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Chapter 228 Hundreds of thousands of people will die!

Venting the anger in his heart, Zhen Wei looked around, frowned and said: "No, we can't go on any further. Send the order, pause the convoy, and send out a group of sentinels to make sure to find out the surrounding situation clearly."

A deputy general beside him couldn't help but said: "Sir, we have now entered the territory of Suidezhou. It will take at most one or two days to deliver the food. If we stop again, it will definitely delay the time."

The deputy general frowned and said, "My lord, you must have been too cautious along the way. You stopped and stopped. The journey that could have been completed in three days ended up taking four or five days. The officials in Sui Dezhou were all

I have urged you several times. If the food can be delivered one day earlier, the victims can be relieved one day earlier."

When Zhen Wei heard this, his face was solemn and he said: "Qi Kang, do you think this general doesn't want to speed up? But once we speed up, the army will inevitably be in chaos. If something goes wrong, who will bear the consequences?"

A stern look flashed in Zhen Wei's eyes and he said: "Don't forget, we were attacked several times by rioters along the way. If we hadn't been on high alert all the time, I'm afraid the rioters would have robbed us of our food."

The deputy general opened his mouth when he heard this and sighed softly.

What Zhen Wei said was true, and thanks to Zhen Wei being cautious enough, otherwise they might not have been able to reach Suidezhou smoothly.

After glancing at the deputy general, Zhen Wei said: "Go and pass my order to the general, let everyone stop and have a rest, and send all the sentinels out for me. What on earth does that bastard Tang Ye do for food? Doesn't he know that he is the army?"

His eyes disappeared for more than an hour."

Soon, amid the shouts of the messengers, the team slowly stopped. At the same time, a group of sentinels spread out, spreading in a fan shape in all directions.

Among the mounds, a group of people was staying there quietly, led by none other than the members of the Tang family brought by Tang Dingwei.

At this time, Yue Buqun, Han Le and a dozen accountants were sitting aside to rest, but Yue Buqun occasionally glanced at Tang Dingwei and the servants of the Tang family who were not far away.

Han Le on the side obviously noticed Yue Buqun's reaction and was not surprised at all.

In fact, Yue Buqun's reaction was completely normal. Not only Yue Buqun, there were two newcomers among their dozen accounting offices, who were also like Yue Buqun.

On the contrary, these old people who have seen this kind of scene several times are no longer surprised.

At this moment, Han Le looked at Yue Buqun and said with a smile: "Mr. Yue, don't worry, the servants will naturally do the killing and fighting. All we have to do is write down the calculations and calculate the final harvest."

Yue Buqun nodded towards Han Le.

At this moment, the sound of horse hoofbeats came. Many people heard the sound of horse hoofbeats and immediately followed the sound. They saw several figures riding horses in the distance. These figures were still wearing the armor of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.


Yue Buqun could see clearly that the person who came was undoubtedly a sentinel from the Ming Dynasty's frontier army. After all, that elite group was definitely not comparable to ordinary guardsmen.

The momentum of the visitor was somewhat stronger than that of many of the elite members of the Tang family's servant team.

When Tang Dingwei saw the person coming, he stood up and went to greet him. Soon he saw the person coming and got off his horse. He went up to Tang Dingwei and bowed to him and said, "Tang Ye has met Master Jiu."

Tang Dingwei helped Tang Ye up, and said with a smile on his face: "We are all members of our own family, so there is no need to be polite. Please tell me, where are Zhen Wei and the others at this moment?"

Tang Ye looked serious and said: "Master Jiu, Zhen Wei's troops have now arrived near the Bali River ten miles away. They will be able to get here in about an hour or two."

Tang Dingwei's eyes lit up when he heard this and said: "Okay!"

As he spoke, Tang Dingwei looked at Tang Ye and said, "Have you ever contacted the third master?"

Tang Ye nodded and said: "Not long ago, I brought someone to see the Third Master. The Third Master and the people in the Huli Department are already heading towards the grain team."

A flash of light flashed in Tang Dingwei's eyes, and he said with a slight smile on his lips: "Very good, if that's the case, let's set off now to save those people in the pot from causing any trouble."

Tang Ye nodded and said, "I'll lead the way."

