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Chapter 208: The Son of Heaven's soldiers are strong and strong

At this moment, Li Dongyang, Yang Ting and several others stood up, bowed to Zhu Houzhao and said: "Your Majesty, I have committed a crime of negligence. As a cabinet, I did not notice such a major incident. Please punish me."

After venting his anger, Zhu Houzhao's anger was slightly suppressed. At the same time, he glanced at Li Dongyang and others, waved his sleeves and said: "You and others are indeed guilty of negligence, but the most important thing right now is to rescue the victims and investigate strictly.

Who are the people in Shaanxi who are being deceived by officials in Shaanxi? I ​​will punish all nine of them."

An official suddenly said to Zhu Houzhao: "Your Majesty, when I impeached Li Huan, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, I also committed the crime of negligence. Please punish me severely..."

Zhu Houzhao was furious and had nowhere to vent his anger. Hearing this, he immediately shouted angrily at the official: "On this occasion, I don't think about how to relieve the victims, but I think about criticizing my colleagues. This is a shameful thing. I will give it to you."

In addition to his official status, I will conduct a strict investigation with guards in royal robes."

This official was originally the supervisory censor. Zhu Houzhao had previously learned that the supervisory censor was colluding with Shaanxi officials to deceive the superiors and deceive others. He already wanted to kill the supervisory censor Cao Feng. At this time, the supervisory censor unexpectedly jumped out of the sky.

Coming out to criticize Li Huan, Zhu Houzhao naturally became the target of venting his anger.

The supervisory censor couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then his expression changed drastically. He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, I... I have no selfish motives. I am wronged..."

Zhu Houzhao didn't listen to the other party's excuse at all and roared: "Pull it down."

Immediately, two guards on duty came forward and took the censor away.

For a moment, all the officials were worried. Zhu Houzhao's eyes fell on Li Dongyang and the others and said: "Publish my decree and immediately order the Ministry of Household Affairs to allocate money and food to help the victims. Local officials who are unfavorable in helping the victims will be severely punished."

As he spoke, Zhu Houzhao seemed to have thought of something, and a fierce murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Natural disasters can be forgiven, but man-made disasters must be punished."

Everyone was awestruck when they heard this. The emperor's meaning was very clear. If it was a natural disaster, that would be fine. However, if it was a man-made disaster that caused unrest among the victims, they would be severely punished.

After exhaling a breath of turbidity, Zhu Houzhao walked up to the throne and sat down. His eyes focused and he said, "Is there anything else?"

At this moment, Bao Qing, who was the Minister of Household Affairs, stepped forward and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, there are more than 2.3 million taels of silver in the national treasury. I wonder how much money will be allocated to relieve the disaster in Shaanxi?"

Zhu Houzhao frowned, looked at the people in the cabinet and said: "I think you have already made plans for disaster relief. Let me ask you, how much is needed for this disaster relief?"

After looking at each other, Li Dongyang stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the most scarce thing in Shaanxi is food. The imperial court can purchase food in Huguang, Henan, Shandong and other places, and then transport it to Shaanxi. It will cost at least one million dollars..."

Zhu Houzhao frowned and said: "If I remember correctly, the autumn tax has just been put into the warehouse. Why not directly allocate the grain to Shaanxi?"

Obviously, in Zhu Houzhao's view, if the money was allocated directly, it would still take time to buy food. The time wasted in this might be a few days later, and countless victims would starve to death.

As soon as Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, an official jumped out and said: "No, Your Majesty, those grains have already been used. One is used to pay for the border army, and the other is to supply the needs of the capital. It is related to the stability of the army and the capital. It is definitely

Don’t touch it without permission.”

Zhu Houzhao looked at Wang Yangming, Liu Yu, Yang Tinghe, and Li Dongyang.

At this moment, Yang Tinghe slowly said: "Your Majesty, what Shilang Zheng said is true. Those grains must not be touched lightly, but there is no compromise."

Zhu Houzhao looked at Yang Tinghe and said, "Yang Aiqing, continue."

