li Huan went on a killing spree in Fuzhou Prefecture and slaughtered hundreds of literati. No one else knew about it, but he knew it.

It's just that I didn't see the scene of Li Huan slaughtering those scholars with my own eyes. After all, it didn't have that kind of visual and spiritual impact, so I didn't take it to heart.

But at this moment, Xie Qian's eyes when he looked at Li Huan finally changed, as if looking at a murderous demon, and said in a trembling voice: "You... how dare you, they are all the pillars of my Ming Dynasty.


Seeing the scholars running around being chased by the Jin Yiwei, crying for their fathers and mothers, Li Huan said with disdain: "If these people can be considered pillars, then the Ming Dynasty does not need such pillars."

As he spoke, Li Huan shouted at Chen Yao: "Kill me, no one will be spared!"

When Li Huan saw people like Su Kui and Xi Zhen encouraging these literati, the reactions of these literati were all seen in Li Huan's eyes.

The seeds of not being afraid of the imperial court and the king's law have been planted in the hearts of these people. If these people are let go today, who knows whether these people will kill Su Kui, Xizhen and others with the help of others in the future.

There is an attack on the government office.

After listening to Li Huan's order, all the Jinyi guards wielded their swords more cleanly and neatly, while Xie Qian looked pale, stared at Li Huan in horror, and murmured to himself: "You traitor, how dare you,

how dare you……"

Li Huan glanced at Xie Qian with disdain and sneered: "These people all died because of you, Mr. Xie Ge!"

Seeing Li Huan approaching him, Xie Qian subconsciously took a step back, but the corpse of a scholar at his feet almost tripped him. He staggered and screamed in horror: "It's not me, it's not me, everything

You killed them all, you killed them all..."

After a long tea break, more than three hundred scholars fled in all directions, but corpses were left all over the ground in Muzhai Academy.

Lying on the collapsed fence were the bodies of several soldiers who were overtaken by Jin Yiwei and hacked to death while they were fleeing for their lives.

When Chen Yao was about to lead his men to hunt down the fleeing scholars, Li Huan said calmly: "Let them escape. They can escape the monks, but they cannot escape the temple."

Hundreds of people fled in all directions. Even if Li Huan sent out all the Jinyi guards around him, he might not be able to kill them all in a short time.

After all, not all of these literati are weak scholars with no physical strength. Some of them have practiced martial arts and are quite capable.

Otherwise, if they were just a bunch of helpless people, they wouldn't have been able to escape so many people.

But even so, more than 200 of the four to five hundred scholars who originally gathered here to listen to Xie Qian's lectures fell down in just a short cup of tea.

Some of the soldiers who had been slashed but did not die on the spot were wailing and screaming in a pool of blood. A Jin Yiwei stepped forward and directly dealt the blow. Soon, the Muzhai Academy became calm, but a bloody aura filled the air.


The pale-faced Xie Qian was held in front of Li Huan by two royal guards. Looking at Li Huan's calm face, Xie Qian gritted his teeth and said: "Li Huan, you are a madman. You slaughtered the scholars so wantonly.

You will suffer retribution, the scholars in the world will never let you go, they will never let you go..."

Li Huan glanced at Xie Qian and said disdainfully: "Xie Qian, you should know better than anyone why these people died."

When Xie Qian heard this, his body swayed.

Li Huan said: "Your Majesty was heartbroken when he learned that you actually colluded with Mao Ji and others to murder him. He couldn't believe that you, an old minister, would actually murder him."

Xie Qian had a somewhat complicated look on his face, and suddenly he laughed and said: "If he is such a coward, our country, the Ming Dynasty, will be in danger! Everything I do is for the sake of our country, and I am fully aware of it."


Li Huan just glanced at Xie Qian and said, "Mr. Xie Ge, tell me which clan you have colluded with."

Hearing this, Xie Qian sneered at Li Huan and said, "Li Huan, you really want to know, but it's a pity that I won't tell you even if I die."

Li Huan waved his hand and said: "Li wants to see if it's your tough words or Li's methods that are powerful enough."

At this time, Chen Yao, who was covered in blood, came over and said to Li Huan: "Sir, what should I do with the bodies of these people and the escaped scholars?"

Li Huan took a deep breath and said slowly: "I ordered people to investigate the identities of these people. As for the bodies, after the identities are confirmed, they will be buried in this school for me on the spot."

Xing Kang's body was stained with blood, his face was full of panic, and he ran towards Yuyao County like crazy.

His mind was filled with the horrific scenes of many classmates and friends being hacked to death by Jin Yiwei, and Xing Kang felt chills all over his body.

"Dead, all dead..."

The Xing family is also a local wealthy family in Yuyao County. Today, two of his brothers came to listen to Xie Qian's lectures. They also met Su Kui and Xizhen, who are famous in Jiangnan. Xing Kang was extremely excited.

But what Xing Kang didn't expect was that his two clan brothers were closer to Xizhen and Su Kui because they admired them. As a result, when Li Huan suddenly attacked, they were implicated by Xizhen and Su Kui.

The two clan brothers were beheaded by Li Huan in the first wave.

And because he was far away from Jin Yiwei, he allowed him to escape in the chaos.

