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Chapter 234 Li Huan: I want to destroy another tribe

Yang Yiqing couldn't help but groan after hearing the words. Li Huan was right. They slaughtered the inner part of the pot this time, which would definitely cause huge waves on the grassland.

If it were just some tribes chasing them, that would be fine. But once the situation like what Li Huan mentioned happened, and the Tatars invaded the border in large numbers, then the problem would be huge.

At that time, he, the governor of the three sides, must be fully prepared.

It is obvious that Li Huan, even as an imperial envoy, would not be able to do this kind of thing as smoothly and conveniently as he, the governor-general of the three sides.

After all, as the governor of the three sides over the years, he is extremely familiar with the three sides and can mobilize the troops of the three sides to respond at any time. If it were Li Huan, he would never be able to do better than him.

Besides, as for Li Huan's safety, to be honest, Yang Yiqing has never been worried.

Others don't know Li Huan's cultivation level, but Yang Yiqing knows it very well. In addition, there are thousands of elite cavalry. Unless Li Huan is seeking death himself, otherwise, he will encounter an army of tens of thousands of Tatars.

Li Huan was still able to protect himself.

So no matter how you look at it, Li Huan stayed to resist the Tatar pursuit, and it was more appropriate for him, the governor of the three sides, to return and take charge of the important towns on the three sides to prevent the Tatars from jumping over the wall.

After thinking about this, Yang Yiqing did not continue to argue with Li Huan, but took a deep breath, cupped his hands at Li Huan and said: "In this case, as your Excellency said, I will take people back to guard the three sides.


As he spoke, Yang Yiqing looked at Li Huan and said: "If the Tatars are powerful, Mr. Li must return early."

Li Huan nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, Governor Yang, Li knows what's going on."

Following Yang Yiqing's order, more than a thousand elite men immediately drove tens of thousands of captured horses southward.

The ground shook, and Li Huan led the remaining soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to watch from a distance as the figures of Yang Yiqing and others disappeared into the horizon.

At this time, the eyes of Yue Buqun, Chen Yao, guerrilla general Li Wu and others all fell on Li Huan.

I heard Chen Yao say with some excitement: "Sir, what should we do next? Take the initiative to find Tatar reinforcements?"

Li Huan glanced at Chen Yao and said calmly: "Even if the Tatar reinforcements arrive, they will only come to Hulibu to check first. We will just sit in Hulibu and wait for them to come to our door.


The surrounding Tatar tribes would definitely come to Hulibu first to inquire about the news, and Li Huan made up his mind to wait and see in Hulibu, which was obviously the best choice.

Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this. As a guerrilla general, Li Wu couldn't help but praise: "What the imperial envoy said is true. When the Tatars come in a hurry, they will definitely be very tired, but we will wait for work.

As long as the opponent's troops are not much larger than ours, we may not be able to severely damage the Tatar reinforcements through calculated calculations or unintentional actions."

Although Chen Yao, Yue Buqun and others were not familiar with military affairs, they still understood such a simple truth, so everyone supported Li Huan's idea of ​​waiting for work in leisure.

Here Li Huan led thousands of elite soldiers and horses to find a place to hide as much as possible.

At the same time, Solnit and the men from the Black River tribe, led by Sarenbaat'er, were heading towards the Huli area.

Thousands of men and horses roared in, and the movement was naturally quite large. However, at this moment, the men and horses of the Heihe tribe were still more than ten miles away from the Hulibu station.

However, a group of dozens of elite knights and horses had already appeared at the Hulibu station, led by none other than Amudan, the warrior of the Black River tribe.

Amudan, as a rare warrior of the Black River tribe, is bringing dozens of elite cavalry forward to inquire for information.

When Amudan approached the Hulibu tribe, Amudan felt that something was not right. He had been to Hulibu several times and was quite familiar with it.

Even if the Huli tribe was attacked by the Ming army, considering the worst possible outcome and the entire Huli tribe being defeated, it would not be so quiet.

Looking at the messy Hulibu station from a distance, Amudan was a little confused.