Yang Tinghe said slowly: "Your Majesty can issue an order to transfer part of the grain to Shaanxi for disaster relief, and allocate additional money to purchase grain to Beijing. Since the grain is now stored in the capital, there is no problem in making a time difference."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, looked at Wang Yangming, and Liu Yu asked, "Do you think it's possible?"

Wang Yangming nodded and said: "Your Majesty, this method can save countless victims. Even though there are certain risks, I think it is feasible."

Everyone knows that grain cannot be moved lightly, and the output around the capital has long been unable to meet the needs of the capital. Every year, the imperial court needs to transport a large amount of grain from Huguang and other places to the capital to supply the needs of the capital and the frontier army.

It can be said that once there is a problem with the food supply in the capital, the capital will inevitably be in chaos.

This is also why the official previously opposed the use of grain.

Yang Tinghe and others were able to propose the use of part of the canal grain, and to a certain extent they shouldered a considerable responsibility. After all, the harm caused by the turmoil in the capital was definitely much greater than the disaster in one place.

Zhu Houzhao immediately said: "According to my decree, we will temporarily allocate millions of dan of grain to be transferred to Shaanxi to relieve the victims."

All the officials kowtowed to Zhu Houzhao and said, "Your Majesty is a saint."

Zhu Houzhao took a deep breath and said with a flash of light in his eyes: "Let's go to the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Third Division to send capable officials to Shaanxi to keep an eye on this batch of relief grains for me. They must be used for the relief of the victims."

Li Dongyang, Yang Tinghe, Wang Yangming and others looked solemnly and said: "I will accept your order."

After glancing at Baiguan, Zhu Houzhao suddenly turned to Li Huan and said, "Li Qing, do you have anything to say?"

Just now, Li Huan had been standing aside without speaking. Now when Zhu Houzhao asked, many officials looked at Li Huan.

Li Huan bowed to Zhu Houzhao and said: "Returning to your majesty, Yuan Ming, a member of Qianhu of Jinyi Guards in Shaanxi Province, colluded with Shaanxi officials to deceive the superiors and conceal the matter. I am guilty of negligence, and please punish me."

Zhu Houzhao shook his head and said: "Yuan Ming has been in charge of Shaanxi for several years. Li Qing, you have been in charge of Jinyiwei for only a few months, and you have been supervising the rebellion case. What does this matter have to do with you?"

Li Huan said seriously: "Your Majesty, this is wrong. I am the commander of the Jinyi Guards. If something like this happens to the Jinyi Guards, I have an unshirkable responsibility."

Li Huan said solemnly: "Your Majesty, please punish me."

Zhu Houzhao pondered for a moment, noticed the expressions of the officials, and suddenly nodded and said: "The commander of the Jinyi Guards, Li Huan, neglected supervision, so that his subordinates colluded with local officials to deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates. He will be fined for one year to set an example!"

When some officials heard what Zhu Houzhao said, they thought they would punish Li Huan in some way, but they never thought that it would only be a fine.

Everyone knows that punishment like a fine is just a formality. There is no difference between being fined and not being fined.

But if you want to say that there is no penalty, it really doesn't make sense, because this is really a punishment.

Li Huan said respectfully: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

As he spoke, a bright light flashed in Li Huan's eyes and he said: "Your Majesty, I believe that this time the Beijing camp is reorganized and the old and weak are eliminated, there must be an urgent shortage of a large number of soldiers. However, due to the great disaster in Shaanxi, a large number of people have been displaced, so a large number of strong soldiers can be recruited in Shaanxi.

, give them money and food, and organize them into the capital camp."

Li Huan continued to say: "Firstly, since ancient times, the people have been in turmoil. The best among the people must be the backbone, and the young and strong must be selected to be included in the army. This can not only prevent the large number of young refugees from causing civil unrest, but also provide these people with a chance to survive."

To survive, you will not become a slave of the local powerful."

Some officials' expressions changed slightly when they heard this.

How could they not understand the meaning of Li Huan's words?

The expansion of local tycoons relied on natural and man-made disasters. One was to annex land, and the other was to annex population. A large number of people had to sell themselves into slavery because of the loss of their land and became vassals of local tycoons.

Once these people become vassals of local powerful people, they will naturally no longer be under the control of the imperial court. They will only strengthen the powerful forces and reduce the power of the imperial court.