Tang Dingwei was heard shouting, and soon he saw hundreds of elite servants of the Tang family getting on their horses one by one. Under the leadership of Tang Ye, a group of people disappeared into the distance.

When Yue Buqun and the others not far away saw this scene, they heard Han Le say slowly: "Since Master Jiu has already set off with his people, let's just wait here. It will take half a day at most. If everything goes well, Master Jiu will go there."

I will send someone to take us to clean the battlefield and make statistics."

Yue Buqun frowned, thinking in his mind, why did the Tang family send out so many elite servants to come to this place without a village or shop inexplicably?

Han Le glanced at Yue Buqun and whispered: "Mr. Yue, don't think too much, we can't take care of the master's family affairs. When the time comes, we can just do our own thing."

Yue Buqun nodded at Han Le and said, "It made Brother Han laugh."

Here Zhen Wei ordered the troops to stop, and the sentinels spread out in a fan shape to inspect the surroundings. They looked at the desolate wilderness around them. For some reason, they thought that Tang Ye had taken people out for an hour and still hadn't come back. Zhen Wei felt inexplicably.

Wei felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of horse hoofbeats. Zhen Wei suddenly looked up and saw a figure running towards him in the distance.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, my lord, there are Tatars..."

At the same time, the earth shook, and the sound of thousands of horses galloping gradually came. As a person who had been on the battlefield for decades, Zhen Wei could immediately judge the size of the person just by hearing this sound.

"No, there are at least thousands of cavalry here."

At the same time as his expression changed drastically, Zhen Wei shouted almost instinctively: "Quick, quick, everyone immediately surrounds the convoy in a circular formation and uses grain trucks as defense. Be sure to block the invading enemy."

Here, Zhen Wei gave orders to assemble troops and use the convoy to defend against the invading enemy. At the same time, the running sentry in the distance had already arrived.

Zhen Wei held a spear in his hand and was already riding forward.

With a pop, the sentry turned over and fell off the horse. Zhen Wei looked closely and saw that the sentry was hit by an arrow and penetrated into his vest. He really didn't know how the sentry managed to come back.

The sentry who fell to the ground said with difficulty: "Sir, the Tatars... at least three to four thousand Tatars..."

After the words fell, the sentry coughed violently and then disappeared. Zhen Wei looked at the sentry, reached out and closed the sentry's wide eyes, and at the same time stood up slowly, looking into the distance with a solemn expression.


It was almost evening at this time, and with the last rays of the setting sun, we could see a billowing cloud of smoke roaring in the distance.

Behind Zhen Wei, screaming, crying and scolding, a group of soldiers were driving a group of civilians to gather carts filled with food, trying to form a circle.

It's just that all the people were confused. In the panic, many carts even overturned due to the confusion, and large bags of grain were scattered on the ground.

Several lower-level generals were loudly scolding the soldiers and civilians around them. Although there was some chaos, within a short time, dozens of large vehicles had gathered in one place, barely forming a circular formation.

Zhen Wei showed no joy at all when he saw this scene. Instead, he looked into the distance with an extremely solemn expression.


As Zhen Wei let out a sigh, a black shadow appeared on the horizon in the distance. A group of dark cavalry were approaching on horseback. They would kill them in just a few cups of tea.

At this time, the surrounding soldiers could no longer care about anything else, and relied on their experience to actively retreat into the circular formation. Of the thousands of soldiers, only six or seven hundred were able to gather near Zhen Wei. As for the other soldiers, many were scattered directly.

The fleeing civilians were immediately dispersed.

Moreover, the convoy is several miles long, from beginning to end, and it is simply impossible to gather all the people and horses in a short time.

Zhen Wei straightened his body, standing on a large cart, holding a spear in his hand, and shouted: "Soldiers, prepare to meet the enemy."

At this time, the men and horses of Hulibu had already rushed forward. Aliha, Solnit and other leaders of Hulibu looked at the large carts in the wilderness, especially the bulging ones on top of the carts.

sack, with a greedy look in his eyes.

"Hahaha, food, a lot of food, this time I can finally survive the cold winter safely."