At this moment, all Xing Kang could think about was to hide back home quickly. Li Huan was really terrible. He would kill people when he said it. But hundreds of scholars would kill him just when he said it.

At the gate of Yuyao County, several veteran gatekeepers leaned listlessly against the wall, suddenly widening their eyes and looking into the distance.

One, two, three, many soldiers were running around in panic. Looking at their posture, it seemed as if there was some terrifying existence chasing them behind them.

In the blink of an eye, dozens or hundreds of soldiers ran into the city, and the old soldiers guarding the city looked blank and confused.

What on earth happened to make these scholars, who usually pay the most attention to their appearance and politeness, so frightened and embarrassed.

Many people even lost their shoes, and their clothes were covered with dust. It looked like they had fallen to the ground and got up again.

Song Guangsheng, the lecturer of Yuyao County, was currently teaching Tan Yuan as they walked along the long street talking and laughing, preparing to leave the city and go to Muzhai Academy.

Originally, Song Guangsheng and Tan Yuan were planning to go to Muzhai Academy early in the morning. However, something suddenly happened in the county school, so they had to deal with the affairs in the county school first. After they finished handling the affairs, they rushed to Muzhai School.

Zhai Academy.

I heard Tan Yuan say to Song Guangsheng: "Brother Song, I'm afraid you and I are going to be late, and we will definitely miss Mu Zhaigong's lecture."

Song Guangsheng sighed: "There's nothing we can do about it. Who can let anything happen in the county school..."

While he was talking, Song Guangsheng suddenly froze for a moment and looked ahead in astonishment.

Tan Yuan noticed that something was wrong with Song Guangsheng's expression, and said in surprise: "Brother Song, what are you..."

However, Tan Yuan was stunned before he finished speaking.

On the long street in front of them, they saw a dozen extremely embarrassed soldiers running wildly with faces full of fear. There was no trace of the usual politeness.

Song Guangsheng recognized Xing Kang running in front at a glance. Xing Kang's hair was messy at this time, his body was covered with dust from falling several times, and he also lost one of his shoes. He looked as embarrassed as he could be.


Seeing Xing Kang's embarrassed look, Song Guangsheng couldn't help but frowned and said: "How can you be so unworthy?"

Xing Kang was a scholar in the county school. Song Guangsheng snorted, stepped forward and shouted at Xing Kang: "Xing Kang, how unbecoming you are in such a panic! Look at you like this, you are a disgrace to all of us."

The face of a scholar."

Xing Kang, who seemed to have come back to his senses at Song Guangsheng's shout, subconsciously raised his head and looked towards Song Guangsheng.

When he saw Song Guangsheng and Tan Yuan, Xing Kang couldn't help but cry loudly while hugging Song Guangsheng.

Obviously Xing Kang was frightened. He suddenly saw someone familiar, as if he had found support. He burst into tears like this, but Song Guangsheng, Tan Yuan and others were confused.

Scholars came over one after another. When they saw Tan Yuan and Song Guangsheng, some left directly, while others ran towards them.

Soon, more than a dozen extremely embarrassed scholars gathered around the two of them.

At this moment, even Song Guangsheng and Tan Yuan realized that something was wrong.

Just one or two literati, but so many literati are like this. It would be strange to say that there is no problem.

Song Guangsheng shouted at Xing Kang and asked: "Xing Kang, tell me quickly, what happened, why are you all looking like this?"

Xing Kang, who had come back to his senses a little, seemed to be thinking of Li Huan and the Jinyi guards who were chasing them. He suddenly seemed to have thought of something terrible. He shuddered subconsciously and said with a horrified look on his face: "Instructions Save me, teach me to save me..."

The rest of the scholars all looked pale, and some even looked behind them with fear from time to time, as if something extremely terrifying was chasing them behind them.

Tan Yuan and Song Guangsheng obviously noticed the abnormality of these scholars and couldn't help but look at each other.

Song Guangsheng's arm hurt when Xing Kang grabbed him. I don't know why, but looking at Xing Kang's frightened look and the expressions of more than a dozen scholars around him, Song Guangsheng and his wife felt an extremely ominous feeling in their hearts.

Holding back the severe pain in his arm, Song Guangsheng said to Xing Kang: "Tell me what happened?"

Xing Kang said in great horror: "Jiaoyu, he's dead, he's dead, oooooooooooooo many people have died..."

Listening to Xing Kang's endless words, Song Guangsheng and Tan Yuan felt their hearts pounding.

Song Guangsheng shouted anxiously in his heart: "Who died?"

Xing Kang cried bitterly and said: "Su Kui is dead, Xi Zhen is dead, Mao Kai is dead, Jiang Ying is dead... they are all dead..."

Song Guangsheng's expression changed drastically, as if he had been struck by lightning. He was familiar with all the names in Xing Kang's mouth, not to mention Mao Kai and Jiang Ying, who were scholars from the county school, Su Kui and Xi Zhen. He was a famous person in Jiangnan, but now Xing Kang actually said that all these people were dead.

[I still have a cold, and I have a headache. Today I’ll save my life with 10,000 words. Please subscribe, give me a monthly ticket, and give me a reward.]

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