But Li Huan's move obviously touched the interests of many powerful people. Those local powerful people annexed land, which naturally required a large number of tenants to cultivate it. Therefore, the young and strong in years of great disasters were often the targets of local powerful people.

Mrs. Zheng, an official from Shaanxi Province, jumped out almost instinctively and said: "Your Majesty, you can't do it. People's households are civilian households, and military households are military households. What the Taifu said seems good, but in fact it is not feasible."

Li Huan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mrs. Zheng and said, "Oh, I wonder what's not possible?"

Zheng Taidao: "The former Song Dynasty implemented this strategy to prevent local young people from gathering and causing civil unrest in disaster years, so they were included in the army. However, these were just ordinary people with no fighting power and would only waste the country.

Money and food.”

Mrs. Zheng looked at Li Huan and said: "Since Taifu said that the old, weak, sick and disabled in the capital camp cannot be reused, I would like to ask Taifu, what is the use of recruiting a group of common people into the army? In this case, it is better not to rectify it."


Many officials nodded their heads after hearing this.

This method was implemented in the former Song Dynasty, so that there were millions of local troops, but they had no combat power and a lot of money was wasted.

Another official stood up and said: "I am also opposed to it."

Soon dozens of officials expressed their opposition. If you carefully investigate the backgrounds of these officials, you will find an interesting phenomenon.

At least half of the officials who stood up to oppose were from Shaanxi.

Zhu Houzhao also frowned. As an emperor, especially an emperor like Zhu Houzhao who had received imperial education since childhood, it was basic to be familiar with history books, so he also knew the shortcomings of the former Song Dynasty's policy of recruiting people into the army.

Although he had always had confidence in Li Huan, after learning from the previous Song Dynasty and the opposition of so many officials, Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but look at Li Huan with some hesitation.

Of course Li Huan knew what was going on with the Xiang armies of the former Song Dynasty. It can even be said that the reason why he proposed such a method was that he was indeed copying the work of the former Song Dynasty.

However, copying homework is copying homework, but what Li Huan did was completely different from that of the previous Song Dynasty. In the previous Song Dynasty, the best among the people were collected into the Xiang army and distributed with money and food to prevent these people from rebelling. It is not true that these young people were recruited.

Use it as an army.

But Li Huan really wanted to train these people into elite soldiers. Naturally, there would be no situation like the previous Song Dynasty where the court paid for a group of Xiang troops with little combat power.

Seeing Zhu Houzhao looking at him, Li Huan said seriously: "Your Majesty, since I have ordered my admiral to supervise the capital camp and have full authority to rectify the capital camp, then please trust me and I will give an explanation to your majesty and all the officials."

As soon as Li Huan said this, many people suddenly raised their heads and looked at Li Huan.

Even many officials who did not stand up to oppose looked at Li Huan with a strange look. Everyone knew where the local Xiang troops came from in the former Song Dynasty, and they also knew the pros and cons of that policy.

However, Li Huan persisted in this situation, which surprised many officials.

Could it be that Li Huan really didn't know how ridiculous it was to recruit a group of common people and use them as soldiers?

Zhu Houzhao and Li Huan looked at each other. When he saw the determination in Li Huan's eyes, Zhu Houzhao suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, since Li Qing said so, then I am right."

When Mrs. Zheng and other officials heard this, their expressions changed greatly. Especially Mrs. Zheng, the Minister of Rites, said loudly: "Your Majesty, this is a policy that harms the country and the people. You must not do it..."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Zheng said to Li Huan: "Li Huan, what are your intentions in deceiving His Majesty and carrying out this policy that will harm the country and the people!"

Li Huan glanced at Mrs. Zheng coldly and said: "Mrs. Zheng is from Yan'an Prefecture, Shaanxi Province. He has lived in Yan'an Prefecture for many generations. He is a local tycoon. His family has thousands of acres of fertile land and hundreds of servants..."

Mrs. Zheng did not expect that Li Huan would investigate him so clearly. Her expression changed slightly, but she quickly said: "I, the Zheng family, abide by the law and set an example for the local government. Our land and slaves are all legitimate gains. What do Mrs. Li mean by this?"