Encouraged by Aliha, Solnit and other Hulibu leaders, all the Hulibu people already knew the purpose of their visit. Seeing so much food in front of them, many people shouted excitedly


Zhen Wei and other Ming soldiers looked at the thousands of Tatars, and their expressions became very ugly.

Lieutenant General Lei Meng couldn't help but cursed angrily: "Those people at the Great Wall Pass are all dead. It's okay for thirty or fifty Tatars to sneak into the pass, but among these thousands of people, who can tell me how they sneaked into the pass.


Normally, when thousands of Tatars enter the border, the border is probably already on fire. Not to mention other places, at least many towns in Yulin Town have definitely received the news early, and all the cities are on standby.

But they came all the way and didn't get any news at all.

Zhen Wei shouted solemnly: "Concentrate on facing the enemy."

As the Tatars got closer and closer, even though many soldiers were already used to seeing the Tatars, the gap in numbers between the two sides was really big at this moment.

Especially when they fought against the Tatars in the past, they often relied on city walls, but this time they were in the wilderness, with only some grain carts as resistance.

They are just infantry, but there are thousands of cavalry on the opposite side. If it were not for the support of these grain trucks, many soldiers would not be able to bear the pressure and escape without the Tatars coming.

"Archers, prepare muskets."

Following the order, the archers and gunmen in the army were ready.

Riding on the tall horse, Alifa laughed loudly and said: "My sons, kill them for me."

At the same time, Zhen Wei shot an arrow and shouted at the same time: "Let go."

Arrows shot through the air, and firecrackers exploded.

The Tatars on the opposite side also fired a shower of arrows. In just a moment, many people on both sides were injured and fell.

Even if there were grain trucks as a shield, some soldiers would still be hit by arrows and the arrows would enter their bodies. Unless they hit a vital part, they would usually be injured rather than die on the spot.

Among the dozens of soldiers, except for two or three unlucky ones who were killed on the spot, the rest were slightly injured. Some even had arrows stuck in their bodies, and they shot the arrows crazily as if they didn't notice.

The Tatars braved the rain of arrows and rushed directly in front of the convoy at the cost of hundreds of casualties. The leading Tatar even drove his horse headlong into the big car.

There were even Tatars who directly used the force of the impact to control their horses and jump up. They actually jumped higher and rushed into the car formation with a cart that was as tall as a man.


As a Tatar rushed in, Zhen Wei immediately led hundreds of his soldiers to greet him without fear.

After all, there were only a few people who could use their horse power to rush into the carriage formation. After a long tea time, with the circular formation formed by the carriage as the center, hundreds of corpses fell down on both sides, and even the Tatars gave up temporarily.

Charge into battle.

Seeing that the Tatars who had retreated far away were reorganizing their troops and might launch a second wave of charges at any time, Zhen Wei, who was covered in blood, looked at the remaining hundreds of men behind him, and his heart sank.

He didn't know how these Tatars entered the pass quietly, but just looking at the goals of these Tatars, it was clear that they were coming for the food they had escorted.

No matter how stupid Zhen Wei was, he still vaguely realized that there might be a shocking conspiracy involved.

Lieutenant General Lei Meng, wearing armor and carrying a blood-stained sledgehammer, walked over to Zhen Wei and said: "Sir, this wave of brothers has more than 200 casualties, and there are almost more than 500 who are still capable of fighting.


As he spoke, Lei Meng glanced at the Tatars not far across the way, gritted his teeth and said: "The Tatars' casualties are probably no less than ours. If they want to capture us, it depends on how much Aliha is willing to pay."

Obviously Lei Meng and others had recognized that the invading Tatars were Hulibu whom they had dealt with many times, and they naturally knew the details of Hulibu.

Hulibu only has a few thousand tents and a population of 10,000 or 20,000 people. The number of troops that can be dispatched this time is almost three to four thousand, which has already emptied the entire Hulibu.

These three to four thousand young men accounted for almost 80 to 90% of the young men in Hulibu. Once there were heavy casualties, it would definitely be an unbearable disaster for Hulibu.

This was also the main reason why Aliha, the leader of the tribe, could not help but order a retreat when the two sides were in a standoff and Huli tribe suffered 200 to 300 casualties.

The Ming Dynasty had hundreds of millions of soldiers and civilians, and even tens of thousands of casualties were nothing, let alone thousands of casualties.