Suddenly, a faint smell of blood filled the air, and Amudan's expression changed slightly when he smelled the smell of blood.

Amudan waved to the person next to him and said, "Agu, go to the Hulibu station and have a look at what's going on."

Amudan and the others were almost a few miles away from Hulibu. This distance was already quite close. Because they didn't know if the Ming army was still in Hulibu, Amudan naturally did not dare to approach the Hulibu station rashly.

But he had to find out what was going on in the pot, so in order to prevent everyone from getting involved, Amudan sent a subordinate.

After hearing this, Agu drove his horse directly towards the Hulibe station. Soon Agu felt that the smell of blood in the air was getting stronger and stronger.

After all, he is also a warrior of the Heihe tribe, so he is no stranger to this kind of bloody smell. Thinking that the Huli tribe fought against the Ming Dynasty, there must be heavy casualties, so it is normal for the smell of blood to come out from the battlefield.

At least the smell of blood can be heard, which is enough to prove that Hulibu was really raided by the Ming army, and it was not what they worried about. This was a pit dug by Hulibu to plot against their Heihe tribe.

Agu breathed a sigh of relief and drove his horse violently. Soon Agu was approaching the Hulibu station. The next moment Agu opened his eyes wide. When he saw the situation at the Hulibu station, Agu opened his mouth and endured.

He couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"This...how is this possible!"

The Hulibu Station was so densely packed with corpses that they all fell to the ground. At a glance, it was impossible to see the edges. Agu was shocked when he saw the corpses on the ground and the blood staining the grass.

Subconsciously, Agu shuddered. Even though Agu was used to seeing all kinds of corpses, looking at the countless corpses inside the pot, he was still filled with shock.

While feeling horrified in his heart, Agu did not dare to go deep into it, but even so, the corpses he saw on the ground were probably in the thousands.

"Could it be that all the Hulibu were killed?"

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Agu quickly turned his horse's head and ran away.

In the distance, Amudan only saw Agu roaring towards him. Then he saw Agu coming over, his face pale, and his face full of horror. He couldn't help but said: "Agu, how are you? What did you see?"

Agu gritted his teeth and looked at Amudan and trembled: "Dead, there are so many corpses, all of them are corpses."

Amudan was stunned for a moment, then changed his mind and looked at Agu in horror: "What did you say? Everyone in the pot is dead?"

No wonder Amudan would react like this. Hulibu is the strongest tribe within a radius of hundreds of miles. There are tens of thousands of tribesmen, and there are countless warriors who can take it.

How could such a tribe with thousands of people be captured so quickly?

While talking, Amudan led people directly to the Hulibu station.

Since there was no accident when Agu approached the Hulibu station just now, it is expected that there will be no accidents among the dozens of them. Even if there is an ambush nearby, it is impossible to take action against the dozens of them.

When Amudan saw the body lying on the ground in the Hulibe station, his reaction was the same as Agu's.

After being stunned for a while, Amudan was extremely shocked and said to the men behind him: "Everyone spread out immediately and search to see if we can find any survivors."

These Tatars from the Heihe tribe were stunned and looked at the corpses around them in great shock. Only then did they react after hearing Amudan's words.

For some reason, seeing so many corpses, these Tatars felt a little chill in their hearts.

Looking at this situation, it is clear that the Ming army did not spare any old, weak, women or children. This is killing the inside of the pot. When did the Ming Dynasty become so tough?

As these Tatars dispersed, the situation of the entire Hulibu garrison was quickly observed clearly. Especially when Amudan went deep into the Hulibu garrison, when he saw the thousands of Tatars who had been massacred,

When he saw the corpse, his expression changed.

"The pot is finished!"

With a sigh, Amudan let out a long roar, and not long after, dozens of horsemen who had dispersed came back one after another.

"Let's go and inform the clan leader about the news here."

Immediately, Amudan and others left quickly.

At this time, Solnit was looking at Sarenbaatar and others with a worried look on his face, and wanted to urge Sarenbaatar, but unfortunately Sarenbaatar ignored him at all.