Li Huan looked at Mrs. Zheng, smiled slightly and said: "It's nothing, I just want to tell Mr. Zheng that I hope you, the Zheng family, are true to your words, abide by the law, and do not harm any people..."

Mrs. Zheng's complexion changed greatly, she bowed her head to the emperor and cried, "Your Majesty, Li Huan has slandered me, so please make the decision for me."

When many officials looked at Li Huan, their eyes showed hatred. In front of them, they almost threatened Zheng Taitang, a minister. How could he bear this?

Zhu Houzhao glanced at Mrs. Zheng and snorted coldly: "The pure will be pure from themselves, and the dirty will be dirty from themselves. The Qing family must have confidence in their own people. If the Zheng family really abides by the law and sets an example for one party,

I will definitely punish Li Huan severely and clear your name, Mr. Zheng."

Mrs. Zheng couldn't help but stiffen when she heard this, with a look of panic on her face. She tried not to lose her composure and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty..."

Zhu Houzhao snorted coldly and ignored Mrs. Zheng. Instead, he looked at Baiguan and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

A figure came out, and it was Shen Yu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry. Shen Yu was heard saying to Zhu Houzhao: "Your Majesty, the Huanghuai River has not been repaired for several years. According to the survey by officials sent by the Ministry of Industry, many sections of the river have been damaged. If

However, if a flood occurs and the river rages, it will definitely lead to a catastrophic disaster."

Shen Yu then slowly bowed down and said, "I request the imperial court to allocate funds to repair the Huanghuai River. This affects the safety of tens of millions of people and millions of hectares of farmland on both sides of the Huanghuai River."

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but frowned. Although he had been mentally prepared for this, Zhu Houzhao still felt unhappy after hearing Shen Yu's words.

First, they provided relief to the victims, then repaired the rivers, and I don’t know what will come next.

The money and food in the national treasury may seem like a lot, but it will definitely not be able to withstand major events, such as a major disaster like Shaanxi. Even if you use half of the money and food in the national treasury, it may not be useful, and you will still have to worry about it.

And repairing the river is even more expensive and laborious. It often costs hundreds of thousands of people. It is a big bottomless hole. Let alone millions of taels of silver. Even if you throw it in twice as much, you may not be able to hear the sound.


Over the past dynasties, the imperial court has invested countless manpower, material and financial resources in repairing rivers, but the result is that it is still difficult to change the flooding situation of the river, but this kind of thing must be done.

Rubbing his forehead, Zhu Houzhao knew that since Shen Yu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, formally proposed this point in front of all the officials, then he, the emperor, must agree.

Otherwise, if there is a flood in the Huanghuai area next year, and if he, the emperor, rejects the Ministry of Works' request to repair the river, then he, the emperor, will be recorded by historians and will be infamy for eternity.

Historically, the emperor always gave his approval to any project that involved repairing rivers.

Zhu Houzhao glanced at Shen Yu and said: "Senior Minister Shen, let me ask you, does the Ministry of Industry have any plans? How much money will be needed to repair the river?"

Shen Yu looked at the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, because many sections of the river are in disrepair, the Ministry of Renovation and Engineering has decided to overhaul them this time, instead of repairing them as usual, investing a lot of money every year, but without much effect. .”

Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up. Every year, the court invested hundreds of thousands of taels of money in the river just to maintain the river. However, this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. If the river was not repaired and repaired, minor disasters would be fine. But I am afraid of encountering such a big disaster.

No matter what the purpose is, it is obvious that the Ministry of Industry has really put its thought into it this time.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Houzhao said: "How much money and food does the court need to invest? How many corvees are required?"

Shen Yu coughed slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The Ministry of Industry plans to request the imperial court to allocate one million taels of silver, one million dan of grain, and three hundred thousand corvees to overhaul the Huanghuai River during autumn and winter."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly and said, "Is this money and food enough?"

Shen Yu shook his head and said: "Not enough."

Shen Yu looked at Zhu Houzhao and said: "I originally planned to ask the court to allocate three million taels of silver, three million dan of grain, and five hundred thousand corvees for the expedition. However, several cabinet elders rejected my request because the Ministry of Household Affairs No money."