However, the foreign tribes on these grasslands have young and strong populations, but they are extremely elite. Once there are too many casualties, their muscles and bones will be damaged. If not, a prosperous tribe will decline and then be annexed by other tribes.

At this time, Aliha was looking at the statistics of casualties with great pain. In just one wave of charge and fighting, nearly 300 of his tribesmen were killed or injured, accounting for almost one-tenth of all the people he brought.

How could Aliha not feel heartbroken at such a big sudden? Even when he looked at Tang Dingli and the others, there was a bit of anger in his eyes.

Tang Dingli was not a fool, so he couldn't see the anger in Aliha's eyes. Before Aliha could get angry, he said: "Brother Aliha, no one expected that Zhen Wei faced our surprise attack. Instead of running away, he led others

Stay and resist. Tang expresses deep sympathy for the loss of Hulibu..."

Aliha snorted coldly and looked at Tang Dingli and said: "Brother Tang, we have suffered such heavy losses this time. When we get these grains later, I will take up 60% of the food in the pot, and at the same time, I will plunder a few places in the pot."

Market towns, county towns, and Commander Tang must cooperate with us..."

Tang Dingli couldn't help but frowned, but he quickly took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, I will make the decision for the eldest brother on this matter. I can let the Huli tribe plunder a few market towns, but it is definitely not possible in the county. Brother Aliha

You should also know that once the county town is breached, the imperial court will be alarmed. Who is Yang Yiqing, the governor of the three sides? Brother Aliha, you should know better than anyone else. Under the strict orders of the governor at that time, the eldest brother may have no choice but to

Use all your strength to stop you, Aliha brothers."

Aliha heard this, especially when he heard the name of Yang Yiqing, the governor of the three sides, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes. He glanced at Tang Dingli and said: "Okay, then we won't attack the county seat, but only plunder the market town.


Tang Dingli said with a smile: "It's just a market town. Even if it is robbed, the court will not take it seriously. As long as it doesn't cause a big fuss, everything will be easy."

Aliha waved his sleeves, looked at Zhen Wei and others not far away, and then said to Tang Dingli: "Brother Tang, where are you people from the Tang family? Did you say that our two families will destroy these food convoys together?"

soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and then shared the food, but at this time, you Tang family people are not seen..."

While he was speaking, the earth shook violently. Aliha stared into the distance. At this time, night had gradually enveloped the world, but Aliha could still see a group of elite cavalry roaring towards him.

Tang Dingli only took one look and said with a smile: "Here he comes."

Yes, the visitors were none other than a team of hundreds of Tang family servants headed by Tang Ding. These people were wearing armor under their coats and messy clothes outside. At first glance, they looked like bandits fallen from the grass in the mountains.

However, an expert can tell at a glance that these people act in the same way, are full of evil spirit, and have a tacit understanding between their horses. They are definitely the best among the best, and there is no way they are bandits in the mountains.

A trace of fear flashed in Aliha's eyes, and he took a deep breath and said: "It is indeed the Tang family's elite cavalry that traverses the Yulin Road. With their help, the overall situation can be decided."

Here Zhen Wei, Lei Meng and others also noticed the movement. When they saw the person coming, the expressions of Zhen Wei, Lei Meng and others changed slightly.

Looking at the man who was wearing a variety of clothes and looked like a bandit, but with a neat military formation and a uniform momentum, Lei Meng narrowed his eyes and said: "This... this damn guy can't be the Tang family's elite cavalry, right?"

Why are they here!"

Zhen Wei took a deep breath and stared at the Tang family's elite knight roaring in the distance, with a trace of sadness and understanding flashing in his eyes.

"Hahaha, Tang Dingbang, what a Tang Dingbang. He colluded with the Tatars and robbed the money and food for disaster relief. Does he really think that the Tang family can cover the sky with one hand?"

The expressions of Lei Meng and others on the side changed. They subconsciously looked at Zhen Wei and said, "Sir..."

Zhen Wei took a deep breath and said with a look of indifference in his eyes: "Brothers, this time the Tang family colluded with the Tatars to rob the imperial court of money and food for relief. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to escape. I'm afraid we are doomed this time."