According to Sarenbaat'er, he would not continue on his way to Hulibu before Amudan came back.

But Solnit was worried that if they went too late, they would not know what kind of poison they would suffer inside the pot.

In a hurry, the earth suddenly shook. Solnit looked up suddenly and saw dozens of elite knights from the Black River tribe headed by Amudan galloping towards him.

"came back!"

Seeing Amudan and others return, Solnit couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said subconsciously.

But Sarenbaat'er just stared at Amudan who rushed back and said in a deep voice: "Amudan, how are you doing with your inquiry? What is the situation in Hulibu now? Has the Ming army retreated? Has Hulibu sent someone to greet them?

I wait?"

Solnit also looked at Amudan expectantly. He only knew that the Ming army was powerful and attacked Hulibu. As for what happened to Hulibu now, was it defeated by the Ming army, or was Rusaren Battelle

As said, the Ming army has been repulsed.

Of course, this situation is the best situation and what Solnit is most looking forward to.

Therefore, compared to Sarenbaat'er, Solnit and his warriors in Hulibu are more concerned about what is happening in Hulibu now.

A pair of eyes fell on Amudan.

Amudan felt the eyes of Solnit and the others, and the miserable scene he saw at the Hulibu station flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but look at Solnit and the others with some sympathy.

People like Solnit are really pitiful. All their people were slaughtered. I just don’t know how Solnit and the others will react when they see the miserable scene in the pot.

But when these thoughts flashed through Amudan's mind, he turned to Sarenbaat'er and said, "Chief, the pot is finished!"

Although it was just a few simple words, these words were like a bolt from the blue to Sonit and other people in Hulibu.

Even Sonite couldn't help but his face changed drastically, he exclaimed, stared at Amudan and said tremblingly: "This... this is impossible. There are tens of thousands of people in my Huli tribe, and there are thousands of warriors who can fight.

How can it be……"

Sarenbaat'er looked at Amudan solemnly and said solemnly: "Are you sure the pot is finished? Have you discovered the whereabouts of the Ming army?"

Obviously Sarenbaat'er is still concerned about the movements of the Ming army. After all, if the Huli tribe is destroyed as Amudan said, then such a powerful tribe as the Huli tribe can be destroyed in such a short period of time.

That means that there are definitely not a few soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who went out of the fortress this time.

At this moment, Sarenbaat'er felt a little regretful in his heart. He regretted that he really shouldn't have rushed over in such a hurry.

Why didn't I think about it at the time? Since the Ming army dared to attack the Huli tribe, they must have made complete preparations. Maybe they had already calculated that they would come to rescue the Huli tribe, so they would definitely use a large number of soldiers and horses.

Amudan slowly shook his head and said: "The inside of the pot is empty except for the corpses on the ground, and we have found no trace of the Ming army."

At this time, Solnit suddenly roared, jerked his horse and ran towards the direction of Hulibu. Not only Solnit, but also the hundreds of Hulibu warriors who followed Solnit.

Sonit left.

One can imagine the mood of these people, but Amudan's words were so shocking.

At this moment, they didn't care whether there was any danger in Hulibu Station, they just wanted to see if their relatives were still there.

Seeing Solnit and others running toward the Hulibe station, Amudan was slightly startled, then looked at Sarenbaat'er and said, "Chief, should we follow them."

Sarenbaat'er stared at Amudan and said: "Amudan, are you sure that Hulibu was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty?"

Until now, Saren Battelle found it difficult to accept the news, so he confirmed it again and again.

Amudan nodded heavily, then pointed at Agu and others behind him and said: "Clan leader, dozens of us saw with our own eyes that there were corpses everywhere, and not a single living person was seen. The inner part of the pot must have been slaughtered by the Ming Dynasty.


Sarenbaat'er's eyes turned to Agu and others, while Agu and others nodded to Sarenbaat'er solemnly.

Seeing this situation, Sarenbaat'er took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Everyone will follow me to the Hulibu station."