Zhu Houzhao looked at Li Dongyang, Yang Tinghe, and Wang Yangming.

Yang Tinghe, the Minister of Household Affairs, stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, part of the money and food from the national treasury must be used to relieve the disaster in Shaanxi Province, and official salaries must be paid. At the same time, the imperial mausoleum must be maintained, the mausoleum repaired for His Majesty, money allocated to maintain local official schools, and even Your Majesty also needs to lay off the Beijing camp, and the Ministry of Industry needs to build ordnance during the introduction. There are so many places where money needs to be spent. Even if Shilang Shen asked for a million silver, the Ministry of Household Affairs could not come up with it. "

At this time, Bao Qing, the minister of the Ministry of Revenue, stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, please postpone the repair of the Huanghuai River and the reduction of the Beijing Camp. The amount of money and food requested by the Ministry of Works is too huge, and the Metropolitan Governor needs a huge amount of money to eliminate the Beijing Camp." , the imperial court simply cannot afford it."

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but frown.

Shen Yu said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, the Huanghuai River must not be delayed any longer. If a major disaster occurs, the loss to the imperial court will be millions."

Bao Qing said firmly: "The imperial court has no money. If Mr. Shen insists, the Ministry of Revenue can only allocate 300,000 taels of silver and 100,000 shi of grain as usual."

Shen Yu couldn't help but pointed at Bao Qing and said angrily: "Shilang Bao, you are taking human life lightly. Once the river overflows and the river channel collapses, countless people will be displaced. Can you bear such a big responsibility?"

Bao Qing shook his head and said: "I am the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, not the Minister of the Ministry of Works. If the river overflows and the river channel collapses, the first thing to blame is your Ministry of Works. What does it have to do with me."

Seeing the two ministers from the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Household arguing in front of so many officials, Li Huan couldn't help but reveal a somewhat sarcastic smile.

Isn't this play just for the emperor?

Without reading a word spoken by the two of them, the purpose was obvious, which was to force the emperor to take money out of the inner treasury.

In fact, Li Huan and Zhu Houzhao had already been mentally prepared for this.

Regarding the Huanghuai River channel reported by Shen Yu, Li Huan had already read the Jinyiwei information not long ago. It was indeed as he said. It had been in disrepair for a long time. Such a long river channel involved sections and sections of rivers. Dozens of investments were made every year.

Not to mention how much of the ten thousand taels of silver can be used to repair the river, even if it is all put into practice, it will not have much effect.

What's more, how much of the money and food can be used on the river?

So just thinking about the current state of the rivers along the river makes people shudder.

That is to say, there have been no continuous heavy rains in Huanghuai in recent years. Otherwise, disasters may have broken out long ago and affected countless people.

Li Huan glanced at Wang Yangming, and Wang Yangming seemed to feel Li Huan's gaze. The two eyes met. Wang Yangming nodded slightly, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and immediately stepped forward, bowed to Zhu Houzhao and said: "Your Majesty

, I have the courage to ask Your Majesty to use some of the money from your internal treasury to repair the river and benefit the people on both sides of the Huanghuai River. The people will be grateful for Your Majesty's great kindness."

Many officials were startled by Wang Yangming's move. Wasn't Wang Yangming from Li Huan's line? And Li Huan was the Emperor's confidant. Why would Wang Yangming suddenly stand up and ask the Emperor to take money from the inner treasury?

On the other hand, Li Dongyang, Yang Ting and some others were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted and looked at Wang Yangming and Zhu Houzhao with some deep meaning in their eyes.

Zhu Houzhao glanced at Wang Yangming, took a deep breath and said: "Wang Aiqing is dedicated to the people. I am very relieved. All the people in the world are my subjects. The Huanghuai River has been in disrepair for a long time and is endangering the people. How can I bear it?"

As he spoke, Zhu Houzhao's voice suddenly became high-pitched, and he said with a solemn look on his face: "I intend to take out three million taels of silver from the inner treasury, specifically for the management of the Huanghuai River."