Everyone is not a fool. The Tang family's fine knights have all been dispatched. Based on the rumors they have heard about the Tang family's fine knights, these hundreds of fine knights are probably just to prevent some of them from escaping.

After all, the Tang family's elite cavalry are unparalleled in bravery. Once pursued, they will never be able to escape.

Lei Meng shouted: "At worst, if we fight with them, if they want to kill us and silence us, we will break their teeth."

"Yes, fight with them."

Apparently everyone was aware of their situation.

I'm afraid that even if they want to surrender, the Tang family and the Tatars will not let them live.

Since they are all destined to die, it is better to fight to the death and drag the other party to die together, killing one and earning the other.

Suddenly, the morale of hundreds of people was so high despite being in desperate situations.

Zhen Wei looked at this scene, and a bright light flashed in his eyes: "I will die if I wait for it, but the matter of Tang's collusion with the Tatars to plunder money and food must not be let go. No matter what, Tang's

Tell the people of the world and the imperial court about the sin, so that Mr. Tang will be punished as he deserves."

As he spoke, Zhen Wei's eyes fell on Lei Meng and said: "Lei Meng, you choose a dozen of the most elite brothers to escape for me immediately. Run with all your might and go to Xi'an Mansion to find the imperial envoy sent by the emperor.

You must inform the Imperial Envoy about Tang's collusion with the Tatars, and ask the Imperial Envoy to avenge us."

Lei Meng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted and said: "General, you should take the people away. I will stay and hold off the Tatars and the Tang family's elite cavalry."

Zhen Wei usually treats his subordinates well, and I dare not say that he loves his soldiers as much as his sons. At least compared to those generals who drink their soldiers' blood and frequently beat and scold their soldiers, Zhen Wei can be said to be deeply loved by his soldiers.

At this moment, many soldiers looked at Zhen Wei with red eyes and said: "General, we will cut off the queen for you."

Zhen Wei glanced at the crowd, with a bit of a smile on his face, and slowly shook his head and said: "I can't escape. No matter whether it's a Tatar or a member of the Tang family, there is absolutely no way they can let me escape alive."

Go, although you will definitely die if you stay, but even if you escape, it will be a narrow escape. The Tang family will never let anyone leave alive. Therefore, whether you stay or leave, it will be a narrow escape, and there is no point in arguing.


Walking in front of Lei Meng, Zhen Weiwei patted Lei Meng's shoulder and said, "Let's go quickly. The Tang family's elite are about to arrive on horseback. If we don't go, there will really be no chance at all."

As he spoke, Zhen Wei directly named more than a dozen warriors in the army.

Tears flashed in Lei Meng's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Let's go."

A dozen warriors and Lei Meng bowed to Zhen Wei. They all got on their horses, glanced at Zhen Wei and the others, then suddenly dismounted their horses and roared away.

At this time, Tang's elite cavalry, which came with a thunderous force, rushed directly into the car formation from the flank.

The Tang family's elite cavalry are indeed elite servants that the Tang family spent a lot of effort to cultivate. They are much more elite than the Tatars or Zhen Wei's troops.

Tang Dingwei watched from a distance as a dozen figures rushed out and disappeared into the night, frowning, and immediately shouted to a group of cavalry beside him: "Go, catch up with them, don't let anyone get away."

Immediately, more than a dozen of Tang's elite knights roared out and chased Lei Meng and others.

Tang's elite cavalry rushed into the chariot formation, and although they directly dispersed a group of soldiers, these soldiers who knew they would die also burst out with the will to die. Under the leadership of Zhen Wei, they frantically fought with Tang's elite cavalry.

Fighting in one place.

Soon many of Tang's elite cavalry were killed by these soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, but the casualties among Zhen Wei's soldiers were even more heavy.

At the same time, Aliha also led the Tatars to attack from the front, pushed away the carts blocking the road, and rushed directly into the car formation.

Zhen Wei watched the men around him fall down one by one. It was just a matter of time. Only a dozen of the hundreds of people were still standing, and these people were all covered with wounds.

They were surrounded by Tatars and Tang's elite cavalry.

Tang Dingwei looked at the corpses of more than a dozen Tang clan knights who fell in front of Zhen Wei, his eyes full of gloom.