Suddenly thousands of Tatars came straight to the Hulibe station.

Naturally, the first to arrive at the Hulibu station were Solnit and the hundreds of Hulibu warriors.

When these people rushed into the deadly silent Hulibu station, they immediately saw corpses all over the ground. Looking around, there were corpses everywhere.


A Huli tribesman seemed to have seen the corpse of his relative, and his eyes widened. He couldn't help but turn over and dismount, stumbled towards the corpse, and let out a shrill wail.

Although the rest of the people had not yet found the bodies of their relatives, they looked around at the quiet surroundings, with corpses of tragically dead clansmen everywhere, and everyone's faces showed signs of grief and indignation.

"Abu, Abu, Eji, Eji..."

Some people got off their horses and ran and shouted everywhere in the station, hoping that their calls would be answered. However, the surroundings were still quiet, and except for the shouts of their companions, there was no response at all.

Solnit fell to the ground, looking completely lost, and murmured: "It's over, the inside of the pot is all over..."

When Saren Batel and his people arrived here, they saw this is the situation.

In the Hulibu station, hundreds of figures stumbled around in despair, calling out the names of their loved ones, but received no response.

Even though they were mentally prepared, when Sarenbaat'er and others saw the miserable scene in Huli with their own eyes, they couldn't help but feel awe-struck.

Was this really done by the Ming army? When did the Ming army become so cruel that they slaughtered the entire Huli?

Inexplicably, Sarenbaat'er shuddered and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Amudan, go and check quickly. Where did the Ming army go?"

To be able to slaughter a tribe like the Huli tribe, the Ming army must have dispatched a large number of soldiers and horses. If such a large number of soldiers and horses took action, they would definitely leave traces that were difficult to cover up.

Now Sarenbaat'er just wants to find out where these Ming troops went. Did they return to the Central Plains after slaughtering the Huli tribe, or did they go to other tribes.

The movements of the Ming army represent completely different meanings.

If it means that the Ming army returned directly to the Central Plains after slaughtering the Huli tribe, then it means that the purpose of the Ming army's strange sending of troops to the grassland was to take revenge on the Huli tribe.

But once the Ming army did not withdraw, but went to other tribes, the meaning contained in this would be completely different. This meant that the target of the Ming army was not just the Huli tribe, but all their tribes.

The relationship is so important, how could Sarenbaatar dare to be careless?

Upon hearing this, Amudan quickly ordered his people to run around, trying to find the movements of the Ming army.

Just when Saren Bat'er and the others were trying to find the movements of the Ming army, the thousands of elite cavalry of the Ming army that had stayed near Hulibu had now left Hulibu, bypassing the troops led by Saren Bat'er.

The men and horses of the Heihe tribe rushed towards the direction of the Heihe tribe.

At this time, Li Huan's eyes flickered with excitement.

You must know that almost an hour ago, Yue Buqun and more than a dozen Jin Yiwei, who were sent out by Li Huan, brought news that dozens of miles away, a group of thousands of Tatar soldiers and horses were rushing toward Huli.

Come, look at the flag the opponent is carrying, it should be the Heihe tribe closest to Huli.

When Li Huan learned that the Heihe tribe had dispatched thousands of troops, the first thing Li Huan thought of was not to ambush these thousands of Tatar elites. Instead, he had a crazy idea.

Since all the elite members of the Heihe tribe have been brought out, why should he stay and fight head-on with the Heihe tribe?

Although according to their previous thoughts, it was an ambush, in fact, since the Tatar reinforcements arrived, they must have maintained a high degree of vigilance. Whenever there was a slight movement on their side, the other party would be ready immediately.

It is simply impossible to raid the Tatar reinforcements like they raided Hulibu.

Under this situation, even though Li Huan had confidence in the elite Ming soldiers under his command, he also understood that if he really fought against the Tatar reinforcements, these people under his command would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

The most important thing was that Li Huan had a flash of inspiration and had a crazy idea in his mind. Why couldn't he take the opportunity to take the opportunity to raid the Heihe tribe, which didn't have much fighting power.