When Wang Yangming and other officials heard this, they bowed to Zhu Houzhao and shouted: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes fell on Shen Yu, the minister of the Ministry of Works, and then he glanced at several officials of the Ministry of Works. He said in a deep voice: "I fully support you in managing the river this time. I hope you will not let me down."

Shen Yu immediately said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the Ministry of Industry will definitely do their best to repair the river and never let the Huanghuai River endanger the people again."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly.

After the court dispersed in the morning, a group of officials discussed in low voices some of the major events decided at today's court meeting.

One is to provide relief to the victims, the other is to repair rivers, and the other is to eliminate the old and weak and reorganize the capital camp.

This was a major waste of money, and it was only because Li Huan ransacked his house several times that the emperor gained such confidence.

Otherwise, it would be enough to provide relief to the victims. The money would come from the national treasury, but the money needed to repair the rivers and reorganize the capital camp would come from the inner treasury.

Although it was known for a long time that Li Huan had confiscated a large amount of money and put it into the emperor's inner treasury, the officials did not have a specific figure as to how much money Li Huan had confiscated. They only made a rough guess that it was no less than several million taels.


But now that they saw the emperor spending three million taels of silver to repair the river without blinking an eye, many officials were amazed and at the same time secretly guessed how much money the emperor had in his inner treasury.

In the Qianqing Palace

Zhu Houzhao said with a bit of confusion on his face: "Li Qing, there seems to be something wrong with Baiguan's reaction this time."

Li Huan nodded slightly and said: "I also feel that something is not quite right. Normally, these people cannot be so honest."

As he spoke, Li Huan glanced at Zhu Houzhao and said, "No matter what is wrong with these people, the most important thing for the court right now is to relieve the victims."

When he heard Li Huan mentioning the victims, Zhu Houzhao immediately said seriously: "What Li Qing said is true. I will send an order to the cabinet to supervise the handling of this matter."

Suddenly Li Huan bowed to Zhu Houzhao and said, "Your Majesty, please go to Shaanxi in person and supervise the expenditure of disaster relief money and food for your Majesty."

Hearing this, Zhu Houzhao said with a bit of sigh in his eyes: "I know what Li Qing is worried about, but I have already strictly ordered the Third Division and the Ministry of Household Supervision to monitor it. I don't think those people dare to touch the money and food to relieve the victims."

Zhu Houzhao said: "Li Qing, you have just returned to Beijing, and you still have to rectify the capital camp. If you don't have Li Qing to take charge of such a major matter, I'm afraid no one can take charge of it."

Li Huan said with a worried look on his face: "But I am worried that the local officials in Shaanxi are so bold that some people may try to use the money and food to help the victims."

Zhu Houzhao pondered for a while and said: "The rectification of the capital camp is inseparable from Li Qing, but the supervision of disaster relief does not require Li Qing's personal involvement. In this case, it is better for Li Qing to dispatch a group of people from Jinyiwei to supervise the disaster relief. .”

Li Huan nodded slightly.

As the emperor said, in fact, even if he went to Shaanxi in person, he would still have to rely on his Jin Yiwei to monitor, and it was impossible for him to keep an eye on countless officials throughout Shaanxi.

For some officials, if the other party really wanted to provide money and food to the victims, it would be useless even if Li Huan personally took charge of Shaanxi. The other party would still be greedy, even if the emperor personally took charge.

Moreover, as Zhu Houzhao said, there is really no one other than him who can implement the matter of rectifying the capital camp.

Seeing Li Huan nodding, Zhu Houzhao smiled and said: "My inner treasury will be opened to Li Qing. How much money is needed to reorganize the capital camp? Li Qing can just go to find grain and use it to draw it."

Li Huan looked serious and said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will do my best to reorganize the capital camp and live up to your Majesty's expectations."

Zhu Houzhao said with a strange look in his eyes: "How many years have passed? It depends on you, Li Qing, whether I, the emperor, can truly control the military power of the capital camp."

Since the battle of Tumubao, the emperor has lost control of military power to a certain extent. Especially when Feng Hai led the rebellion in the capital, Zhu Houzhao was given a warning and made him truly realize how unbearable his situation as the emperor was.

If you think about the control of the military power by Emperor Taizu and Emperor Taizong back then, it was absolute and no one dared to resist.