Although they had known for a long time that Zhen Wei was quite powerful and his troops were elite, they did not expect that Zhen Wei's troops would be so difficult to deal with.

Even with the help of the Tatars, the Tang family's fine cavalry actually killed and injured nearly a hundred people before they strangled hundreds of Zhen Wei's men.

That was the Jingqi that the Tang family had spent countless financial, material, and painstaking efforts to create. Hundreds of Jingqi could even destroy a small tribe on the grassland.

It can be said that every Jingqi is considered a treasure to the Tang family. I never thought that they would lose so much this time.

Tang Dingwei suddenly felt that it was not worth paying such a high price for tens of thousands of shi of food.

If he had known that Zhen Wei's men would be so difficult to deal with, or if he had known that the Tang family would have to pay such a heavy price, he would never have approved of taking this trip into troubled waters.

It's a pity that it's already too late to regret it now.

More than a dozen soldiers fell down, and the only one still standing was Zhen Wei, who had more than a dozen arrows stuck in his body and was covered in blood.

Zhen Wei, holding a spear in his hand, stood among a dozen corpses. He looked at Tang Dingwei, Tang Dingli, Aliha and others and laughed loudly: "Tang Dingli, Tang Dingwei, you Tang family actually colluded with the Tatars."

People robbed the imperial court to provide food for relief. You dare to do such a treasonous and unethical thing. If the Tang family is not destroyed, where is the law of heaven? You will be repaid."

Tang Dingwei snorted coldly and said, "Shoot him to death."

Suddenly, dozens of arrows were shot out, covering Zhen Wei's figure in an instant.

"Hahaha, the court will not let you go..."

As the arrows engulfed Zhen Wei's body, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Yue Buqun and others, who were under the protection of more than a dozen cavalrymen, suddenly saw the sound of horse hooves in the distance, and then a cavalryman shouted loudly: "Master Jiu has an order, please go forward, gentlemen."

Soon, Yue Buqun, Han Le and more than a dozen accountants arrived in a carriage to the killing field filled with blood.

At this time, thousands of Tatars were spreading out, hunting down the scattered soldiers of Zhen Wei's command with Tang's elite cavalry, and gathering the fleeing civilians.

Many civilians who had been driven back were now arranging the carriages driven by the Tatars and loading the fallen grain onto the carriages.

Except for a dozen or so fine knights, there were no traces of Tang's fine knights at all. They were obviously sent out to hunt down the fleeing soldiers.

When Yue Buqun, Han Le and others stepped down from the carriage, they were faced with a strong smell of blood. When they saw the corpses of Ming soldiers one by one, Yue Buqun couldn't help but

His complexion changed.

With a "wow" sound, a cashier next to Yue Buqun was obviously frightened by this bloody scene and vomited directly.

When Tang Dingwei saw this scene, he frowned and said, "What are you doing here in a daze? Why don't you quickly count and count the amount of food?"

After reacting, Yue Buqun, Han Le and others, under the care of Tang's Jingqi, began to count the seized grains.

Yue Buqun looked a little pale, just like other accountants, but deep in Yue Buqun's heart there was a turmoil.

Previously, I thought that the Tang family might have gone out to rob powerful local families, but Yue Buqun never expected that what the Tang family looted was actually the money and grain allocated by the imperial court to provide relief to the victims.

In particular, he also saw the Tatars wandering around. The Tatars were driving the peasants away, looking at the grains, and laughing unscrupulously. Any peasant who moved slower would be hacked to death on the spot.

It's extremely cruel.

"Damn it, damn it, if Yue doesn't die, the Tang clan will be destroyed."

Suddenly, Yue Buqun heard Tang Dingli and Tang Dingwei talking in a low voice not far away.

I heard Tang Dingli say to Tang Dingwei: "The Huli tribe will account for 60% of the grain obtained this time. At the same time, I also promised the Huli tribe to allow them to plunder several local villages and towns on Yulin Road..."

Tang Dingwei couldn't help but change his face after hearing this. He glanced at Aliha and others from a distance, his face full of horror and said: "Third brother, you... you are crazy, you dare to agree to such a thing.

, do you know how many people will be killed or injured once these Tatars plunder wantonly?"