After all, according to Tang Dingwei who was accompanying the army, the Heihe tribe could only dispatch thousands of Qingzhuang people. According to the information obtained by Yue Buqun and others, there were thousands of Heihe tribe people coming to help.

This means that all the elite members of the Heihe tribe have been brought out.

Under this situation, Li Huan felt that if he did not lead others to dig out the Heihe tribe's lair, he would be sorry for the great opportunity created for him by the Heihe tribe's outpouring of force.

When Li Huan expressed his thoughts, Chen Yao, Yue Buqun, Li Wu and others were stunned. The most they thought about was to stay and ambush the Tatar reinforcements and block the Tatars as much as possible.


But they didn't expect that Li Huan would be so crazy. What they wanted to do when they stayed was to stop the enemy, but Li Huan actually wanted to attack the enemy's lair. Not to mention other things, this madness alone was shocking.

Of course, they are not fools. Why can't they see that Li Huan's proposal is absolutely the best? The Heihe tribe is empty. If they kill thousands of elites at this time, the Heihe tribe's few manpower will not be able to stop them.

Wave impact.

The crowd had no objections to Li Huan's proposal, and even took the initiative to put forward their opinions, leaving more than a thousand people to stare at the Heihe tribe from a distance, in case they really pursued Yang Yiqing and others' team.

If the Heihe tribe's reinforcements really pursue Yang Yiqing and others, then the more than a thousand people who stayed behind would harass the Heihe tribe, hold them back for a while, and then take the initiative to tell the other side that they sent people to attack the Heihe tribe's station, disrupting their military morale.


It is conceivable that whether the Heihe tribe's reinforcements take the initiative to retreat and rush back to rescue their own tribe, or continue to pursue Yang Yiqing and others, at least the Heihe tribe's military morale will definitely be in chaos. With the thousands of troops left behind, there should be no problem in delaying the opponent.


At this time, Li Huan was leading more than 4,000 elite cavalry on the prairie.

With Tang Ding as a guide for this man who often visited the grassland, Li Huan and others avoided the reinforcements from the Heihe tribe and went straight to the Heihe tribe's station.

The Heihe tribe's station is less than a hundred miles away from the Hulibu station. If you run like crazy, you can get there in half a day at most.

When Li Huan led thousands of troops to approach the Heihe tribe, the sky had gradually dimmed a bit, but Li Huan and others had already seen the continuous tents of the Heihe tribe from a distance.

Looking at the continuous tents and the more than a thousand troops of the Heihe tribe who had clearly noticed the attack of Li Huan's large group of troops, Li Huan was not surprised at all.

It is impossible for the Heihe tribe not to notice such a big movement like theirs, but unfortunately, what can they do even if they are aware of it.

The elites of the Heihe tribe were all taken away by the chief, Saren Bat'er, and rushed to Huli. At this time, Saren Bat'er's brother, Xiren Gudan, had gathered all the capable warriors in the tribe, but there were only more than a thousand of them.

Just people.


Following Li Huan's roar filled with murderous intent, thousands of Ming elites roared straight towards the Heihe tribe.

Li Huan took the lead, holding a spear weighing hundreds of kilograms and wearing armor, rushing at the front.

With a bang, Li Huan swept across with his spear, and several brave men from the Heihe tribe were directly knocked away by Li Huan.

The men and horses of both sides collided together, accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, bows and arrows, and the screams of soldiers from both sides before they died. There was blood and broken arms and limbs everywhere.

The people of the Heihe tribe resisted with all their lives, and no one escaped. They even appeared to be very brave, even if they risked their lives, they would drag the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to die together.

Obviously these Tatars knew that they had no choice at all. Once they were defeated, what would happen to the old, weak, women and children left behind them.

It's a pity that no matter how hard these people try, there will still be a huge gap between the two sides, especially in terms of morale and equipment.

Although the Ming Dynasty also paid a heavy price, at least hundreds of soldiers died in the battle, it only took an hour, and all the last remaining resistance members of the thousands of Heihe tribesmen were killed.