Son of Heaven, he who has strong soldiers and horses will do it!

On this day, a famous imperial messenger quickly left the capital and rushed to various places.

In less than half a day, the cabinet prepared an order from the emperor at an unimaginable speed. The chief inspector, Feng Qin, sent dozens of officials, mainly from the third division and the household department, to Shaanxi for inspection. Shaanxi disaster relief matters.

And Li Huan said goodbye to the emperor, left the imperial city, and went straight to the Jinyiwei Yamen.

In the Jinyiwei Yamen

Li Huan's face was full of gloom.

A depressing atmosphere enveloped the entire Jinyiwei Yamen, while the middle and high-level officials of Jinyiwei, led by Chen Ke, Zhao Yi, Chen Yao, Du Guang, Feng Yongguo and others, stood there, feeling uneasy and no one dared to speak.

After a while, Feng Yongguo, Li Huan's uncle, coughed slightly and said to Li Huan under the gaze of many people: "What makes you so angry?"

Li Huan's eyes fell on Chen Ke, Zhao Yi and the others and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Ming from a thousand households in Shaanxi colluded with local officials and deceived the emperor. His crime deserves death. Immediately order people to take Yuan Ming and his family members to the capital.

Just wait and see.”

Everyone had already known about this, so they were not surprised when they heard Li Huan's words, but secretly marveled in their hearts. Li Huan was obviously angry, otherwise he would not have directly punished Yuan Ming for such a serious crime of deceiving the emperor.

But no one is a fool, and no one will speak for Yuan Ming.

After exhaling, Li Huan suddenly said: "This time when the imperial court is helping the victims, there will inevitably be officials who will help. Therefore, our Jinyiwei, who replaces Yuan Ming in Shaanxi, must be able to supervise the officials in Shaanxi, and our ability must be sufficient.

, do you have any good candidates to recommend?"

All of a sudden, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. There are thousands of Jinyiwei households in a province. They can be regarded as feudal officials in the Jinyiwei system. They sit in one place and command the Jinyiwei in a province. They only need to deal with the Jinyiwei yamen.

Responsibility and authority are very important.

Therefore, this candidate is extremely important, and this time the new Shaanxi Jinyiwei Qianhu will also be responsible for supervising the relief of the victims. Any omission will be a huge mistake.

So at this juncture, when this person ascends to the throne with high authority, he is also a hot potato, and most people really don’t dare to take it.

Suddenly, Lin Pingzhi said: "Sir, I think that there is a person who would be perfect to take over the position of Shaanxi Jinyiwei Qianhu."

No one expected that Lin Pingzhi would suddenly speak. Normally, Lin Pingzhi was just a Jinyiwei Baihu. There were so many senior Jinyiwei officials present, including commanders, commanders, governors, and even officials from thousands of households.

, it can be said that Lin Pingzhi’s hundred households are not impressive at all.

But no one dared to underestimate Lin Pingzhi, a hundred households, and everyone in the Jinyiwei Yamen did not know the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Li Huan.

Not only Lin Pingzhi, but also Feng Yongguo, who was recently appointed by Li Huan as one of the 100 members of the Jinyiwei family, is also a well-known presence in the Jinyiwei Yamen.

Because of their identities, in the eyes of others, they may not be regarded as Li Huan's spokespersons among the Jin Yiwei, but few people dare to underestimate their opinions.

So when Lin Pingzhi suddenly spoke, everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Pingzhi and secretly guessed in their hearts that Li Huan already had a candidate in mind and just said it through Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

But everyone obviously really misunderstood. Li Huan really didn't give orders to Lin Pingzhi. Moreover, even if he really wanted to give orders, Li Huan would only choose Feng Yongguo, who seemed more reliable, instead of Lin Pingzhi.


Li Huan was also quite curious, who would Lin Pingzhi recommend?

Looking at Lin Pingzhi, Li Huan smiled slightly, nodded slightly towards Lin Pingzhi, whose face was full of solemnity, and said: "Oh, since Lin Baihu has a suitable candidate, you might as well talk about it.


[This is the first update, and there will be another update tonight. Please subscribe, vote monthly, and reward me.]


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