Tang Dingli said calmly: "So what, they are just some untouchables. If they die, they will die. Besides, if the Huli Department robs several villages and towns, it will not be the perfect place to throw the blame for the robbery of food relief into the pot.

On the head of the department?”

Tang Dingwei hesitated and said, "But how can I explain it to you, brother?"

Tang Dingli said confidently: "Don't worry, brother will definitely not have any objections."

As he spoke, Tang Dingli looked at Tang Dingwei and said, "You will take people to escort our food back later. This time, the Tang family has paid such a high price. I have to ask for some compensation from Hulibu and see if I can

We cannot ask for a few hundred more war horses, otherwise, the loss of the hundreds of fine cavalry would be too great."

Yue Buqun, who was not far away, could clearly hear the conversation between Tang Dingli and Tang Dingwei. His face was extremely gloomy. Obviously Yue Buqun did not expect that Tang Dingbang, the commander of the First Guard, would allow the Tatars to rob them.

Plundered the people of Ming Dynasty.

A murderous intent flashed through his eyes, and a leader of the elite cavalry who was following Yue Buqun subconsciously looked towards Yue Buqun, instinctively clenching the weapon in his hand with a suspicious look on his face.

Yue Buqun felt awe-struck, and quickly calmed down, suppressed the anger in his heart, and sorted out the account books without changing his expression or heartbeat.

November of the third year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty

Xi'an Prefecture

In order to prevent local officials from being greedy for money and food, this time Li Huan directly used the Jin Yiwei from the capital as the main body, and the soldiers recruited from the Zhenwei Battalion as the backbone, integrating the young and strong among the refugees recruited not long ago, into a team of about 500 people.

, escorting the confiscated grain to various states and counties in Shaanxi.

In particular, Li Huan strictly ordered various local officials to assist these dozens of teams in relieving the victims. The local officials did not have the power to dispose of the food. Although many local officials cursed Li Huan's move, the effect was amazing.

Almost 20 teams and nearly one million dan of grain were spread, and the victims in almost half of Shaanxi Province were obviously effectively relieved.

On this day, Li Huan was inspecting the training of newly recruited soldiers in a temporarily repaired school field outside Xi'an City.

These young and strong people were all selected according to Li Huan's conditions, and each family member received acres of land, gold, silver, and food. Therefore, these victims were grateful to Li Huan and regarded him as a benefactor.

With sufficient money and food, in just half a month, these young men, who were just ordinary people, had gained a bit of military aura after daily training.

Ren Ping accompanied Li Huan, standing on the high commanding platform, looking at the school field, where tens of thousands of elites lined up to practice, and the shouts of killing were loud.

Ren Ping looked at Li Huan with a smile on his face and said: "Grand Governor, these are the best soldiers. As long as they train more, they will become an elite division in at least half a year."

Li Huan looked at the soldiers training with a look of satisfaction on his face.

When he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a figure coming in a hurry, especially with a somewhat solemn look on his face.

Qian Ning strode over with a solemn look on his face. Just looking at his expression, even Ren Ping couldn't help but feel his heart sinking. For Qian Ning, deputy Qianhu of the Imperial Guard, to react like this, something terrible had happened.

It's a big deal.

Li Huan's eyes fell on Qian Ning. Qian Ning appeared in front of Li Huan in a few steps. He saluted Li Huan and then handed a confidential letter to Li Huan and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, something bad has happened, Yulin Road."

The prefect, the commander of the guards, and others jointly reported to the government office that the Tatars from the Huli tribe outside the pass entered the pass and plundered the place, especially...especially..."

Li Huan did not read the secret letter, but stared at Qian Ning and said in a deep voice: "What in particular?"

Qian Ning took a deep breath and said with a worried look on his face: "Especially the tens of thousands of stones of grain allocated by the imperial court, all of which were robbed by the Tatars. Even if they allocate money and grain immediately, it is too late. Sui Dezhou has more than 100,000 dans."

We are all crying for food. Without that food, I don’t know how many people will starve to death..."

[Well, I’ve sent you nearly 10,000 words. Brothers, it’s the last twenty-four hours. Let’s see if you still have your monthly votes. Please vote for them. Don’t let them expire. 】

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