Without the resistance of these people, the Heihe tribe in front of them was like a little girl who had been stripped of her clothes and had no power to resist, just letting them be dealt with.

Li Huan took a deep breath, waved his hand and said: "Kill!"


Amidst the shocking shouts of killing, soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, covered in blood and eyes red with blood, rushed into the Heihe tribe. Suddenly, screams and wails were heard from the entire tribe.

A few miles away from the Heihe tribe, several embarrassed figures were desperately beating their horses. The leader was none other than Xiren Gudan, who had previously organized the last strong resistance of the Heihe tribe.

As the brother of Sarenbaat'er, Xirengudan was also very brave, but Xirengudan was not a reckless person. He organized his troops to resist the sudden appearance of Ming soldiers, and he took advantage of the chaos to escape with a few of his henchmen.

The Heihe tribe.

Xiren Gudan whipped the horse under him crazily. He was going to send a message to Saren Battelle. If Saren Battelle could come back in time, maybe the Heihe tribe could still be saved. Otherwise...

Xirengudan couldn't help but shudder at the thought that his tribe might be destroyed, and his heart was filled with fear and hatred.

Damn Mingren, why did the Ming army suddenly appear in the prairie at the meeting? Didn't the Ming army attack the Huli tribe? Why did the Ming army appear again in their Heihe tribe and even attack them?

When did the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have the courage to set foot on the grassland and attack them? Shouldn't it be them who take the initiative to attack the Central Plains?

You must know that in the past few years, they have gone south to harvest grass and valleys almost every three or two years, and they have never seen the Ming army leave the border.

Even when they plundered a large amount of property and returned to the prairie several times, the Ming army's pursuers would stop at the Great Wall and never enter the prairie to deal with them.

But what is the reason this time? Why are the soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty who have not set foot on the grassland for nearly a hundred years appearing again.

While the Heihe tribe was under attack, Saren Bater and the others clearly inferred from the traces left by the tens of thousands of war horses that Yang Yiqing had taken away that the Ming army had probably plundered the cattle, sheep, war horses and other property in Huli.

Went south.

Under Sonit's roar and promise that as long as Sarenbaat'er is willing to avenge their Huli tribe, all the loot recovered will belong to the Black River tribe.

If Sarenbaat'er had no interest in chasing the retreating Ming army at the beginning, then after Sonit told how much wealth there was in Hulibu and even offered the temptation of tens of thousands of stones of food, Sarenbaat'er finally

I can't help the greed in my heart.

To be honest, Saren Bat'er didn't care too much about cattle and sheep. His Heihe tribe had no shortage of cattle and sheep, but tens of thousands of stones of food was really too tempting.

If we can get tens of thousands of stones of food, then the Heihe tribe can survive this cold winter. After surviving this cold winter, their Heihe tribe will definitely increase in strength.

Therefore, under the temptation of tens of thousands of stones of grain, without any further words from Solnit, Sarenbaat'er directly ordered to go south to pursue the Ming army.

Naturally, these were seen in the eyes of the thousands of Ming troops hiding in the dark.

The guerrilla general Li Wu was left behind by Li Huan to lead thousands of elite troops to attack and harass the Heihe tribe.

Li Wu was able to reach the level of a guerrilla general in the frontier army, so he was certainly not an ordinary person.

Especially this person Yunwen Yunwu. Compared with Yue Buqun, Chen Yao, Du Guang and others under Li Huan, there is no one more suitable candidate than Li Wu, the frontier general.

At this time, Li Wu looked at thousands of Tatars from the Heihe tribe trying to go south to pursue Yang Yiqing and others. Li Wu seemed very calm.

The commander-in-chief Shi Erlang who was following Li Wu couldn't help but said to Li Wu: "General, the Tatars are moving. They are going south."

Li Wu nodded slightly and sneered: "These people really don't know how to live or die. Look at the time, the Imperial Envoy should have arrived at the Heihe tribe's headquarters by now. What do you think if these people learn that their lair has been taken away by the Imperial Envoy?"

If so, how will they react?"

Shi Erlang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he couldn't help laughing and said: "I must be angry or frightened."

Li Wu watched from a distance as the Tatar team began to move south. He took a deep breath and shouted to the thousands of soldiers behind him who had already prepared: "Soldiers, the Governor is going south with countless trophies. The Imperial Envoy promised,

This time, all the officers and soldiers have received heavy rewards. Now the imperial envoy has led people to take away these people's lair. What we have to do is to hold these people back and prevent them from catching up with the governor. We don't have to fight with them, just harass them.

It's enough to hold them back, do you have confidence?"


Everyone shouted in unison, the sound was overwhelming.

Li Wu laughed loudly when he saw this and said, "Brothers, follow me and kill."

Thousands of fine knights came galloping towards each other. They were separated by many miles, so there was naturally a lot of movement.

Sarenbaatar and others were obviously prepared for it. Although they were a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the Ming army, these Tatars were all experienced people. They could roughly judge who was coming just by listening to the sound of horse hooves and the movement.

The Ming army had at most one or two thousand men.

Sarenbaat'er looked quite calm. He looked at the roaring Ming army from a distance. When he was sure that there were really only more than a thousand troops, Sarenbaat'er couldn't help but sneered with a bit of disdain at Amudan and the others beside him.

He said: "It seems that these Ming troops have really retreated, leaving only more than a thousand people behind."

Saying that Sarenbaat'er was in a good mood, he laughed and said: "Everyone, follow me to destroy this Ming army, which can be regarded as revenge for the Huli tribe."

When his eyes fell on Solnit, Solnit's eyes were red now, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Saren Bater, as long as you can avenge my Hulibu, my life, Solnit, will be yours.


While speaking, Solnit suddenly dismounted his horse and roared: "Warriors of the Huli tribe, follow me and kill to avenge our people."

At that moment, hundreds of Huli tribe members rushed out following Solnit with red eyes. Sarenbaat'er showed a slight smile on his lips, waved his hand and said: "Everyone follow me to kill."

I thought it was a bloody battle, but just when Solnit and others rushed forward, Li Wu and more than a thousand Ming troops suddenly changed direction, slid through an arc, and opened a distance.

The two sides just fired a wave of arrows at each other. As a result, only a few people on the Ming army were hit by arrows and fell off their horses due to their armor, while dozens of people on the Tatar side were shot dead.

The two sides briefly passed each other, and Solnit and others couldn't help but became furious when they saw this, roaring and chasing the Ming army.

However, under the leadership of Li Wu, thousands of Ming troops harassed thousands of people from the Heihe tribe with great flexibility. Even if they did not fight with the opponent head-on, both sides cavalry at the same time, chasing and escaping for a while, even if they occupied the number of people

Advantage, the Tatars actually had no way to defeat Li Wu and others.

After half a day passed, Li Wu led his men to harass the Tatars several times, leaving the Heihe tribe helpless.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Sarenbaat'er roared angrily: "Everyone, please ignore these people and go south with all your strength."

Apparently Sarenbaat'er had seen the purpose of Li Wu and others, and even decided not to care about the harassment of Li Wu and others, but made up his mind to win the pursuit of the Ming army. In fact, the tens of thousands of stones of food that Solnit said were too much.

Too tempting.

The actions of the Heihe tribe naturally fell into the eyes of Li Wu and others. Li Wu looked at the sky, with a sneer on his lips and said: "It's almost time, all the soldiers will shout with me."

"Saren Bat'er, you idiot, you still want to avenge Hulibu, but do you know that my master has led an army to your Black River tribe's lair!"

Thousands of soldiers shouted loudly, and the sound was so loud that the two sides were only a few hundred feet apart. It can be said that the people of the Heihe tribe could hear it clearly.

Especially when Saren Bater heard the shout, his expression suddenly changed. He swayed and almost fell off his horse. He exclaimed: "How is this possible! How could this happen..."

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